Masamune Izumi held the girl who was trying to escape at the moment and said expressionlessly.

Bah, this is not enough. He is too greedy, but he is not cute at all.

Ichika looked at the unsatisfied men with shame and annoyance. Sure enough, these guys were all big hooves.

You don't need to be cute, men need to be handsome.

Did you know that when you say you're cute to a man, you do so because you really can't think of a reason why he's handsome?

Stop making trouble unreasonably!

Angry, but unable to bear to throw away the man's hand.

But I am making trouble for a reason.


Seeing the man's serious look, the girl couldn't help but smile full of energy.


Pretending that he didn't know where the car was parked, Izumi Masamune didn't go back.

Not willing to suffer themselves, the two parties went directly to Togoshi Ginza Hot Spring.

The comfortable spring water was soaking, and then, there was a very 'coincidentally' room with only one room.

After all, it is the peak tourist season.

In the distance, Yazawa Sumi, who came in time after receiving Izumi Masamune's order, sighed silently.

This is just an accident, as a companionship fee this time.

Ichika said tremblingly, and said to the man on the other side who was an arm's width away from her.

Being able to come in and play with a man, naturally, I was ready, but Ichika didn't have the courage to make up my mind yet.

Ichika, do you know how to quickly change your temperament and get started with acting? Izumi Masamune asked gently while holding the girl in his arms.


Just as he was about to say something, the yukata had quietly fallen off.

Therefore, it is not without reason that there are so many thirty-year-old girls in this world who hate marrying.

Compared with the maturity and charming temperament of those guys, the vitality of the young girls is not in China.

Girls in this period are young and easy to deceive. They are easily moved by small things and then give themselves easily.

Although you are often shy when learning without being proficient in skills, the way you study hard so that you can do it is really addictive.

Obviously I have already experienced Nino and realized the two key points of Sanjiu, but when I accepted Ichika again, I couldn't help but feel fresh and moved.

He sat in the car again.

Although he took a bath in the hot springs and completed the transformation of his temperament there, Ichika still held on to his dream of being an actor. After being eager to try out for Izumi Masamune's repairman for a day, he still pestered the man to go back quickly.

She still kept it secret from her sisters at home.

As a small actor, she had very few scripts.

Under Masamune Izumi's arrangement, we can leave soon after the performance is over tomorrow.

If it drags on for a day, not only the sight of others in the crew, but also the worries of the sisters will make it difficult for Ichika to deal with it.

Teacher, tell me, why are men so bad? Just like a child, they like to eat like that and be greedy like that.

Sitting in the passenger seat, his little hand was placed directly on Izumi Masamune's heart.

The lazy girl, who seemed to have no strength in her body, asked softly.

Although I was very cooperative just now and satisfied a certain man.

But after the incident, I realized the man's unusually superb skills and state.

Ichika-chan was inevitably a little aggrieved.

It's a pity that I feel like I didn't get a man's first time.

She woke up and why she felt a strange feeling coming from the next room one night after someone sent her back last time.

In violation of traffic regulations, her feet rushed to the man's side, and her little hands felt the man's heartbeat.

Some sadness, some helplessness.

Probably because of the natural strength and weakness between men and women.

Izumi Masamune was driving.

There are thousands of roads, and safety is the first priority. Driving irregularly makes loved ones cry.

Izumi Masamune, who firmly believed in this, could only answer blankly when faced with a guy who turned into a little devil from a little goblin.

Hmm, I really want to take a chain and lock the teacher at home like this. I will take care of him every day. This way, he only belongs to me.

Thinking about it.

Maybe it's the dissatisfied delusion of a loser?

Nakano Ichika seemed to have thought of such a scene in her mind at this moment.

He leaned his arms behind his back, rested his head on his head, and stretched his body, as if he had fallen into a sweet dream.

Jingle bells.

The phone rang, and Izumi Masamune took a quick look.

Including Ichika, who was having a sweet dream of Izumi Masamune in captivity, also woke up.

Somewhat apprehensive.

The only one who can find Masamune Izumi at this point is Mai Sakurajima, right?

It was clear that a moment ago, Ichika could still fight with Sakurajima Mai because of the idea of ​​​​preserving her boyfriend for her sister, but after leaving everything to the man, Ichika became uneasy.

I feel like Ichika is a second-rate mistress. I haven't learned how to play a big sister next door, but I have already learned how to play a suitable mistress.

You come and pick it up.

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