Xiaolin's words made Thor stiffen, fearing that Xiaolin would find out that he was no longer pure.

You won't fall in love with Masamune, right?

Xiao Lin touched his chin and finally analyzed seriously.

Thor's strange performances, combined with Thor's fear, are simply a real statement!

Xiao Lin is very kind.

Although she is a programmer, she has her own excellence. Otherwise, she would not have been able to successfully resolve hostility and even live together with dragons like Torcona who are wary of humans.

The kind of true kindness that comes from the heart is like a big natural light bulb, the kind that can become an angel once it dies and goes to heaven.

You must know that apart from the special situation on Zhengzong's side, Xiaolin can be said to be the only one who makes the dragon ghoul, angels and demons unable to stop.

It is a kind of ability to do things that only the orthodox can do with a mortal body.

However, there are many things that cannot be obtained through daily training.

For example, Xiao Lin, who has never been in love, is always a little confused and seems to have low emotional intelligence when faced with Thor's various behaviors.

Not only was he unwilling to accept the other person's kindness because of his short life span, but it was also because he had never been in love much, so he didn't react to Thor's unusual feelings for him.

Even if it is such a straightforward explanation, it is often treated as a joke.

Especially at this moment, Thor is uncomfortable with Masamune, and Masamune has always shown many girlfriend-like appearances.

Xiao Lin simply had a different kind of suspicion.

Thor, if you really like Zhengzong, you can talk to me and I will help you talk to Zhengzong.

Glancing at Thor next to him with some confusion, Xiao Lin whispered.

Although I feel a little reluctant to leave Thor in my heart.

When I came back at night, the dark room I faced felt so cold.

Now when I come back at night and see the light that is still shining, I feel warm in my heart.

But if Thor really likes Xiao Lin, then she can't force him to do anything.

It's a pity that Xiaolin doesn't know what Thor really means.

It's like a husband forcing his wife into someone else's arms.

Although this metaphor is a bit uncomfortable, you only need to put yourself into that other person.

What Xiaolin received at this moment was Thor's grief-stricken gaze.

Xiao Lin is the most annoying!


Looking at Thor who left directly, Xiaolin fell into doubts.

Master Xiaolin, you big idiot!

Kang Na said softly, poking Xiao Lin's leg with her little finger.

But he wasn't angry, otherwise Xiao Lin could have broken his leg right now.

Even the most ordinary young dragon can see something is wrong on both sides.

Not knowing their own existence on this side has already put Xiaolin and Thor into an emotional crisis.

Zhengzong's side was still in a daze of boredom.

It seemed that he had been persuaded by Thor.

Dashanmeng finally realized that his cursed anthology was not very good.

So in fact, after I only sold that copy to a girl who was inexplicably hostile to Masamune, namely Ayase Aragaki, I didn't continue to sell it.

He packed up his things and left with a strange guy with squirrel-like teeth on the other side.

Without the strange influence of Dashanmeng, the stall suddenly regained a bit of popularity.

What is visible on the surface is that there are a lot more people coming and going in front of Zhengzong.

You can meet many Cosplayers.

Then there are the otakus with cameras and smiles on their faces.

For these guys, being authentic means keeping a smile and not doing anything more.

On the one hand, Zhengzong has no followers in this world.

Go and engage in such stupid activities as me pursuing the second dimension in the two-dimensional world.

So when I see those characters, they all look confused, not knowing what the other person is doing.

On the other hand, I really saw a god-level cosplayer like Gabriel. How can these guys make Zhengzong's heart beat if they don't have good looks?

The idle Zhengzong opened the book in front of him.

Blinking, I found that it was surprisingly good.

This book was composed by Sagiri and Hinata, who provided action guidance herself.


As the most famous and largest doujinshi exhibition in District 11, the full name is Comic Market. Every time it is held, a lot of people come.

Even ordinary people across the sea have often heard of its reputation.

Then many otakus will have the idea of ​​​​going on a pilgrimage to see it.

And for those painters and producers, it is a place where they can pass their happiness to everyone.

The same is true for Bo Island.

First, he invited his senior An Yilun to come over and take a look, but it turned out that he made another teacher Eri Kashiwagi angry because of his notebook problem.

Feeling sorry for something bad, Hashima left and returned to his post.

As a newcomer, I am not as fearless as Hinata Sagiri, who just printed hundreds of copies.

So soon I went out to the sea to sell toys. After talking to my brother, I went out to go shopping alone.

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