Gloria woke up feeling like she was in heaven. The memories of last night kept on playing in her head like a video on replay and she loved it. She wouldn't dare stop it even of she had the remote. The movie she was watching now in her head was hands down the best movie she had ever watched.

"Good morning your Majesty. Queen Gloria the first of the house of David." David said amusedly walking into the room.

"Breakfast is served your Highness." He added with a mock bow. A bow that was so hilarious Gloria could not stop laughing. In fact She laughed so hard she almost started to cry.

"Oh my God. You are crazy. You are insane." She giggled kicking him away as he tried to kiss her. "Let me go!"

She pushed past him as she ran to the bathroom chuckling all the while. She locked the door behind her making David grumble. This was a habit of hers even at home in Africa, she would always run to the bathroom a habit she formed from waking up late to school every single time.

"Come out here your Majesty a queen shouldn't hide in the bathroom don't you think. This is not a character fit for a ruler you know." David pouted suppressing his laughter, he almost choked on it.

"Go away you've had your bathe and you smell so nice let me do the same. How do you even wake up so early huh?"

"Well I don't have an alarm in my head if that's what you're asking. You know I'm just awesome. I could be a robot you never can tell."

"That would explain a lot you d.i.c.k." She murmured whilst entering the jacuzzi. He heard her through. He burst into a fit of laughter throwing his head back.

"So someone has been picturing my d.i.c.k. Hmmm does this someone find it a very interesting muse or does this someone want to taste it or does this someone__"

"Oh shut up David! You are an idiot!" She sighed amused. She shook her head and face palmed. "Gosh he's so stupid. Why is he so stupid?" She muttered under her breath. She pressed the liquid soap all over her. It smelt like carrot and she loved it.

"An idiot only for you baby. I'm missing you already please come out. I'm going to cry."

"Seriously David." She laughed Rolling her eyes. She knew he really wanted to see her. He may have laughed about it but she heard the longing in His voice.

"I'm serious babe."

"You are such a big baby you are making me talk too much. Shu, shu, let me be."

Gloria came out from the jacuzzi and brushed her teeth. The mint paste bloated her tongue slightly.

After she was satisfied with how she looked she put on a robe and opened the door.

Immediately she came out from the bathroom David pulled her into his arms and hugged her tight. "I'm addicted."

"Is that so?" She laughed breathing in his scent. "Ok you can let me go now so I can change into something nice." She choked out while trying to wiggle herself out of his embrace.

"No come and eat first pleaseeee! I want to eat now and I want you to eat with me." He begged. She nodded in agreement.

Excited he carried her up and took her to the dining. Gloria felt so at peace being in his arms.

Now that the sun shone she was even in more awe of the house admiring it better than she did yesterday night. The sun illuminated the windows giving the passage a homely decor.

A glass door opened to reveal The dining room. It was exquisite and breath taking. The walls were covered with a shimmering gold paper and in the middle of the ceiling above the carved oak table was a candelabra.

Down the center of the table was a runner with Celtic design woven in gold and green into the fabric itself. At the end of the table were floor to ceiling French doors, left slightly ajar to let in the scented summer air.

The polished silver cutlery on the dining table was heavy to the hand and shone brightly in the early evening light. At each place stood a tall empty wine glass and there were beautifully folded napkins to match the runner. But what took her breath away was the food set on it and the pool like floor so fluffy she felt she was in heaven. She couldn't have been happier being barefooted. She had never been happier.

Her mouth fell open. The dishes in front of her were now piled with food she had never seen so many things she dreamt of one day eating. It was breathtaking to see them on one table: roast beef, roast chicken, pork chops and lamb chops, sausages, bacon and steak, boiled potatoes, roast potatoes, fries, Yorkshire pudding, peas, carrots, gravy, ketchup, and, for some strange reason, peppermint humbugs and there was even her favorite sandwich.

"Oh my God this is heaven." She squealed turning around to hug David. She was finally able to speak after she was rendered speechless by the exquisite beauty of what was before her.

"Do you have a robotic chef?" She asked running to seat. She loved to eat but one would not believe her because of how thin she was and she later grew tired of explaining to people that it was a family something something about her gene.

But even if the food didn't show she loved to eat still. That was the only part of her that remained untainted. Same.

David chuckled. "Yes I have a robotic chef Mr sidarth. Mr Sid can make virtually everything. He's a master mind in the kitchen and I have cooks who help him just in case you are thinking he prepared this alone. He travels everywhere with me. He is Really good in organizing the kitchen and it's chefs. A superb cook."

"So he was on the plane too?" She asked thoughtfully, "How come I didn't see him and even your entourage?" Gloria asked already taking a bite of the sausage.

"There were many rooms Love. Many many, and we stayed in one. The best though. The Queen deserves the best of everything."

" You are too far away come seat by my side and pass me a sausage." He said patting the seat close to her. She happily obliged.

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