My Boss Is So Arrogant

Chapter 62 - Boss Followed Us!!!

They went to the restaurant.

"I am going to order.What do you want to eat guys?"Mark asked.

"Burger..." George said.

"Order pasta for me." Rose said.

"Okay..Wait here." 

Mark went to the counter for ordering.

Mark came back with his orders.

George took the burger and took a large bite.

"Is it good?"

George nodded.His little mouth was filled with a large bite of burger.

Rose smiled.

"Ah...." Mark screamed. 

"What?What's happened to you?" Rose asked.

"Maybe something's gotten into my eyes." Mark was rubbing his eyes.His eyes were red and were watering.

"Let me check." Rose went close to him.She was checking his eyes.Her face was very close to his.She blew on his eye.

Their concentration broke when they heard the breaking sound of a plate.They saw a very tall guy who was wearing a mask on his lower portion of the face broke a plate.He was saying something to the waiter in a thick italian accent.

The waiter was trying to explain but the person in front of him was so angry that he didn't give the opportunity to utter a word.

"Pretty sister...Who is he?" George asked her.He was very surprised.He never saw a person behaving like that as he maximum time stayed at home with Paul and Zain.

"I don't know baby.Ignore them." Rose stuffed a spoonful of pasta in her mouth.

"Pretty sister.I think she is a madman."

"Maybe..Now eat!No more talk.It is not good to talk while eating.You will be choked." Rose said.

Mark stared at the person.The person seemed very familiar.Though he covered his lower face by mask.Mark was checking him.The voice was very familiar and that accent he heard many times.

Suddenly the person threw a death glare to him.Mark froze at the place.

Those grey eyes...


Kelvin Kyle.....

But what is he doing here.Why has he come here to a place like this?And moreover why is he throwing a tantrum?Did he do something wrong?

He tried to remember what he did wrong!His face went pale.

"Hey..Are you sick?Why did your face go pale?" Rose tapped on his shoulder.

Mark gulped.

"No...No...I am alright.Nothing happened."He wiped his forehead.

" You are sweating too much.The weather is not that hot."Rose said.She looked worried.

"No.Actually just I am feeling the weather is hot.The temperature is suddenly increasing.Have you eaten guys?I am almost done."

"Almost." Rose replied.

The stared at George.He was struggling with his big size burger.

Mark was stuffing all the food so fast in his mouth,if anyone sees him now he would think he got current on his back.He was just staring at his plates as if he had no sense what was happening around him.

"Mark...Eat slowly.No one is gonna snatching your food.Otherwise you will be choked." Rose said to Mark.

Mark hurriedly stuffed his last spoon of pasta in his mouth.He hurriedly wiped his mouth.

"Are you done guys."He asked.

George was still eating.Rose was done.He almost dragged them from the restaurant.

" Brother Mark..I am not done with the burger."George complained with his cute voice.

"I will buy you other things."

He gave two packets of chips to him.George happily accepted the packet of chips forgetting about the burger.

"Mark.What happened?Why are you behaving weird?You almost dragged us from the restaurant." Rose said.

"Actually.....Ummmmm...." He was about to open his mouth but closed it when he saw Kelvin Kyle.He is behind them and probably was following them.

"Nothing Rose..Here is a special spot for children.I thought George would love it.So I was just trying to hurry up." He said.

"Oh..." Rose believed him.Mark is always like this.So may be behaving weird for him is normal.

Mark was trying hard to dodge Kelvin Kyle.He picked up George in his arms.

"Walk fast with me?" He said to Rose.

"Why?"Rose asked.

"I heard recently the park closes so soon.We need to go early there."

Rose nodded.She was following him.After a few minutes.

"Hey...Mark slow down.Stop running.I can get with you!" Rose was breathing heavily.She was tired due to walking so fast with him.

He checked behind.There is no sign of his uncle.May be he left behind and couldn't catch them.He held Rose's hand and entered into a lane.

"Hey..Why are you taking in this lane?It is the wrong way." Rose said.

"It's a shortcut!"

"It's not shortcut.It will take more time."

"No, it's a shortcut."

Mark very well knows that it's not a shortcut.But he was trying to dodge his uncle as he was following them like a creep.

Rose didn't say anything.Today Mark is behaving so weird from sometimes before.Normally he also behaved weird but today is much weird.

After some time they reached the park. 

There is a park inside the zoo specially for children.There are a lot of rides.

"You want to ride on something?" Mark asked.

George nodded.

"I want to ride a merry-go-round first."George said.

" Okay."

"Rose,I am collecting the ticket.Wait here." 

Rose nodded.

Mark collected the ticket and came back.

"I bought the ticket for three of us.Lets ride." Mark said.

"No..That's too childish.I won't ride." Rose


"Just ride.That will be fun.George also wants Rose to ride!Isn't it George?" Mark said.

George immediately nodded.

Mark held her hand and took her to the direction of merry go round.

Three of them rode on three separate horses on merry go round.George was most excited between three of them.

"Rose,you look great on that horse!" Mark teased her.

"Just go to hell!" Rose screamed.

Mark was laughing hard.But his smile stopped when he saw someone was throwing him death glare.Kelvin Kyle reached there.Mark's heart started beating so fast again.He couldn't understand what he did wrong but he was feeling very scared of him.The horse on which he was sitting was moving on round circle.Every Time the horse was passing through Kelvin Kyle,Mark could see his bloodshot eyes as if he would eat him alive.

After a few moments the merry-go-round stopped.

"What's next baby?" Rose asked George.

"Roller coaster!" George replied.

"Mark....Mark..." Rose called him.

He was not responding.

Rose again called him.He again didn't respond.She tapped on his shoulder.

"What happened to you?" She said.

He finally regained sense.


"Were you thinking about your future wife?" She asked.

"Huh..No...I don't have any future wife." He was scratching his head.

"Then what were you thinking?" She asked.

"Nothing.What were you saying? "

"George wants to ride on a roller coaster.Let's go."Rose said.

"Lets go."

Mark nodded.First Rose and George was walking and Mark was following them.He checked behind.Kelvin Kyle was following them also.Mark was having the urge off escape from there.

What's his problem!!Why is he following him like creep!He was feeling like crying like a child and go to his dad complaining about his this creepy cousin brother.Who would do this kind of stuff to his nephew.He was feeling nauseous in fear.As he feared him like shit.Kelvin Kyle was the most grumpy between his uncles.He is nine years older than Mark.Still there relationship is not that friendly.Whenever Mark sees him,from his childhood he was very scared of him due to his weird and grumpy behaviour.

"Mark,get the ticket for three of us."Rose said to him.

He was absorbed in deep thought.

" What!Why?Why three?"Mark reacted instantly.

"Because we three are going to ride it!" Rose said.

Mark stared at the roller coster.He was already feeling nauseous and if he rode on this stupid ride he surely would vomit. He was hundred percent sure.There is no doubt.

"Are you crazy?I am not gonna ride this." Mark disagreed.

"Why?Are you scared?"

"Ye.....What the hell!No...I am not scared." Mark pouted.

"Then ride with us..."


"There is no but..You will ride with us." She almost dragged him to the ticket counter.They bought three tickets.

They went to the roller coaster and rode on it.They sat together as there was three seat together in a row.George was in the middle.Rose and Mark was on both of his side.Mark checked for Kelvin Kyle.He was also there with them on the same roller coaster.His seat was just on the opposite side of them.From the distance Mark can clearly see his face.

"Don't be scared brother Mark.I am here.I will take care of you!" George said.

Rose burst out laughter.

"What's wrong?Why are you laughing like a stupid person?" Mark asked with an annoyed voice.

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