The big eyes seemed to be saying silently, is it interesting to bully her like this?

Of course it's fun. Bullying Shaxi is the most fun.

Izumi Masamune responded with a smile. The girl glanced at Izumi Masamune with a resentful look, but she obediently bent over and leaned her head against him.

773 Is it made of iron?

The moment when desire is satisfied is the moment of repayment.

The moment he untied his chastity belt, Kawasaki Saki and Izumi Masamune once again narrowed the distance between each other, regardless of you and me.

People were coming and going outside, and two people were also coming and going in the room inside.

Sliding directly off the platform, Kawasaki Saki glanced at Izumi Masamune with a resentful look, and let the man help him lock it again.

Although this is very uncomfortable, even every time something happens, I have to find Izumi Masamune to report the matter, which tramples on the girl's dignity.

But during this period of training under Fujikura Yu, she was horrified to find that she actually felt an indescribable sense of satisfaction.

Saki Kawasaki, who had always disguised himself with arrogance and was known as a cold beauty in school, never thought that he would have such a day.

After coming out, settling in Kawasaki Saki, Izumi Masamune called Fujikura Yu.

The conclusion reached was indeed consistent with what Saki Kawasaki said. When Saki Kawasaki came out this time, it was actually the time for Izumi Masamune to inspect the goods.

After testing the training results of the female trainers at home, Izumi Masamune sighed.

Then he gave Fujikura Yu a good summary and asked him to pay attention to his training and not to mess up.

When I saw the girl begging just now, Izumi Masamune had to admit that it was really satisfying to the dark side of people's psychology.

The life of a dirty big capitalist is really too comfortable.

After making the call, he dragged Saki Kawasaki over, but Masamune Izumi found that a girl was sitting in his place.

He seemed to be waiting for something, and he was suddenly surprised.

When I walked in and found it was Yuko Miura, I was relieved.

If it were the female teacher Shizuka Hiratsuka who found out that the female classmate she brought with her was playing like that in another place, she would definitely be very angry when she came here under such obviously wrong circumstances.

There was also the look of someone who had obviously done something bad, and the female teacher would probably be so angry that she would just punch him.

If it was Yui, she would probably be as aggrieved as a doormat, staring at you with those pitiful eyes and saying nothing, which made people feel distressed.

If it were Yukinoshita, the other party would have sneered, then directly took out Mr. Pan's mobile phone case and started calling Yaoyaoling without any hesitation.

But if Miura Yuko is like a bad girl, Izumi Masamune will feel relieved.

As someone who stands at the apex of society and is one of the many avatars, the Queen of Fire Yuko Miura, although she looks very scary, she seems to be exuding domineering qualities all over her body.

But it’s like the word duplicity.

Yuko Miura, who looks very strong, is actually just a cute little girl who is worried about her friends and seems to cry when she is accidentally bullied.

As long as you can use the most powerful means to remove the hard shell on the other person's appearance, you can enjoy the touching figure and at the same time appreciate the beauty of the other person.

Although she lives in a very serious youth love drama, she is actually the perfect blonde girl character of Li Fan.

I was lucky enough to successfully break into a girl again and again in the classroom, and then Izumi Masamune got her heart through several tricks. Izumi Masamune is very experienced in this.

Miura, why are you sitting here?

Masamune Izumi walked over first and greeted the girl.

Where did you go?

It was obvious that she was secretly smelling the scent left by the man when he just left, which calmed her restless heart, but at this moment, she was patting her breasts and asking questions.

Such a good scale made Izumi Masamune, who had just started his career with Kawasaki Saki, very much looking forward to it.

Okay, you can do it here now.

He brought Kawasaki Saki to Yumeko's original position and motioned to Sagami Minami.

Izumi Masamune felt that this girl who liked to show off herself might actually be more suitable for Fujikura Yu's training.

After all, if you only need to perform well, discard a little unnecessary dignity, and only face him, you can gain a status above almost everyone. I believe Sagami Minami must be very interested.

Take good care of her, spend more time with Sashi, and nothing will happen to her.

Izumi Masamune said to Sagami Minami. Seeing the girl's change of expression, he shook his head and said nothing more, but looked at Miura Yuko.

The girl was still looking at Izumi Masamune a little fiercely at this moment.

He seemed to be questioning why he had been away for so long just now.

It is really troublesome for a person to be too popular.

There are so many girls, and they all need to be handled well.

Thinking like this, Izumi Masamune also took a step forward, grabbed the girl's disgusted wrist, pulled her closer to his arms, and hugged the girl tightly from behind. Suddenly, the intoxicating fragrance filled Izumi's body. Authentic nasal cavity.

Are you crazy about what you want to do?

The girl's pupils seemed to dilate a lot in an instant, and her panicked look matched her words at the moment, making a silent protest to Izumi Masamune.

What's wrong? He secretly came to my seat and then satisfied his own whims. Such a bad look really makes me, as my boyfriend, very ashamed.

Hearing this, Miura Yuko was shocked and couldn't help being ashamed.

Izumi Masamune smiled.

In fact, my own problems have always existed.

It's just that poor Miura Yuko seems to have always regarded this as her own bad situation.

It's like a dead end.

Although ready-made girls are very interesting, but as expected, it is actually more fulfilling to educate this kind of lusty and soft-hearted girl step by step to be consistent on the outside and completely obey you.

Forget about the ordinary types like Saki Kawasaki and Minami Sagami.

But a treasure like Miura must be experienced by yourself.

That's enough. You can see it from the side.

Yuko Miura was a little embarrassed when she found out that the man was still pushing his limits.

It's okay, because the people here are all our own, so don't worry.

Looking at the girl whose eyes widened in anger, Izumi Masamune didn't feel any embarrassment about being a scumbag.

don't want.

I was annoyed that the man could even get Minami Sagami, and the summer camp team actually expanded to include Yumeko Miura. I didn't expect that there would be a new member on this side.

Are your kidneys made of iron?

The girl's eyes seemed to be questioning.

Without speaking, Izumi Masamune chose to respond in the most direct way.

Thank you.

As expected of Sobu High School, which is known for its strict school spirit, the school uniform is loose enough to protect everything about the girl, and it provides a very good shielding effect between the two of them.


Many people are afraid of life.

When you come to a new place, you will inevitably feel a little anxious because you are unfamiliar with the surroundings and without the usual support.

In order to resolve this anxiety, we formed small groups by hugging each other for warmth.

Through communication with each other, everyone successfully obtained spiritual satisfaction and comfort from familiar people.

Izumi Masamune discovered that he was actually the same.

After just leaving Saki Kawasaki, he is now closer to the girl next to him, Yuko Miura.

Compared to just now, it was mainly to help Kawasaki Saki resolve his own discomfort.

What was happening on the rear seat of the train with Yumiko Miura on this side was even more satisfying.

Sobu High School's strict uniform perfectly covers all sins.

Izumi Masamune is tall and strong, and Miura is like a smaller doll sitting on his lap.

Hello, Miura, are you so red?

In front, Yui, who was talking to Yukinoshita Yukino, turned her head.

He asked his friend worriedly.

The girl's anger comes and goes quickly.

Yesterday, she was still in a state of confusion. She felt that someone really knew too many beautiful girls. Yui was struck by Thor's fearfulness and Kangna's cuteness one after another.

Now he was happily talking to Miura, and by the way he said hello to Izumi Masamune.

Miura feels a little uncomfortable, probably due to motion sickness. After all, it's the first time to experience such an environment on a train. It's really uncomfortable.

Izumi Masamune said very considerately, without any consciousness that he was the culprit of Miura Yuko's tragic situation at this moment.

Yui looked around with some confusion.

With the current development of science and technology, the carriages of the Shinkansen are very stable, and you can hardly feel any unstable shaking when sitting on them. Motion sickness?

She didn't know yet that Miura had such symptoms.

Of course, don't you think so, Miura.

After moving the girl, the girl's body swayed, and at the same time her expression became increasingly painful and uncomfortable. It was the look of someone trying to hold back her ugly appearance.

Yes, it is.

His teeth were about to break, so Miura tried to calm down.

The bad things under her body just hit her heart.

Tears are about to come out.


Yui, don't be distracted.

On the other side, Yukino's voice came from next to Yui.

The girl who turned her head turned around, and there was an extra possible discoverer, Yuko Miura. The tense process made Masamune Izumi feel satisfied as he hugged the girl harder, allowing Miura to continue and change into his own shape.

He didn't notice, or dare to imagine, what Izumi Masamune dared to do in such an environment. At this moment, Yukino was still in a helpless state towards Yui.

Just during the activity just now, Yukino was still explaining high school physics knowledge to Yui.

It is both educational and entertaining, talking about the trajectory of objects dropped on a moving tram.

It's a pity that the girl can't understand it.

For Yukinoshita, who has always been a genius, I really don’t know what to do.

Yukinoshita always looks at learning problems accurately.

Even if you can't figure it out for the moment, go and look at the scenery and feel happy, and you will be able to understand it clearly.

In the end, Yui looked like this and didn’t understand.

Is it true that he has big breasts and no brains?

Is all the nutrition focused on something terrible and completely useless?

Thinking of this, Yukinoshita Yukino's mood suddenly improved a lot. Her situation was still good, and there was nothing unexpected.

His face, which was as cold as an iceberg, was now smiling.

Then it made Yuko Miura next to her even more miserable. Why do you all love chatting so much and you still don’t stop?

Hey, okay, Xiaoxue, we are already traveling. Things like tossing a coin flatly in the car, asking for the distance of the coin relative to the ground, and other topics that make ladies lose their hair, don't waste time on these topics. It’s a headache.”

Yui said in a shocked voice, and then changed the subject very happily.

It seems that we will be divided into two teams for activities next. Where do you plan to go, Zhengzong?

I look forward to seeing Masamune Izumi, and it’s fun to accompany Masamune Izumi when traveling.

The arrangement for the boys is probably to visit those temples first, starting with Kiyomizu Temple, then Ginkakuji Temple, Kinkakuji Temple, these more famous attractions.

The school trip lasts three days.

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