Zhengzong strives to let himself imagine those great dreams.

For example, let three familiar angels perform the Heavenly Dance for you, or bring two famous gangsters together to applaud.

Wait, wait, wait, take measures to wake yourself up.

Cookie, this is what you and Xiaoxue taught me yesterday. Well, it may not taste very good, but, well.

Yuigahama Yui also stuttered when speaking. Giving gifts to boys in front of so many classmates in the class was still a bit too bold for Yuigahama Yui.

I'll finish it.

Masamune accepted Yuigahama Yui's wishes.

Watch the girl leave happily.

Masamune walked back amidst the gossiping chatter of a bunch of people, and then quietly opened the gift bag prepared by Yuigahama Yui.

Look at the uniquely shaped cookies inside.

He obviously didn't eat, but his authentic instincts seemed to be on alert crazily.

You know, Masamune's current body has been strengthened to the point where he can support Sagiri with one limb for an hour without getting tired at all.

I think of a girl yesterday who couldn't even bake dough but kept innovating the cookie-making process.

Zhengzong was silent for a moment.


Do you want to be desperate mandarin ducks together?

Because of Yuigahama Yui's cookie incident, Masamune, who originally wanted to go find a female teacher in the first class, also stopped his intention to act.

Then I started thinking about what to do with Yuigahama's cookies.

After all, you have already promised that you will finish it, so someone will definitely eat it.

After only half of the taste, Zhengzong had already decided that he must find a few guys to share it equally.

At noon, Masamune decided to eat something good because of Yuigahama Yui's cookies.

With a decision made in his heart, he headed directly towards the other staff room.

One good thing is that because Hiratsuka Shizu is the youngest among the teachers, many things are often pushed to her head.

It was like noon, only poor Shizuka Hiratsuka stayed in the staff room to prevent problems with certain students.


Zhengzong immediately pushed the office away.

Hiratsuka Shizuka, who was sitting boredly in a chair and lying comfortably in a daze, immediately woke up.

He raised his head and looked at the door, and found that it was Zheng Zong who walked in.

After being stunned for a moment, the female teacher quickly reacted.

Sit up straight and lower your legs that were still crossed.

Just halfway through, my mood changed.

its not right.

Why do I look so scared when a mouse sees a cat?

You are the teacher, and others are the students.

Thinking of this, Hiratsuka Shizu's pretty face became serious again.

Izumi Masamune? What are you doing here? I didn't ask you to come over. Leave quickly. I will never forgive you for what happened at that time.

Then he directly opened the drawer, took out a cigarette, and tried to light it, but the hand holding the lighter could not help but tremble. Stop smoking. I don't like the smell of smoke. It smells unpleasant.

As if he didn't hear the woman's voice at all, Zhengzong smoothly closed the door and locked it from the inside.

Then regardless of the woman's reaction, he took a step forward and snatched the lighter from her hand.

He looked condescendingly at the female teacher in front of him who was trying to look threatening. It was obvious that I had been here just last week.

But looking at her again now, Zhengzong felt a different feeling in his heart.

The violent female teacher, facing Masamune at the moment, could only muster up the courage.

She looks full of coquettishness and has a completely different temperament than before.

And these all appeared because of myself.

For Zhengzong, this kind of thing is undoubtedly very satisfying.

What exactly do you want to do?

The female teacher waved her delicate fists.

The power that was once able to defeat all disobedience could not bring her any sense of security now.

Not long ago, in the morning, she was directly crushed by Zhengzong, which told her that her own strength was a complete joke in front of this man.

What do you want me to do? My teacher is so heartless.

He sat directly on the table in front of the other party, looked at the woman in front of him, and said with a malicious smile on his face.

Obviously, it was on that night that I worked hard to help you, teacher, complete the coming-of-age ceremony and get rid of such tragic things as my pitiful single history and vocal history. If you don't thank me, it turned out that in class Don’t you think it’s wrong to deliberately cause trouble for me?”

He straightened his expression.

The experience of the past six months has told Zhengzong.

If you want to be able to get rid of responsibilities and play thoroughly enough, you can have your own turret at your call in the future.

The biggest key is to take the initiative.

Before Shizuka Hiratsuka in front of him traces the traces of his drunkenness, he must first convict the other party.

But, it's obviously because of you.

Hiratsuka Shizuka was a little crazy.

Beaten again and again.

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