My Boss Is So Arrogant

Chapter 89 - Threatening Note!!!

"Dad...I have heard enough.Now directly say what you want to say exactly!" Luther said with an unhappy expression.

"You broke up with Melissa?" Arther asked his son.

"Thats none of your business." Luther removed the quilt from his body and got up from the bed.

"Obviously it's my business.There is no way you can turn your face from her."

"Years ago,you forced me to leave Rose.You just only care about your money,business...Not about me!Did you even think about me that what I want?Dad....." Luther said, staring at his father.

"What did you see in Rose?I don't get it why you don't like Melissa...She got everything..."Arther said. 

" Dad...You controlled me a lot.I have endured enough.Now I won't let you control my life more.I am not into Melissa. stop convincing me."Luther said with a stiff expression.

"So you decided to leave Melissa?"


"Then what's your next plan?You are gonna get back with Rose?" Arther asked his son in a very cold voice.

Luther did not reply to his father.

"Do you think Kelvin will leave you if you try to snatch his woman?" Arther Maxwell furrowed his eyebrows.

"She is not his woman."

"You are blind,Luther!"

"Dad,I am gonna be with her for sure.Just wait and watch.And Kelvin won't be able to stop me."

"Luther,Listen.Kelvin is an ex mafia boss...You know what!Last time he decided not to kill you,it was your good luck.He gave me a clear ultimatum that if you repeat your mistake again,it won't be good for you!"

"So what!You know what dad,his own brother Damien is against him.Even I heard the rumor that mafia lord Prince has a grudge against him.So there is no way that he will survive so long."

"I think instead of these things you should concentrate on your own business.."

"I am concerned with my own businesses.Its Kelvin that he is messing with my things." Luther said.

"I am giving you clear warning that don't do anything silly.You will suffer."

Luther curled his lips.He didn't think it is important to pay attention to his father currently now.He has his own plans.Just a few days.He will achieve his goal.....


Rose was busy on checking the files.Tomorrow she will be back to her apartment and Kelvin Kyle will be as well discharged.So torture will finally come to an end.It was dinner time one of the nurses of the hospital came with dinner tray and leaving the tray she left.

Rose didn't pay attention to the dinner tray.It was in front of the Kelvin Kyle.She was still busy checking the file.Kelvin Kyle stared at her direction.He felt slightly irritated.This woman really is something else.Where all the women begged for his company,here she doesnt care at all.What the hell!

Kelvin Kyle cleared his throat.

"Don't you think you should serve me the food?" Kelvin Kyle said.

Rose stares at her boss's direction.She has a pen on her hand.Sometimes she was putting the pen in her mouth unconsciously.Kelvin Kyle was finding it a very amazing sight to look at.Inside he was hoping if he was a pen at least he could get the opportunity to come in contact to her cherry lips.

"I don't think that it's a job of a personal secretary!" She said, revealing a fake smile.

"You really dont have heart,Rose!!" Kelvin Kyle sighed.

"Huh!!Wait...Did you say that I am heartless..The great emperor Kelvin Kyle who is considered to be the most heartless bachelor..."Rose said with sarcasm.

"I am ill,Rose.At least considering my illness you could have served me." Kelvin Kyle said.

"If it is the case,you could say the nurse.Last time you scared her instead of asking her." Rose said.

"I didn't like her." Kelvin Kyle said.

"Why?" Rose narrowed her eyes.

"She is a pervert!What if she takes my advantage..." Kelvin Kyle said.

Rose was feeling like she couldn't decide whether she should laugh or cry hearing this kind of stupid comment.

"Seriously!!Sir how can she do that.She is a woman." Rose said, staring at him.

"What if she is a woman!Didn't you see how she was looking at me as if she was about to eat me!" Kelvin Kyle said with a very serious expression.

Rose sighed a long breath.She decided not to argue more.She very well knows that there is no use of talking with him.He always keeps talking nonsenses.She sometimes wonders how he deals with his huge kingdom with this kind of thought.

"Sir,last time you said me pervert also!I am not gonna serve you!"Rose again concentrated on her files.

Kelvin Kyle this time regretted.Why did he need to pull her legs!Now she is refusing to serve him dinner.

" Okay...I agree that I said you pervert.But there is a difference between the pervertness of you and she!"Kelvin Kyle said.

Rose stared at him furrowing her eyebrows.

"What is the difference?"Rose asked him.

"Actually you are less pervert and she is more pervert.I think there is no wrong with being less pervert.So you can serve me.I don't mind people being less pervert." Kelvin Kyle said in a very serious tone.

".............." Rose was speechless.Like seriously...What is less pervert!She hasn't heard about this in her lifetime...She is sure if she will keep working for her boss she surely will be an insane person very soon.

"If you serve me,I will give you a hundred dollar extra..." Kelvin Kyle added.

Rose stared at her boss and stood up.

"I don't want it.I am doing it because you are ill now.For the sake of humanity." Rose said and sat on the hospital bed maintaining a considerable distance with her boss.

She took a bowl and poured some soup into it and gave it to her boss.

"Will you mind feeding me this?My arms are a little sore." Kelvin Kyke said in an exceptionally gentle tone.

Rose couldn't deny him.There was something into his voice that she couldn't deny him.

She took the spoon and started feeding it to her boss.

Kelvin Kyle was drinking the soup.He drank the same soup in the lunch and made by the same cook.He was feeling the taste of the soup was unusually good.

After finishing feeding her boss,Rose took the tray from his bed.

"Thank you...Rose." Kelvin Kyle said smiling.

"You are welcome,sir." Rose smiled at him back.

Rose felt sometimes her boss is extremely gentle toward her.Finding her boss's this side is a very rare opportunity.It wouldn't be that bad,if he is always very gentle like this.


"Did you find out all the cctv footage?" Alexander Queen asked Rick.

"Yes,Boss." Rick nodded.He checked all the cctv footage and luckily able to see the culprit.May be he is not aware that there was a camera everywhere to check their action.Rick handed his boss over the photos.

Alexander Queen took the photos and saw it.His jaw clenched.

"Where is he?" He asked, narrowing his deep seated turquoise eyes.His eyes were still on the photo.

"In the cell..."Rick said.

" did he confess who sent him?"

"Yes sir."

Alexander Queen averted his gaze from the photos and stared at Rick.

"It should be Damien I guess."He said.

" Yes Sir.You are right."

"Now leave!You know what you have to do with him...."He said coldly.

Rick nodded and left.He was feeling confused.His boss is quite a peaceful person and hardly any enemy.So suddenly an enemy who is trying to trap him,it doesn't make that sense to him.Why suddenly Damien Kyle is holding a grudge Against him...There must be a valid reason.

Alexander Queen took his phone and called somewhere.After a few times of ringing the person picked up the call.

" hello.."He said.

"Finally you called.By the way I thought you would call earlier." It was said from the other side of the phone.

"Damien..What's your problem?Will you bother to say why are you after me?" He gritted his teeth.

Damien Kyle laughed.

"Don't be so angry!It's not good for your health...I heard your heart condition is not that good." Damien Kyle said laughing.

"Stop talking nonsense.You are messing with the wrong person!" 

"It should be said by me,Mr Queen.You are the first who messed with me!" Damien Kyle said.

"Really!Are you serious dude?I messed with you?When?Will you bother to explain?" Alexander Queen was feeling confused.

"Didn't you tell me the threatening notes?" Damien Kyle said in a cold voice.


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