My brother Ying Zheng, who dares to kill me?

Chapter 213 The state of Chu moves from the north to Yan and moves to the south, and a heavy army be

Wei Jiu and Wei Jiu are doing their best for the survival of Wei State.

Tang Ju and other Wei officials also tried their best to help their motherland.

The next day.

Tang Ju, who was over ninety years old, carried his lower garments and ran wildly along the circular corridor of Wuyang Terrace, regardless of the astonished gazes from pairs of eyes.

By the time he got to the Wuyang Hall, the old man was already panting from exhaustion and sweating profusely.

After quickly adjusting his breathing and tidying up his clothes, Tang Ju cupped his hands and called out: "Foreign Minister Tang Ju, pay your respects to King Yan!"

In the main hall, King Yan's happy voice sounded.


The door of the palace was pushed open by the eunuch, and Tang Ju stepped into the palace.

There was no idle chatter. Tang Ju got straight to the point and said, "Just now the foreign ministers got the news that Daliang City is about to be destroyed."

King Yan's pupils shrank sharply: "How long has it been since the Qin army entered Wei?"

"Can't Daliang City be defended?"

"I remember, the Qin army is now fighting against Zhao and Wei!"

Zhao alone can defeat Yan.

How could Qin defeat Wei while facing Zhao?

King Yan couldn’t figure it out!

Tang Ju did not hide this fact and said frankly: "What King Yan said is true."

"After Qin destroyed Han, the country became more powerful."

"Now, even if the Qin Dynasty fights against both countries alone, it is still difficult for us, the Wei Dynasty, to support us."

King Yan sighed with joy: "How ferocious the Qin army is!"

Tang Ju said in a deep voice: "It is precisely because of the brutality of the Qin army that all the countries should join forces to fight against Qin!"

"Before the destruction of Han, although the Qin State was strong, it was not a rival to the Zongyue State."

"After annexing Han, Qin's national power has greatly increased. If our great Wei Dynasty is also captured by Qin, how can all the countries in the world have peace?"

"Foreign ministers, please ask the King of Yan again to send troops to aid Wei!"

Prime Minister Yan held Qu in his hands and said, "Your Majesty, I think that we, the Great Yan State, should increase our troops to assist the Wei State."

"This battle is not for Wei, but actually for Yan!"

Many officials of the Yan Kingdom also handed over their hands: "I second the proposal!"

After King Yan was silent for a long time, he sighed softly: "But that is a strong Qin."

"And the leader of the Qin army is still the Lord of Chang'an who destroyed Han and Wei!"

"That's Lord Chang'an!"

"Regardless of whether our country, Dayan, will offend Qin due to this battle, it is hard for our country, Dayan, to win in this battle alone!"

Looking around at all the ministers, King Yan said in a deep voice: "The Kingdom of Wei does not border our country, Yan."

"I don't want to save you!"

Yan Dan suddenly said: "Father, I think that I, the Great Yan, can form an alliance with Qin."

"Currently, half of Qin's troops are attacking Zhao. As long as we, Dayan, form an alliance with Qin, we can attack Zhao from three directions at the same time."

"Qin Yan will win this battle!"

"I, Dayan, can also take this opportunity to regain the lost ground!"

Many officials of the Yan Kingdom suddenly had an enlightenment:

"Yes! I, the Great Yan, can not only unite the Wei Kingdom, but also the Qin Kingdom!"

"The Qin State is so powerful. If we, the Yan State, form an alliance with the Qin State, we will definitely be able to defeat the Zhao State and regain the lost territory!"

"Zhao Wei and my country, Yan, both have a blood feud. Why should we, my country, rescue Zhao Wei? Why not take this opportunity to develop our country's national power!"

Why must we go to war with Qin?

Wouldn’t it be nice to add insult to injury and take advantage of others?

King Yan's tone was a little hesitant: "But Zhao Guo is also strong!"

Yan Dan hated him and said without argument: "Father, the State of Zhao is strong, but if you let the opportunity slip away because you are afraid of the strength of the State of Zhao, the State of Zhao will only become stronger and stronger!"

"Only by seizing every opportunity to weaken Zhao and strengthen our country, Yan, can we change the balance of strength between the enemy and ourselves."

"Father, you can't be so cowardly!"

King Yan reprimanded angrily: "You are so presumptuous!"

Yan Dan frowned and said, "A great opportunity was clearly right in front of us, but my father gave up because he was afraid of Zhao Guo's military attack."

"This isn't cowardice!"

Facing Yan Dan's disappointed gaze, Yan Wangxi's face turned red, and his hands in his sleeves clenched into fists.

Is he cowardly?

In recent years, Wang Xi of Yan has indeed been very timid.

But the former Yan King Xi was more belligerent than Yan Dan, and it could even be said that he was happy when he heard about the war!

King Yan always dreamed of regaining his lost territory, and even initiated three foreign wars.

But look at what Yan has encountered in recent years!

When King Xi of Yan was young, Bai Qi took advantage of Wei to attack Yan.

In the fourth year of King Yan's reign, King Xi of Yan took the initiative to send troops, and Zhao responded with Lian Po.

In the twelfth year of King Yan's reign, Li Mu attacked Yan.

Without Ying Chengyu's intervention, Wang Jian would still use his troops to destroy Yan in the future.

During the lifetime of King Yan, the four famous generals took turns to defeat the Yan Kingdom!

This is not the end.

His political advisors are also coming to join in the fun!

Pang Nuan's comeback battle is also to attack Yan!

What can King Yan do?

King Yan is also very desperate!

The passionate young man who once determined to surpass King Yan Wucheng has long been psychologically shadowed!

But now that he was provoked by Yan Dan, King Yan became excited and shouted angrily: "Do you think I am a coward?"

"I only talk about Zhao Qiang, but I have never been afraid of Zhao Guo."

"How could I let this great opportunity pass by forming an alliance with Qin, fighting with Zhao, and regaining lost territory?"

Seeing that King Yan seemed to have changed his strategic attitude, Tang Ju said firmly: "Does King Yan think that this is a good opportunity to seize Zhao's territory?"

"Big mistake!"

"Qin may form an alliance with Yan now, but after destroying Zhao, Qin's next target will definitely be you, Yan!"

"Does the King of Yan think that the Yan State is capable of resisting the Qin State after seizing the Zhao State's territory?"

These words brought back Yan Wangxi's blood pressure.

Yan Dan said without hesitation: "Qin will not do this!"

"I have made a political alliance with the King of Qin and will never attack each other."

"Qin Wangzheng is a promise-keeper. He will definitely keep his promise and have a long-term relationship with me, Dayan!"

At this time, Yan Dan had not yet gone to Qin to be a hostage.

The image of Ying Zheng in Yan Dan's heart is still that of the little brother who was a hostage with him in Handan and needed to be taken care of by him.

At that time, the relationship between Ying Zheng and Yan Dan was quite close, and they even agreed when thinking about the future that if one day they could become kings of their respective countries, then Qin and Yan would always be a country of brothers and would never fight each other!

Yan Dan deeply trusts this agreement!

Tang Ju smiled softly: "Covenant?"

"In the past, the King of Yan sent Prime Minister Li Fu to the State of Zhao to form an alliance with the King of Zhao."

"After the alliance was formed, King Yan immediately sent 600,000 troops to attack Zhao while Zhao was unprepared!"

"This is the covenant!"

After saying these words, the whole hall was silent.

Because the King of Yan who made a pact with others but then attacked others secretly was not a certain previous king. It was actually King Xi of Yan who was sitting on the high platform!

From then on, unless King Yan died, any country would have to turn a blind eye when forming an alliance with Yan.

Because Yan Wangxi's character is really bad, and his moral bottom line is even worse!

After losing character and national credibility, it would be okay if the Yan Kingdom wins.

But in that battle, Yan State sent 600,000 troops, but Lian Po defeated them with 130,000 new troops!

Tang Ju's words can be described as a slap in the face!

King Yan Xi, who was already furious from embarrassment, is now furious!

Just when King Yan was about to burst into anger, Tang Ju bowed his hands and saluted: "One year before King Qin took office, King Qin committed fraud and convicted Lord Chang'an of many crimes to confuse other countries. Lord Chang'an led his troops to attack the east and west, and sneak attacks to destroy Han. "

"When Qin Wangzheng came to power, Qin Wangzhengqin sent troops, and Chang'an Lord returned to lead his troops, and then besieged me in Daliang City, intending to destroy Wei."

"Qin Wangzheng and Chang'an Jun are actually cunning villains with a high spirit of fighting. The two brothers are more tigers and wolves than tigers and wolves!"

"If Qin cannot be frustrated, Qin will inevitably continue to launch wars."

"How can the Yan State be so independent?"

After saying these words, the faces of the monarchs and ministers of the Yan Kingdom looked better.

Although King Yan liked to be treacherous, Qin was even more cunning and evil.

With Ying Zheng at the bottom, Yan Wangxi doesn't seem so miserable... what the hell!

After Yingzheng was cunning, he finally destroyed Han, but after King Yan broke the alliance, he was almost destroyed by Lian Po!

But at least, King Yan Xi has a step to step down.

Tang Ju said solemnly: "Recovering the lost territory today is a false gain."

"When Qin and Yan destroy Zhao, Qin will attack Yan!"

"Of course, I, the Wei Dynasty, are willing to exchange the four cities of Yangjin, Chengqiu, Kangfu, Fang and Yu with the State of Zhao for the four cities of Gecheng and Pingshu City and give them to the State of Yan!"

"Only by cutting down Qin's troops, consolidating Yan's territory, and seeking a long-term future can we truly gain the land!"

After alleviating the dissatisfaction of Yan's monarchs and ministers, Tang Ju directly threw out heavy profits, completely shifting the attention of Yan's monarchs and ministers from forming an alliance with Qin to reinforcing Wei.

Jiang Qu's eyes showed excitement: "Wei Guo is really willing to negotiate with Zhao Guo and donate Pingshu City and four other cities to my country, Dayan?"

No wonder he was so excited.

Every time Zhao was beaten by Qin, he would beat Yan. Yan had to find someone to transfer the losses to.

And Qi State is a good target.

If the four cities of Pingshu could fall into the hands of the Yan State, the Yan State would have a channel to send troops to the Qi State, and perhaps the Yan State would be able to make up for its losses by attacking the Qi State.

Tang Ju bowed his hands and said, "No lies!"

The Kingdom of Wei is dead!

If the four cities can be used in exchange for Yan's participation in the war, and unite other countries to force Qin to retreat, then Wei will definitely make a bloody profit.

As for how to help Wei recover after driving out Qin?

That's something to consider in the future.

He immediately handed him over and said, "Your Majesty, I will again advise you to send troops to reinforce Wei."

"When the four cities of Pingshu and Yan enter the Great Yan, we, the Great Yan, can easily conquer the Qi State and expand our territory!"

Yan Dan hurriedly said: "Father, Qin and Qi are allies."

"If Yan attacks Qi, Qin will definitely send troops to help Qi."

"In this case, won't my country, Dayan, still have to fight against Qin?"

"At that time, Dayan had no allies to help him, so he could only fight against Qin alone!"

Yan Wangxi showed hesitation again.

Seeing this, Jiang Qu angrily rebuked: "The former minister tried to persuade the king not to send troops to attack Zhao, but the king refused, and even kicked the minister and dismissed him!"

"Since the king still doesn't trust me, why did he personally ask me to come back as prime minister?"

"Wouldn't it be the best of both worlds to allow the minister to retire and return home, while the king continues to do his own thing?!"

Faced with Jiang Qu's angry rebuke, King Yan finally made up his mind and said in a deep voice: "How can I not believe in Xiangbang's advice?"

"Order! As the commander-in-chief, Xiangbang will send 100,000 troops to aid Wei!"

Jiang Qu cried with joy, fell to the ground and shouted: "Your Majesty, the Holy Ming!"

Tang Ju also excitedly raised his hands and said, "Thank you, King Yan!"

Only Yan Dan blamed himself and murmured: "Brother Zheng, don't blame brother!"

"Now that I haven't ascended the throne, I really can't fulfill my promise!"

No one paid attention to Yan Dan's emotions.

In fact, even Yan Wangxi didn't care about the prince Yan Dan.

Under General Qu's mobilization, a hundred thousand troops quickly gathered.

Ten days later, General Qu's troops immediately sent troops to go south to Wei via Zhao State!

On the other side, Xiang Yan's army has also been reorganized and set off from Xiangcheng to the north of Wei!

A total of 450,000 troops from the North and South Routes have already attacked Ying Chengyu's headquarters!

About the life and cause of death of Prince Dan of Yan State.

Combining "Warring States Policy" and "Historical Records", we will find that when Yan Dan was a few years old, he went to the State of Zhao to be a hostage to accompany Ying Zheng. During the Yan-Zhao War, as a hostage of the State of Yan, he returned to the State of Yan inexplicably, and He was immediately sent by Yan State to Qin State as a hostage to promote the Yan-Qin alliance. A few years later, he returned to Yan State, and then was sent to Qin State as a hostage to promote the Yan-Qin alliance again. After a few years, he escaped from Qin State and continued non-stop. He began to recruit followers and prepared to assassinate Ying Zheng.

In the 21st year of the Qin Dynasty, Wang Jian attacked Yan, and his general Li Xin used thousands of troops to defeat Yan Dan in Yanshui. Yan Dan died in the battle! "Historical Records·Biography of Bai Qi and Wang Jian"

A few months later, Yan Dan was resurrected and participated in the battle of Jicheng. Wang Jian captured Jicheng, and Yan Dan died in the battle of Jicheng! "Historical Records·The Chronicles of Qin Shihuang"

After the defeat of Jicheng, Yan Dan was resurrected again and fled to Liaodong with King Xi of Yan. King Xi of Yan beheaded Yan Dan and presented it to Ying Zheng for peace! "Historical Records: Yan Zhaogong Family"

Since Yan Dan was born, Yan Dan has been frequently seen in important diplomatic activities of Yan State. He is an important supporting role in the famous scenes of Cai Ze, Jing Ke, Li Xin and others. Although he is named the prince, he has been a hostage for nearly thirty years in his life, and he has mastered the skills of Yan Dan. The Great Escape Technique, the Shadow Clone Technique, and the Great Resurrection Technique. There are three ways to die in "Historical Records" alone. In addition to the records in "Warring States Policy", "Yan Danzi" and other classics, there are more than ten ways of death for Yan Dan. So many species! In this regard, Professor Yang Kuan believes that "all doubts are exaggerated by strategists", and Cheese deeply agrees.

Therefore, Cheese will select non-conflicting and logical records as needed to compose Yan Dan's resume. For example, the time when Yan Dan entered the Qin Dynasty is set as 230 BC according to "Customs".

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