My Boss Is So Arrogant

Chapter 72 - Boss Again Saved Me!!!

Next day,Rose was working on the office just like other days.She was floating with thousands of files.She was hoping that her boss will give her the day off.But all her hope went to vain.She didn't get the day off and even her boss is still working with her at the office.What a weird guy!!Which guy worked on the office on the day of his engagement ceremony.He could give his employees the day off.Instead of that he was working.She was cursing him in her mind hard.

And she was also wondering,what is the reaction of Vanessa after knowing that he is working in the office.How will she tolerate a jerk like him!!But maybe that's not a problem.She is a bigger jerk than her as last time she saw her.

"Are you done?" A deep husky voice asked from the door of her cabin.

Rose stared at the direction.Its her devil boss.What a jerk!Cant he knock before coming here!!!But unfortunately she can't say that loud.Because she is not a jerk like her arrogant boss.

"Almost done.Do you need something?" Rose asked.

Kelvin Kyle entered her cabin and stood in front of her.

"Yes.You have come with me somewhere?"

"Me?Where?" Rose furrowed her eyebrows. She had a ton of workload.Now Where should she go now with her boss!!!

"Come with me.You will know when you will come." Kelvin Kyle said.

"Okay sir." Rose didn't question further.Because she knew that there is no use of questioning him.

Rose followed him.They first took Kelvin Kyle's personal elevator and went to his sports car.His driver opened the car door for them.They got into the car.

"Sir!"Rose said.

" Yes."Kelvin Kyle replied.

"I haven't seen a guy working on his engagement ceremony!'She said.

" Thanks for your compliment.I know I am unique."Kelvin Kyle smirked.

"That's not a compliment." Rose gritted her teeth.What a weird guy.

"Okay.I am taking that as a compliment." He smiled revealing his beautiful aligned teeth.

Rose looked at him.Whenever he smiled,he really looked very handsome.But he always liked to keep his cold image.Cant he smile often!!!Then it would be a more easy situation while working for the people around him.

"Miss Wesley,I know I am handsome but it is very shameless manner keep staring at your boss for years." Kelvin Kyle curled his lips.

Rose became embarrassed.He caught her staring at him.

"I am not staring at you.I was just thinking about your fiance.What will be her expression when she will come to know that you are still working now." Rose said.

"It looks like you are very much concerned about me." He said sarcastically.

"I am not concerned about you.I am just feeling pity for her.Your poor pregnant.....''Rose was purposefully trying to get on his nerve.As he always tried to torment her,now it's her time to taunt him about this matter.

" She is not pregnant..."Kelvin Kyle's facial expression changed.His voice was very cold.

Rose sighed a long breath.She was feeling very bitter.She knew that her boss is mean and arrogant.But he rescued her when she was in the problem.She never expected that her boss would be a same perverted jerk like her ex boyfriend.Who is still denying that face that he made his girlfriend pregnant.Even he was not willing to marry her.May be all men are same.

"Boss,we have reached." Kelvin Kyle's driver said.

Both of them came out from the car.It was a shopping mall.Rose was wondering why her boss took her here.Does he want to shop something from here?For whom?Vanessa?May be things are sorted out between them.But from his attitude,it doesn not look like things are sorted out between them.

Rose didn't ask him anything.She very well knew that he can't answer any question straight.

Rose was following him from the behind.Kelvin Kyle took the elevator of the shopping mall.Rose as well entered into it.

The elevator was very crowded.There is hardly any place to stand.Rose stood beside Kelvin Kyle.aThe worst thing is,it was taking a lot of time to reach their desired floor as it was very crowded. After thirty second,Rose felt that someone was touching her back.Rose stared at the person.The person seemed to be too young.May be in his early twenties.He is even younger than her.

She felt extremely disgusted.If she had any younger brother,may be he would be like his age.Still he was doing this kind of perverted thing to her.Today she was wearing a five inch high heels.She tripped over his foot.He instantly took back his hand from her body.

Rose sighed a breath of relief.Rose is always an introvert person.May be that is the problem.If there is Lizzy instead of her,maybe she would beat that pervert young guy till now.But she is Rose.Even if someone bully her,she always tries to ignore them.Unless the condition is not extreme,Rose rarely pays any attention.

But it was not over.After some time,Rose felt someone was touching her again.This time his hand was over her chest area.Rose felt that her blood was boiling.As she was about to give a slap on his face,she saw something else instead of that.

Kelvin Kyle was pressing him on the wall of the elevator.One of Kelvin Kyle's hand was pressing his neck.The guy was almost out of breath.His face went pale and his eyes were about to pop out from the eye ball.Kelvin Kyle's face was very cold.Rose felt that it was not his boss's usual self that she always faced while working with him.He is much more colder and scarier than his usual self.

"Hey!What's the problem dude?Leave him..He is gonna die....." Someone from the crowd said out loud

"Is he crazy!!!"

"I think that guy has a mental problem."

"Maybe he escaped from the mental asylum."

"Leave him,sir.He will die." Rose held her boss's hand.She was feeling very bitter in her heart.At the same time she was concerned for her boss.She doesn't want him to create any kind of mess for her.

Kelvin Kyle left him.

"This filthy piece of shit dared to touch her inappropriately.Are you guys expecting me to treat him like a prince except beating him!!!" He said out loud.

Suddenly all the humming sound stopped in the elevator.

That guy was coughing badly.After a few seconds when he gained some energy to speak.He started shouting.

"If you want your woman not to be harassed in the public then say her to be dressed like a decent woman."

Kelvin Kyle grew angrier than before.

He held his collar.

"What do you mean?" Kelvin Kyle was throwing him death glare.

"She is wearing these tight clothes showing off her hot figure,inviting the men.If she doesn't want this she shouldn't wear those clothes....."

Kelvin Kyle slapped him harder in his face.

"She will wear what she wants to wear.Who are you to judge her character?" He was very furious.

The guy didn't say a word.He found it right to keep quiet now.He was very scared of the attitude of Kelvin Kyle.The door of the elevator opened.The guy tried to flee from there.But Kelvin Kyle stopped him by holding his collar.He was not willing to let him go.He wanted to gave him a few more punches and kick.That b*stard deserved thia for touching his beloved secretary.

"Sir,leave him.I think that's enough for him." Rose interrupted her boss from beating him more.She was feeling very embarrassed due to what happened today.

Kelvin Kyle let him go.The guy almost ran away from the elevator.

The elevator door again closed and started moving.This time Kelvin Kyle went to a corner towering his little secretary.As if his large frame was working as a shield to hide her secretary's tiny frame so that no one can reach to her.He stood there whole time guarding her until they reached their desired floor.

When they came out from the elevator,the whispering sound again started ringing.

"Hey!Isn't he Kelvin Kyle???"

"Who!!The owner of Kyle Corporation..."

"That billionaire Kyle!Oh my god..."

"Did you see how he defended that woman!!!"

"Yes,I saw.But I am confused...Who is she to him..."

"Maybe his girlfriend."

"But she was addressing him as sir..."

"Then he might be her boss."

"Oh my god.I am impressed how he defended his employee.I wish I were in her place."

"You are right.I am f*cking jealous of her...I am so impressed.He is so handsome."

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