Just thinking about what the other party said when they last met, I could only sigh.

The initiative lies with the other party.

[I already have a general idea about the idea you gave me, but I still don’t have much experience in the specifics. Can you help me? There will be a reward. 】

Kasumigaoka Shiyu was confused for a moment.

I revised my information over and over again until it looked appropriate, and then forwarded it.

Because of his character, he will not write directly according to the authentic outline, but will synthesize a lot of his own things.

[So-called experience, in fact, I only have adult experience. 】

Zhengzong sent the information.

I didn't expect that before I even started to produce the heroine, someone would already want me to be the male lead.

Holding the phone tightly with her palm, Kasumigaoka Shiyu saw the authentic reply.

But the girl couldn't help but think of her experience last week when she sent the photo to the other party out of curiosity.

Could it be that the other party has already regarded herself as the easy girl in her mind.

His mind is a little confused. In his mind, Zhengzong is using a very bad suggestion.

So what should I do?

[If you want to teach, then come, this Saturday, at the same place. 】

Looking at the message he had sent, Kasumigaoka Shiyu himself was stunned for a long time.

She couldn't figure out the meaning of sending such a text message suddenly.

It seems that you can imagine the proud face of the man on the other side.

Such a terrible invitation, but a beautiful woman like me actually responded to it.

The other party must have been so proud that he almost laughed out loud at this moment.

The girl was thinking crazily in her heart.

Obviously, with his own temperament and skills, he can easily deal with the annoying loser in school or another junior.

But when facing Zhengzong, he is always defeated by it.

What the hell is wrong with me being like this? Shouldn't I respond with a vicious response and then reprimand the other party?

Covering his face in pain.

There is always a feeling that sooner or later, I will fall into the hands of the other party and be put in various ways.

[Senior sister, I have finished the planning here. Let’s have a meeting. We will definitely be able to come up with a plan that satisfies all of you. 】

Another message popped up on my phone.

Looking at the message sent by that ethics gentleman, it seems that I can see through the screen that the other party is excited and full of expectations for me, and then he is cautious for fear of being disgusted by his side.

It was as if just now he was afraid that Zhengzong would refuse his invitation due to his bad temper, and then he sent out a message that regarded him as his own dark history.

Ah. The girl who suddenly felt unhappy immediately blocked the so-called ethical gentleman.

Kasumigaoka Shiyu, who felt sad, looked at the chat interface where Zhengzong was at this moment with ill intentions.

I want to send something to tell her that I am not so cheap.

Even if we meet on Saturday, please keep your temper calm for this lady.

Don't think that you can use it casually.

I was thinking like this in my heart, but as soon as I thought of that scene in my mind, Kasumigaoka Shiyu's fountain was already beginning to flow.

This damn body.

Kasumigaoka Shiyu is still singing with praise and lamentation today.

Do you consider this a success?

Masamune looked at the message from Kasumigaoka Shiyu on this side.

I don’t know whether I should say this woman is bold or what.

Faced with his own message, he actually replied without hesitation.

But everyone has already accepted it, so Zhengzong will naturally not be afraid.

Another high-quality turret will be unlocked this weekend.

The authentic mood is very good.

On the stage, Hiratsuka Shizuka was absentmindedly giving a class lecture.

Suddenly he raised his eyebrows and looked at the man in front of him.

I don't know why I feel weird, but I always feel a little uncomfortable.

Look at Masamune just leaning on the chair.

It's obviously no different from past experiences.

But now Hiratsuka Shizuka always feels as if the other party is deliberately targeting him.

And this feeling is getting worse.

Especially when Masamune was so silent at the moment, for some reason, Hiratsuka Shizuka always felt that the other party must be thinking about something.

Otherwise, I would feel so uncomfortable now that my health is not good.

Women can be so unreasonable sometimes.

But Shizuka Hiratsuka's sudden intuition at this moment unexpectedly discovered the true cause of the matter.

When I think of all the situations I experienced that night when I was half drunk and half awake.

Her body felt like there were countless ants crawling over it, making her feel numb and itchy.

It's also pitiful.

As an older woman waiting to get married, I finally had a new life experience on that day. As a result, I was drunk and didn't feel anything at first, and then in the morning.

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