My Boss Is So Arrogant

Chapter 86 - I Have Seen Many Handsome Men Besides You!!!

"I want wine!Wine is good for health..." Kelvin Kyle muttered under his breath.

Rose and Joseph Konner both exchanged a look between them.

"Sir,it's not good to drink wine now.At least wait till you recover." Rose said to him with a concerned voice.

"I am already recovered.Nothing happened to me!" Kelvin Kyle mumbled under his breath.

"Sir did you say something?" Rose asked.

"No."Kelvin Kyle gritted his teeth.

" I am sending dinner for both of you."Joseph Konner left.

In a few moments,a woman dressed in a nurse's outfit came with a tray full of food for them.She served the food.Her whole concentration was on Kelvin Kyle as if he was a piece of delicious meat.As if it was her first time seeing a handsome guy like him.Kelvin Kyle threw a cold glare at her.The nurse immediately shurkened in fear.She didn't expect him to be that rude.His rude attitude really doesn't go with his handsome face.

"Leave!!" Kelvin Kyle ordered.

"But master Dr.Konner asked me to serve the food....." The nurse tried to say.

"I said leave.Are you deaf?" Kelvin Kyle said in a very cold voice.

The nurse hurriedly left.Almost ran away from the cabin.Rose saw everything.She didn't get it why Kelvin Kyle had such a mean attitude to everyone.Does it cost money to be good with everyone!His this kind of behaviour really doesn't make sense to her.What did he achieve by behaving like this!!!

Rose went to serve the food to his boss.She took a bowl of soup and offered it to him.Kelvin Kyle took the bowl.He is now currently wearing green color loose hospital pajamas and sitting on his bed.Rose took a good look at him.It was very rare opportunity to see his boss except his professional suits.Still in the loose hospital pajama he was looking still very handsome.That normal pajama was unable to suppress his strong unique aura.

Rose averted her gaze.Its not the right time of admiring her boss.She took a bowl of rice and started eating. 

Kelvin Kyle was checking her from time to time.Seeing her busy in eating he felt slightly irritated.He was also mad.Is this woman really a human!!!Or an alien from some other planet...Here is Kelvin Kyle who have everything...look,charm,money...With only his handsome face and greek god like physical feature he was able to capture any woman's mind very easily.But of course it's needed to mention that he is able to capture any woman who is normal.But Kelvin Kyle was feeling like Rose was really insane..Otherwise till now she should understand that her boss wants her to fall for him.Kelvin Kyle was feeling hitting his head hard on the wall.

Suddenly an evil thought crossed his mind.He purposefully dropped the spoon and poured some of the soup from his bowl over his dress and screamed.

"Ahhh...." As if he is in pain.

Rose immediately came to check him.

"Sir are you alright!" She asked him.

"My hand slipped." He said.

Rose looked at him with sympathy.His dress is now spoiled with soup.

"Did you burn yourself?I guess soup was hot."Rose said with a concerned voice.

" Maybe."

"Sir,please let me check." Rose went closer to him and pulled his pajama to see if his skin was burnt.

Kelvin Kyle curled his lips.The soup was warm but not boiling hot.So there was no chance of burning.

Again he fakely wrinkled his face.As if he is in pain.

"Sir,are you feeling pain?" Rose asked.As she can see there is nothing like a burn mark.If it was burnt the skin should be red.

"Yes,slightly!" He answered

"Oh..Maybe it is burnt then." Rose stood up and came back with a first aid kit.

"Please,sir remove your pajama.Let me help you." Rose helped him to remove the dress.

His upper body was now bare.only a piece of bandage was on his left side of the chest.Rose was exclaiming in her mind again.How can he maintain such a good figure in spite of working all day long!When did he work out...His well built physique was not less than a professional international model.May be better than those models.

"Rose,Its not good to rape your boss by your pervert eyes!" Kelvin Kyle said curling his lips.

"Sir,do you think you are the only handsome man on the earth!"Rose gritted her teeth.Again his mean behaviour was showing up.She took the ointment and started applying her abdominal muscle.

" Obviously!I am the most handsome..There is no doubt..."Kelvin Kyle said proudly.

"I have seen many handsome men besides you!May be more handsome than you!" Rose said smiling.

"Really!Who are they?Will you bother to explain?" Kelvin Kyle's face instantly darkened.He didn't expect Rose to tell that.

"Sir,don't worry!I am not interested in you.I don't care about face that much nor money." Rose said.She was still applying the ointment on his skin.

"Then what do you care about?" He asked.

"I only care about family.Actually liking someone or falling in love,dating or marriage...everything is kind of useless to me.I just want to do my job decently and want my salary.Thats it!" Rose said coldly.She was done with applying ointment on his skin.She took the first aid kit and put it on its right place.

"That's mean!You are planning to stay single for the rest of your life?" Kelvin Kyle asked her.

"I am not planning anything.I am just not thinking about this stuff right now." She said.

"Can I know why?" He asked.

"If I want to know that why you don't like Vanessa and didn't want to marry her...Will you explain it to me?" Rose asked, staring direct at his mesmerising grey eyes.

Kelvin Kyle looked at her eyes sometimes and finally smiled.

"You are really smart!" He said while smiling.

"Look...You are not willing to explain to me.Then why should I?" Rose said.

"Rose...Sometimes things are too difficult to be explained.Even if I explain you wont understand.Life of a billionaire is not really that easy or fun.May be you can understand as you came from the same background like me." Kelvin Kyle said.

Rose sighed a long breath.He is right.She came from the same background.But lost all of them due to her bad luck.


"Congratulations Mr Morgan...."

A big conference room and full of important and city's all known businesses.Everyone was clapping and congratulating him.Except one!!Alexander Queen.From his facial expression anyone can see that.He is not happy at all and he didn't even intend to hide it. It was an important meeting for all of them.Because today a deal was finalised and Damien Kyle aka Massimo Morgan got the deal.So Alexander Queen was feeling kind of irritated as he doesn't like him.

After a few moments everyone started leaving.Alexander Queen also was about to leave but stopped hearing a voice.

"Mr Queen...."

Alexander Queen turned his neck.It was Massimo Morgan.Why is he calling him?

"Yes,Mr Morgan!!Do you want to say something?" Alexander Queen said.

"You seem to be unhappy!" Damien Kyle curled his lips.

"Do you have any important things to say?" Alexander Queen felt his anger was rising.This person came to make fun of him as he can see.

"It looks like our Mr Queen has no longer control on his anger issue.By the I heard that you have undergone a major heart surgery..I guess it's not good for your health to be angry this much." Damien Kyle smirked.

"Mr Morgan or Kyle whoever you are.I think you think yourself too smart." Alexander Queen said while putting a fake smile on his face.

"Because I am smart!That's why!" Damiem Kyle said with sarcasm.

"Too much cunning overreaches itself.You applied an illegal way to get the deal Mr Morgan.You intentionally stole my information.I am just surprised you have still the gut to talk to me like this!" Alexander Queen said with an ugly expression.

"Mr Queen.There is nothing as illegal in my dictionary everything is legal and fair.If you don't have the ability of saving yourself why are you blaming others!"

'Mr Morgan,you are messing with the wrong person!!The result wont be good.I will make you pay for everything that you stole and try to steal!For everything!!!! Mind it..."Alexander Queen slightly raised his corner of the lips.

"Okay I will keep that in my mind..By the way let's see what you can do to me!I am also curious..." Damien Kyle smirked.

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