Gabriel did not speak, but silently glanced at Nanami beside him.

The second mission of the mysterious man, who was proposed by Raphael and Yu Fujikura himself, required photographic evidence.

Today, Gabriel just went back early, but forgot about this matter, and then came specifically to ask for photos.

How could he say such a thing?

If you know something deeply, the less people know about it, the less likely it is to be exposed.

Even if it weren't for taking photos like this, it would have to be authentic, and it would be impossible for even the authentic person to know.

Finding that this guy didn't speak, Masamune could only look at Nanami.

I suddenly remembered that I had something to do tonight, so I left first.

Noticing the embarrassment on Masamune's face, Nanami nodded knowingly and said very thoughtfully.

Then exit voluntarily.

I'm really sorry, Nanami.

Zheng Zong, who hugged the girl and was in a happy mood, could only express his feelings in this way.

It's okay. You and Xiaojia seem to be in an emergency. Regarding what you said, I will work hard to train and I will not let you down.

Feeling the man's big hands on her waist and moving downwards, Nanami, who was completely unable to resist Masamune, felt that she couldn't walk if she continued like this.

Nanami's words made Masamune feel even happier.

I didn't expect that Nanami on this side would actually consider it.

I originally thought that Nanami would resist this kind of gameplay involving her dream career, thinking it was a stain on her dream.

Unexpectedly, Nanami on this side actually agreed.

Sure enough, this kind of girl who falls in love is irrational.

It is precisely because of this that I often let my boyfriend take countless photos in a daze and cause a lot of trouble.

It seems that in the future, I can really start to supplement the so-called drama characters with Ruri Kirino and the others.

The Imaginator, who was in a happy mood, once again absorbed the elements of Nanami and waved goodbye to the girl.

After watching the girl disappear, Zhengzong looked at Gabriel on the other side.

This guy looked very upset at the moment and wanted to finish the conversation quickly.

The way she folded her arms and stamped her feet there made her look like a gangster lady.

She really looks like a bad girl.

Yellow hair represents bad tendencies, coupled with the ease of sleep deprivation in the eyes.

And the impatient look coupled with this look of arms folded.

At this moment, Jia Baili only needs a big long knife, that's all. This has been done!

This guy is simply terrifying.

Having just met Nanami, Masamune felt that Gabriel really needed to study hard.

I must find an opportunity to tell Gabriel in the future what it means to be a real girl.

Gabriel, are you here for the photos? I'll leave it to you.

Zhengzong walked forward and said to Gabriel.

As for why Gabriel was able to find him, Zhengzong had no doubts.

After all, she is an angel. Even if a divine step may sometimes pass the fat away, she still cannot hide her identity as a god.

Just as he was about to say something, Zhengzong was pulled directly into the alley next to him by this guy.

Such a decisive action made many passers-by look surprised.

Are all the little girls in today’s compensated dating so enthusiastic?


The ponytail girl Taneshima Baiyang, who was discussing things with her friends, also looked at this scene in surprise.

I said, are you so nervous?

Zhengzong, who was pulled directly into the alley by Gabriel, looked at this guy dumbfounded.

Gabriel let go of his arms out of breath.

The authentic figure itself is much taller than hers.

Coupled with the fact that his body has continued to strengthen over this period of time, even unconscious movements are very energy-consuming for Gabriel.

Are you a monster?

Whether it's a monster or not, you'll know after you try it.

Looking at this guy with a smile, Masamune said aloud.

At this point, Raphael should actually be the most experienced.

On that small rock, Rafael could fully feel the strength and power of Zheng Zong's body.

That is much more powerful than the so-called stormy waves.

Okay, let's not mention these things. Anyway, just give me the photos quickly.

Thinking of the possible krypton gold trip here and killing everyone, this guy just felt that the air here was not too hot.

I'll give you the camera, go back and adjust it yourself.

He took the camera out of his pocket.

Everything that should be inside is hidden, so there is no problem.

He lowered his head and looked at the guy who was checking the camera.

Because of the height of each other, Zheng Zong looked down and could see everything about this guy.

In the summer climate, wearing only an ordinary light blue long-sleeved shirt, you can see the scene inside.

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