My brother Ying Zheng, who dares to kill me?

Chapter 182 Sincerity is always the last resort!

how to spell?

I also want to ask how to fight!

How could the rich battle, which was obviously in good shape, end up like this!

But after all, they belong to two countries, each has his own master, and has different interests.

And Pang Nuan knew that Qin's ultimate target in this war was probably Zhao, and attacking Wei was just a cover-up.

For the sake of diplomatic relations between the two countries, and in order to be able to pull Wei to resist Qin in the future, Pang Nuan could only suppress his dissatisfaction.

Taking a deep breath, Pang Nuan comforted him with a warm voice: "Mr. Pengcheng, please don't panic."

"Zhao and Wei are brothers who are separated by a strip of water. After the advice of your Tang Shangqing, my king strives to protect Wei's territory."

"So I, Zhao, have sent a total of 250,000 troops to rescue Wei."

"This general is only leading our front army. Our middle and rear armies have not yet arrived."

Wei Qi hurriedly asked: "When will your country's middle and rear armies arrive?"

Pang Nuan smiled and said: "This general is just the vanguard general of our army. He will act according to orders."

"When the army arrives, you need to follow the orders of the general Hu Zou."

"But Mr. Pengcheng, there is no need to worry. Our army has crossed the Zhao Wei border and is reorganizing at the Zhao Wei border."

"As soon as the reorganization is completed, we can go to the battlefield."

Wei Qi felt much more at ease.

Zhao's soldiers and horses have crossed the border, which has shown Zhao's attitude.

Although this person has no great achievements, he is a general of the Zhao Kingdom. He must be brave!

Wei Qi solemnly raised his hands and thanked him sincerely: "On behalf of me, the great Wei, I would like to thank all the leaders of Zhao for coming to help!"

Pang Nuan held Wei Qi's hand and said warmly: "Why should this be like this between you and me?"

"Why should this be the case between Zhao and Wei?"

"If there is any country in the world that is willing to help Zhao with all its strength, it must be Wei."

"If there is any country in the world that is willing to help Wei with all its strength, it must be Zhao!"

Wei Qi was moved and nodded repeatedly: "What the general said is true!"

Immediately, Wei Qi hurriedly raised his right hand: "General, please come to the city."

"The general has come from an expedition and must be exhausted. I have already prepared a banquet and meat and wine!"

"I beg you generals and lords to have a great feast tonight!"

Pang Nuan smiled and cupped his hands: "Thank you, Mr. Pengcheng."

"You can eat meat, but don't drink wine."

"The Qin army is watching eagerly outside the city. How can we relax and drink?"

Wei Qi nodded repeatedly: "Yes, yes, what General Pang said is true."

Chen Mao was ordered to settle the army, and Wei Qi personally introduced Pang Nuan into the backyard of the county government.

The maids served the delicacies that had been prepared, the musicians played music, the dancers danced, and Wei Qi provided the highest hospitality standards he could.

After the five flavors of the dish were over, Pang Nuan took the initiative to bring up the business.

"Mr. Pengcheng, it's getting dark tonight, and I have no choice but to stay in the city for the night."

"But tomorrow the Japanese general will lead our army out of the city and camp ten miles east of Xiuyu City to guard and help Xiuyu City."

After Wei Qi was silent for a moment, he asked seriously: "General Pang, are you sure you want to lead your troops out of the city and station them?"

Pang Nuan nodded: "If all the soldiers and horses are trapped in Xiuyu City, they will inevitably be attacked by the Qin army and cut off the food and grass in the city."

"In order to create a channel for Xiuyu City to communicate with other cities, it is more appropriate for our troops to be stationed outside the city."

"Besides, your and our armies belong to two countries after all, so it is not appropriate to be stationed in one place."

The multinational coalition seems to have more troops and more generals, but its actual combat power is not necessarily stronger.

Because although they have the same goal, they have their own profits and losses.

Not to mention the Battle of Yique, in which Bai Qi used 100,000 troops to wipe out the 240,000 allied troops of Han and Wei.

Just talking about the battle of the Five Kingdoms against Qin led by Pang Nuan himself, the troops of the Five Kingdoms were more than three times that of the Qin Dynasty. The Qin Kingdom was about to be destroyed, but in the end, the coalition collapsed due to internal problems in the coalition.

The feeling that victory was just around the corner but his teammates were holding on to his legs to prevent him from moving forward made Pang Nuan almost vomit blood and die!

Pang Nuan never wanted to endure such torture again.

Therefore, Pang Nuan directly chose to station Zhao Jun outside the city and take the initiative to take on more difficult tasks, hoping to make concessions in exchange for the coalition's help.

Wei Qi asked, "General Pang, what if your and our armies belong to two countries?"

"Now that your army has stationed in Xiuyu City and sent 250,000 troops to help, we have a common goal to protect Wei's territory!"

"We are facing a formidable enemy. If there are still many obstacles to our coalition forces, how can we still fight this battle?"

Wei Qi stood up, walked up to Pang Nuan, and said with a loud voice, "I would like to join forces with the general."

"Both armies of Zhao and Wei obey the general's orders, and the last general is willing to be the general's deputy!"

When these words came out, the scene was in an uproar:

"Mr. Pengcheng, why is this so!"

"General, no! Zhao Jun is Zhao Jun after all. How can our army be dispatched by Zhao Jun?"

"Our army has no intention of harming the Wei army. Please don't worry, Wei army generals. However, our army has no intention of seizing power. The two armies are just cooperating with each other."

Chen Mao and other Wei generals tried to dissuade him in disbelief.

They were really afraid that Pang Nuan would treat them as cannon fodder and let them do the most painful, tiring and dangerous work, and then let Zhao Jun harvest from behind.

Qingshe and other generals of the Zhao army looked at each other.

On the way to Xiuyu City, these generals all laughed and talked about how to avoid being trapped by the Wei army and how to trick the Wei army into being cannon fodder.

But Wei Qi's statement left them at a loss.

Mr. Pengcheng is too honest!

We are embarrassed to cheat such an honest person!

Pang Nuan stood up and walked to Wei Qi, helped Wei Qi up with both hands, and said solemnly: "What does Mr. Pengcheng mean by this?"

"Please get up quickly!"

"Our army is just reinforcements, how can we act against the guests?"

"If I seize Lord Pengcheng's military power, Lord Pengcheng will make the world think of me!"

Wei Qi, however, stiffened his neck and stretched his arms, but did not stand up. His eyes looked at Pang Nuan sincerely: "General Pang, I also wanted to lead my Wei warriors to defeat Qin."

"This general wants to lead my Wei warriors to recapture Chaoge City today, and even regain more lost territory!"

"I'm really stupid, really."

"Chang'an Jun used a disastrous defeat to tell me that I will never be able to defeat General Qin, and all my ideas are delusions!"

Looking at Wei Qi's red eyes, Pang Nuan felt a little distressed.

The State of Qin is too unkind!

It's okay to have Wang Jian, Meng Ao, Yang Duan and others take turns ravaging Wei Qi. They are all veterans after all, and Wei Qi can still have the psychological comfort of being still young.

But in this battle with the Qin State, Ying Chengyu, who was more than ten years younger than Wei Qi, pushed Wei Qi to the ground and ravaged him again, and even arranged a set of ice and fire for Wei Qi.

Wei Qi no longer had any reason to comfort himself.

Look how pitiful the child is!

Originally, Wei Qi only knew how much he weighed, but now Wei Qi has begun to doubt himself.

Pang Nuan comforted her like a kind old grandfather: "No problem, no problem."

"It's just a defeat..."

Before Pang Nuan could finish speaking, Wei Qi asked, "Has Lord Chang'an ever been defeated in a battle?"

Pang Nuan was silent, Ying Chengyu had indeed never been defeated in a single battle since joining the army!

Wei Qi said bitterly: "So I ask General Pang not to comfort me."

"I only have so many abilities. If I am the commander, no matter how hard I try in this battle, I, the Wei Dynasty, will only lose one or two cities."

"But Xiuyu City cannot be lost anymore! If Xiuyu City is lost, our capital city of Wei will face the front of the Qin army!"

"Da Wei, I can't afford to lose!"

"I know that I cannot bring victory to the Wei Dynasty, but I know what the general can do."

"If there were no villains to cause trouble, the general would have almost led the five-nation coalition to destroy Qin in one battle. Now the general will definitely fight off the Qin traitors for the Wei Dynasty!"

"This general has no intention of gaining military power, and I don't care about rewards or punishments after the war. I am willing to bear all the losses of the Wei army in this battle!"

Wei Qi bowed his hands and sincerely requested: "I only hope that General Pang can bring a victory to our great Wei Dynasty!"

Sincerity is always a must-win!

After listening to Wei Qi's words, Chen Mao and others stopped persuading.

Yes, if we continue to lose, Wei will be doomed!

Looking at Wei Qi's sincere eyes, Pang Nuan's already dusty heart trembled.

If every commander of the Five Kingdoms could sincerely want to destroy Qin like Wei Qi.

If every king of the Five Kingdoms could give up worrying about gains and losses and join hands to form an alliance.

Qin has long been dead! ! !

And isn't this exactly what Pang Nuan wants?

After releasing Wei Qi's hand, Pang Nuan suddenly pulled out his sword.

"General Pang, what are you going to do!"

"Where are the guards!"

"General Pang, calm down!"

The hall was noisy, but Wei Qi just looked at Pang Nuan sincerely.

A sincere smile appeared on Pang Nuan's face, he cut his palm with the edge of his sword, and dropped his blood-stained right hand on Wei Qi's hands. He solemnly promised: "I will regard the Wei army as the Zhao army. I will fight against this enemy." Whatever you do must be for the ultimate victory!"

Wei Qi was overjoyed and handed over his hand: "Thank you, General Pang!"

Seeing that the overall situation had been decided, Chen Mao and others no longer tried to dissuade him, but could only go out and surrender: "We are willing to be driven by General Pang!"

The smile on Pang Nuan's face became brighter: "Since all the generals trust me, I will definitely lead Zhao Wei to avenge their shame!"

All the generals excitedly shouted: "Counterattack Qin to avenge previous humiliation!"

Pang Nuan pressed down her right hand: "Sit!"

"Generals, have you ever thought about how to fight this battle?"

Wei Qi immediately sat down and expressed his thoughts without any secret: "Hold on!"

"The general's idea is to drag it out."

Wei Qi's idea is very simple. For him, being undefeated means winning!

Pang Nuan looked appreciative: "Peng Chengjun's ideas coincide with my own!"

Wei Qi's eyes lit up: "Really?"

Pang Nuan nodded and said, "There are no lies."

"The chief general of the Qin army is Lord Chang'an of the Qin State, and the deputy general is the son of the old general Meng Ao of the Qin State, General Meng Wu."

"Chang'an Jun is only eighteen years old. Looking at Chang'an Jun's past battles, we can see that he is eager for success and unwilling to wait."

"Destroying Han in one month shocked the world, but the world didn't know how dangerous it was!"

"And the deputy general of this army, Meng Wu, is only over forty years old and has little battle experience."

"Youth and success are the common characteristics of this army commander and deputy general!"

"So prolonging this battle is the key to victory!"

Wei Qi said thoughtfully: "So our army wants to compete with the Qin army for the general's patience?"

Pang Nuan smiled and stroked his beard: "I will always teach these two young people how difficult real war is!"

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