My brother Ying Zheng, who dares to kill me?

Chapter 196 The lives of millions of people are exchanged for peace of mind in Daliang City!

After issuing orders one after another, Zhao Wangyan couldn't stop coughing again.

Facing the worried looks of the ministers, Zhao Wangyan waved his hand.

Guo Kai immediately shouted: "Retreat from the court!"

After the ministers retreated, Guo Kai trotted to Zhao Wangyan's side, took out an elixir from the drawer and put it into Zhao Wangyan's mouth.

After more than a hundred breaths passed after swallowing the elixir, Zhao Wangyan finally breathed a sigh of relief: "Mr. Guo, you understand me."

"But your advice today is not of the level you should be."

Guo felt nervous.

Zhao Wangyan's ability to identify information is extremely weak, and he trusts Guo Kai very much, so he will be easily deceived by the wrong information provided by Guo Kai.

But being able to become King Zhao as the third son proves that Zhao Wangyan's IQ is not bad.

It was not easy for Guo Kai to deceive Zhao Wangyan when the intelligence information was comparable.

Fortunately, Guo Kai had already thought of a countermeasure.

Facing Zhao Wangyan's dull gaze, Guo Kai smiled bitterly and asked, "Does the king really think that the Three Kingdoms will rescue Wei?"

King Zhao Yan said in a deep voice: "If the three kings still have some intelligence and courage, they will know that Qin has become stronger and stronger, and they must seize any opportunity to weaken Qin."

"And this battle is a great opportunity!"

"If Mao Sui talks about it again, I think some countries will be willing to reinforce Wei or send troops to attack Zhao."

Guo Kai shook his head: "I don't think so."

"Qi is willing to serve Qin, Yan is weak, and Chu is still in chaos."

"I boldly judge that the king of Qi has no courage to make an enemy of Qin, and the kings of Yan and Chu are powerless even if they want to reinforce."

"Therefore, my intention is to fight hard to preserve the current situation and prevent Qin from further expansion."

Guo Kai concealed his true purpose in an understatement, sounding flawless.

In the end, Guo Kai bowed his hand and said, "But this strategy is indeed too dangerous for our great Zhao. The king's strategy is the right one."

After Zhao Wangyan was silent for a few breaths, he sighed quietly: "How can I not know that the three kings are cowardly!"

"I only hope that the three kings can stand up for once, or that King Wei Zeng can solve the problem in Daliang City."

"If not, I can only protect our great Zhao first!"

Guo Kai's words touched Zhao Wangyan's heart.

Zhao Wangyan also believed that it was unlikely that Qi, Yan, and Chu would send troops.

But Zhao Wangyan had no choice!

With four teammates unable to carry him, Zhao Wangyan had no choice but to protect himself first, in order to have a chance of survival.

But can Zhao really be saved without reinforcements to Wei?

Just as Zhao Huan said, if the Wei Kingdom is destroyed, Chang'an Jun's troops can go directly north to the Zhao Kingdom and attack Handan City from both sides.

How should Zhao State resist at that time!

The dull mood made Zhao Wangyan cough again.

Guo Kai quickly patted Zhao Wangyan's back gently and handed him warm water.

After King Zhao had calmed down, Guo Kaicai sincerely advised: "I advise the king not to worry about political affairs anymore."

"Your Majesty, please believe in King Wei and General Pang!"

"Now the Wei State still has more than 100,000 troops, which is not much different from the Qin State in terms of military strength. Moreover, it has an insight into Qin's plan in advance. The Wei State is not in a inevitable defeat situation."

"On the contrary, as long as General Pang can properly handle Chang'an Lord's flooding strategy, General Pang and the State of Wei will be able to hold back the Qin Army's 200,000 troops for Zhao!"

Analyzing from the paper strength, Zhao Wei is not bound to lose, and Qin is not bound to win.

The victory or defeat of the three parties can all depend on one thought!

Zhao Wangyan nodded lightly: "What Mr. Guo said makes sense."

Guo Kai persuaded in a gentle voice: "This battle will take a long time, so please give your Majesty the best of your health."

"Political affairs and strategies can be left to the consideration of the ministers. How about asking the king to rest for a day?"

King Zhao opened his eyes and said, "Have you rest today?"

Guo Kai chuckled: "Nvlu listen to the music!"

At the same time, Wei Jiu roared angrily: "Crash into me!"

"At all costs, fight back to Daliang City!"

While shouting, Wei Jiu got off his boat and ran into the Qin army's sampan boat.

The two Wei soldiers stretched out their long hooked spears and hooked them tightly on the plank of the Qin army's ship. Wei Jiu stepped on the plank and flew towards the Qin army's sampan.


He cut off the head of a Qin soldier with one knife. After opening the gap, Wei Jiu quickly moved to the left side of the sampan.

Wei Jiu's soldiers also followed Wei Jiu and jumped to the left side of the sampan.

Under the shift of the center of gravity, the Qin Army's sampan shook violently. The Qin Army, who was not good at water fighting, could not stand steadily. Not to mention maintaining combat power, he could not even stay standing!

Wei Jiu shouted: "Kill!"

Taking advantage of the opportunity when the Qin army was shaky and unable to fight, Wei Jiu jumped back to the middle of the sampan and harvested a Qin army's head with the long knife in his hand.

Behind Wei Jiu, several soldiers held long hooked spears and stabbed continuously, cooperating with Wei Jiu to slaughter the entire ship!

Wiping off the blood on his face, Wei Jiu gasped for air.

Wei Jiu's troops left Daliang City without any obstruction, as if Qin had no navy at all.

But when Wei Jiu's troops left the Yellow River and sailed into the Honggou water system, more than a thousand Qin warships blocked Wei Jiu's troops one after another!

Fortunately, the Qin army's ships were all small sampans and no large ships, and the Qin army officers were not good at water warfare.

After suffering more than half of the casualties, Wei Jiu's troops finally defeated the Qin army!

After taking a deep breath, Wei Jiu shouted loudly: "Soldiers, do you know why the Qin army fought so hard to intercept us?"

Attracting the attention of the entire army, Wei Jiu said in a deep voice, "Because the Qin army is afraid!"

"The Qin army is afraid that our army will discover their conspiracy, because once their conspiracy is discovered, it will pose no threat to our Daliang City."

"As long as we bring the news we discovered back to Daliang City, Daliang City will be safe."

"And all of you will be rewarded generously by the king!"

"This is a great achievement to save the great Wei Dynasty from general Qin!"

After a fierce battle and more than half of them were lost, the morale of the Wei navy was very low.

But the generous reward proposed by Wei Jiu inspired all the soldiers.

All they want to do is go home.

As long as they can return home, they will not only be able to see their families, but also receive a heavy reward from the king. With double happiness at their doorstep, why should they quit?

Jumping back into his flying boat, Wei Jiu shouted loudly: "Soldiers, get back to the boat and go home!"

"We will bring victory to Wei!"

"Great Wei Wansheng!"

The remaining thousands of Wei troops shouted in unison:

"Go home!"

The Wei army assembled in flying boats and formed a water battle array and quickly advanced towards Daliang City.

After two days of sailing and repelling three groups of Qin naval forces, Wei Jiu's troops finally entered the city along the north water gate of Daliang City.

Wei Wangzeng rushed over as soon as he saw Wei Jiu's troops.

The first time Wei Jiu entered the city, King Zeng of Wei asked loudly: "Mr. Ningling, are you okay?"

Before the boat stopped, Wei Jiu jumped out of the flying boat and ran quickly to King Zeng of Wei, bowing his hands and saluting: "My lord, thank you for your worries!"

Without waiting for King Wei to express further concern, Wei Jiu directly reported: "Your Majesty, when I led the navy to the inner Yellow River section, I saw 30,000 Qin troops digging embankments in the inner Yellow River section!"

Gao Min and other ministers looked at each other in shock.

They didn't expect that the Qin army actually went to dig river embankments!

If Ying Chengyu succeeds in breaking the embankment and diverting water to flood Daliang City, then Ying Chengyu will use his actual actions to prove that Lord Xinling is right, and that both King Anli and King Zeng of Wei are wrong!

The dead Lord Xinling will slap his hands crazily on the faces of the monarchs and ministers of the two dynasties of Wei!


It would be fine if it was just a slap in the face, but if Ying Chengyu really succeeded in diverting water to flood Daliang City, then Wei would be dead!

The new king of Wei will become the king of the subjugated country, and they are also the ministers of the subjugated country!

Wei Wangzeng looked at Pang Nuan and said, "General Pang's speculation was correct."

Pang Nuan sighed softly: "I would rather the foreign minister be wrong!"

According to Daliang City, Pang Nuan was confident that he would hold on for more than a year.

But when Daliang City itself was threatened, Pang Nuan had to choose to leave Daliang City and take the initiative to launch an attack.

The significance of this fortified city has also been greatly reduced!

Looking around at the gloomy-faced ministers, King Wei smiled and said, "My dear friends, why should you be worried?"

"What if the Qin army really intends to break the dike?"

"Is it possible that I, the Great Wei, have no power to fight back!"

"We, the navy of the Great Wei Dynasty, must destroy the invading Qin army!"

"Ning Lingjun!"

Wei Jiu immediately raised his hand and said, "I'm here!"

King Zeng of Wei said in a deep voice: "Allocate five hundred flying boats, three hundred small wings, one hundred large wings, fifty sudden ships, three tower ships, one stern ship and a navy under the command of Lord Ningling. "

"Order! Lord Ningling led the navy to carry 40,000 troops and horses..."

Pang Nuan did not listen to Wei Wangzeng's order.

The resources within Daliang City, the water system outside Daliang City, and the judgment of Ying Chengyu were constantly intertwined in Pang Nuan's mind.

Just when Wei Wangzeng was about to finish his order, Pang Nuan suddenly interrupted Wei Wangzeng's words and said in a deep voice: "There are so many places where the Qin army can breach the embankment, but they chose to dig in the inner Huangcheng river section."

"The foreign minister has to think that Lord Chang'an did this deliberately to show our army."

"Therefore, foreign ministers believe that Lord Chang'an's strategy is to divert water, and secondly, it may involve the strength of our army."

Pang Nuan's behavior was very rude, but Wei Wangzeng had no time to care about etiquette and face.

After thinking for a moment, Wei Wangzeng asked in a deep voice: "General Pang thinks this is the Qin army's strategy?"

Pang Nuan nodded and said: "Not bad!"

"The navy of the Wei Dynasty is indeed brave, but if you want to completely annihilate the Qin army, you need to fight on land."

"If the Qin army cannot be completely annihilated, the Qin army can completely replace the river embankment and dig again every time it is repulsed."

"Our army has to send out naval divisions one after another to explore the water system. Whenever we find that the enemy has breached the embankment, we send troops out of the city to fight."

"Every time we go out to fight in the city, our army may fall into the Qin army's trap!"

Wei Wangzeng asked: "What trap?"

Pang Nuan shook his head: "I don't know, but I know that Lord Chang'an will not do anything meaningless."

"With this person's cautious temperament, he will not put 30,000 Qin troops in Neihuang City on the border of Zhao and Wei."

Pang Nuan said firmly: "These soldiers and horses are just bait. Lord Chang'an is waiting for me, Zhao Wei, to devour them!"

Wei Wangzeng frowned: "General Pang's advice is reasonable, but I can't let the Qin army dig the river embankment!"

"In this case, I came out with heavy troops and severely damaged the Qin army, so that the Qin army did not dare to breach the dike again!"

Pang Nuan asked, "Can our army be able to completely annihilate the Qin army?"

"Can our army be able to severely damage the Qin army?"

"If our army can really inflict heavy losses on the Qin army, why should our army retreat to Daliang City?"

After asking three times in a row, King Wei Zeng was speechless.

If the Wei army could really inflict heavy losses on the Qin army, then Wei would not have to worry about the Qin army breaching the embankment and diverting water!

Wei Wangzeng's idea is logically a paradox!

Quickly suppressing his embarrassment, King Zeng of Wei bowed his hands to Pang Nuan and said, "What should I, the great Wei, do? General, please teach me!"

After Pang Nuan returned the salute, he said in a deep voice: "The foreign ministers advised the navy not to fight with the Qin army after leaving the city."

"Instead, let the navy go straight to the Yellow River embankment and take the initiative to break it!"

After hearing what Pang Nuan said, Gao Min and other ministers exclaimed:


"How can I, the great Wei Dynasty, dig my own embankment? This is no different from digging my own grave!"

"No matter where the river embankments are dug, the water of the Yellow River will surely overflow into the territory of Wei State, and how many people will be submerged by the river water!"

Wei Wangzeng's face also became ugly: "General Pang wants the few to decide on their own on the Yellow River embankment."

"At the expense of millions of people, in exchange for the safety of Daliang City?!"

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