Jiang Zai was stared at by Zhengzong's kind smile, and he immediately panicked.

He turned around and covered his head tightly with the pink quilt, leaving only his small buttocks exposed.

When did it change to a panda pattern?

Masamune looked at the scene below.

If it weren't for the five-minute glass on the other shoulder, I would definitely have to teach this girl what it means to pretend to be an ostrich with a pouty buttocks. Let him know the length of Masamune Izumi.

Now that he has Wu Geng Liuli, Zhengzong can only use his majesty as the eldest brother.


The crisp and bright sound made the little guy let out a wail.

At the same time, there was Wu Geng Liuli who was also held by Zhengzong.

His body couldn't help but shrink.

It hurts, it definitely hurts.

At the fifth watch, Liuli suddenly remembered that when she faced her two younger sisters, sometimes when she faced Hinata who was too naughty, Liuli would often give her a good lesson.

It was obviously the slap that hit Izumi Sagiri, and the arm that was placed on her waist at the moment, but she couldn't help but feel what it would be like if it were her.

Sipping the chun, it's a bit dry now.

At this moment, his head was lowered, and he didn't know whether it was because of nervousness or the blood gushing in his head, or for some other reason.

Okay, our masked lady, please come here obediently.

When he noticed that the color of the hem of the little guy's clothes was gradually getting darker and his own screams were getting smaller and smaller, Zhengzong decisively stopped.

Although it feels good, it seems that the following situation will not develop into a threesome.

He lifted up the quilt with his arm and looked at Izumi Sagiri, who was still blushing and buried under the pillow.

Zhengzong directly tightened the collar of the girl's clothes from behind. He held Liuli with one hand and Sagiri with the other hand and walked downstairs.

After a huge harvest, Masamune threw both guys on the couch.

Zhengzong was satisfied and sat down on the sofa with great strides.

At five o'clock, Hinata had already obediently made the tea.

In the rising white mist.

The two little guys who just came together to help their sister hide things are now acting very well-behaved.

Hinata sat obediently on Masamune's left hand side, while Tsumugi sat on Masamune's right hand side, leaning closely against Masamune.

He held Zhengzong's arm tightly with both hands and looked at Zhengzong flatteringly, his face flushed with the same sense of satisfaction.

Because he was still young, his expression at this moment was regarded by Gogeng Ruri as a simple dependence on Masamune. Even Izumi Sagiri had not thought about these things.

And in the other corner of the sofa.

Wu Geng Liuli sat a little shy, not daring to look at Zhengzong.

What happened before, the vague expectation made the girl so embarrassed that she could hardly raise her head. .

Moreover, Zhengzong was holding him back and forth just now, and it was rare for him to have such an intimate contact.

As a result, my current clothes are a bit stuffy and uncomfortable.

As for Izumi Sagiri, she was already kneeling in front of Masamune.

That funny, strange mask has been placed on the other side.

Putting his hands directly on his thighs, he bent his waist to the bottom, so that his small and cute face was almost touching the ground, and his silver hair fell from the sky to the ground like a river of heaven.

He showed that he was just letting things go.

At this moment, all he needs to do is provide him with a small knife, and it can be a large-scale caesarean apology scene.

So, my lovely Sagiri-chan, can you tell me what you, who conspired to organize this incident, did?

At this moment, he has the support of two unparalleled lolita on the left and right.

Masamune was also able to work hard enough to be immune to Izumi Sagiri's cute attacks.

He asked sternly directly to the little guy in front of him.

Just when he came in, Zhengzong saw the guy in front of him holding a makeshift drawing board and even a camera.

He has always been the only one to take photos of other people. Today is it Sagiri’s turn?

Do you know that this look is very dangerous? Not everyone is as skilled as him, and they are guaranteed not to be selected.

If it weren't for the three sisters from the Wu Geng family, he would definitely give this little guy a good whipping.


After hearing Zhong Zhong's question, the little guy's eyes lit up as he looked at the floor, with a slight smile on his lips. He felt that hearing this tone was an opportunity, and he was sure to escape punishment.

His head was raised directly, and his silver hair was waving.

The guy took a breath and tried to keep a serious expression on his little face.

He waved his little hand forward, attracting everyone's attention.

As the saying goes, true knowledge comes from practice. Painting without any basis is just fooling around.

The first sentence is endless if it is not surprising.


speak English.

Hit Izumi Sagiri on the head.

Ever since this guy knew that Zhengzong liked the culture of the ancient country on the other side, he was also learning from it.

But after just listening to a few words, Zhengzong knew that the best thing to do was to immediately interrupt any of her thoughts before her lost perspective was shattered by the little guy in front of her.

Yeah, well, I have to see the real thing before I can tell what I want to draw. Now I need to draw on certain aspects that are unique to women, and sister Liuli also met my request, so...

In order to escape this punishment, Sagiri was very unruly. Even Liuli, who had always been repulsive, now calls her sister.

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