My Boss Is So Arrogant

Chapter 69 - Is Mark Your Boyfriend???

Rose was currently sitting on the dining table.Kelvin Kyle was sitting beside her.His full attention was focused on the prawn that was in his hands.He was wearing gloves and peeling the prawn skin.The bowl in front of Rose was full of peeled prawn.Kelvin Kyle was peeling them one by one and placing them in her bowl.Rose was feeling very confused.Why the hell her boss is doing this for her!!She didn't ask him to do this.

"Sir...I think this is enough!!"Rose said suspiciously.May be her boss liked to peel prawn skin that much.

Kelvin Kyle stared at her bowl and placed another piece of peeled prawn.

" You should eat more.I want my secretary to be healthy.What if your thin waist broke while carrying my files!!!People would blame me for not taking care of my secretary."Kelvin Kyle said without expression.

Rose was slightly touched seeing that her boss was peeling prawn for her.But hearing his comment she felt someone threw a bucket of cold water on her face.

"Sir,I think I am healthy.You don't need to worry that much."Rose stuffed a piece of prawn in her mouth.

"You are underweight."

"I am not underweight."

"I checked your medical documents.You are only one hundred and five pound."

Rose furrowed her eyebrows.Why did he need to check her weight!

"Sir,are you going to cook me that's why my weight matters to you?"

Rose suddenly started feeling weird.What if her boss is cannibal!!Is it possible that her boss is waiting for her to gain some weight so that he could enjoy cooking and eating her flesh!!!Is that why her boss offered her the job!!!

"I am two hundred and ten pound.I usually work eighteen hours in a day.In Spite of working that much I take care of myself because for taking care of this business I need to be healthy.Your last medical report is saying your blood glucose level is too low.Its because you don't eat properly."

Rose became embarrassed.He is true.She barely took care of herself.

"Sir,I will try.Thanks for your concern."

"You are welcome.But it would be better if you keep your words!!"

"Yes,sir."Rose nodded.

She felt slightly warm.May be her boss is not that bad she assumed.He really cared for his employees though sometimes he preferred to be a big jerk.

Two of them became silent.Nobody was saying anything to each other.Rose was feeling very awkward due to this strange silence.

Finally Kelvin Kyle broke the silence.

"Actually I have something to discuss with you!"He said with his deep husky voice..

Rose stared at him.What is that special matter that he needed to discuss with her ignoring his business work!!!

"About what?"Her mouth was stuffed with a spoonful of rice.

" About my nephew.Mark."

"Mark?" The spoon in her hand dropped on the table suddenly hearing his name.She became very embarrassed.She didn't need to react that much.Mark is a Kyle.So it is not abnormal that if his uncle Kelvin Kyle wanted to talk about him.

"I am sorry sir.I dropped the spoon." 

Kelvin Kyle straightened his back.Why did she become very nervous??That's mean what he doesn't want is true..

"Is Mark your boyfriend?" He directly asked her.He needed to know the answer before taking any steps.

She choked.She started coughing badly.Kelvin Kyle instantly gave her a glass of water and patted her back.She came back to normal in a while.

"Are you alright now?" He asked.

Rose nodded.

"You didn't answer my question."

Rose gulped in nervousness.

"Sir,Mark is my childhood friend.I know him since we are three.There is nothing like that you are mentioning.We are just friends." Rose said in a breath.

"Good then.May be you can help me then."

"Help!Where?" Rose became surprised.

"For finding a suitable woman for Mark!"

Kelvin Kyle stated.

"What!!Woman for Mark?Is Mark going to get married?" Rose furrowed her eye-brows.

"Yes.Something like that." He said without any expression.

"Oh..."She again concentrated on her food.

Kelvin Kyle was checking her expression.But he became disappointed.Rose's face was currently showing no emotion.It is very difficult to say what she is currently thinking.

" Our Kyle family is very picky about choosing a bride.It will be good for him,if he follows his elder."He said that with an unusual tone.He unnecessarily highlighted the second line.

Rose noticed that.She couldn't understand why he was mentioning these things to her.There is no need to mention these to her.

"Sir,how can I help you in this matter?" She asked.

"You are close to him.I think you know his likings.I will send you some pictures and details.You need to pick some candidates for him."

"Okay sir." She said without any expression.Inside she was smirking.Now it is another option to bully Mark.If Mark knows she is the one who got the responsibility to arrange the woman for him,surely he would go to jump from the terrace.

Other side Kelvin Kyle was becoming more impatient.As he could not understand the current thought of his beloved secretary.


Lizzy is now currently on her shooting spot.She already had done her makeup and dress.Today she has the first shot with the hero of the movie.She never met him in person.She heard about him a lot and he is the hot topic for gossiping.Almost every entertainment magazine use his handsome face for show.Currently he is the top model and actor.

His name is Sean William.

He was already present at the shooting spot.But Lizzy was unable to see his pretty face,as a large crowd was surrounding him.No wonder,he is very famous.

Finally his bodyguards were able to rescue him from his fans.He came to the spot.

The director came and took Lizzy to him.As they had first shot together,they needed to be introduced between themselves.

Sean surprisingly first introduced himself.

"Hello.I am Sean William.Your co actor." He offered his hands toward her.

Lizzy smiled and gladly accepted .

"I am Lizzy Lohan." She was relieved that her co actor is behaving well.In most cases the lead actor turned out to be very arrogant,she heard that.

"Get ready.The shooting will start in just fifteen minutes."

Both of them nodded.

The fifteen minutes was over.Lizzy was dressed in a beautiful sleeveless top and floral skirt.Her make up was as well minimal.

The scene was basically the first encounter with the male lead of the movie.She very well memorised her parts.

She stood on the spot.She is now no longer Lizzy Lohan anymore.She is now Maria.The female lead of this movie.Her mother is ill.Anyone could see she is very tensed from her facial expression.She had dark circles under her eyes which was fakely done by the makeup artist.Her mother had to undergo a major surgery for that she needed a lot amount of money.But she is not that rich to provide the large amount of money.Even she doesn't have a good job.She was trying to search for a good job that could provide the treatment cost.But she failed to find any job.

She was now walking on the road indifferently thinking about her upcoming days.What she will do!!Her hand was tightly holding the purse with her last savings that she earned with great difficulties.Tomorrow is her mother's second chemotherapy session.She needed this for her mother.

But she got panicked when someone tripped over her.The person snatched her purse and was running.

Her last savings...

She badly needed that money for her mother...

The hijacker robbed her money...

She started following the hijacker.She needed to get the purse back at any cost.Without the money she couldn't bear her mother's treatment expenses.

But failed.The hijacker was faster than her.He managed to flee away.

She broke down on her knees.She lost her last savings.Now from where she will

manage the money!!What will happen to her mother!!No way..she cant let her mother die....

Tears were rolling down from her eyes over her cheeks.She started sobbing covering her face with her hands.

"Your purse." Someone said.

She stared at the person.Her purse was in his hand.

"The hijacker was running with your purse.I managed to take this from him.Don't cry.I can see it is very important for you."

He said with his caring gaze.

"Cut." The director shouted.

"Perfect shot.Very nice as usual,Sean.Great job,Lizzy." The director complimented them.

Lizzy smiled.Finally her efforts started showing colors.

"You did very well,Lizzy.I heard it is your first time acting in a movie."Sean said.

" Yes.You heard right."Lizzy smiled.

"You acted very well in spite of this being your first time.Very impressive."

"Thanks." Lizzy felt good.

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