
Hiratsuka Shizu looked a little flustered.

Are we actually confirmed to be in a relationship?


Hiratsuka Shizu was a little confused.

Ishiroyu just invited me, do I have any response?


The female teacher lowered her head and did not dare to speak.

It was as if Masamune was the teacher and she was just a student who did something wrong.

At this moment, he just lowered his head and listened obediently to the lecture.

Since you know your mistake, you should know that you have to come and admit your mistake.

Zhengzong approached, looked at the female teacher in front of him, and said aloud.


The female teacher was a little confused. She wanted to declare her human rights properly when she came, and she couldn't just let Zheng Zong take the lead.

Then before he could finish his words, Zhengzong was pulled directly to the edge of the bed and knelt on the ground.

After looking at the man's eyes for at least a few times, Shizuka Hiratsuka still didn't understand what Masamune was thinking in his heart.

You have to work hard. If you can't satisfy me, it will take a long time. Once Isshiki-san wakes up and sees this scene, I don't know what he will think of our teacher Xiaojing.

It's obviously best if you don't let me be like this.

He glanced at Masamune with resentment, but Shizuka Hiratsuka found in despair that his body was actually very obedient and actively moved forward.

Be obedient and obedient. This is what a qualified teacher looks like.

He praised Hiratsuka Shizu.

say no more!

The female teacher shouted loudly, but she couldn't help but lower her voice halfway through.

Can you change the position?

A pleading look on his face.

No matter what, even being like this next to a sleeping student was too exciting for Hiratsuka Shizu.

But that's what I want.

Seeing the tangled and humiliated look on the female teacher's face, Zhengzong felt very good.

Look, isn't this very proactive?

Masamune expressed his appreciation for Hiratsuka Shizu's performance.

He gently brushed his hair with his palm to show his appreciation, and already picked up his cell phone to take a picture of the scene in front of him.

Although Masamune wanted to wait until his stomach closed, Hiratsuka Shizuka didn't know such a thing.

The female teacher whined in her heart, feeling that she was hopeless.

Masamune was holding the camera in one hand, and the other hand had already grasped Ishiroha's hand tightly.

Feeling the sudden tension in his palm, Zhengzong smiled silently.

The school girl is also not good.


He lip-synced to the schoolgirl on the other side who stared silently.

The girls also fell into a sluggish state.

Just like that, Shizuka Hiratsuka was rubbing and rubbing her fingers while she was interlocking with Masamune, which was already very interesting behavior for girls.

But looking at Zhengzong, who is letting the female teacher serve him at this moment, he still doesn't forget to interact with him.

Yi Colorful Yu finally knows what it means to be higher than a mountain.

This must be the so-called campus bullying, it must be it.

The poor female teacher was caught by one of her students, who then filmed herself in a terrible state.

Then the female teacher whose assets were taken advantage of was completely ruined, unable to extricate herself, and was completely taught to be untouchable.

And as a witness, wouldn't it be even more miserable?

How will you be treated then?

Yi Colorful Yu's heart was trembling.

But the girl sadly discovered that her body was actually shaking with excitement.

This is even more pleasurable than what happened just now.

I don’t know, what does Mr. Shizuka Hiratsuka taste like now?

The girl pondered in her heart.

Then lamented helplessly.

I am really hopeless.

In the evening, serve the ministry.

The activity room was still so quiet.

Zhengzong has completed his mission today.

Next to her was Yuigahama Yui, who was already dizzy.

Although the girl has not submitted any application for joining the club yet, she seems to have regarded herself as a member of the service club.

He just stayed here forever.

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