My Boss Is So Arrogant
Chapter 229 - David's Company Is At Stake!!!
Benjamin Cullin stared at Kelvin Kyle.He seemed to sense something.An evil grin appeared on his thin lips.
Kelvin Kyle seemed to be reactionless.Just his eyes were cold.Very cold!!!
He was trying very hard not to explode there..
He already knew that Rose was working under Benjamin Cullin.He decided to not to make a fuss about that.But today when he saw them so close to each other,it was out of his endurance….
How could she?
How could she let her touch another man?
The only one can touch Rose,can place his hand on her waist supposed to be him?Not some other random man…
He was having the urge of crashing Benjamin Cullin's every bone and then Rose….
He smiled bitterly…
Tonight is going to be a disaster for her…
No doubt!!!
Adrian finally explained the strategy and same for every businessman present there.Rose saw Kelvin Kyle hired a new secretary.Thats a man.
Rose let out a sigh..
The meeting ended there.Rose was intending to leave there without eating.But Benjamin Cullin stopped there by grabbing her wrist.
"Rose,aren't you planning to eat?"He asked.
Rose freed her wrist from his grip and then tried to smile.
" I don't have appetite."
"You should eat Rose.Empty stomach is not good for health."
Rose felt the cold gaze of Kelvin Kyle over her.How should she explain Benjamin Cullin that she was trying to escape from him?His predatory gaze was making growling her stomach!!!She didn't have the idea that Kelvin Kyle would find her in this kind of situation!She planned to tell him about the job after few days.
"If she doesn't want to eat,then you shouldn't force her,Benjamin!!" Kelvin Kyle blurted out.
Rose gulped in nervousness.She threw an apologetical look to Benjamin Cullin and left from there.She went to a corner and inhaled a long breath…
Meanwhile Kelvin Kyle already left the dinner table.He also didn't have the appetite to eat anything.He saw Rose was standing at a corner with a glass of juice.He was about to catch her but stopped by David.
"Mr Kyle…"David said with an ear to ear smile.
Kelvin Kyle seemed to be not interested at all to talk with him at all.
"Mr Wesley...Do you want to say anything?"He said with an uninterested tone.
" I want to talk with you about the deal...Mr Kyle...The deal…."
"You want the upcoming deal..That is what you want to say,right?" Kelvin Kyle stared at him.
"Yes.Mr Kyle..People say you can read the mind,No wonder...You have a unique intelligence." David said with his overwhelmed tone.
"But Mr Wesley...I heard you lost a huge amount of money a few days ago.Your investor is going to sue you…"Kelvin Kyle said.
David's face went pale.What he just said was true.His business is on the stake and he was on the verge of being bankrupt.The only way to save his company was if someone invested a million dollar.For this,there was no one better than Kelvin Kyle.
" Actually there is a misunderstanding created between us.I don't know who is behind this but you already know the reputation of our company.For them my company is currently going through loses.But this is not permanent. it is going to be solved in a few days.It would be great if you invest in our company."
Kelvin Kyle ran his long finger through his neatly brushed jet black hair.There was a slight smirk over his attractive lips.Because he very well knew who was behind all of this.Who created the misunderstanding Between David and his investor.
Actually it was Kelvin Kyle himself,who bribed the investor to withdraw the money and David was now in trouble.
The cause was also very simple…
He and his daughter decided to mess with her..
And he also found out the acid attack was caused by Melissa.Last time he clearly warned her not to mess with Rose.But she seemed to not take his words seriously.Now Kelvin Kyle didn't have the option to not do this.They totally deserve this.
"Okay,we will see later.My secretary will inform you about this." He said.
He walked away from there.He very well knew what was going to happen with Wesley Corporation..
No one can mess with his woman...If there is someone who can mess with her,it would be only him,Kelvin Kyle!!
Kelvin Kyle was trying to find Rose.But she was nowhere to see.He tried to find her and then his eyes fixed on the dance floor.Again his jaw clenched.
Benjamin Cullin and Rose….
"Rose,would you mind having a dance with me?" Benjamin Cullin asked Rose.
No need to mention,she didn't have the mood to dance anymore.She just wanted to go back to her apartment and lock her room so that Kelvin Kyle couldn't reach her.
"Mr Cullin,I am not good at dance." Rose said.
"Come one...You don't need to be a good dancer.Come with me…"Benjamin Cullin placed one of his hands on Rose's shoulder.
Rose clenched her body.She really didn't like Benjamin Cullin at all.His excessive good manner and sometimes very pushing nature made her very uncomfortable.She really didn't like the fact that Benjamin Cullin did not act professional.The way he behaved with her,that was more like Rose was someone very close to him.But while the reality was something else.
Kelvin Kyle sometimes behaves like a creepy guy but Benjamin Cullin was something else…
" I don't....."
Before Rose could finish her words,Benjamin Cullin almost dragged her to the dance floor.Rose felt angry.
What was that behaviour?Couldn't he see that he was not willing to dance?That was not considerate of him!!
Benjamin Cullin placed his one hand on her tiny waist and with another hand, he held Rose's hand and began to move with the rythm of the music.
The place was lightened by the dimlights.So the lighting was not so strong.And even in the dark light,she could see the anger on Kelvin Kyle's face.He was definitely not happy…
And surprisingly Benjamin Cullin was putting fuel on the fire by his every single action.
"Mr Cullin..I already told you,I can't dance." Rose purposefully tripped her heel over Benjamin Kyle's foot.And she pretended that she really couldn't dance.
Benjamin Cullin smiled.He seemed to be not affected by it at all.
"Its okay.Rose...I don't mind.By the way,you are looking very stunning today.I just want to give you company all the time so that some people can't lay their dirty hand on you." Benjamin Cullin said, fixing his eyes over Kelvin Kyle.
"Thank you for thinking about me.But I think there is no one like this." Rose said.
"There are many...You are so naive Rose...A beautiful woman like you should have a strong man as your protector."
Rose felt frustrated.Why all of this billionaire has this same kind of thought?Did she ever admit that she needs a man?
She was about to say something.But suddenly Adrian reached there and whispered something to Benjamin Cullin's ear.Benjamin Cullin's face immediately changed.
"Rose,I will be back in a while.Adrian,give her company…"He immediately walked away from there.
Maybe there was something very urgent.She sighed a breath of relief.
" Hi,Rose…"Adrian said.
Rose stared at him.
"Lets go from here.I dont have any wish to dance."
Rose and Adrian both walked away from there.Suddenly Adrian removed the suit from his body and covered her body as he noticed Rose was rubbing her arms by her palm.May be she was feeling cold.
"You should wear something heavy so that you can be warm." Adrian said.
Rose smiled.Adrian is really a sweet guy.
"I want to go back to my apartment.please will you inform that to boss?" She asked.
Adrian nodded.
"Okay!Do you want me to drop you to your apartment?"
"No.No thanks..I will go by myself.See you tomorrow,Adrian…"
Adrian gave her a warm smile.
Rose headed toward the washroom.She felt the strap of her undergarment might be unhooked.She needed to fix it Because it was too uncomfortable to walk around like this.She went there and fixed her dress.Before coming here she already checked if Kelvin Kyle was around her.Fortunately he was nowhere to see.
As she came out from the washroom,suddenly a guy appeared in front of her.Rose furrowed her eyebrows.The guy seemed to be drunk.
She tried to ignore him and intended to walk away from there but the guy stopped her.
Rose became agitated.Again a new trouble.Now what did this man want from her?
Kelvin Kyle seemed to be reactionless.Just his eyes were cold.Very cold!!!
He was trying very hard not to explode there..
He already knew that Rose was working under Benjamin Cullin.He decided to not to make a fuss about that.But today when he saw them so close to each other,it was out of his endurance….
How could she?
How could she let her touch another man?
The only one can touch Rose,can place his hand on her waist supposed to be him?Not some other random man…
He was having the urge of crashing Benjamin Cullin's every bone and then Rose….
He smiled bitterly…
Tonight is going to be a disaster for her…
No doubt!!!
Adrian finally explained the strategy and same for every businessman present there.Rose saw Kelvin Kyle hired a new secretary.Thats a man.
Rose let out a sigh..
The meeting ended there.Rose was intending to leave there without eating.But Benjamin Cullin stopped there by grabbing her wrist.
"Rose,aren't you planning to eat?"He asked.
Rose freed her wrist from his grip and then tried to smile.
" I don't have appetite."
"You should eat Rose.Empty stomach is not good for health."
Rose felt the cold gaze of Kelvin Kyle over her.How should she explain Benjamin Cullin that she was trying to escape from him?His predatory gaze was making growling her stomach!!!She didn't have the idea that Kelvin Kyle would find her in this kind of situation!She planned to tell him about the job after few days.
"If she doesn't want to eat,then you shouldn't force her,Benjamin!!" Kelvin Kyle blurted out.
Rose gulped in nervousness.She threw an apologetical look to Benjamin Cullin and left from there.She went to a corner and inhaled a long breath…
Meanwhile Kelvin Kyle already left the dinner table.He also didn't have the appetite to eat anything.He saw Rose was standing at a corner with a glass of juice.He was about to catch her but stopped by David.
"Mr Kyle…"David said with an ear to ear smile.
Kelvin Kyle seemed to be not interested at all to talk with him at all.
"Mr Wesley...Do you want to say anything?"He said with an uninterested tone.
" I want to talk with you about the deal...Mr Kyle...The deal…."
"You want the upcoming deal..That is what you want to say,right?" Kelvin Kyle stared at him.
"Yes.Mr Kyle..People say you can read the mind,No wonder...You have a unique intelligence." David said with his overwhelmed tone.
"But Mr Wesley...I heard you lost a huge amount of money a few days ago.Your investor is going to sue you…"Kelvin Kyle said.
David's face went pale.What he just said was true.His business is on the stake and he was on the verge of being bankrupt.The only way to save his company was if someone invested a million dollar.For this,there was no one better than Kelvin Kyle.
" Actually there is a misunderstanding created between us.I don't know who is behind this but you already know the reputation of our company.For them my company is currently going through loses.But this is not permanent. it is going to be solved in a few days.It would be great if you invest in our company."
Kelvin Kyle ran his long finger through his neatly brushed jet black hair.There was a slight smirk over his attractive lips.Because he very well knew who was behind all of this.Who created the misunderstanding Between David and his investor.
Actually it was Kelvin Kyle himself,who bribed the investor to withdraw the money and David was now in trouble.
The cause was also very simple…
He and his daughter decided to mess with her..
And he also found out the acid attack was caused by Melissa.Last time he clearly warned her not to mess with Rose.But she seemed to not take his words seriously.Now Kelvin Kyle didn't have the option to not do this.They totally deserve this.
"Okay,we will see later.My secretary will inform you about this." He said.
He walked away from there.He very well knew what was going to happen with Wesley Corporation..
No one can mess with his woman...If there is someone who can mess with her,it would be only him,Kelvin Kyle!!
Kelvin Kyle was trying to find Rose.But she was nowhere to see.He tried to find her and then his eyes fixed on the dance floor.Again his jaw clenched.
Benjamin Cullin and Rose….
"Rose,would you mind having a dance with me?" Benjamin Cullin asked Rose.
No need to mention,she didn't have the mood to dance anymore.She just wanted to go back to her apartment and lock her room so that Kelvin Kyle couldn't reach her.
"Mr Cullin,I am not good at dance." Rose said.
"Come one...You don't need to be a good dancer.Come with me…"Benjamin Cullin placed one of his hands on Rose's shoulder.
Rose clenched her body.She really didn't like Benjamin Cullin at all.His excessive good manner and sometimes very pushing nature made her very uncomfortable.She really didn't like the fact that Benjamin Cullin did not act professional.The way he behaved with her,that was more like Rose was someone very close to him.But while the reality was something else.
Kelvin Kyle sometimes behaves like a creepy guy but Benjamin Cullin was something else…
" I don't....."
Before Rose could finish her words,Benjamin Cullin almost dragged her to the dance floor.Rose felt angry.
What was that behaviour?Couldn't he see that he was not willing to dance?That was not considerate of him!!
Benjamin Cullin placed his one hand on her tiny waist and with another hand, he held Rose's hand and began to move with the rythm of the music.
The place was lightened by the dimlights.So the lighting was not so strong.And even in the dark light,she could see the anger on Kelvin Kyle's face.He was definitely not happy…
And surprisingly Benjamin Cullin was putting fuel on the fire by his every single action.
"Mr Cullin..I already told you,I can't dance." Rose purposefully tripped her heel over Benjamin Kyle's foot.And she pretended that she really couldn't dance.
Benjamin Cullin smiled.He seemed to be not affected by it at all.
"Its okay.Rose...I don't mind.By the way,you are looking very stunning today.I just want to give you company all the time so that some people can't lay their dirty hand on you." Benjamin Cullin said, fixing his eyes over Kelvin Kyle.
"Thank you for thinking about me.But I think there is no one like this." Rose said.
"There are many...You are so naive Rose...A beautiful woman like you should have a strong man as your protector."
Rose felt frustrated.Why all of this billionaire has this same kind of thought?Did she ever admit that she needs a man?
She was about to say something.But suddenly Adrian reached there and whispered something to Benjamin Cullin's ear.Benjamin Cullin's face immediately changed.
"Rose,I will be back in a while.Adrian,give her company…"He immediately walked away from there.
Maybe there was something very urgent.She sighed a breath of relief.
" Hi,Rose…"Adrian said.
Rose stared at him.
"Lets go from here.I dont have any wish to dance."
Rose and Adrian both walked away from there.Suddenly Adrian removed the suit from his body and covered her body as he noticed Rose was rubbing her arms by her palm.May be she was feeling cold.
"You should wear something heavy so that you can be warm." Adrian said.
Rose smiled.Adrian is really a sweet guy.
"I want to go back to my apartment.please will you inform that to boss?" She asked.
Adrian nodded.
"Okay!Do you want me to drop you to your apartment?"
"No.No thanks..I will go by myself.See you tomorrow,Adrian…"
Adrian gave her a warm smile.
Rose headed toward the washroom.She felt the strap of her undergarment might be unhooked.She needed to fix it Because it was too uncomfortable to walk around like this.She went there and fixed her dress.Before coming here she already checked if Kelvin Kyle was around her.Fortunately he was nowhere to see.
As she came out from the washroom,suddenly a guy appeared in front of her.Rose furrowed her eyebrows.The guy seemed to be drunk.
She tried to ignore him and intended to walk away from there but the guy stopped her.
Rose became agitated.Again a new trouble.Now what did this man want from her?
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