My brother Ying Zheng, who dares to kill me?

Chapter 205 Who knows, Qin Jun suddenly got into his arms!

After listening to the general order conveyed by the eighth husband, Meng Nan's eyes widened and he pointed at himself and said, "Me?"

"The coach handed this matter over to Captain Ben?"

Mr. Changan thinks too highly of me!

The eighth husband asked back: "Meng Duwei is the leader of the Meng clan."

"Lieutenant Meng Du wouldn't dare to draw his sword against a mere Wei Jun captain, would he?"

Meng Nan was anxious: "My Meng family has inherited military achievements and great achievements in battle, but we just suffer from not having a chance."

"He's just a captain, how can I be afraid of him!"

If the eighth husband said anything else, Meng Nan wouldn't care.

But the eight husbands have brought the Meng family out, how can Meng Nan give in?

As one of the leaders of the old aristocracy of the Qin Dynasty, Meng was already in decline because he was not good at farming and could only rely on his military exploits to support his family.

If outsiders think that the Meng family doesn't even dare to draw the sword, then what future does the Meng family have?

Yafu spread his hands: "Now, the opportunity has come!"

Meng Nan was slightly startled, then slowly exhaled a breath: "Yes, the opportunity has come!"

"I don't know why Chang'an Lord trusts me, but even if I bet on the glory of the Meng family, I will never let down Lord Chang'an's trust!"

Turning to look at Daliang City, Meng Nan gave the order in a deep voice: "Send orders for the Ren and Gui troops to attack Beizhong Gate."

"Send orders to the Wu troops to attack the North West Gate."

"Five hundred people will be sent first to bulldoze and fill in the moat outside the North Central Gate!"

"Go ahead and climb six rounds and build a siege ladder!"

The north gate of Daliang City.

The Qin army already had 4,000 regular troops and 300 advance troops attacking the city wall.

But under Wei Hu's worried eyes, three more thousand-man teams advanced towards the city.

More than a thousand pioneer warriors came running quickly carrying ladders or two loads of soil!

Wei Hu immediately ordered: "Report to General Pang, the Qin army's attack on the city is even more intense."

"Ask General Pang if the battlefield has changed!"

The messenger immediately took the order and left, then hurried back and said in a deep voice: "General, our navy has broken out of the Qin army's blockade and is flowing down the river!"

Wei Hu excitedly patted the city wall: "Color!"

"Hahaha~ No wonder the Qin Army is so crazy, it's because the Qin Army's conspiracy has been broken by our great Wei!"

The navy's attack means that the Qin army's plan to divert water to flood the city has failed.

Even if there are only 40,000 soldiers and horses left in Daliang City, they will definitely be able to defend this big city as firmly as a mountain.

Victory will be only a matter of time!

Wei Hu was high-spirited, but did not relax his vigilance. He immediately ordered: "Send orders to all ministries to strengthen precautions."

"As long as we block the Qin Army's strong attack, the Qin Army will have nothing to fear in the future!"

"Command troops A and B to reinforce Beizhongmen!"

However, Wei Hu had just recruited 2,000 soldiers to reinforce the North Central Gate, and another thousand pioneer warriors charged towards the North West Gate.

Wei Hu had no choice but to order: "Tune the Xin Department to reinforce the North West Gate."

"Add a thousand barrels of wood and a hundred barrels of tung oil to the North West Gate for use!"

Meng Nan continued to send troops, with the North Middle Gate as the main attack direction and the North West Gate as the auxiliary attack direction.

The overall strength of the Wei army was also involved and gathered towards the central and west gates.

The siege of Beicheng became more and more intense, and people died every moment.

Broken limbs and broken arms, turbid blood and golden juice spilled all over the floor!

Meng Nan finally gave the order: "Send the order to Wang Bo, the 250th leader, to act according to the plan!"

When the drum beat, Wang Bo looked at the thousands of pioneer warriors and thousands of regular soldiers behind him, raised his wine bowl, and shouted in a serious voice: "Young men, there is no retreat in this battle!"

"But as long as we fight into Daliang City, we will have a way to survive, and we will also be able to conquer the city first!"

Two thousand Qin soldiers drank all the wine in the bowl, then smashed the pottery bowl with force, and shouted in unison: "Fight to the death!"

After putting on his helmet, Wang Bo shouted in a deep voice: "Go to the camp first and charge!"

Thousands of pioneer warriors immediately picked up the ladders and charged towards the North Central Gate.

Wang Bo continued to order: "My general, charge!"

Thousands of Qin troops marched forward, always keeping within a hundred feet of the Xianden camp.

Wei Hu saw this and ordered in a deep voice: "Add a thousand more crossbowmen to the Beizhong Gate!"

"Taking advantage of the opportunity when the main Qin army can only wait for the ladders to be set up and unable to resist, let me shoot the Qin army as much as possible!"

Thousands of crossbowmen quickly climbed onto the city wall above the North Middle Gate and fired arrows at the Qin army.

The Qin army's first camp also started from the North Middle Gate, and continued to set up ladders step by step from west to east, even somewhat rigidly.

However, when the ladders of the first camp were set up near the water gate on the east side of the North Middle Gate, the ladders in their hands did not reach the city wall, but were thrown into the ditch!

Wang Bo shouted in a low voice: "Quick! Everyone speed up!"

"Time is of the essence!"

Under Wang Bo's urging, a thousand people first climbed into the camp and threw dozens of ladders horizontally into the water gate.

The ladder, which was several feet wider than the water gate, soon got stuck diagonally on both sides of the water gate's embankment.

Wang Bo shouted again: "Lay the plank, quickly!"

The warriors who followed first quickly threw the planks in their hands onto the ladder, then jumped onto the plank and threw the ladder on their shoulders into the distance, continuously extending the length of the simple pontoon.

Wang Bo stamped his feet anxiously: "Hurry, hurry, hurry!"


Half a quarter of an hour later, thanks to the efforts of the pioneer warriors, a swaying simple pontoon bridge finally crossed the inside and outside of the city wall of Daliang City!

This simple pontoon bridge composed of ladders and wooden planks could not carry the weight of the Qin army in full armor, but it was enough for Wang Bo's troops, who were lightly armored in leather armor to pass!

Wang Boduan shouted: "Raise the fire!"

"Follow me!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Wang Bo jumped to the pontoon first, stumbling and rolling towards Daliang City.

Behind Wang Bo, a group of landlubbers Qin Jun also imitated Wang Bo and jumped onto the pontoon, crawling forward on their hands and feet.

"Something's wrong!" Wei Hu looked down at the battlefield and suddenly found a Qin army gathering outside Beishui Gate.

Although some of the first-campers set up ladders not far away to prepare to climb the city, why did the main Qin army approach the city wall before the ladders were set up?

Did he take the initiative to send it up and get smashed by a piece of wood?

Wei Hu leaned his upper body out of the city wall and happened to see a soldier of the Qin army holding a torch in both hands and drawing two circles in the sky. Then the Qin army rushed to the North Water Gate and jumped.

At the same time, the soldiers of Qin who had accumulated near Beizhong Gate and had not yet started climbing the ladder also ran towards Beishui Gate!

Wei Hu:! ! !

Wei Hu shouted sharply: "Send orders to the Xin, Ren, and Gui tribes to reinforce the Beishuimen section of the city wall!"

"Command to Division B that the Beishui Gate guarded by them has been breached!"

"It's your mother's fault! Don't be stingy with weapons, hammers, rolling stones, and tung oil, just throw them at me!"

"Even if the entire army is annihilated, we must guard Beishuimen for this captain!"

While shouting angrily, Wei Hu got on his horse and bolted towards Beishuimen.

But at this moment, Wang Bo had climbed to the bronze square shield used to block oil.

Standing up with difficulty, Wang Bo flew up and kicked the shield at the edge with all his strength.


With a muffled sound, the shield was kicked up and a gap several feet wide appeared between it and the wall of Shuimen Cave.

Wang Bo immediately exerted force on his feet and jumped onto the river bank along the opening!

Then, Wang Bo bumped into someone's arms.

"Ah! Who is walking without eyes!"

Wang Bo: (°Д°)

Slowly raising his head, Wang Bo saw two Wei people carrying a box of arrows to the city wall.

And Wang Bo happened to run into the arms of one of Wei Guomin's husband.

Looking over the man's shoulder, Wang Bo saw that the eyes of at least dozens of Wei people were attracted by the sound.

Wei Guominfu: (‘◇’)?

Looking at Wang Bo in the uniform of the Qin army, the people of Wei were stunned.

This person seems to be a Qin Jun?

Ladies, who knows!

We were diligently transporting supplies to the soldiers, and suddenly an enemy soldier got into my arms!


There was another muffled sound, and the shield was kicked away again.

A Qin army general jumped into Daliang City, turned around and thrust a sword into the rammed earth wall on the side of Shuimen Cave. He pressed the hilt of the sword against the bronze square shield and complained in a low voice: "General, didn't we say Are you ready Carmen?"

"The generals have jumped up after you, but it turns out that it's a good thing for you. You won't care about us when we get ashore."

"I hit the boss on the head!"

"General, please move and give me a place!"

Wang Bo's mouth twitched: "Look at the environment first before you speak!"

Baijiang blocked Minato's back with his long sword before turning around. Then, he also became numb:

"Well, well, there are so many people!"

The opening method in front of them was completely different from what they expected!

But the matter has come to this, what else can be done?

Wang Bo exerted force with his feet and pushed the man in front of him back a few steps with his body. He immediately lowered his body and took out a dagger from his boot with his left hand. He used the momentum of standing up to raise his hand and swiped it. The dagger cut through the man's neck.

Immediately, Wang Bo turned around with his right heel as the center, and the dagger in his hand stabbed into the heart of another civilian husband!

After finishing off two civilian men who were close at hand, Wang Bo put the dagger into his boot, held the gun in his hand, and shouted: "Kill!"

The civil servants of Wei in the distance finally came to their senses and shouted angrily: "Go and report to the general at once, the Qin army has breached Beishuimen!"

"If Daliang City is destroyed, our lord and I will all be demoted to common people by the Qin State, and you and I will also be reduced to the heads of Guizhou. Kill us!"

"You must stop the Qin army, so go ask for help now!"

Wei Hu, Wei Qi, Wei Jiu and other servants in the dignitaries' houses immediately threw away their baggage and drew their swords and rushed towards Wang Bo.

The ordinary people of Wei also threw away their baggage, but their choice was to retreat quickly.

In an instant, only 30% of the enemies standing in front of Wang Bo were left!

"They're just a bunch of chickens and dogs!"

Wang Bo strode forward, piercing the throat of a Wei civil servant with the spear in his hand, and then used the gun as a stick to swing at another civil servant.

In the blink of an eye, two civilian husbands were beheaded!

Wang Bo roared angrily: "Enter the city quickly, charge immediately after entering the city, and fight the way out of the city for the robes!"

"If you guys can't enter the city, we will all die in Daliang City!"

Wang Bo's troops immediately sped up their actions, and one Qin soldier jumped into Daliang City through the gap, quickly formed a formation and followed behind Wang Bo, shouting: "Charge and kill!"

Even the servants in the houses of various dignitaries are just servants. How can they compete with the Qin army?

Under the leadership of Wang Bo, Wang Bo's troops quickly occupied the land on the west bank of Beishuimen and began to attack the city wall above Beishuimen!

When Wei Hu rode his horse and rushed to the vicinity of Beishui Gate, he saw that Wang Bo's troops were already climbing the stairs to attack the city wall.

Outside the city wall, more and more ladders hooked up the city wall, and the Qin army climbed towards the city wall like ants.

Wei Hu's head buzzed and he muttered: "It's over!"

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