My Boss Is So Arrogant

Chapter 91 - George Went To His Pretty Sister's Office!

Even Sean was surprised as well.What the hell is going on!Why did Damien start acting like this....What's wrong with him!!!

The director came running.

"Mr Morgan is there any problem!!"The director asked.He was feeling very confused as well as worried.Suddenly why did he become so angry that he hit the man.

" What the hell!Is this how the script is written?"Damien Kyle asked.His voice was showing clear anger.

Lizzy was silent till now.She was also confused like everyone in the shooting spot.She finally decided to speak.

"Mr Morgan,if there is any problem in the script then we are really sorry.It is unintentional but will you please bother to explain where is the Problem?" Lizzy asked.

"I want to speak with the director alone..." Damien Kyle said coldly.

"Everyone leave..." The director said.

Everyone left the place.

"Mr Morgan..I am very sorry.Whats the problem?" The director said.

"What was that scene?" Damien Kyle said coldly.

"Huh...That scene..." The director was surprised.This kind of scene is very common.It's a part of the acting.Why is he reacting too much!

"I don't want that kind of scene in the movie.Specially any seductive scene involving the heroine.Did you get it?" Damien Kyle stared at him with his strong cold gaze.

The director nodded.He was about to say something but instantly thinking of something he decided not to tell.If Damien Kyle is saying so then there is no other choice.He has to follow him.As he is the main investor.Actually whole investment of the movie is from him.So no way they can deny his decision.

"And one thing.Don't make her wear such a short dress.I think it's not a very good idea to show that much of the skin."He said.

The director sighed a long breath and nodded.What's wrong with him!Wearing short dresses for actresses are also very common.Sometimes according to need of the characters they have to wear many kind of dresses.Its not such a big deal.But Damien Kyle is making a big issue about this..

" And again I am mentioning you again,if you put any kind scene again in the movie,I will make sure you are bankrupt.Did you get it?"Damien Kyle said in a very cold voice.

"Okay,Mr Morgan.Don't worry.I will remove all the scenes."

Damien Kyle left leaving a speechless director behind him.


"Do you have any idea why suddenly Mr Morgan became angry?"Sean asked Lizzy.

" i don't know.How can I know!"Lizzy said in an annoyed tone.

"But I want to say something if you don't mind," Sean said, staring at her.

"If you say something weird of course I will mind!Sorry I can't give you a guarantee." Lizzy said.

"Then leave it." Sean sighed a long breath.

"I don't get why you create scenes too much for saying some silly things!Lizzy smiled.

"You know why! i am an actor.So creating the scene is in my blood."Sean also smiled.

"Now say it.What do you want to say."

"actually somehow I feel Mr Morgan is jealous.." Sean said after hesitating sometimes.


"I don't know.May be he is jealous that the man was about to touch you.."

"What the hell are you speaking..."

"Lizzy..I felt that."

"I really don't know where you got this kind of terrible thought!" Lizzy shook her head.

"Okay.If you don't want to believe then don't believe.I felt like that that's why I am telling you!" Sean sighed a long breath.

Lizzy remained silent.Actually she always found Damien Kyle weird.May be its normal for him to put this kind of weird act.So she wasn't thinking much about that.


Rose was at her apartment.Finally her workaholic boss allowed her to leave the hospital.Finally she can relax in her room.And the good thing is George was also with her.She have not meet with him for a long time.So she decided to call George to her place.Her grandfather Paul brought him to her apartment and left.Today George will spend the whole day with his pretty sister.But unfortunately she has office today.But she decided to take George with herself.She was just praying her devil boss won't mind at this.

George was very excited as he can finally see his pretty sister's office where she works.He opened his little bag and started trying all of his dresses.

"Pretty sister,do I look good in this shirt?" George asked.

Rose looked at him and gave him a beautiful smile.

"No matter what do you wear.You are always very handsome my baby boy." Rose pinched his cheek.

"Pretty sister!You always speak like this.Please tell in which outfit I look the best?" George asked with his sparkling eyes.

"Why?Do you want to impress all the ladies there?" Rose smiled.

"No.I just only care about you!" George pouted.

"Then why do you want to wear the best outfit?" Rose asked.

"I just want to show your boss that I am more handsome than him.In case if he is thinking he can snatch you from me,I won't let that happen.Pretty sister is only mine." Geroge said with a serious expression on his face.

Rose burst out laughter.

"Really.My baby boy!!!Then wear the black shirt.You look best in this.In fact you are the most handsome baby boy I have ever seen." Rose placed a kiss on his soft cheek.

George also gave a kiss on her forehead.After a lovey dovey interaction both of them finally dressed up and left for the office.Both of them reached at the Kyle Corporation.

"Wow...Pretty sister!Your boss has a great office." George said with excitement.

"Yes.Baby." Rose smiled.

"One day I will make an office that will be better then this.You will work with me." George said to his pretty sister.

Rose suddenly felt a wave of warmth in her heart.Though George might be a kid who is only four,but his maturity level is greater than the age of the same age children.And the important thing is he really cares for her.

"I love you,my baby boy.Hope your wish comes true." Rose said.

"Hey....Rose!Who is this kid?" Someone said out loud.

Rose and George both turned their head to him.It was Jay Miller.

"This is my brother,Jay." Rose said.

"Oh god!This little guy is really handsome.He really looks like you." Jay Miller said.

Rose smiled at him.

"Yes,I look like my pretty sister!" George became so happy.Whenever somebody mentions that he looks like his pretty sister his mood becomes good instantly."

"Bye,Jay.Talk to you later." Rose said.

Jay Miller left.George and Rose was also going toward the direction of her cabin.Rose sighed a breath of relief.Its been only four days that her boss got shot.So it is certain that Kelvin Kyle will rest at his mansion.Finally she can work peacefully by herself.And also George can be with herself.He is really a sensible child so she didn't need to worry for him.

They entered the cabin.Rose started working as usual.She started replying to all the emails.

"Pretty sister.I am feeling bored.Can I play outside your cabin?" George asked her.

"No,George.Stay here with me." Rose said.

"Pretty sister,Please." George pleaded with his puppy dog eyes.

"Okay.Just don't get lost okay?" Rose finally agreed.

"Okay.Thank you pretty sister!" George jumped in the excitement and almost ran away from there.

He started running on the floor.This floor is personal.Only restricted for Kelvin Kyle.Rose's Cabin is beside his.So on the whole floor normally Rose and Kelvin Kyle stays there.But today Kelvin Kyle was not there.George was running here and there and playing on his own.After all he is just a four year kid.Acting like this is normal for them

"Hey..Kiddo..." A deep male voice drew George's attention.

George looked at the person who just called him.Staring at the person,he remained silent for sometimes.

It is Kelvin Kyle.First of all he is a workaholic person.And secondly he was not shot in reality so there is no way he can waste his time by only sitting at home without any cause.

"What are you doing here?" Kelvin Kyle was feeling very strange to see that child.Specially when he is staring at this little kid's child he is feeling very familiar.His grey eyes are almost similar to him.As if he is seeing his own self when he was a child himself.

"I guess you are my pretty sister's boss?" George asked him without any hesitation.

"Your pretty sister!You are talking about Rose?" Kelvin Kyle slightly curled his lips.

"Yes.By the way you are not even that handsome like me!" Goerge said.

"Huh!" Kelvin Kyle exclaimed in amusement.

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