This is no problem at all.

Is that so? Brother Zhengzong is so awesome.

At five o'clock, Hinata looked at Masamune with admiration.

It’s really surprising that I can work so hard to find a teacher at night.

Well, my goal is to be a student at the University of Tokyo School of Medicine, so I naturally need to prepare well.

Masamune said, looking at the girls.

On the one hand, it is an explanation to the relatives in this body, and it is also a good development path.

Only relying on one's own strength.

As for what leads the ACG industry to flourish.

This world is not a cultural desert.

There are no more familiar games and works from the previous life, but there are other equally excellent works coming out.

Zhengzheng is not the kind of severe ACG patient, and has no motivation at all. In comparison, doctors and hospitals are the real violent industries.

Especially, with the authentic body variation situation.

As a doctor, it is most convenient for you to study your own body's condition carefully.

The Department of Medicine at Dongda University is very difficult. By the time you reach that age, it will be difficult to find a suitable girlfriend.

Izumi Kyoka works hard to help her nephew with assists all the time.

Wu Geng Liuli's eyes lit up and she wanted to speak, but in the end she collected her thoughts.

A loser is a loser.

No matter what time, it is impossible to muster the courage.

It also made Sui worried about her two younger sisters.

Zhengzong, let me tell you, when you meet the right girl, you must chase her. Don't play around.

It seems to come from the heart.

Izumi Kyoka said to Masamune.

Izumi Kyoka is also a single beauty.

I haven't been married since graduation.

Forming a club for older singles with a few other friends is really terrible.

Don't worry about this.

Masamune's body stiffened.

Not only the girl Izumi Sagiri sitting next to him, but also Wu Geng Ruri, who originally wanted to remain calm, also looked over at this moment.

Those big bright eyes seemed to be asking about Zhengzong.

What did Izumi Kyoka mean by what she just said about not playing around?

The expressions of both people are a little dangerous now.

No matter when, women are extremely sensitive to special things.

Masamune took a breath.

He looked at Izumi Kyoka with resentment.

My aunt, do you want to assist me or do you want to harm me?

Haha, um, uh, like when I was in college, I just wandered around and had fun, but I couldn't find a suitable partner.

Izumi Kyoka gave full play to her wit.

So, Zhengzong, you don't need to be shy. If you really meet the right person, you must take action.

Let this matter wait a little longer. I still need to take good care of Sagiri.

Zhengzong shook his head and refused directly.

Sagiri, it is indeed a problem. How about you consider finding someone to take care of Sagiri. You want to have your own development and enjoy life, but if it is just a maid, go to your grandfather and ask them for one. It’s nothing, they definitely don’t lack this kind of thing.”

Izumi Kyoka touched her chin and analyzed.


The rice that Wu Geng Liuli was holding was almost unstable.

Well, it's like I know a friend who lives alone and feels lonely, so he hires a maid. Gee, the only thing he can take care of is two people getting married together.

Izumi Kyoka seemed to have thought of something and said to Masamune.

Miss Maid?

Zhengzong's heart suddenly felt sudden.

That's right, he's the Xiao Lin who couldn't find a boyfriend I told you about.

Izumi Kyoka said to Masamune.

After knowing that Masamune wanted to develop well alone, Izumi Kyoka was very supportive of Masamune's decision, and even thought about letting Masamune become a programmer, and then introduced him to him.

Take a long breath.

Zhengzong suddenly felt that the world seemed to be a little more dangerous.

I don't need a maid, I just want to be with my brother.

Izumi Sagiri suddenly shouted loudly at this moment.

Since the breakthrough with Zhengzong, the girl has also become very possessive.

The palm of his hand tugged Sagiri's clothes under the table, indicating that he should not be too excited.

It's not a maid. What if someone you know is taking care of you?

Izumi Kyoka wanted to say something else.

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