For example, help them see blood and take photos.

By that time, Yukinoshita-san, who knew how powerful he was, also became a real toy.

Experience what it feels like to have an iceberg beauty.

In this way, the service ministry can truly develop in one direction.

For example, a department dedicated to serving authentic activities.

Thinking of this, Zhengzong couldn't help but feel a little excited.

This look is definitely the best thing in a man's heart.

Zhengzong-kun, what kind of relationship do we have now?

Yuigahama Yui was leaning weakly on the leg of the table, sitting slumped like this.

Put your clothes in order.

He raised his head and looked at Zhengzong, who was sitting on a chair with his legs crossed, thinking about the future of the service department.

Looking at Masamune with great expectation.

It's like an abandoned puppy, staring at you with big expectant eyes, trying to find answers.


Zhengzong's head is getting big at this moment.

I feel like the problem I'm facing now is the same as when I got up in the morning and was still struggling to deal with Hiratsuka Shizuka, who was taken down by me while I was half drunk and half awake.

Yuigahama Yui is a chu, and she probably has never even had a boyfriend.

From the interaction with Zhengzong just now, Zhengzong has fully realized this.

Whether it’s the jerky reaction or the look of being completely at a loss when faced with the authentic action.

They are all showing.

And this kind of existence often cares deeply about the man who is the first time in his life.

Although the two of them were not really connected just now.

But in fact, Zhengzong also experienced the mystery of one of the several beauties.

There are still several places on the girl's hair that the tissue has not had time to wipe clean.

In this situation.

For such a little girl with little experience, the relationship with Zhengzong is undoubtedly very close.

The other party will often naturally help bring Zhengzong into the relationship with her boyfriend.

No, it’s not even a boyfriend that can be described, but a future husband.

As a being in every aspect, there is no doubt that it is perfect.

Even before his body mutated, he had this kind of consciousness and would be thought like this by Yuigahama Yui.

And now, after Zheng Zong's physical mutation, it means that he can crush all the men in the world.

It was as if he had tried it just now, and it was just his body exerting its full force, exuding that special state.

Yuigahama Yui, a girl with no experience at all, was just like a fountain of water.

Faced with such a problem.

The direct answer is undoubtedly the most stable relationship between boyfriend and girlfriend, but this means that the relationship with Yuigahama Yui has been confirmed.

How to play with other interesting little girls in school in the future.

More importantly, with this look, Yuigahama Yui can be said to have a natural commanding heights.

Don't underestimate this silly looking girl.

In fact, the other party is very witty.

Not only because of his ability to deal with those piles of live groups, but also because of Yuigahama Yui's terrifying ability to observe words and colors. After it was revealed, Zhengzong would be inconvenient to play.

Zhengzong was thinking a little bad in his heart.

Well, of course it's a teacher-student relationship. Teach our Yui how to make cookies.

I don’t want to give up an interesting girl like Yuigahama, but I can’t give up anything else.

Masamune just hesitated for a moment and then came to a conclusion.

Yuigahama's face was still a little sad when he heard about the teacher and students.

But after hearing the instructions on how to make cookies, the girl couldn't help but feel astonishment on her face.

Looking at Zheng Zong's eyes, he felt ashamed and angry.

Okay, hurry up and pack your clothes. I'll tell you how to disrupt things another day.

Looking at the girl, Masamune smiled and made a promise.


Masamune rolled his eyes.

No matter how ignorant the girl is, she has learned something after today's teaching.

He stood up and cleaned the table in front of him that was messed up by the two people's movements.

Looking at the dough in front of her, the girl's eyes were a little wandering, and she glanced at the satisfied man behind her.

I feel that it is all because of the authenticity that I feel impure when I face these things now.

It didn't take long.

Yukinoshita Yukino has already returned.

The girl glanced strangely at Yuigahama Yui, who was working hard to make cookies.

And the other side is doing it right there, looking like a great gentleman.

I don't know why, but the girl always feels that something is wrong, but specifically, she doesn't know how to explain it.

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