Let this guy poop.

In Kyoto, the best place to go at night is of course Kyoto Tower.

Wagging his fingers to attract everyone's attention, Zhenliang pointed at Sui not far away and said.

Kyoto Tower?

The girls are all interested.

After all, she is a girl, and she has a natural affinity for tall, long, and thick things.

Yes, Kyoto Tower, when you climb up at night, you can perfectly overlook the night view of Kyoto. Especially, there is a legend that as long as you are on the top of Kyoto Tower, at twelve o'clock in the middle of the night, lovers can If they confess to each other, their marriage will be blessed.

Natsukawa Masuo's big plan begins to be implemented.

The first step is to divide the enemy.

As expected, after hearing this, everyone including Miura and Yui, who were holding Izumi Masamune's arms, became nervous.

This is indeed something worth trying, but if you want to achieve this step, you need to climb the Kyoto Tower step by step. You can't take any tricks. In this case, the difficulty will be much higher.

Ebina Himina stood up. It seemed that the girl also knew the Kyoto Tower very well.

Izumi Masamune looked at Ebina Himina in surprise.

Does it turn out that this woman also has a girlish heart?

As of today, it seems that only one couple is married, and that couple is both a boy.

The palm of his hand was placed on his nose, as if it was about to bleed.

Izumi Masamune looked extremely speechless.

This guy is indeed hopeless.

A Zong A Zong.

Yui looked at Izumi Masamune expectantly.

Although Miura didn't speak, he undoubtedly meant this.

Okay, but let's watch a movie and take a break first. After all, we just finished eating, so it's not good to do a large dose of exercise. Besides, it's only eight o'clock now.

Although he was not tired, Izumi Masamune felt tired.

You must take a good rest.


The girls' eyes lit up.

It must be stated that movies are also their favorite category.

For Izumi Masamune, who has always watched pirated resources, he is not used to the pain of watching movies alone.

But if there is a girl together, then naturally there are two opinions.

Opinions came quickly and were implemented quickly. After everyone had already decided to watch a movie and take a break, it happened to be 12 o'clock when the night scene came up. It was the best time.

When the group of people arrived at the theater, they could see a long queue forming.

There are many types of movies.

Especially the comic book movies and animated theater versions that take up almost half of the page.

But of course I don’t know what to choose for children to watch here.

After PASS passed up the male gay movie that Ebina Hina had chosen with bad intentions, the three of them chose a good romantic movie together.

It has a role. I didn't expect that it could still be shown like this after it has been released for two months.

Ebina Hina, who was helplessly dismissed, became more serious and nodded while looking at the step in front of her.

Xia Chuanzhenliang was a little helpless.

As the only member of Sobu High School who has not experienced everyone's action against Izumi Masamune, he was excluded by Yui and Miura throughout the whole process.

Miura and Yui, who have a vague cooperative relationship, are also competing hard for a position next to Izumi Masamune.

In the cinema, there will be seats for couples.

But just when the two of them were seeking a balance between cooperation and conflict, Ebina Hina had already chosen her position early.

The two fell into silence at the same time.

He looked at the seats occupied by Izumi Masamune and Ebina Hina, and on the other side, the three of them were sitting in the back row.

Ha ha.

Miura and Yuigahama looked at each other, although they were a little helpless.

But this may be the best result.

Anyway, my boyfriend would not be interested in a fujoshi like Ebina Hina.

The two of them thought so.

Probably, maybe... 791

Ah, look who I saw, isn't this Ebina-san?

The two walked in, seemingly by chance.

After all, when we finally came out of Fushimi Inari Taisha Shrine, there were only a few places to play nearby.

In the slightly dark environment, the slightly exaggerated voice made Izumi Masamune startled.

Izumi Masamune looked over and saw two people coming in, a man and a woman.

It looks familiar.

It should be from Class F, but he couldn't quite identify it.

After all, in the eyes of Izumi Masamune, there are only beautiful girls and passers-by A and passers-by B who don't even need to remember their faces.

Ebina-san, don't you need to change to another screening room? Coming here is really surprising. There is something very suitable for you in front of you.

The girl said, but it was full of malice.

In this conservative and non-conservative country, where all kinds of strange concepts are intertwined, girls have actually experienced a lot of rejection and cold violence on campus.

While he is open to things like sex, he also has a very conservative side.

Similar to this kind of thing between men and women, girls still have a congenital disadvantage and soft support from the Heisei waste houses, but among boys, there are only a small number of fujoshi. .

It was just like when I went to prepare for shopping for a school trip.

Because of Ebina's delusion, he was targeted by three men and almost dealt with it.

It can be said that this kind of exclusion exists all the time.

Especially when facing some guys who want to have a sense of presence.

Sarina? Why are you here?

Ebina Hina frowned slightly and looked at the visitor.

An image appeared in Izumi Masamune's mind.

It seems that there was a girl who was called Sarina.

I still confessed to him.

The love letter inside the shoe cabinet has a description.

But because of his ordinary appearance, Izumi Masamune died immediately.

The girl walked over with another boy at the moment. She was the average height of the girls in District 11, and she had decent looks and a good figure. However, most of them were just things that she had gained due to the experience she had had. That’s all.

Moreover, compared to Ebina Hina, who is naturally beautiful and beautiful through decoration, the guy in front of him has a layer of makeup on his face that almost makes Izumi Masamune spit out.

The makeup skills of the girls in District 11 are one of the four major evil arts in Asia.

There is also the smell of that body.

The pungent over-perfume smell, and the masculine smell of at least two people on her body.

Although he himself is a bohemian and free-spirited person, Izumi Masamune finds it very disgusting for girls who also have this habit.

Although Ebina is a terrible fujoshi, if Masamune Izumi is asked to make a choice among the people he gets along with, it will definitely be Ebina, not the guy in front of him.

The woman stared at the popcorn held by Ebina, because Izumi Masamune walked behind in order to avoid suspicion against the other three girls.

It was not noticed in such an environment.

Yes, it's very good. But sometimes it's good to watch movies about love.

Ebina Hina lowered her head and spoke calmly.

Is that so? It's really beyond my expectation, Ebina-san. But there won't be any scenes of two boys here, so don't expect too much.

Sarina said with a smile.

But the malice in it almost overflowed.

Izumi Masamune frowned slightly, this must be the legendary campus bullying in District 11.

Because of his strength, the girls around him are either aloof or invulnerable, or they are full of energy and have many friends. This kind of thing is really rare.

Where's Ebina-san? This location is very good. Anyway, you can't see what you want to see. Why don't we change it.

Sarina seemed to have noticed Ebina's helplessness, raised the movie ticket in her hand, and said to Ebina.

Not far away, Miura, who was paying attention to the two people in front of him, raised his eyebrows and was about to step forward.

But there was already a splashing sound coming.

Ebina Himina was pulled directly behind Izumi Masamune. The popcorn she was originally holding in her hand was taken away by the man and then sprinkled directly towards him.

One after another, the popcorn, still full of calories, went down along the woman's head.

It was sticky with sugar and stained with oil.

It can be said that at first glance, it is an image that makes people have many associations, but the foundation itself is too poor. With Izumi Masamune's character, he simply can't look down on it.

What are you doing!

When the screams sounded, Sarina rushed over directly, and then saw the figure who had to look up to see her head, and shook the boy beside her in a panic.

Maki, why don't you speak.

Wanting to let him vent his anger, he pulled the man over. It seemed that the other man was also very helpless and came over with a dry smile, as if he wanted to say something.

As a result, he was met with Izumi Masamune's indifferent gaze.

The courage I had mustered up suddenly disappeared.

He, Izumi-kun, how could you do that?

If Hayama Hayato relied on his gentle temperament like a little sun to successfully occupy a high position in Class F, then Izumi Masamune relied on his ruthlessness and the ability to challenge the entire class by himself. The football team's record is famous.

Izumi Masamune, who was vaguely said to have deep connections and powerful military power, was naturally the one who occupied the top position in Sobu High.

Tell me, what should I do with you?

Looking at the two guys in front of him, Izumi Masamune frowned.

This kind of slapping and bullying thing, facing these two guys, does not give any sense of accomplishment as the protagonist.

Sure enough, it is better to sink the corpse in Tokyo Bay.

No, this is already Kyoto, think about where else to deal with it.

For example, buried in Fushimi Inari Taisha Shrine, maybe some supernatural plots can be triggered?

Izumi Masamune suddenly felt his cuffs being pulled by someone. When he turned around, he saw Ebina behind him looking at him nervously.

In the darkness, the girl's twinkling eyes were pleading, looking very pitiful and very touching.

It turns out that even fujoshi can have such a cute side.

Go away, don't let me see you again.

Speaking to the two guys who seemed to have received amnesty, Ebina's expression changed inexplicably as he watched the two people fleeing without even bothering to watch the movie.

After dealing with the hiccup in the middle, I can finally continue watching the movie.

Okay, it's okay now, hurry up and get in your seat.

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