My Boss Is So Arrogant
Chapter 267 - A Very Dangerous Game!!
"It's all the same…"Alfredo Cullin said, revealing all his front teeth.
Damien Kyle pressed the cigarette on the ashtray.
" As I always know you are a big fucker...Whether in case it's a woman or your own…"He said with sarcasm in his tone.
Alfredo Cullin Didn't seem to mind at his words.Instead he opened a bottle of wine and directly poured down his throat.
"So spit out what is the purpose that you decided to come here!" He said.
Damien Kyle stared at his face.
"I already told you earlier.Are you going to stay by my side or want to go with the Cullins…"Damien Kyle blurted out.
" With the Cullins!!What do you mean by that?I guess you forgot that I am also Cullin!"He said with a smirk over his face.His blue eyes were still fixed on Damien Kyle.It was quite true that he really had a unique charm on his face.His blue eyes with dark hair was really a good combination enhance his aesthetical feature.And it must be true that many woman would want to be his plaything only for his that unique look and his black money was again a big addition to it.
"I mean Ether and Benjamin...Of course you are not included if you go with me." Damien Kyle explained.
"What made you think that I would go against them with your words?" He said, raising just his one eyebrow.
Damien Kyle flipped his hair backward that was already perfectly combed.
"Half million dollars...If you agree with me...And you know the profit.Once that two idiot Cullins are gone,only you will be left to take over their left kingdom…"He said.
" Do you think I am just only for half a million and their Kingdom,I am going to betray them?How could you think that?"Alfredo Cullin said in an offended voice.As if Damien Kyle didn't have the idea what he was saying.
"The profit is huge man..You will be totally dumb if you reject it...Be smart…"Damien Kyle tried to convinece him.
But he seemed not to be convinced.
"How can I trust you that you are not going to backstab me?" Alfredo Cullin stared directly at his eyes.
"Look...Alfredo...Look at the amount and try to think Properly…"Damien Kyle said in a dangerously low voice.
" If you thought that for this I am going to backstab two of my loyal cousins,then I must say you are…."Alfredo Cullin stopped.His face was as cold as ice as if at any moment he was going to rip Damien Kyle's throat from his body.
A frown appeared on Damien Kyle's forehead.
"Right…"Alfredo Cullin burst out laughing.
Damien Kyle's face softened.He already was hundred percent sure that Alfredo Cullin was going to accept his proposal.Because he was even a bigger bastard than him.Alfredo Cullin even can bury his own brother alive for money and fortunately he didn't have any blood brother or sister.Otherwise As per Damien Kyle knew him,they would be under six feet ground .
" So deal?"Damien Kyle extended his hand.
"Deal." Alfredo Cullin took his hand.He had a huge grin on his face.
"Make sure Kelvin shouldn't know about any of this!Especially about our deal." Damien Kyle said.
"Don't worry.He is not going to know anything...Also he has nothing to do with this."
Damien Kyle nodded…
A dangerous game….
Finally he planned a dangerous game that is going to totally turn on the table…
A business meeting.
Benjamin and Ether Cullin,Rose,Adrian and Genlia were present.The meeting almost went well according to their expectations.The job was going on quite well.But it would be a lie if Rose didn't admit that she still remembered about her old job as Kelvin Kyle's secretary.And it also came across her mind that she should resign her this job and joined there again.But she totally brushed off the thought.That definitely won't be a good idea.They still had a very long way to go.She decided to give him a chance about this relationship but obviously she was not going to do that without thinking properly or just by blindly trusting or depending on him.She still wanted her freedom.And she very well know of she again went back there she would be doomed by Kelvin Kyle.
Meeting was over.Only Rose was waiting outside for the rest of them.They were having conversation with other people.As Rose Didn't have any interest so she was waiting outside.
Rose turned her neck to see. A man fully dressed up.He seemed to attend the meeting here also.May be she didn't notice her in the hallway.He was wearing a black color suit and white shirt with a black tie and black color shoe with it.A very casual dress up.
"Hello.." Rose said in a friendly manner.May be he was trying to just have a casual talk with her.
"Are you waiting for someone here?" He asked.
"Yes...Actually…''She said with a soft smile over her face.His accent was really heavy like british accent.May be he was an English man.
" Oh Good.Is that your boyfriend?"He asked.
Rose shook her head.Now she was no more single,Kelvin Kyle was her dear boyfriend who loves to act like her husband.But she was not waiting for him here.
"I came here to attend the meeting.I am waiting for my colleague actually.They are still inside."Rose explained.
" oh great.I am also here for the meeting."He said smiling.
"Oh...Good to hear that."
"You came here on behalf on whom?" He asked again.He seemed to be very curious about Rose.
"Benjamin Cullin is my boss.I am his assistant."
"And you?" Rose asked.
"I came for Miller enterprise." He said.
Rose nodded.
"I am really a big fool.I didn't even ask your name!" He blurted out."What's your name?"
"I am Rose Wesley." She said,
The man extended his hand.
"I am John." He said.
Rose took his hand and withdrew it after a few seconds.
"You are a very beautiful Rose...I must admit.Very nice to meet you."
"Same here." Rose said putting a fake smile on her face.
The man suddenly lowered his gaze and made an annoyed sound.
"Shit!" He cursed under hsi breath.
Rose also stared at the direction to chcek whars wrong there actually.Then she found out his lace of the one show was undone.
"Rose,please can you do me a favour?" He asked.
"Yes." Rose said.But she was kind of curious what he was going to ask.Definitely he was not going to ask her to help him tie his shoelace.That would be rediculous.
"Can you please hold this file?I want to tie this lace..I cant do it holding it!" He said.
Rose nodded and took the file.She really didnt notice that he was holding a file in his hand.Rose let out a sigh.She was really absent minded recently.She needed to learn to observe people ans surrounding condition more because otherwise it was very difficult to put up with the world which was already very competitive and challenging.
The man already tied his shoelace.Rose gave him back his file.
"Thank you." The man said.
"You are welcome." The man left.
Just right at the moment, Adrian,The Cullin brother and Genelia came toward her.
"Who was that?" Genelia asked.
"I dont know.He just said his name is John and he is from Miller enterprise." Rose replied.
"Oh the Miller!!" Adrian said.
"You guys can leave.For today,all the task is over." Benjamin Cullin announced.
Rose,Adrian and Genelia all three of Their faces lit up.
"Thank you Boss." Genelia said in a flattering voice."You really are the best boss in the world."
"And you really are the worst employe and colleague in the world!!" Adrian mattered under his breath.
"Dis you say something?" Genelia rolled her eyes at Adrian.
"No...Did you hear anything Rose?Did I say something?" Adrian asked Rose staring at her.
Rose was trying hard to supress her smile badly.Adrian was really a thing.
"No I didnt hear anything…"She said in a very innocent voice.
" okay...Guys...We are leaving..Rose,do you need a lift?Your apartment is on the way of ours!"Ether Cullin blurted out.
Immediately Genelia's face turned into dark shade as dark as cloud.She was extremely jealous that Ether Cullin was willing to offer Rose a lift but not her.
"Boss,Rose is not going to her apartment.If you are free please can you give me a lift.I am going that way?" She blurted out shamelessly.
Rose pressed her lower lips.She was really finding it difficult not to laugh.This jealous girl just helped her unknowingly.
Damien Kyle pressed the cigarette on the ashtray.
" As I always know you are a big fucker...Whether in case it's a woman or your own…"He said with sarcasm in his tone.
Alfredo Cullin Didn't seem to mind at his words.Instead he opened a bottle of wine and directly poured down his throat.
"So spit out what is the purpose that you decided to come here!" He said.
Damien Kyle stared at his face.
"I already told you earlier.Are you going to stay by my side or want to go with the Cullins…"Damien Kyle blurted out.
" With the Cullins!!What do you mean by that?I guess you forgot that I am also Cullin!"He said with a smirk over his face.His blue eyes were still fixed on Damien Kyle.It was quite true that he really had a unique charm on his face.His blue eyes with dark hair was really a good combination enhance his aesthetical feature.And it must be true that many woman would want to be his plaything only for his that unique look and his black money was again a big addition to it.
"I mean Ether and Benjamin...Of course you are not included if you go with me." Damien Kyle explained.
"What made you think that I would go against them with your words?" He said, raising just his one eyebrow.
Damien Kyle flipped his hair backward that was already perfectly combed.
"Half million dollars...If you agree with me...And you know the profit.Once that two idiot Cullins are gone,only you will be left to take over their left kingdom…"He said.
" Do you think I am just only for half a million and their Kingdom,I am going to betray them?How could you think that?"Alfredo Cullin said in an offended voice.As if Damien Kyle didn't have the idea what he was saying.
"The profit is huge man..You will be totally dumb if you reject it...Be smart…"Damien Kyle tried to convinece him.
But he seemed not to be convinced.
"How can I trust you that you are not going to backstab me?" Alfredo Cullin stared directly at his eyes.
"Look...Alfredo...Look at the amount and try to think Properly…"Damien Kyle said in a dangerously low voice.
" If you thought that for this I am going to backstab two of my loyal cousins,then I must say you are…."Alfredo Cullin stopped.His face was as cold as ice as if at any moment he was going to rip Damien Kyle's throat from his body.
A frown appeared on Damien Kyle's forehead.
"Right…"Alfredo Cullin burst out laughing.
Damien Kyle's face softened.He already was hundred percent sure that Alfredo Cullin was going to accept his proposal.Because he was even a bigger bastard than him.Alfredo Cullin even can bury his own brother alive for money and fortunately he didn't have any blood brother or sister.Otherwise As per Damien Kyle knew him,they would be under six feet ground .
" So deal?"Damien Kyle extended his hand.
"Deal." Alfredo Cullin took his hand.He had a huge grin on his face.
"Make sure Kelvin shouldn't know about any of this!Especially about our deal." Damien Kyle said.
"Don't worry.He is not going to know anything...Also he has nothing to do with this."
Damien Kyle nodded…
A dangerous game….
Finally he planned a dangerous game that is going to totally turn on the table…
A business meeting.
Benjamin and Ether Cullin,Rose,Adrian and Genlia were present.The meeting almost went well according to their expectations.The job was going on quite well.But it would be a lie if Rose didn't admit that she still remembered about her old job as Kelvin Kyle's secretary.And it also came across her mind that she should resign her this job and joined there again.But she totally brushed off the thought.That definitely won't be a good idea.They still had a very long way to go.She decided to give him a chance about this relationship but obviously she was not going to do that without thinking properly or just by blindly trusting or depending on him.She still wanted her freedom.And she very well know of she again went back there she would be doomed by Kelvin Kyle.
Meeting was over.Only Rose was waiting outside for the rest of them.They were having conversation with other people.As Rose Didn't have any interest so she was waiting outside.
Rose turned her neck to see. A man fully dressed up.He seemed to attend the meeting here also.May be she didn't notice her in the hallway.He was wearing a black color suit and white shirt with a black tie and black color shoe with it.A very casual dress up.
"Hello.." Rose said in a friendly manner.May be he was trying to just have a casual talk with her.
"Are you waiting for someone here?" He asked.
"Yes...Actually…''She said with a soft smile over her face.His accent was really heavy like british accent.May be he was an English man.
" Oh Good.Is that your boyfriend?"He asked.
Rose shook her head.Now she was no more single,Kelvin Kyle was her dear boyfriend who loves to act like her husband.But she was not waiting for him here.
"I came here to attend the meeting.I am waiting for my colleague actually.They are still inside."Rose explained.
" oh great.I am also here for the meeting."He said smiling.
"Oh...Good to hear that."
"You came here on behalf on whom?" He asked again.He seemed to be very curious about Rose.
"Benjamin Cullin is my boss.I am his assistant."
"And you?" Rose asked.
"I came for Miller enterprise." He said.
Rose nodded.
"I am really a big fool.I didn't even ask your name!" He blurted out."What's your name?"
"I am Rose Wesley." She said,
The man extended his hand.
"I am John." He said.
Rose took his hand and withdrew it after a few seconds.
"You are a very beautiful Rose...I must admit.Very nice to meet you."
"Same here." Rose said putting a fake smile on her face.
The man suddenly lowered his gaze and made an annoyed sound.
"Shit!" He cursed under hsi breath.
Rose also stared at the direction to chcek whars wrong there actually.Then she found out his lace of the one show was undone.
"Rose,please can you do me a favour?" He asked.
"Yes." Rose said.But she was kind of curious what he was going to ask.Definitely he was not going to ask her to help him tie his shoelace.That would be rediculous.
"Can you please hold this file?I want to tie this lace..I cant do it holding it!" He said.
Rose nodded and took the file.She really didnt notice that he was holding a file in his hand.Rose let out a sigh.She was really absent minded recently.She needed to learn to observe people ans surrounding condition more because otherwise it was very difficult to put up with the world which was already very competitive and challenging.
The man already tied his shoelace.Rose gave him back his file.
"Thank you." The man said.
"You are welcome." The man left.
Just right at the moment, Adrian,The Cullin brother and Genelia came toward her.
"Who was that?" Genelia asked.
"I dont know.He just said his name is John and he is from Miller enterprise." Rose replied.
"Oh the Miller!!" Adrian said.
"You guys can leave.For today,all the task is over." Benjamin Cullin announced.
Rose,Adrian and Genelia all three of Their faces lit up.
"Thank you Boss." Genelia said in a flattering voice."You really are the best boss in the world."
"And you really are the worst employe and colleague in the world!!" Adrian mattered under his breath.
"Dis you say something?" Genelia rolled her eyes at Adrian.
"No...Did you hear anything Rose?Did I say something?" Adrian asked Rose staring at her.
Rose was trying hard to supress her smile badly.Adrian was really a thing.
"No I didnt hear anything…"She said in a very innocent voice.
" okay...Guys...We are leaving..Rose,do you need a lift?Your apartment is on the way of ours!"Ether Cullin blurted out.
Immediately Genelia's face turned into dark shade as dark as cloud.She was extremely jealous that Ether Cullin was willing to offer Rose a lift but not her.
"Boss,Rose is not going to her apartment.If you are free please can you give me a lift.I am going that way?" She blurted out shamelessly.
Rose pressed her lower lips.She was really finding it difficult not to laugh.This jealous girl just helped her unknowingly.
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