My Boss Is So Arrogant

Chapter 80 - Engagement Turned Into Disaster!!!

Kelvin Kyle took the ring and about to put the ring on her finger.

Vanessa was waiting for him to put on the ring with a big smile on her face.But a strong wind blew away breaking everyone's attention.

Everyone opened their mouths in shock...

What the hell is happening..

A helicopter!!!!

The venue was open.It was all arranged on the beside of Kelvin Kyle's big pool.

But from where did the helicopter come!!!Suddenly why did it appear.

The helicopter came so close to them to the venue.But surprisingly it didnt land.It was unable to guess whoever was inside it.

"What the..." Kelvin Kyle was about to shout but before he could yell his body fell on the ground.

Blood started dripping from his chest.

kelvin Kyle was shot!A bullet was shot on his left side of the chest.Exactly where the heart is positioned.Somebody shot him from the helicopter.

Everybody stared at him with horror.

"Kelvin..." Vanessa screamed.She instantly sat on the ground and tried to shake his body to wake him up.

Noah,Ian Kyle,Mark,Rose,Lizzy everybody came running to see him.Even Damien Kyle couldn't stay away far.He also came.

Noah Kyle broke on his knee on the ground and put his son's head on his lap.

"Kelvin,open your eyes." He screamed.His heart was aching like hell as if it was him,his heart was shot by the bullet.

Joseph Konner,Kelvin Kyle's friend who was a doctor was also present there.He came running.

"Uncle!Don't be panicked.We need to admit him in the hospital instantly."

"Luca....Luca...." Ian Kyle shouted.

Luca instantly responded.

"Ready the car.We have to take him to hospital instantly,just now!!" Ian Kyle said restlessly.

Luca almost ran.He again came back in just thirty seconds.Noah Kyle was still hugging his son's body staring at him coldly.As if he had no idea what was happening around him.Actually it was not shocking..Kelvin Kyle was his son.He was shot by bullet in his chest.How could he be in his senese!

Luca was about to hold his body.But someone stopped him.Luca stared at him.

Damien Kyle!!

Damien Kyle held his brother's unconscious body up and hurried to the car.Ian,Noah,Damien Kyle and Joseph Konner and Luca left with unconscious Kelvin Kyle toward the hospital leaving all the guests speechless.

Rose was in a daze.Today when they were coming back from the mall someone tried to shoot him.But somehow her boss survived.Again someone did the same things.But this time he was shot.What if he dies!!!Rose felt her cheeks were wet.Tears were rolling from her beautiful brown eyes.

She became surprised.Was she crying?But why was she crying for her boss?Wasn't he very mean to her always!!When did she grow such affection that she was crying seeing his condition like this.

She carefully wiped her face as nobody noticed her.

"It's so strange that somebody dared to shoot him like this!" Alexander Queen said.

"You are right!How can a helicopter come so easily and shoot him that easily!He has top class security around his mansion.It doesn't make sense." Mark narrowed his eyes.

"It was a helicopter!Maybe that's why before the security could do anything they already shot him." Lizzy said.

"But still I can't digest the fact!Who has this kind of large gut to shoot him like this kind of occasion." Mark sighed a long breath.

"Yes I can smell conspiracy." Alexander Queen nodded.

Rose was sealing her lips tightly.She was not in the mood of talking.She doesn't know why but she was feeling very restless.

"I need to go back." Rose said.

"I will drop you." Mark said.

Rose nodded.

"What happened to you?Rose....You look pale..." Lizzy said in a concerned voice.

"Your eyes are red,Rose...Are you crying? " Alexander Queen asked her.

"No,Maybe something's gotten into my eyes." Rose said.

"Let me see..." Lizzy checked her eyes but there was nothing.

"There is nothing in your eyes." Lizzy said.

"I am not feeling good.Mark,lets leave please." Rose said with her pleading eyes.

"Okay...." Mark sighed.


Vanessa was still standing there with a gloomy expression.

"Mom...." She hugged her mother and started crying.All her hope nipped in bud.All her dream died with Kelvin Kyle.

"Mom...Did you see what happened?Why did I have bad luck like this!!Mom...What will happen now?" Vanessa started crying.

"Don't cry my baby..Everything will be alright.."Diana patted her head.She was trying to console her.

" Mom,what if Kelvin dies...Whoever dared to shoot him surely will die a miserable death.For that stupid person all my hopes are shattered."Vanessa was crying hard.

"Don't worry dear.Nothing will happen to him.He will be recovered soon and surely will marry and that's only with you."

Vanessa nodded.Insider herself,she was hoping that her mother's word came true.


Damien,Ian and Noah Kyle were waiting outside the operation theatre.They were sitting on the bench.

The hospital was quite clean and elegant from inside and outside.It was the most expensive hospital in the country.No need to mention the owner is Kelvin Kyle.But it was irony of fate that he was currently lying on his own hospital hit by a bullet.After about an hour,Joseph came from inside.

"How is his condition?" Noah Kyle stood up and asked impatiently.

Joseph Konner sighed a long breath.He touched his shoulder.

"Uncle...Be strong." He said.His expression was not pleasant at all.

"What do you mean?" Damien Kyle stood up.

"Dami,we were able to remove his bullet.But the wound is very serious.It almost pierced his heart."Joseph Konner explained.

" Brother Josie,won't be Kel brother alright?"Ian Kyle asked.

Joseph Konner stared at him.

"I don't know.His organs were not responding properly.We have to shift him in the ICU."

"ICU?" Noah Kyle mumbled.

"If he doesn't regain his consciousness in twenty four hours.He will be in coma for his rest life." Joseph Konner said and left.

"Dad...Don't worry.Bro will be alright." Ian Kyle hugged his father.

Noah Kyle didnt hug him back as if he was frozen at his place.

"Did you hear what Joseph had said..." he mumbled.

"Dad.Dont pay attention to this.I know the first brother will be alright soon.Nothing can happen to him." Ian Kyle tried to console him.

"Damien...Wont you say anything?" Noah Kyle said coldly.

"Are you trying to give me the allegation that I tried to kill Kelvin?'Damien Kyle stared intensely at his father.

" Damien...I don't think there is another person in the city,even in this country,who will dare to shoot Kelvin?"Noah Kyle slightly raised his voice.

"If I wanted to kill him just by shooting I would do that earlier.I wouldn't wait for this day for so long!" Damien Kyle was feeling very angry.

Yes!He wanted revenge but not by this.....

"Damien,Didn't you want revenge from me and your brother?Can you deny it?" Noah Kyle stares directly into his eyes.

"Yes...i wanted.But I would have done something then it was not that easy.I would make sure you two suffer for your rest of the life...." Damien Kyle shouted with anger and left the place like a storm.

"Did you see that Ian....Have I raised him for this year to see this kind of attitude!" Noah Kyle said with a pain expression over his face.

"Dad,he is very angry.Don't take his words into your heart.I am hundred percent sure he didn't do this.Second brother loves first brother very much..." Ian Kyle said.

Noah Kyle sighed helplessly.


Rose was back at her apartment.She already put off the dress that Kelvin Kyle gifted him gifted him as reward.She put on her night wear.Now she is at her bed.She closed her eyes.After five minutes again she opened her eyes and went toward her balcony.She stared at the sky.Today there was no moon on the sky but a lot of stars.From her childhood whenever she used to miss her parents,she stared at the sky as she considered the brightest two star as her parents.She was feeling very restless.She was standing on the balcony for sometimes then came back to her room.She again went to sleep.But after trying of almost half an hour,she was unable to sleep.She sat on her bed again opening her sleepless eyes.

She checked the time.It was half past eleven.She took her phone and after hesitating sometimes she dialled someone.

After a few times of ringing the person picked up the call...

"Hello..." A male voice said from the otherside....

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