My Boss Is So Arrogant
Chapter 226 - A Stalker!!!
Veronica was gone surprised by seeing whole the thing that was going on infront her eyes.She never knew that Kelvin Kyle could be this eager to talk with a woman.
She alsos saw the caller id…
This was what Kelvin Kyle saved Rose's number on his phone.
Though it was not enough evidence to prove that that caller id belongs to any woman but still Veronica was having the gut feelings that he was talking with some woman.
She could just heard the last few words,
'Take care!'
Kelvin Kyle was saying someone to take care of herself.It was kind of unbelievable matter.He might be her first brother and one of the most important person in her life but that doesnt conceal the fact anyhow that he is a big asshole.
"First brother,whom you were talking to over phone?" Veronica asked out of curiosity.
Kelvin Kyle furrowed his eyebrows.
"Why are you asking?"
"There is no any specific cause.Just asking!"
Kelvin Kyle was silent for some moment.There was no way he could reveal the name of his beloved conditional girlfriend to this immature woman.He was trying to find a name for that moment.
"Joseph...You know him right?" Kelvin Kyle uttered his name.He could only remember his name at that moment with the rush.
Hearing her name,Veronica almost choked on her breath.
Joseph Konner!!!
Was he kidding with her?
When did Joseph Konner become Kelvin Kyle's sweetheart?
And also Kelvin Kyle was adivising him to take care Himself!!!
Oh my God!!!
That means…
The rumours she heard about her brother was totally true!!
He is not straight!
"Lets go…"Kelvin Kyle shrugged his shoulder.
Veronica finally with so much effort managed to give an ear to ear smile,that made her looking like a fool.
" Lets go."She somehow mumbled.
She was very shocked….
Next morning,
Rose was already got dressed for the office.Yesterday Kelvin Kyle didnt come to visit her place.No need to mention,after a ling time she got the opportunity to make the best use of her bed.She might be a tiny person but when it comes to sleeping on her own bed.Even the bed which is almost ten time bigger than her size was still a smaller place to her.She had habit to explore the whole bed during her sleep.So due to Kelvin Kyle in this days she had to be concerned about her action.Even she had the habit of kicking others during sleep.
Once Lizzy slept with her and after that she never was convinced to sleep with Rose on her own will.Actually whole night Rose tortured that pour soul with her unconscious kick,punch so much,Lizzy was kind of panicked.
She was also surprised by the fact that Rose seemd to be a very gentle woman then how can she became so aggressive during sleeping…
Rose was kind of sure that the same thing would happen to her dear conditional boyfriend.But instead everynight Kelvin Kyle embraced her so tight that kicking him was a far thing she found it difficult to move during sleep.
This thoughts brought a tiny smile over Rose's sleep…
Kelvin Kyle was really different from other peoples that she was familiar with…
When everyone freaks out on something,instead of freaking out Kelvin Kyle applied his own way to manage the situation.And no need to mention how ridiculous and horrible could be that.
She wore her wrist watch and next thing she had done was wearing her hills and left for her office locking her apartment.
Rose was waiting to hire a cab but after waiting for sometimes she still didnt manage to hire any.And surprisingly she saw there was no cab passing though on the road.All of them are private cars.
She asked a passersby if there was something problem with the cab.
The passerby replied a strike was going on and all the cab drivers decided to not to show up on the road for that day.
The passerby's reply made Rose furrowing her eyebrows!
A strike!!
If there was no any cab,how would she reach the office!She didnt have a private car….
She let out a sigh!!
Then she saw her wrist watch.There was no option she had to rely on her own foot.It would take half an hour if she decided to go There by walking.
Rose felt slightly annoyed.She was not that kind person who was into exercise.She had a great figure but she never did any kond of exercise and not even walking.But now there was no choice. she had to reach the office.She could call someone asking for lift.But that was the last things that she wanted.
"just half an hour!I can do it…"Rose tried to motivate her ownself….
She started walking.She was walking wearing a pencil skirt and a pair of high heels.So it was also not that easy.But somehow she managed.After walking ten minutes,she felt there was Someone who was following her.
Rose at first thought it might be only her imagination.But her suspicion grew deeper when she suddenly stopped to see the person's reaction.And as she stopped,she saw also the person stopped at his place with a stupid excuse.
She felt something was not right.Definitely the person was stalking her.She felt kind of panicked as there was no one with her and also there was no option that she could call a taxy and immediately could leave the place.
She again started walking and she saw the person was still coming behind her.
She tried to see the person's face when she stopped.But she couldn't see his face as the person was covering his face wearing a hoodie.So she didn't get the idea that how the person looked like and what was his age.And it was also surprising that the person was wearing a hoodie when the climate was so warm that it was even hard to manage a thin layer of cloth on body on the road without AC.Definitely the person didn't have a good motive that's why he decided to cover his face wearing that….
Rose noticed the man had something on his hand that seemed like a bottle or container.Her heart started beating so fast as if it had decided to come out from her chest.That stalker or whatever he was,he definitely was up to something very dangerous.
Rose held her breath.She couldn't decide what she should do now.Her mind suggested to her the single words…
Rose started to run.She somehow needed to run fast so that she could get rid of the stalker.But her high heels didn't cooperate her at all.The man was also following her and he was also running behind her.Now Rose didn't have any doubt and she was hundred percent confirmed that the man was stalking her.
The road was lone as Rose decided to take a shortcut to reach the office early.Now Rose was regretting taking this decision.Now the possibility of getting help from anybody else was nill.
She was running with all her strength.But unfortunately after a few moments,she tripped on something on the way and fell on the road.She managed to stand up again but the stalker almost caught her by that time.
Rose felt her heart beat almost stopped at that moment.
The man threw something on her face from the bottle…
Rose closed her eyes….
"What's the matter?My daughter seemed to be in a very good mood today!" David said seeing her daughter Melissa.He just woke up just half an hour ago.As he came downstairs to eat breakfast he saw Melissa at the dining table and that also with a very cheerful attitude.Its been a long time they had breakfast together.Melissa always woke up late at the morning.
"Yes.Dad.I am very happy?" Melissa smiled.
"Really!May I know the cause of happiness so that I also can share some happiness with you?" David said with an affectionate gaze.
After all, no matter how horrible and disgusting personality a man can have,but in most cases that same horrible and disgusting person is a great dad to his child.The same way,David was also very caring to his own daughter.
Melissa ran her perfectly manicured fingers through her hair.
"Dad,You know I finally decided to deal with the root of all my problems?"
Melissa's words made a frown over David's forehead.
"What do you mean by the roots of your all problem?I didn't understand...Please can you explain what do you mean by this" David said with confusion.
Melissa seemed to be careless.
"Don't worry dad.Nothing..Let's eat."
`No...Please explain...It seemed to be you are up to something!''David said with a worried tone.
She alsos saw the caller id…
This was what Kelvin Kyle saved Rose's number on his phone.
Though it was not enough evidence to prove that that caller id belongs to any woman but still Veronica was having the gut feelings that he was talking with some woman.
She could just heard the last few words,
'Take care!'
Kelvin Kyle was saying someone to take care of herself.It was kind of unbelievable matter.He might be her first brother and one of the most important person in her life but that doesnt conceal the fact anyhow that he is a big asshole.
"First brother,whom you were talking to over phone?" Veronica asked out of curiosity.
Kelvin Kyle furrowed his eyebrows.
"Why are you asking?"
"There is no any specific cause.Just asking!"
Kelvin Kyle was silent for some moment.There was no way he could reveal the name of his beloved conditional girlfriend to this immature woman.He was trying to find a name for that moment.
"Joseph...You know him right?" Kelvin Kyle uttered his name.He could only remember his name at that moment with the rush.
Hearing her name,Veronica almost choked on her breath.
Joseph Konner!!!
Was he kidding with her?
When did Joseph Konner become Kelvin Kyle's sweetheart?
And also Kelvin Kyle was adivising him to take care Himself!!!
Oh my God!!!
That means…
The rumours she heard about her brother was totally true!!
He is not straight!
"Lets go…"Kelvin Kyle shrugged his shoulder.
Veronica finally with so much effort managed to give an ear to ear smile,that made her looking like a fool.
" Lets go."She somehow mumbled.
She was very shocked….
Next morning,
Rose was already got dressed for the office.Yesterday Kelvin Kyle didnt come to visit her place.No need to mention,after a ling time she got the opportunity to make the best use of her bed.She might be a tiny person but when it comes to sleeping on her own bed.Even the bed which is almost ten time bigger than her size was still a smaller place to her.She had habit to explore the whole bed during her sleep.So due to Kelvin Kyle in this days she had to be concerned about her action.Even she had the habit of kicking others during sleep.
Once Lizzy slept with her and after that she never was convinced to sleep with Rose on her own will.Actually whole night Rose tortured that pour soul with her unconscious kick,punch so much,Lizzy was kind of panicked.
She was also surprised by the fact that Rose seemd to be a very gentle woman then how can she became so aggressive during sleeping…
Rose was kind of sure that the same thing would happen to her dear conditional boyfriend.But instead everynight Kelvin Kyle embraced her so tight that kicking him was a far thing she found it difficult to move during sleep.
This thoughts brought a tiny smile over Rose's sleep…
Kelvin Kyle was really different from other peoples that she was familiar with…
When everyone freaks out on something,instead of freaking out Kelvin Kyle applied his own way to manage the situation.And no need to mention how ridiculous and horrible could be that.
She wore her wrist watch and next thing she had done was wearing her hills and left for her office locking her apartment.
Rose was waiting to hire a cab but after waiting for sometimes she still didnt manage to hire any.And surprisingly she saw there was no cab passing though on the road.All of them are private cars.
She asked a passersby if there was something problem with the cab.
The passerby replied a strike was going on and all the cab drivers decided to not to show up on the road for that day.
The passerby's reply made Rose furrowing her eyebrows!
A strike!!
If there was no any cab,how would she reach the office!She didnt have a private car….
She let out a sigh!!
Then she saw her wrist watch.There was no option she had to rely on her own foot.It would take half an hour if she decided to go There by walking.
Rose felt slightly annoyed.She was not that kind person who was into exercise.She had a great figure but she never did any kond of exercise and not even walking.But now there was no choice. she had to reach the office.She could call someone asking for lift.But that was the last things that she wanted.
"just half an hour!I can do it…"Rose tried to motivate her ownself….
She started walking.She was walking wearing a pencil skirt and a pair of high heels.So it was also not that easy.But somehow she managed.After walking ten minutes,she felt there was Someone who was following her.
Rose at first thought it might be only her imagination.But her suspicion grew deeper when she suddenly stopped to see the person's reaction.And as she stopped,she saw also the person stopped at his place with a stupid excuse.
She felt something was not right.Definitely the person was stalking her.She felt kind of panicked as there was no one with her and also there was no option that she could call a taxy and immediately could leave the place.
She again started walking and she saw the person was still coming behind her.
She tried to see the person's face when she stopped.But she couldn't see his face as the person was covering his face wearing a hoodie.So she didn't get the idea that how the person looked like and what was his age.And it was also surprising that the person was wearing a hoodie when the climate was so warm that it was even hard to manage a thin layer of cloth on body on the road without AC.Definitely the person didn't have a good motive that's why he decided to cover his face wearing that….
Rose noticed the man had something on his hand that seemed like a bottle or container.Her heart started beating so fast as if it had decided to come out from her chest.That stalker or whatever he was,he definitely was up to something very dangerous.
Rose held her breath.She couldn't decide what she should do now.Her mind suggested to her the single words…
Rose started to run.She somehow needed to run fast so that she could get rid of the stalker.But her high heels didn't cooperate her at all.The man was also following her and he was also running behind her.Now Rose didn't have any doubt and she was hundred percent confirmed that the man was stalking her.
The road was lone as Rose decided to take a shortcut to reach the office early.Now Rose was regretting taking this decision.Now the possibility of getting help from anybody else was nill.
She was running with all her strength.But unfortunately after a few moments,she tripped on something on the way and fell on the road.She managed to stand up again but the stalker almost caught her by that time.
Rose felt her heart beat almost stopped at that moment.
The man threw something on her face from the bottle…
Rose closed her eyes….
"What's the matter?My daughter seemed to be in a very good mood today!" David said seeing her daughter Melissa.He just woke up just half an hour ago.As he came downstairs to eat breakfast he saw Melissa at the dining table and that also with a very cheerful attitude.Its been a long time they had breakfast together.Melissa always woke up late at the morning.
"Yes.Dad.I am very happy?" Melissa smiled.
"Really!May I know the cause of happiness so that I also can share some happiness with you?" David said with an affectionate gaze.
After all, no matter how horrible and disgusting personality a man can have,but in most cases that same horrible and disgusting person is a great dad to his child.The same way,David was also very caring to his own daughter.
Melissa ran her perfectly manicured fingers through her hair.
"Dad,You know I finally decided to deal with the root of all my problems?"
Melissa's words made a frown over David's forehead.
"What do you mean by the roots of your all problem?I didn't understand...Please can you explain what do you mean by this" David said with confusion.
Melissa seemed to be careless.
"Don't worry dad.Nothing..Let's eat."
`No...Please explain...It seemed to be you are up to something!''David said with a worried tone.
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