Izumi Masamune complained in his heart.

Then took a deep breath.

Hope you haven't been discovered.

At least some adjustments were made before, so it shouldn't be easy to detect.

It's you?

Kirisu Mafuyu's surprised voice broke Izumi Masamune's fantasy.


Mafuyu? I forgot to introduce you. This is my boyfriend, Masamune Izumi.

Xiaojing classmate did not notice the strange atmosphere between the two at this moment, but continued to happily pull Izumi Masamune's arm over and introduce Kirisu Mafuyu.

No matter what, there are still some problems in the relationship with Izumi Masamune, but the momentum cannot be lost.

The more you face your friends, the less likely you are to be embarrassed.

Not easy to get, you can find the one you like at the right time.

After hearing what his mother said, Hiratsuka Shizuka's heart now palpitated.

Even ordinary female teachers have dreams of getting married.

Is that so? It's really good.

Speaking meaningfully, Kirisu Mafuyu handed over his palm.

Hello, my name is Kirisu Mafuyu. I am a second-year teacher at Ichinose Academy.

The two smiled weirdly at each other and then shook hands.

The heat that came from yesterday still caused a trace of conditioned pain in the lower abdomen of my right leg yesterday.

Needless to say, that's the guy.

Even though this person seems more mature now, this is still the case.

Well, he is still so handsome.

It's a pity, he's just a big pervert.

Yesterday I was still here with Natsukawa Masuo, and now I'm here with Hiratsuka Shizu.

It is unclear what else is known about Kirisu Mafuyu, but it is undoubtedly clear that Izumi Masamune is a big scumbag.

Such thoughts arise in my heart.

Kirisu Mafuyu looked at Izumi Masamune with increasingly unkind eyes.


Xiaojing's mother coughed lightly.

Compared to her silly daughter, she saw that Kirisu Mafuyu and Izumi Masamune were unusual.

Although it doesn't look like he likes her, this kind of enemy-like situation is actually the most dangerous.

It only takes a slight change of state to change from original struggle to love.

It was no longer clear whether it was for her daughter or for herself. Xiaojing's mother felt that it was very necessary to interrupt these two people.

Ah, sorry.

Kirisu Mafuyu, at least in appearance, is much nicer than the carefree Shizuo, and he also has respect for Xiaozuo's mother in his heart.

Even if he has already made a good evaluation of Izumi Masamune in his heart, on the surface, he will naturally not show this side.

Just such a tangled look made Xiaojing's mother begin to have doubts.

No, there might actually be another relationship between the two people.

I just had contact with Masamune Izumi for a while.

The other party naturally let her pull her, and took the initiative to bump her elbows into her to feel the appearance of her breasts, as well as her physique that made her feel that something was wrong with her body just after being in contact with her for a while.

What he inadvertently revealed was not like an ordinary young boy.

Xiaojing's mother is very sure of this.

The experience of things is always so unexpected.

I originally wanted to leave, but after a series of events, it has been delayed until now.

Xiaojing's mother had already arrived in the kitchen and started preparing lunch.

The feminism inherited from the family's ancestor, Hiratsuka Thunderbird, is not the kind that only pursues rights but does not pay attention to obligations.

Although some men cannot accept macho chauvinism, there will be no problem when these women are good at cooking.

Even Shizuka Hiratsuka, who had not yet figured out the facts, was pulled over by his mother and talked about it.

Now only Izumi Masamune and Kirisu Mafuyu are staying together.

Sometimes, this world is really small. Where is the girl named Xia Chuan?

Sitting flatly with a serious face, Kirisu Mafuyu asked.

It was very accurate and direct, and did not give Masamune Izumi any chance to refute or change the topic.

It directly captures the point of the matter.

Perhaps this is the ability of a teacher to quickly see through the complicated historical fog and find out the truth.

If it were any ordinary person, faced with her direct questioning, he would probably have panicked. But of course, Izumi Masamune was not included. Kirisu Mafuyu made the biggest mistake.

I don't think you need to worry about my affairs. She is fine now.

You are still very young now. Why do you want to do this kind of thing? Instead of continuing to work hard and become a doctor, instead of practicing magical medical skills, you deceive others like this. Is it really okay?

He said to Izumi Masamune earnestly.

Because of what happened before being treated by Izumi Masamune.

In the eyes of Kirisu Mafuyu, Izumi Masamune seemed to be a person who mastered the magical old Chinese medicine art from the ancient country on the other side of the ocean.

With such a talent, if you study hard and become a doctor in the future, you can also change your destiny and have a good development.

Why take these crooked ways.


Because of Shizuka Hiratsuka's vanity, I had to ask Izumi Masamune to raise his age and use a producer identity.

Kirisu Mafuyu also knew these things from the exchange just now, so in the eyes of women, Izumi Masamune seemed to be someone who used a false identity to deceive his friends.

I'm here for a reason, and I don't need you to take care of it.

Izumi Masamune frowned.

No one will feel well when faced with inexplicable preaching.

You are not my student, so you don't need to take care of me, but since you have deceived my friend, don't blame me. It's best to leave Xiaojing as soon as possible, otherwise, don't blame me for telling those things about you.

Looked at Izumi Masamune coldly.

If he wasn't worried about his friend being sad, he would have exposed Izumi Masamune at the first moment.

This nasty little devil.

Kirisu Mafuyu made an evaluation of Izumi Masamune at the first moment.

So it turns out that you are confident because you think you have caught the flaw?

Izumi Masamune sighed, but the next moment, he was directly held down by Izumi Masamune.

Right here, in the living room of the Hiratsuka family.

In the kitchen on the other side, mother and daughter were still preparing food.

Men's natural overwhelming advantage over women was fully exploited by Izumi Masamune at this moment.

He grabbed Mafuyu Kirisu's delicate and boneless waist and pushed him directly onto the sofa.

Appropriate toughness has always been the only way for men to win.

He didn't do anything to seal it off.

He just wanted to see if this woman dared to shout out.


Kirisu Mafuyu looked at the man in front of him angrily and was about to say something.

It's just that her power is no match for Izumi Masamune.

Being easily controlled, the hand guarding his chest tried hard to resist, but Izumi Masamune's power was too great. His legs clamped Kirisu Mafuyu's feet, and his free hand held him softly. His boneless hands were twisted behind his back.

That plump body is more attractive and attractive than that sofa.

Kirisu Mafuyu, who was not waiting for the panic to realize that something was wrong and wanted to shout out, was doing something.

He had already seen the other party's face quickly enlarged in front of his eyes.


Any strategy and resistance are in vain in the face of absolute power.

This kind of thing is true whether it is on the battlefield or in other matters.

Facing Izumi Masamune who doesn't play by the rules, Kirisu Mafuyu has no choice now.

In another room, Hiratsuka Shizuka or Xiaojing's mother might break in at any time.

Izumi Masamune, who dared to take the initiative, and Kirisu Mafuyu fell into a headwind in an instant.

Izumi Masamune adheres to the ancestral theory of pursuing victory in pursuit of victory and not to be dismissed as the overlord of famous scholars.

There will be no stopping at this moment.

Of course there will be a trace of fear.

However, he has the ability to directly turn over tables. Even the Hiratsuka family, who seem to have some status, can take down the family at will. Masamune Izumi has no problem locking the mother and daughter in the basement.

The tolerance for mistakes is also much higher.

It would be best if there were no problems, but it would be okay if there were problems.

At worst, we just give up on the serious process of cultivating relationships and just have fun together.

Masamune Izumi also felt the various pleasant close movements of Xiaojing's mother just now.

Others may be a little slow, but Izumi Masamune, who has been playing for a long time, judged the opponent as a high-quality gun mount that can be used in the first try.

Kirisu Mafuyu, who wanted to expose Izumi Masamune, made a wrong judgment from the beginning.

Ever since, there was no hesitation at this moment.

Kirisu Mafuyu, who completely misjudged the situation, could only look at the man's first kiss and wantonly occupy each of his own for the first time.

Izumi Masamune, who has already learned the taste of food, cannot simply be satisfied with his current level.

Even in this place where Hiratsuka Shizuka could come in and give him an iron fist at any time.

It is also a more dreamy thing that needs as many people as possible.

And what you think is what you do, and Masamune Izumi will naturally not just stay at superficial actions.

After letting go, Kirisu Mafuyu was already dizzy and didn't know what to do.

Izumi Masamune stood up and stepped forward.

Naturally, it is impossible to satisfy Masamune Izumi with just clothes.

In order to teach this guy a lesson, he had many methods.

It's black, you really can't tell.

It is said that color reflects personality, and Izumi Masamune thinks this is quite reliable.

The teasing look made Kirisu Mafuyu's eyes burst into flames.

The angry little lion is trying to teach the man a lesson.

But he saw the other party's open palm.

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