But why would this guy do this?

Masamune was thinking in his heart.

Finally, looking at the reaction of my body that was also excited about it at the moment, I also had a clear understanding.

The impact on my own state is really terrible.

Even from such a distance, it can have such an impact on a girl.

A gust of cold wind blew by, and the girl who was in a state of self-consciousness was suddenly froze by the cold wind, and then she temporarily woke up from the cold and opened her eyes.

The two looked directly at each other.


Masamune could see the girl suddenly gasping in fright.

Looking at the girl's suddenly widened eyes, Zhengzong could already guess the way the other party suddenly shouted loudly next. You can imagine the consequences of shouting like this suddenly in the middle of the night.

Zhengzong, who didn't want to be taken down directly on a bad charge, had already made a decision in his heart at this moment.


The distance between the two houses itself is very close.

Zhengzong directly stepped forward with great force, a big stride, and with a little force, he jumped from the room on one side to the balcony of the room on the other side.

The sudden movement caused the girl who was about to scream to take a breath, choking and coughing.

Zhengzong did not hesitate, he took a step forward, covered the girl's breasts, and pressed her against the edge of the piano. The cold body of the piano made the girl shiver.

Lowering his head, Zhengzong only now had time to look at the girl in front of him.

With pure white skin, long golden hair, blue eyes, and pointed and long ears, it can be said that it is exactly the same as the goblin that appears in fantasy stories.

Of course, she is definitely not the kind of pure and cute fairy.

Thinking of Emily, whose eyes were blurred just now, and white mist was spitting out from her mouth from time to time, Zhengzong came to a conclusion.

Even if it is a goblin, it comes from the 1st chapter. It is extremely poorly trained and becomes a goblin who cannot be offended and can only make a black face with scissor hands.

It's so brave to comfort yourself in such a bad place. Have you never thought about what will happen if you are discovered?

Lowering his voice, Zhengzong said in the girl's ear, and his elbow inadvertently touched the girl's crotch.

It’s confirmed, it’s not big, but it’s enough, he has potential, he’s a great guy.


With a groan, the girl was obviously offended by the fact that a villain like Zhengzong complained first. You don't need to take care of what you do in your room.

After being brushed by Zhengzong, the girl seemed to have thought of something bad, and was completely frightened by Zhengzong's behavior.

He was still able to move, but now he began to struggle crazily.

However, the more this happens, the less likely it is that Zhengzong can let it go. In this case, if a mistake is made, Yuri will not be able to explain it. When the time comes to get caught, even if it is dealt with, it will be terrible.

Thinking of this, Zhengzong continued to cover her with one hand, while the other hand directly hugged the girl tightly and never let go.

If you are struggling, you can know what will happen next.

Zhengzong's face was solemn, which made the girl's heart sink, but she was stubborn and wanted to say something.

But the body is already, there is no strength.

Looking at the moving girl below, Zhengzong couldn't help but have other thoughts in his heart.

The man's breath filled the girl's nose directly.

My body was already so cold that I suddenly felt so hot.

It should be a very annoying state, but the girl felt an even stranger feeling than when she was alone next to the piano just now.


A long painful cry came from the covered mouth, and the girl's body softened instantly.

Zhengzong and the girl fell into silence at the same time.

On the floor, the moonlight reflected on the water made it even more beautiful.

The atmosphere fell into a very awkward situation for a moment.

But Masamune reacted quickly. This is a good opportunity.

Is it really bad? To be able to react like this under such circumstances, and to act like this to my sister's room, she is really a super horny girl.

Although he already knew the memory of the girl in front of him from the past life, and also understood why the other party was in such a situation.

But in order not to be caught in the name of harassment first, Masamune must first occupy the highest point.

With a sarcastic tone, he said to the woman in front of him.


It seemed that her body had passed that point in an instant and had entered sage mode. At this moment, the girl actually woke up.

He looked at Masamune with a look that could almost kill him.

You, a guy who is in your sister's room in the middle of the night, have no right to speak.

She couldn't say it out loud, but the meaning was clearly revealed in the girl's eyes.

Oh, right.

Feeling the temperature in his palm, Zhengzong finally realized that the girl at this moment was still being muzzled by him.

Don't shout loudly, otherwise it will cause big problems if people hear you. When the time comes, your miserable state will be exposed, and you will be finished.

He was not in a hurry to let go, but looked into the eyes of the girl in front of him.

He nodded wildly, as if he was afraid that Zhengzong would regret it.

Zhengzong saw the girl's movements and released his hand, but he still locked the space around her with his body to prevent her from leaving.

You, who are you? How dare you break into this lady's room.

He waved his arms exaggeratedly and his voice was also very loud. It seemed that only in this way could he let Zhengzong leave and cover up the ugliness that had just happened to him.

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