"What exactly happened?" David asked turning his seat around. The four of them were invited to see him after the fight they had. Gloria was scared, she didn't want to lose her job but with all the drama she was sure she would.

They were all seated in the conference room in David's office. His office included a parlour, refectory, bar, library, inner office, theater, conference room and mini lab.

Gloria sat in between Hector and Margaret her eyes looking everywhere but at David.

"They disrespected me. This _" Clara started but Margaret cut her sharply."You disrespected Gloria we only returned the favor." Clara sneered.

"Gloria isn't under you anymore. She now works directly under me. Let what happened today never happen again. If anyone? disrespects her it will be the very last time they get to see this office." David spoke quietly but clearly, calling all words to the last.

Everyone murmured a yes Sir, and stood to leave. "Gloria stay." He pleaded holding her hands. She looked at the three people who came into the office with her and back at him. Margaret smiling, Hector looking like he had aged five years today. If looks could kill Clara's glare would have killed her.

She stayed still, she couldn't even leave even if she wanted to.

He stood up from his sit and made her sit. "I'm sorry for what happened. Very sorry." He apologized bending down to meet her gaze.

"It's nothing to be sorry about really. I'm used to it." She replied.

He was so close to her, so close she felt suffocated. So close she almost stopped breathing. " I have some files I'm working on." She said standing up.

Her voice had taken on a sheen of resolve, but her hands and not just her hands were shaking violently as she stood up. She could barely stand straight.

She was almost falling when he held her by the waist and hugged her pulling her so close to him just as he wanted. Where there will be nothing separating them. Where his blood will be her blood and his skin her skin. Where there will be no differences between him and her.

"I'm so sorry." He whispered slowly and painfully. Gloria's heart constricted. It became impossible for her to breath. Impossible for her to think. When she could not take it anymore, the closeness, her eyes started to water. First it came as a sniffle then she couldn't stop it.

"It hurts. It hurts so much. Everything hurts. I'm so tired. So so tired of living." She sobbed hiccuping. She folded herself on the ground like a foetus. He held on to her and let her cry, her tears affecting him in more ways than she could imagine but he was happy he was here now.

"I'm sorry." He whispered again turning her so she could face him. She still looked beautiful even with the make up smeared and the bruises, even with her face wet from tears mixed with sweat and catarrh. She still looked beautiful to him.

"It hurts. I don't know if I can take this pain anymore. I keep remembering, remembering all he did to me. It is the memory that hurts. I just want to forget but I cannot. I keep remembering everything, my life, everything which there is no good in. What good is a memory if it kills you." She cried holding his suit firmly in her small hands.

He wanted to beat something, to kill something. To make a deal with the devil, to sell his soul. To skin himself, anything.

He would do anything to wipe away her pain, anything to make her see herself in his eyes. To make her feel like the queen she is, whole and beautiful worthy of everything even he was unworthy of her. He would do anything.

She continued to cry her head rested on his c.h.e.s.t. He c.a.r.e.s.sed her hair kissing it while she sobbed. When she was done he cleaned her face with his handkerchief one he knew he would treasure forever.

"I'm so sorry for staining your shirt." She apologized embarrassed. She tried to clean where she had kept her head but he stopped her.

"It's nothing as long as you feel better."

She did feel better, so much better as if she had been unburdened of a huge load. Like she had finally let out the demon that had been clutching her to pieces and breaking her.

"Yes I do. Thanks." Was her reply.

With that said she stood up and left. She had files to work on and he had experiments to conduct and patients who needed to see him.

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