My brother Ying Zheng, who dares to kill me?

Chapter 200 Youth version of Bupo collaboration!

Hearing Liu Ji's words, many soldiers showed fear.

Chen Yu immediately scolded: "Shut up!"

Liu Ji still wanted to quarrel, but looking at the faces of the soldiers around him, Liu Ji finally suppressed his words.

He is free-spirited and free-spirited, not mean!

But Liu Ji held back his words, but the catapult would not hold back the loaded stone bullets.

All the catapults pushed forward five steps, and with Wang Pan's order, another hundred heavy stone bullets flew towards the Wei army!

"don't want!"

"No chaos is allowed, the entire army must form an array, form an array!"

"Qin Jun's flying stone chariot can move, it can move! No matter how hard it runs, it will be hit!"

"I'm just a retainer. I've repaid the Lord's kindness by killing the two Qin soldiers. I'll leave first!"

Wei Jun had just exited the impact range of the first round of flying rocks, but the second round of flying rocks had already fallen like maggots on the tarsal bones.

He watched helplessly as Pao Ze, who was still bickering just now, turned into a puddle of minced meat, and he might also be about to turn into minced meat.

This heavy psychological pressure is simply unbearable!

After Zhang Er drew his sword and beheaded a fleeing county soldier, he shouted angrily: "There is a ditch behind our army, there is no way to escape!"

"If we cannot destroy the Qin army in front of us, everyone will die here!"

"The Qin army's flying rocks will move towards our army, then our army will charge towards the Qin army."

"As long as we are in the same place as the Qin army, the Qin army Fei Shi'an dares to kill us?"

"Our army has 60,000 troops, and Qin's army only has 30,000 troops. The advantage lies with me!"

Zhang Er pulled his neck and roared: "Only by fighting in a melee with the Qin army, the Qin army's flying rocks will not fall on your heads!"

"To survive! Charge and kill!"

Zhang Er did not threaten the soldiers with simple military orders, but proposed a way to survive.

Although this method is to fight the Qin army to the death, is there any chance of survival besides this?

there is none left!

They have no choice!

Chen Yu shouted: "In order to survive, fight into the Qin army!"

While shouting and shouting, Chen Yu took the lead and rushed towards the Qin army.

More than a thousand Wei soldiers followed closely and launched a desperate counterattack against the Qin army!

Jiang Ming shouted: "The front troops will form a formation to block the enemy's charge!"

"Commander, raise the green flag high and the red flag low!"

The ordering soldier immediately held up the green flag with his right hand, indicating that he could continue to inspire, and placed the red flag with his left hand under the green flag, indicating that he should stop advancing.

Wang Pan's catapult immediately stopped and reloaded at the current position, throwing away stones.


Another round of flying rocks hit the Wei army.

But this round of flying stones still kept a distance of ten feet from the Qin army's front army. Any Wei army that could get within ten feet of the Qin army was not threatened by the catapults.

Zhang Er was overjoyed and continued to shout: "Break the Qin army's formation. As long as we enter the Qin army's formation, our army will no longer have to worry about flying rocks!"

Unfortunately, the flying rocks that landed in the same place one after another made the Wei army further behind no longer in danger.

Their willingness to attack has been greatly reduced, and they are even more afraid of crossing the death line drawn by rocks!

How could the Wei army break through the Qin army's formation just by relying on the Wei army who advanced in front of the Qin army first?

After six rounds of flying rocks, Liu Ji gritted his teeth, ran quickly across the area where the flying rocks fell, and shouted in shock: "The Qin Army's catapult is on fire!"

Qin Bing, who was standing in front of Liu Ji, subconsciously turned around and looked around. Liu Ji immediately dug his foot into the soil and kicked it up with his feet.

When the Qin soldiers in front of them turned around, they were greeted by sand kicked up by Liu Ji!

Taking advantage of the Qin Bing's blindfolded opportunity, Liu Ji ducked forward and took a step forward, piercing the Qin Bing's heart with the spear in his hand.

Seeing the Qin soldiers in front of him who were glaring but unwilling to surrender, Liu Ji was overjoyed: "I also killed the enemy!"

"Hahaha~ Nai Weng also killed the enemy...his mother, you are waiting for a sneak attack! Don't be shy!"

Before Liu Ji could jump up with joy, three spears stabbed Liu Ji angrily.

Liu Ji retreated behind a group of donkeys rolling around, and happened to roll behind Chen Yu.

Grabbing Chen Yu's clothes, Liu Jijiao said anxiously: "Why are you still standing there?"


Chen Yu said angrily: "You rat! It's just that you are too timid to fight. Why are you stopping us from killing the enemy?"

"The only way to survive is to fight into the Qin army's formation. Do you understand this truth or not?"

Liu Ji also said angrily: "You crazy dog! Look at how many people are around you!"

Chen Yu turned his head and looked around, and saw that of the more than a thousand Wei troops who had originally charged with him, only about 200 people were still holding on.

Liu Ji pulled Chen Yu harder and said, "Why don't you run away? You want to die!"

Chen Yu was no longer stubborn and followed Liu Ji's strength and ran back to Zhang Er.

Seeing Zhang Er, Liu Ji immediately persuaded: "Brother Zhang, run!"

"This battle can't be fought!"

Zhang Er looked at the waiting Qin army and the flying rocks that were still falling. He was silent and his eyes were full of despair.

The reinforcements of the Wei army were mainly composed of soldiers from various counties, and there was a gap in hard power with the main force of the Qin army.

Now every Wei soldier has a huge boulder hanging over his head that may fall at any time, and the morale of the entire army is almost shattered.

Zhang Er knew that as long as he entered the Qin army's formation, he would be able to defeat the Qin army's catapults.

But the soldiers under Zhang Er couldn't do it!

How to fight this battle?

This battle cannot be fought!

Zhang Er turned back to look at the position of the Chinese army, only to see Chen Mao also stunned on his horse, at a loss.

Zhang Er sighed helplessly and had no choice but to order: "Waihuang's troops, follow my general to withdraw our troops to the southwest!"

Zhang Er did not abandon his soldiers.

After giving the order, Zhang Er ran to the rear first.

And Zhang Er's withdrawal caused more county magistrates to flee!

The Qin army was ecstatic when they saw it.

In the era of cold weapons, most of the gains did not occur when the two armies were fighting, but when chasing deserters!

Are the 60,000 Wei troops fleeing in front of me?

It's clear that military achievements are obtained for nothing!

Jiang Ming was also smiling.

He has never fought such an easy battle in his life!

Just when Jiang Ming was about to send his troops to pursue him, the ordering soldier suddenly said: "Captain, general's order!"

Jiang Ming hurriedly turned to look at the command podium and saw Ying Chengxuan staring at him solemnly. An orderly soldier stood behind Ying Chengxuan and waved a flag.

"Fight steadily, beware of counterattacks, and coordinate with each other?" After reading the command represented by the flag language, Jiang Ming's originally ecstatic mood was instantly suppressed.

Jiang Ming suddenly realized that there was a chasm behind the Wei army. Without the arrival of the Wei army's navy, the Wei army had no way to retreat!

The 60,000 Wei troops who have nowhere to retreat and are unwilling to die are like 60,000 trapped beasts. They are likely to launch a life-threatening counterattack against the Qin army before they die!

If the 60,000 Wei army is really brave enough to launch a counterattack, can the 30,000 Qin army be able to stop it?

His back was instantly wet with cold sweat, and Jiang Ming immediately stopped shouting: "The whole army is allowed to advance another five feet! We are only allowed to advance five feet!"

"Whoever dares to go one step further will be punished for disobeying military orders!"

"All military merits obtained in this battle are invalid!"

"I'm so anxious!"

"There is a chasm behind the enemy army. They can't cross it. They can only sit back and wait to be massacred by our army!"

"Commander, raise the green flag twice!"

Under Jiang Ming's continuous scolding and the threats of military officials, Qin's soldiers restrained their desire for military glory and advanced slowly and steadily.

Wang Pan, on the other hand, immediately pulled out the stone blocking the wheel after seeing the two green flags and drove the catapult forward.

Each round of Qin's flying rocks is five feet farther than the previous round. After each round of flying stones, Qin's soldiers will move forward another five feet.

Under the Qin Army's youthful version of the Bu-Puo coordination tactics, the Qin Army, which had only 30,000 troops, defeated the 60,000-plus Wei Army and fled in panic!

Qin Army Command Platform.

Watching this outrageous scene from a distance, Guafu was shocked: "The catapult can still be used like this!"

Immediately, the hexagram master was overjoyed: "In this way, our army will be at an advantage in both the northern and southern battlefields!"

Seeing that the youth version of the step-and-throw collaborative tactics achieved better results than he expected, Ying Chengyu couldn't help but smile.

But after just a few breaths of happiness, Ying Chengyu looked towards the horizon.

After a fierce battle, the sun has set into the mountains, and only some sunlight continues to shine on the earth after being scattered, reflected and refracted by the atmosphere.

Seeing that the weather was good, Ying Chengyu said in a deep voice: "Instruct Meng Nan's troops to increase the intensity of the attack."

"Send the order to the eighth husband, pour the oil in three quarters of an hour!"

As the command flag wavered, Meng Nan's offensive intensity once again stepped up to a higher level.

Under the cover of the siege troops and the sky, Hachio and other soldiers were able to approach Beishuimen and pour the oil in the jar into the moat.

At the same time, the south gate tower of Daliang City.

Seeing the Wei army go from absolute superiority to collapse, Wei Wangzeng stopped beating the drum and asked in disbelief: "How could this be?"

"How could my army of 60,000 men collapse in one breath!"

Pang Nuan said with emotion: "Chang'an Jun's attack on the city wall with flying stones has exceeded my expectations."

"Now Chang'an Lord actually uses flying stones in field battles, and even cooperates with infantry to fight against the enemy!"

"The thoughts of Lord Chang'an are as bright as the sky and the sky."

"The Chang'an Lord's plan is a great talent!"

Trebuchets have existed in China for hundreds of years.

All generals know or have used trebuchets, but almost all generals regard trebuchets as secondary substitutes for arrows and crossbow bolts.

After all, crossbow bolts and arrows consume bronze and require forging and assembly in the rear workshop, which is time-consuming, laborious and expensive. When they are used up, they still need to wait for baggage transportation.

The trebuchets can be different.

You only need a few large trees that can be cut down and stones that can be picked up to launch an attack on the enemy's defenders. Although the accuracy is very poor, the advantage is that it doesn't cost any money!

However, in the hands of Ying Chengxuan, the trebuchet was continuously modified, and the results were astonishing to Pang Nuan!

Wei Wangzeng was not interested in tactics and ordnance, and asked directly: "Does General Pang have a way to defeat the Qin army's strategy?"

Pang Nuan ordered in a deep voice: "Send orders to Zhao Lian's troops to attack the Qin army's trebuchets!"

Wang Zeng of Wei felt a little relieved: "What General Pang said is true. As long as the Qin army's trebuchets are destroyed, the Qin army will naturally no longer be able to use this method!"

Pang Nuan shook his head: "It is impossible for Chang'an Lord to let our army destroy the Qin army's trebuchet."

"The Qin army's front troops must retreat to resist Zhao Lian's troops."

"In this way, your reinforcements will have time to regroup and cooperate with Zhao Lian's troops to once again form a front-to-back attack with superior strength!"

When Pang Nuan bluntly refuted it, Wei Wangzeng did not get angry, but just bowed his hands and said, "I will teach you!"

Immediately, Wei Wangzeng spoke in a deep voice: "Send an order to Chen Mao to kill anyone below a thousand stones who dares to fight!"

"Be sure to take advantage of the time bought by the friendly forces to reorganize the army and attack the Qin army, otherwise he will pay for it with his own head!"

The two men's orders were quickly issued. Seeing Zhao Lian's troops attacking the Qin army, Pang Nuan's eyes remained focused.

Pang Nuan didn't think Ying Chengyu would leave such a flaw waiting for him to exploit.

Pang Nuan seriously suspected that he had fallen into Ying Chengyu's trap, but his tired brain prevented him from thinking clearly about where the omissions were.

Suddenly, Pang Nuan saw the messenger behind Ying Chengyu waving the flag again.

Pang Nuan didn't know the Qin army's flag language.

But the red flag raised high made Pang Nuan blurt out subconsciously:


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