My brother Ying Zheng, who dares to kill me?

Chapter 203 I have been running away all my life, but died on the way to charge.

Qin Army Command Platform.

Watching from a distance the sampan boat locking up the stunned and helpless Qin troops, Ying Chengyu felt helpless.

As long as the Qin army can pick out three to five thousand men who are good at swimming, Ying Chengyu can use many more tactics.

It's a pity that a sailor who can conduct diving operations cannot be trained in a short time.

Fortunately, Ying Chengyu had no illusions about Qin's water warfare capabilities, and just watched quietly as the Wei army scuttled the Qin army's chain of sampans.

Every time a sampan falls into the water, the oil carried in the sampan will fall into the water with the sampan and float on the water.

In order to achieve a quick breakthrough, Wei Qi's naval vessels would rush out of the blockade area as soon as possible and sail faster than the current.

The oil floating on the water was not enough to cover the river, but it stuck to the waterline of each ship when it was crossed by the Wei army ships.

If Wei Qi stood in the oar compartment of the big wing, he would be able to smell the familiar smell of oil and understand the source of his uneasiness.

Seeing Wei Qi's troops break through the five blockades, Ying Chengyu quietly ordered: "Order, Xiao Tu's troops shoot fire arrows!"

"Cen Bian's troops went upstream and burned and killed the remaining enemy troops!"

After beating the drum, and listening carefully to the command conveyed by the rhythm of the drum, Xiao Tu immediately ordered: "Raise the fire!"

There was an explosion of flint knocking, and torches were lit, illuminating both sides of the chasm.

Xiao Tu shouted: "Light the fire!"

The firelight on both sides of the chasm doubled, and they were clearly burning crossbow arrows!

Xiao Tu shouted again: "One row, the target is directly in front, the height is three, let go!"

There was a thunderous sound from the bowstring, and thousands of fire arrows scattered towards the Wei army navy.

“Dong dong dong!!”

Collisions sounded one after another, and each fire arrow hit the boat, and fell on the boat due to missing arrow clusters. Wei Qi kept shouting: "Pick up all the fire arrows and bury them in the sandbox!"

"Don't be afraid, otherwise the ship will be destroyed and everyone will be killed!"

Under the orders of Wei Qi and a group of soldiers and supervisors, the soldiers on each boat quickly picked up the fire arrows and threw them into the sandbox or directly into the river.

Each fire arrow was not contaminated with much oil, and despite being dealt with quickly, several rounds of fire arrows failed to ignite a single ship.

But just when many Wei soldiers thought they had passed another level, an exclamation broke everyone's dreams.

"No, there's a fire!"

Wei Qi has developed a stress phobia towards flames.

Hearing this, Wei Qi quickly ran to the side of the big wing and looked in the direction of the call. Immediately, Wei Qi saw a flying boat burning blazingly at the waterline!


More than one!

A total of sixteen airships and one large wing were burning at the waterline!

If only the waterline of a ship is burning, it could be that the fire arrow happened to hit the waterline.

But if all boats catch fire at the waterline, it means there must be something different!

"Waterline?" Wei Qi quickly ran into the oar cabin, leaned over and sniffed, and sure enough he smelled the familiar smell: "It's oil!"

Wei Qi felt that his whole body was exhausted, and he laughed at himself and murmured: "Yes, oil can float on the water."

"I actually thought that I led my troops to break out of the siege."

"But I never thought that I had already fallen into a trap and didn't even know it!"

Wei Qi didn't know when Ying Chengyu arranged the oil waters.

Wei Qi had no time to think.

Quickly running back to the second deck, Wei Qi shouted in a hissing voice: "Soldiers, move forward at full speed!"

"The only way to survive is to break out of this place!"

The oarsmen's oars were almost throwing out sparks.

Even the soldiers standing on the second floor lay down and used their spears as oars to do their best.

This is a matter of life and death for everyone, and all the Wei navy navy fought hard for their lives!

But the development of objective things does not depend on human will.

Round after round of fire arrows were thrown at the Wei navy, and there were always a few that hit the waterline.

Once a ship's waterline is hit, the oil attached to it begins to burn, incinerating the entire ship.

What made them even more desperate was that Cen Bian's troops were driving a dilapidated sampan upstream.

It is true that Sampan is like a child in front of Da Yi.

But these kids have guns in their hands!

I saw a firelight on the sampan, and then the firelight flew towards the Wei army navy.

Wei Qi roared in a hoarse voice: "Quick! Speed ​​up! Faster!"

"The soldiers who fell into the water swam to the vicinity of the Qin army and captured the Qin army's boats!"

On the other side, Cen Bian was also roaring: "Quick! The front army moves to the shore to avoid it, while the rear army continues to shoot!"

Under the cover of rounds of fire arrows, the Wei army navy completely turned into a sea of ​​fire.

The flexible sampans will quickly slip to both sides of the bank before the Wei army approaches, and will not pursue the Wei army until the Wei army's boats pass by, giving the Wei army no chance to seize the ships.

Wei Qi raised his eyes and looked around, and saw that there were only two large wings left in the Wei army, and there were only about forty flying boats left. All the remaining ships were burning with raging fire, and even the large wing under Wei Qi's seat was on fire. There's a flame!

With the intensity of the Qin army's fire arrows, how long can the remaining ships hold out?

Wei Qi knew that the original plan had failed.

Wei Qi immediately ordered: "Send the order for all boats to dock and for all soldiers to meet on the east bank!"

The paddlers had long wanted to reach the shore.

Upon hearing Wei Qi's order, the rowers swung the oars a little faster, causing the boat to hit the shore like a fire arrow.

Before the boat was stable, the oarsmen and soldiers rushed to the east bank in a rolling rush. Then, they saw pairs of green eyes.

Thousands of Qin soldiers have already lined up and are waiting here.

In front of the Qin army, Su Jiao bowed his hands and said, "Su Jiao, the 250th leader of the Qin Dynasty, pays homage to Lord Pengcheng."

Wei Qi's face was extremely gloomy. He walked down the gangway and returned the salute: "Master Pengcheng of the Wei Dynasty, I have met General Su."

Su Jiao smiled and said: "The commander-in-chief of our army, Lord Chang'an, has been on good terms with Lord Pengcheng for a long time."

"We have sent a special general to invite Lord Pengcheng to visit the Qin army's camp."

Wei Qi laughed at himself: "Go to the Qin army's camp?"

"The defeated general has nothing to say!"

"I'm afraid I'm not using this general to persuade the Daliang City defenders to surrender!"

Su Jiao nodded straightforwardly: "There is no conflict between the two."

Wei Qi angrily rebuked: "I am the son of the late king, how can I betray my country to survive!"

Su Jiao looked at the Wei army that was constantly gathering towards Wei Qi, and asked in a warm voice: "Pengcheng Lord, you don't want to see all your robes die in battle, do you?"

More than a thousand Wei soldiers have come ashore. On paper, the strength of the Wei army is even slightly higher than that of Su Jiao's troops.

But these soldiers are already exhausted, how much fighting strength do they have?

They are just a bunch of lambs waiting to be slaughtered!

Wei Qi turned around and shouted: "Daliang City is right behind us, and your family members are all in Daliang City."

"Are you afraid of fighting to the death for Daliang City?"

Who dares to say that he is afraid of death at this time?

Isn't that waiting to be beheaded by Wei Qi's sword?

All Wei soldiers had to shout against their will: "Fearless!"

Wei Qi turned to look at Su Jiao: "Can General Su hear you?"

"I, the brave warrior of the Wei Dynasty, am not afraid of death!"

"This general is not afraid to die for Wei!"

Su Jiao bowed his hands and said, "Pengcheng Lord has been defeated by our Qin Dynasty many times. You should know that it is only a matter of time before our Qin Dynasty destroys Wei."

"That being the case, why bother to increase casualties just for the sake of what is destined to happen?"

"Pengcheng Lord persuaded the Daliang City defenders to surrender for our great Qin. No soldiers from the Qin and Wei armies will die in battle, and there will be no floods flooding the surrounding area of ​​Daliang City, causing hundreds of thousands of Guizhou heads to be displaced."

"Why not?"

Su Jiao was trying his best to persuade him to surrender, but he didn't know how heartbreaking his words were.

Wei Qi smiled miserably: "I have been defeated by Qin repeatedly."

"Counting this battle, I have been defeated by the Qin army five times. Maybe I should have died long ago."

"If this general is killed in Chaoge City, perhaps Brother Wang has already chosen another good general to lead our Wei Dynasty to victory!"

Wei Qi raised his head, drew his sword, and said firmly: "This general can die or escape, but he will never surrender!"

"The majesty of the Wei royal family cannot be tarnished by this general!"

"Soldiers, charge with me!"

While shouting and drinking, Wei Qi led his soldiers to lead the charge.

But the pace of Wei Jun behind him was a bit slow, and became slower and slower.

In the end, only Wei Qi and more than 40 family soldiers were still charging towards the Qin army.

Su Jiao sighed helplessly and said in a deep voice: "Crossbowman, shoot!"

A round of arrows fell like rain, and more than thirty soldiers fell to the ground dead.

Wei Qi was also hit by three arrows, but he raised the corpse of a soldier as a shield and continued to charge forward.

Arrows fell one after another, and Wei Qi, who was hit by more than ten arrows, finally rushed to the front line of the Qin army.

Su Jiao thrust out the spear in his hand and pierced Wei Qi's heart.

Looking down at the gun barrel that penetrated his heart, Wei Qi smiled: "I have been running away all my life, but fortunately I died on the way to charge."

"In this way, it can be considered as living up to the power of our ancestors!"

With the gun head pulled out, Wei Qi slowly fell to the ground, looking in the direction of Daliang City, and murmured softly: "Brother Wang, I am ashamed of you."

"We must protect our country of Wei..."

Before he finished speaking, Wei Qi was dead.

But his eyes were still looking in the direction of Daliang City, and he would not rest in peace!

Looking down at Wei Qi's body, Su Jiao shouted angrily: "Mr. Pengcheng has died in battle!"

"You fight but don't fight, surrender but don't surrender, what do you want!"

All the Wei naval officers threw away their weapons and shouted impatiently: "We are willing to surrender!"

Su Jiao ordered in a deep voice: "Capture all the enemy troops."

"Put Lord Pengcheng's body into the carriage!"

Two quarters of an hour later, Wei Qi's body appeared in front of Ying Chengyu.

"This general has been fighting with Lord Pengcheng for several months, but this is the first time I can see Lord Pengcheng's appearance clearly." Looking at Wei Qi, Ying Chengyu asked in a deep voice: "Will Lord Pengcheng surrender in a fight to the death?"

Su Jiao cupped his hands and said, "The general is already trying very hard to persuade us to surrender, but Lord Pengcheng is determined not to surrender."

"In the end, he led more than forty soldiers to charge to the death."

After Ying Chengyu was silent for a long time, he finally spoke: "It's a good idea to collect Lord Pengcheng's body."

After waving his hand for Wei Qi's body to be taken away, Ying Chengyu turned to look at the aging figure at the top of Daliang City and murmured, "General Pang, how many more tricks do you have left?"

"How many troops do you still have?"

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