David hurriedly dropped the tray on her bed side table. He gave her a cup of water from the tray.

She took the water from him still struggling to breathe. David stayed rubbing her back so she didn't choke all the more.

"What happened he asked immediately she stopped coughing." She eyed him and dropped the Cup of water. Her c.h.e.s.t ached.

"Thanks for the food you can go now. I just well choked." Her eyes twitched a little. She closed them and opened them again inhaling.

"You keep treating me like I'm, like I'm nothing."? He shook his head and walked out. She felt that. Felt his words sting her like a thousand bees.


There was a lot of struggle going on in her mind. She decided she would apologise to him tomorrow. She didn't open the plates to see what he had them prepare for her. She did not deserve to eat not after the way she had treated him.

She tried to scribble more on her diary and did not know when she fell asleep trying.

She was woken by her own anguished cry in the night, propping herself up unsteadily on one elbow and fumbling for the bedside lamp she opened her eyes to be met by pitch darkness.

With a click the

Darkness was pushed back into the corners of the room, and her heart rate gradually began to slow, primal panic was replaced by a deep sense of unease.

A sheen of cold perspiration coated her face and upper c.h.e.s.t. She had dreamt that Julio got out of prison and he was coming for her. The dream had felt so real.

David who slept outside her door was awoken by her screams. He ran into her room the door opening up for him immediately he touched it even though Gloria had locked it from inside. The house was obedient to him.

Gloria was hugging her duvet, her hands shaking when he came in. She didn't cry but her mind was nearly lost.

He knelt down on the bed and hugged her and she absentmindedly hugged him too c.a.r.e.s.sing his arm.

"My dad lost his job when I was ten. He developed stroke from stress and his company kicked him out still he struggled to keep us whole even my mother too had to work three jobs. I was 17 when I met Julio. At first he seemed like the perfect gentleman. My family's savior." Gloria said, looking lost. She wanted so bad to open up to someone about her past.

"He bought a mansion for my parents sent my sister to school built a school for my parents and treated my dad. He sent me to school too and got me the house and the car I have. I practically owe him my life and he has taken it. I've lost myself with his constant abuse. I don't know who I am anymore. But then I guess with all he has done for me he does own me." Gloria shuddered. She spoke so quietly David had to struggle to hear her.

"I should kill him." David blurted out furious. She laughed and laughed and laughed at his outburst.

"I've been saving up to pay him back every dime." She smiled. "You don't have to kill him."

"But I can maim can't I?" David asked angrily.

"You can do none. You should do none." She chuckled, the sound music to his ears. "I'm sorry for the way I've been acting. I'm just not used to all this."

"Its alright." He smiled raising her head so she could meet his eyes. "You will get used to it. I'm never leaving so it's in your best interest that you start getting used to me being around."

Her eyes turned him on so badly. He was so hard that blood rushed in his head. All he wanted was to kiss her. To finally get his first kiss just like he had dreamt about during his years of isolation. He wanted her so bad it hurt like a dagger cut. But he knew she didn't want him and that pained him more. He was willing to wait though even if for eternity, he was willing to wait for her.

He loved her beyond s.e.x, beyond p.l.e.a.s.u.r.e, beyond life and death, beyond reason. He loved her truly and wholly like it was the only thing he was meant to do. Like it was his purpose and mission in life. To love her.

Her eyes remained on him never wanting to leave and his heart almost gave up as her lips came close to his. He thought she was going to kiss him but instead her mouth moved to his ears. She trailed soft kisses from his right ear to his neck.

"I'm going to suck you now." She whispered in his ears and he jerked both from her hands on his d.i.c.k and her words.

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