My brother Ying Zheng, who dares to kill me?

Chapter 170 The punishment of Lord Changan? How can you accuse someone of innocence out of thin air!

Lao Ai was lying on the ground. He felt a little pain in his shoulder and subconsciously wanted to reach out and scratch it.

But he could no longer feel his hands or his feet.

Reluctantly raising her head, Lao Ai saw her arms circling behind a war horse.

As the horse galloped, the blood in his arms formed a circle.

And in the middle of the circle is Lao Ai!

"Is this what it feels like when a car breaks apart?" Shushen murmured, and Lao Ai helplessly watched her limbs go their separate ways.

It wasn't until this moment that Lao Ai finally realized that he had failed.

A complete failure!

There is no chance of him making a comeback!

In a daze, Lao Ai seemed to hear bursts of cheers.


"These traitors should be punished with death!"

"Killing him like this is too easy for him!"

"Baby, look, those are arms, that's legs, and there's a pool of blood over there. Don't be afraid of the stumps and blood, you will cause more killings in the future!"

The onlookers cheered excitedly at such a bloody scene.

Some parents even brought their children here, forcing them to watch the scene of mutilated limbs and blood flying everywhere, to help them overcome the fear they would face when they set foot on the battlefield in the future.

This is Lao Ai's fear.

This is a carnival for a group of people!

Lao Ai's dignity made him unwilling to become a clown.

The severe and unbearable pain caused the brain to actively block the pain nerves, which made Lao Ai unable to feel the pain and laughed wildly: "That's it?"

"Mr. Chang'an, everyone in the world calls you a master of torture."

"Even Tai Zhu Ying Qing couldn't survive an hour in your hands."

"But you only know such superficial methods!"

Ying Chengyu angrily scolded: "What kind of torture expert? How can you accuse someone of innocence out of thin air!"

"I don't understand torture at all!"

"What are you still doing?"


As soon as the words fell, Ying Chengyu took the lead in charging, ignoring the blood and minced meat, and fell directly beside Lao Ai.

As soon as his body was in position, his hands had already pinched the exposed blood vessels on Lao Ai's shoulders.

Xia Wuqi was obviously a doctor, and he was still holding the decoction in his hand, but he was running in second place and shouted in a deep voice:

"Open your mouth!"

Lao Ai was disobedient. Not only did she not open her mouth, she even closed her mouth tightly and turned her head to the other side.

Xia Wuqi was not polite to Lao Ai at all, he just turned Lao Ai's head over, and with one mistake of his fingers, he removed Lao Ai's chin.


Xia Wuqie poured a full bowl of soup into Lao'ai's mouth. Lao'ai choked and coughed repeatedly, and blood flowed out of her limbs much faster.

Ying Chengyu shouted anxiously: "Ba Fu, Gua Fu, come and stop the bleeding!"

"Yunrou, what are you still doing in a daze!"

Yunrou didn't answer, she just opened the suture box, took out a delicate needle and threaded it on the silk thread, then looked at the other jailers and warned gently but seriously: "Remember, from thick to thin, from big to small! "

"You must be fast!"

As she spoke, the needle and thread in Yunrou's hand were already piercing Lao Ai's blood vessels.

Lao Ai gasped for air and said in a cold voice: "Don't work in vain."

"Your torture is useless."

"I don't feel any pain at all!"

Yunrou and Yingcheng all showed happy smiles: "That's really great!"

Lao Ai was stunned: "I can't feel the pain!"

"Ying Chengyu, your torture of me is meaningless!"

Ying Chengyu said seriously: "Why do you still think that I am torturing you?"

"I am saving you!"

"If you feel any pain later, you can tell Dr. Xia and let him give you some decoction!"

Just looking at Ying Chengxuan's sincere face and calling for help, who would have thought that it was Ying Chengxuan who personally ordered Lao Ai to be broken into pieces?

Over time, the blocked pain nerves are reconnected and the pain gradually becomes clearer.

Lao Ai finally understood why so many people were afraid of Ying Chengyu's torture.

The cutting of the blade with the needle and thread brought great pain to Lai Ai's body, and Ying Chengyu's seemingly innocent gaze made Lai Ai's heart freeze!

If those Guizhou leaders were still looking at him like a clown, then Ying Chengyu was no longer looking at a person!

Lao Ai finally couldn't bear it any longer, she cried and begged angrily with runny nose and tears: "Kill me!"

"Please, kill me!"

"Kill me quickly, otherwise I won't let you go even if I'm a ghost... Wuwuwu!"

Lao Ai's cry of grief was muffled by linen.

Ying Chengyu turned around and asked, "Mr. Xia, how is this person's condition?"

Xia Wuji said in a deep voice: "It's not that good."

"But this person probably takes a lot of tonic medicine on weekdays, and his energy and blood are quite abundant."

Ying Chengyu showed a relaxed smile: "Very good!"

"Lao Ai, did you hear what Imperial Doctor Xia said?"

"We brought you back from hell!"

Immediately, Ying Cheng asked loudly: "Has the painter arrived?"

Several royal painters held their hands tremblingly: "I am here."

Several other wardens who were interested in painting also handed over: "I'm humble."

Ying Chengyu nodded slightly: "Be prepared, and be sure to observe carefully later."

"We don't have enough time!"

After saying this, Ying Chengyu took out a small knife, took a deep breath, and then aimed at the right leg that had just been sutured and cut it off.

The blood vessels that had just been sutured to stop the bleeding spurted out blood again.

Shaking his numb arm, Ying Chengyu shouted: "Hurry!"

The painters carefully copied the pieces of meat, and Yunrou picked up the needle and thread again to sew.

Ying Chengyu said sincerely: "Don't worry, I will definitely rescue you!"


Lao Ai's eyes widened, but her screams of grief were suppressed in her mouth.

At this moment, Lao Ai just wants to cry and beg, I don't want you to pull me back.

Please send me back to hell quickly.

I love it there!

The onlookers stopped cheering.

They just watched blankly as dozens of people gathered around Lao Ai, cutting, sewing, cutting, and sewing endlessly.

It was common practice in Da Qin to carry out corporal punishment.

They have seen all the most serious scenes, no matter how serious the Guizhou leaders asked themselves. Many Guizhou leaders have even experienced the physical torture of having their fingers and arms cut off.

But this scene before me?

They really haven't seen it before!

They can't understand how people can be so cruel!

The Guizhou leaders left quietly, and a child asked in confusion: "Aweng, don't you want me to watch the execution to practice my courage?"

"Why are we leaving now before the execution is over?"

The baby's father murmured in a trembling voice: "Nai Weng just wants you to practice courage, but you are not prepared to practice courage yourself!"

"The punishment of Lord Chang'an is well-deserved!"

"My dear, remember what happened today. Do not break the law or commit any crime in this life. Even if you do, do not fall into the hands of Lord Chang'an!"

The leaders of Guizhou left in fear.

The foreigners moved forward angrily.

"Mr. Chang'an!" Chang Yun shouted angrily: "You can't die without just a nod, how can you be so cruel!"

Ying Cheng raised his head and looked at the crowd with a sunny smile.

But the blood in Lao Ai's veins sprayed all over Ying Chengyu's head and face, and even a few drops splashed onto Ying Chengyu's white teeth.

Ying Chengyu's smile is just what he thinks is sunshine, but in the eyes of others, it looks like a demon walking out of hell!

Ying Chengyu said with a trembling smile: "Dear foreigners, you are finally back!"

Coupled with this sentence, the horror atmosphere is directly filled!

Some timid foreigners were so frightened that they subconsciously backed away and uttered timid words:

"What do you mean, Mr. Chang'an?"

"No, I don't know, but why do I feel that Lord Chang'an's tone is very sincere? Does he really welcome us back?"

"How is it possible! The order to expel guests is what Lord Chang'an advised!"

"Why do I feel that we have fallen into a trap! Can you guarantee that we will not fall into the hands of Lord Chang'an in this life!"

Chang Yun turned around and shouted angrily: "Don't panic!"

Xiong Qi then strode towards Ying Chengyu: "It is true that the king ordered Lao Ai to be handed over to Lord Chang'an after execution."

"The reason why Chang'an Jun came to me at that time was to study the art of suturing."

"But the king did not allow Lord Chang'an to cut and humiliate Lao Ai in the bustling city gate. Lord Chang'an has already violated the law!"

But before Chang Yun could reach the vicinity of Ying Chengyu, several legal officials stood up and stood in front of Chang Yun, shouting sternly:


"If you dare to go to the former again, you will be punished!"

Xiong Qi angrily shouted: "I am the Prime Minister!"

The leader, Yun Yang, bowed his hands and replied without fear: "This is Great Qin!"

"Don't talk about Prime Minister, even the young master needs to respect the law and act accordingly!"

Seeing this scene, Ying Chengyu was quite pleased.

Medical troubles that are common in later generations will almost never occur in Da Qin, let alone among his medical team!

Because according to Ying Chengyu's criteria for selecting doctors, Daqin's surgeons will mainly be executed or concurrently served by members of the judicial system such as executioners, law officials, military law officials, judges, and jailers.

Perhaps one operation can provide a one-stop judicial service of arresting, sentencing, imprisoning, and killing.

Making trouble in front of this group of people?

That's not medical trouble, that's courting death!

Facing the legal officials who represented the cornerstone of the rule of law in the Qin Dynasty, even Xiong Qi did not dare to be presumptuous and could only shout in a deep voice: "Jun Chang'an, I will definitely report to the king what happened today!"

Ying Chengyu stood up and spoke in a deep voice: "The king ordered Lao Ai to be handed over to me after the execution. I will protect Lao Ai from death."

"Just now I was suturing Lao Ai to stop the bleeding. I feel no regrets!"

"If Mr. Changping wants to file a petition for impeachment, you can go voluntarily!"

Yunrou suddenly said: "Your Majesty, the stitches have been completed."

Ying Chengyu smiled and nodded slightly: "Thank you."

"Bafu, Guafu, put Lao Ai on a stretcher!"

Asking the eight masters and the hexagram masters to raise Lao Ai, Ying Chengyu bowed his hands in front of the foreign guests and saluted: "Mr. Changping, dear foreign guests, I have something important to do, so go ahead."

After saying this, Ying Chengyu took the lead and headed towards the prison.

Watching Ying Chengyuan go away and smelling the smell of blood in the air, Mi Chen frowned slightly: "Is the king intending to give me a show of strength?"

"Or is it that Lord Chang'an has lost face and wants to retaliate against us in this way?"

As soon as they entered the door, they saw Ying Chengyu killing people here.

If Ying Chengyu didn't do it on purpose, even the dogs on the roadside wouldn't believe it!

Xiong Qi also frowned slightly, having a bad feeling in his heart.

The excitement and excitement along the way back were all drowned out by Lao Ai's screams.

Raising his head, Xiong Qi said in a deep voice: "After entering the palace, the answer will appear!"

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