My Boss Wants Me In His Bed

Chapter 18 - CHAPTER 16: Harsh

Chapter 16

January 16 2117

David was feeling a little on the edge.

This time it was not just about Gloria it was about the hospital and their obvious negligence for a dying old man.

He had to speak to the head consultant fast. He didn't want what just happened to ever repeat itself.

"Call me Sapphire." He said out.

A robotic rodeo on the top of his table took on his command and alerted Sapphire in her office.

"She's been reached King David." The small piece of rodeo, informed in a robotic voice.

His eyes were steady on the illusive volcanic ceiling that covered the top of his entire office.

His office was massive like halls joined together. It was the only place in the hospital painted with a different color, blue. The tiles where like the ones in his home. Ocean illusive tiles.

He had a massive table and three chairs at the end of the hospital where there was a floor to ceiling impenetrable window.

His office was on the last floor of the 100 storey building sky scrapper and from up here a lot of things looked small to David but he never saw people as small.

Everyone was equal to him.

He turned around in his chair and looked towards the city. He felt the urge to drink, but he needed a clear head.

He had four doors on each side of the office. One had a bar, the other his inner library, the other his personal consultant room and the last one where he painted Gloria when work seemed to be so unpleasant.

Right now what he felt like doing was to paint her or to play his grand piano which was by his table.

But he was interrupted by footsteps outside his door.

Her eyes rested on the fluffy blue sofa afraid to look at David.

"Do not stand there!" David said, turning around to glare at her. He stared in anger as she walked in.

Sapphire was visibly shaking. Her blonde hair which fell to her neck added to the heat she felt and although the Air conditioner was on her hands and face were sweaty.

She held on to the hem of her lab coat as if to draw strength from it.

Her amber eyes looked at everywhere but at David as she stuck her thin lips into her mouth trying to keep herself from crying.

She had never see David this angry and it pained her that she was the one he was angry at.

She slowly reached his table and was about to sit when David stopped her. "Stand! What is wrong with you? You come into my office and try to seat! Did I offer you one?!" He yelled, shocking her to the bones.

"Your__" Sapphire quickly caught on to herself. David hated to be called your Majesty and head of departments knew this, but she didn't know what else to call him.

"My King I am so sorry." She wasn't supposed to do it but David never cared about little things like this before, hence she did not think that it would be a problem.

He obviously was in a bad mood and was lashing out on her. She knew this, but it didn't make her feel any better. She wondered who could make David this mad He was usually so loving.

"Keep your greetings to yourself! David shot up. "Do you know the first thing I saw when I walked into this hospital? A bleeding old man! Why was he in front with no Doctor taking care of him!" David yelled, causing Sapphire to jerk back in fear.

"His majesty he had just been moved in by the nurses." Sapphire replied at once with a shaky voice. She felt as though her heart would fly out of her c.h.e.s.t.

David stood up and pressed his hands on the chair balling them into fist. "The paramedics? Where was the general ambulance. Three Doctors were meant to have been there the very second the man was brought in. Are you starting to discriminate in my hospital?!"

"No. Your majesty it would never happen again. I take responsibility for the slight in management, My King." Sapphire cried out unable to hold her tears in anymore.

"You got that right it should, would, will, never happen again because if it does I will relieve you of your duties and arrest you! Now get the hell out of my office and do what the f.u.c.k you are paid to do. You are the f.u.c.k.i.n.g head Doctor stop being so slow!"

"I'm sorry your majesty!" Sapphire sobbed.

"Get out!" David screamed.

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