She is a rather uncomfortable girl, but she still has to face Tobe Sho at this moment.

Although there is a kind of goddess facing the spare tire who is painstakingly pursuing her, in addition to her natural arrogance and disdain, she also has a sense of guilt that occasionally arises like giving charity.

Especially when Izumi Masamune had just penetrated him all over, and his body was still carrying the remaining warmth of the other person, which was already unclean in a sense.

Tobe Xiang still looked so excited when facing him, as if he had met a goddess.

However, the other party's proactive behavior regardless of the atmosphere still made him a little dissatisfied.

This kind of love is a little too heavy.

It's not as good as Izumi Masamune's place. At least two people can have a great time together.

In this world, no matter from any perspective, licking a dog will lead to a bad death.

Ebina-san, I...

Tobe Xiang's footsteps stopped far away, very nervous.

He is such a grown man, but at this moment he is holding his hands tightly and doesn't know where to put them.

Keep breathing deeply and adjust your mentality.

As for Izumi Masamune who was following Ebina, he couldn't take care of it.

Things have reached this point, and there is no room for retreat.

Ebina Himina looked at the man in front of her who wanted to confess, and she already knew what he was going to say.

He glanced at the smiling, silent Izumi Masamune behind him, and felt resentful in his heart.

I had a great time playing with my mother just now, but now I am watching a show here?

Sorry, I have a man I like.

Ebina Himina said extremely seriously, then took a step back and hugged Izumi Masamune.

He raised his head and looked at Izumi Masamune with eyes that seemed to be able to speak.

Since they had already promised Miura Yuuko to help, they ended up taking advantage and watching the show.

How can there be such good things in this world?

Ebina Hina was holding Izumi Masamune's arm tightly at this moment, very firmly.

This this......

With trembling palms, Tobe Xiang never thought that such a thing would happen.

This person had asked Izumi Masamune before and even wanted to gain experience with girls from him. However, the girl who was about to confess to him suddenly said that she fell in love with Izumi Masamune.

The situation unfolded inexplicably, and now Tobe Xiang just wanted to cry.

This world is really weird.

No, I don't believe it. That's definitely not the case.

Shaking his head crazily, if the competitor is Izumi Masamune, then Tobe Sho will not have any courage at all.

I'm sorry, Ebina-kun, I was impulsive this time. I shouldn't have confessed like this without thinking about it, so you don't need to find this excuse to reject me...

Shaking his head worriedly, Tobe Sho ran out alone.

He didn't even have the courage to fight Izumi Masamune.

But in a sense, the other party's guess was correct.

In addition to the fact that Izumi Masamune is actually a vegetarian, Ebina Himina herself also got out of the game and fell into it.


In the secret, Yui, who was observing with her friends, looked at Yuko Miura with some worry.

Ever since Ebina suddenly hugged Izumi Masamune, Yui had been a little worried.

After all, the relationship between Ebina and Miura is very good.

Unlike his own situation, Miura must be feeling very uncomfortable.

It's okay, Yui. This matter is actually my request to Masamune. There is no problem.

Miura Yuiko shook her head, she looked surprised at this moment.

I told Masamune Izumi that I asked him to solve Ebina's problem, so Masamune Izumi will definitely solve it.

I just didn't expect that Ebina and Izumi Masamune would choose this method.

But that's fine, this way Tobe Sho should have no other ideas.

As for Izumi Masamune and Ebina Himina having a relationship, she really hadn't thought about it.


Have such doubts.

Yuigahama Yui feels that if it is true, it will not be like this.

Ebina can choose a more suitable method.

And Azong's side...

Of course, Yui would not say these things out loud.

Putting all doubts in his heart, he watched Izumi Masamune and Ebina Himina leave.

The girl's legs sparkled under the dim light.

Other than that, Ebina Hina's slightly changed pace was a bit awkward, but other than that, there was no problem at all.

No one could have imagined that right here, less than a few dozen minutes before being confessed by Sho Tobe, the famous rotten girl in this class would be directly taken down by Izumi Masamune, filled with eagerness, and... He taught me that in fact, the most pleasant truth is between men and women.

The girl's figure disappeared, leaving behind the boys and girls who were caught up in each other's thoughts.

In the evening, everyone returned to the hotel.

But compared to the excitement on the first day, things have changed a lot now.

Compared with those guys who are still playing hard and seem to be trying to catch the tail of the school trip.

Neither Hayama nor Tobe felt this way.

After the meal was eaten in a hurry, it was the final wrap-up ceremony.

He made a summary of this school trip and then asked everyone to start packing.

We have to return directly to Sobu High tomorrow morning.

Hiratsuka Shizuka finally came back at the last moment.

I don’t know what his mother said to Izumi Masamune.

Anyway, the female teacher, who was still a little concerned about her students, gave Izumi Masamune a slightly different feeling this time.

Although Izumi Masamune was trying to figure it out in his heart, he couldn't read his mind directly.

So I stopped thinking about these things after struggling for a while.

In the hotel, in the room for two, Ebina hurriedly walked into the room, ignoring another classmate who greeted him.

The water from the shower head hit the body, covering up all traces of it.

Ebina Hina was sitting on the bed blankly wrapped in a towel, as if she still hadn't been able to recover from today's situation.

Everything happened too fast, and the man started too quickly.

When he came to his senses, the only things around him were the bamboo leaves that were constantly shaking due to the back and forth movements, and the feeling that made him almost lost and unable to remember everything.

Feeling a little uncomfortable, at this moment, the beep on the phone suddenly rang. Ebina frowned and looked at the message.

News from Masamune Izumi.

[Come to room 706, I will introduce you to some friends. 】

Looking at the message above, Ebina hesitated.

However, if there is someone there, there shouldn't be any problems.

I thought about it like this in my heart, holding on to expectations that I couldn't explain.

Ebina Himina walked out anyway.



Sho Tobe, who was timidly following the girl, was suddenly patted.

He was so frightened that he jumped up. After seeing that it was Hayama Hayato, he breathed a sigh of relief.

Are you really still unwilling?

Ye Shan looked at his friend in front of him and felt helpless.

How can I be willing to accept it? Obviously Izumi-san and Ebina-san have never been in contact with each other on weekdays. Those things must be accidents, because I suddenly confessed. Ebina-san didn't know how to deal with it, so it was Izumi who I came to.

Tobe Sho said very firmly, so from the moment he came back, he quietly paid attention to Ebina's room until the other party walked out and came to another house.

The door opened, and the two of them could see Izumi Masamune emerging from it. He smiled and grabbed a handful in front of Ebina, then put his arms around Ebina's waist and pulled him directly into the room.

No, it's impossible. They must be discussing rejecting me today. It must be like this.

Under Hayama's speechless gaze, Tobe Sho continued to talk like this.

Yes, it must be impossible. It's impossible for three people to be together.

As Miura Yuko passed by behind, Hayama Hayato's face also darkened.

I once dismissed Yumi Miura's pursuit, but it wasn't until the girl fully demonstrated her charm under the development of Izumi Masamune that I was attracted, but she was ruthlessly rejected again.

There has always been a shadow in Hayama Hayato's heart.

So I don’t believe it either.

The two great sufferers were looking at each other, smiling and comforting each other.

Then he saw the person who was following closely, Shizuka Hiratsuka.

Haha, if Hiratsuka Shizuka-sensei goes in, it will definitely be exciting. Will he scream about bad things and kick them all out?

A bitter voice spoke of the last hope, Tobe Sho muttered.

What are you doing?

It was a cold sound that seemed not to come from the human world.

Yukino looked at the two men crying and hugging each other in confusion.

The second young lady couldn't help but feel a twinge of disgust in her heart.

Ignoring the explanations of these guys, he accompanied Yuigahama Yui and walked into the room under the stunned gazes of the two people.

Then, there were Natsukawa Masuo and Sagami Minami, sneaking over one by one.

From the time when I was making excuses for myself, I have become completely numb. I just watched the girls go in and close the door.

One night, he never came out again.


The fourth day.

The school trip is finally over.

Everyone packed their things early, and then boarded the Shinkansen train from Kyoto to Chiba together.

On the train, everything is still the same.

But everything is different.

Ebina Hina, who was originally worried about whether her rejection would affect her original social relationships and lose friends, now has more friends and besties.

Although at the beginning last night, everyone was still a little surprised by the sudden addition of Ebina Himina, including Hiratsuka Shizuka, who had listened to her mother teach her a lot of skills with men today.

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