My brother Ying Zheng, who dares to kill me?

Chapter 219 Chu Shi Iwai’s Metal Storm!

"Boom boom boom!!!"

As Jing Gao and other soldiers used their unicorn arms to quickly drive the wooden rods to make piston movements, the sound of the bowstrings continued like lit firecrackers!

The compact hand crossbow shoots out crossbow bolts at a high frequency at a rate of two rounds per second, two per round.

With every breath, 2,004 crossbow bolts fired at Su Jiao's men like a violent storm.

This is the metal storm that belongs to Da Chu!

"Ah! My eyes!"

"Where is the Shield Bearer? Come quickly, Shield Bearer!"

"Back off! Back off!"

The distance between Su Jiao and Jing Ku was only more than ten feet.

But the distance of more than ten feet is like a natural chasm!

Every Qin soldier fell to the ground after being struck by arrows, wailing and wailing like wheat being harvested.

After five breaths, the sound of the bow strings exploding stopped.

A mere 501 people had already poured 1020 crossbow bolts against the Qin army within five breaths of time!

All the front troops under Su Jiao were prone, lying down or squatting, and no one was standing.

Only Qin Jun, who was standing twenty feet away, looked at each other with fear on his face!

Jing Ku smiled softly: "Send the order to the left and right wings to encircle and kill!"

Seeing the Chu troops coming from both sides, Su Jiao shouted angrily with red eyes: "Soldiers, form your formation to meet the enemy!"

However, facing the Qin army who stood up again, Jing Ku took off the empty arrow box with one mistake of his hands.

Throwing the empty quiver to the baggage soldiers not far behind him for reloading, Jing Gao took out an quiver full of arrows from the pouch on his horse's back with his right hand and loaded it on the hand crossbow.

The metal storm is sweeping again!

The Qin army that had just formed their formation was cut to pieces again. The Chu army effortlessly charged into the Qin army's formation, reaping the lives of the Qin army!

At the top of Anling City, Ying Chengyu took a step forward unconsciously, his upper body leaning out of the city wall, his eyes fixed on the battlefield.

Ying Chengxuan had long heard about the power of Chu's crossbow, but he had never had the chance to see the real one.

It was only today that my eyes were opened.

But Ying Chengyu would rather not broaden his horizons!

Meng Nan exclaimed in shock: "Everyone in the world says Qin's crossbow is like thunder, and Chu's crossbow is like rain."

"When I saw him today, I realized that the rumors were true!"

Qin's crossbow focuses on armor piercing, and Han's crossbow focuses on range. However, no matter which direction the crossbows of Qin, Han, Zhao and other northern countries focus more on, they all focus their skills on range, armor piercing, and strength.

In order to achieve this goal, the largest individual heavy crossbow of the Qin army was six and a half feet (150 cm) long, and the heavy arrow was three feet (69 cm) long!

This is because the territories of the northern countries are mostly open plains, and the battles between the countries are basically fought by large corps. The battlefield is endless, and the enemy can be attacked faster with a longer range. You can even fly the enemy's crossbowmen's kites.

However, the terrain of the southern countries such as Chu, Wu, and Yue is dominated by hills, mountains, and dense forests.

The advantages of the northern heavy crossbow turned into disadvantages in the south.

How to carry a heavy crossbow over one meter long across the mountains?

What's the point of having such a long range? They will all hit the tree trunk!

The armor-wearing rate of soldiers in the south is much lower than that in the north. What is the point of having such strong armor-breaking ability?

Therefore, the crossbows of Chu, Wu, Yue and other southern countries followed another route.

The extreme end of this route is Chu State Liannu.

The effective killing range of Chu's continuous crossbow is only ten feet (23.1 meters), the length of the crossbow arrow is only six inches (13.8 centimeters), and it cannot penetrate leather armor. However, it can be held with one hand, drawn with one hand, and fired intensively. Push your flexibility and attack speed to the limit!

Everyone knows Zhuge Liannu.

But more than 400 years before Zhuge Liang was born, the State of Chu had already developed a Liannu with an arrow capacity twice as high as that of Zhuge Liannu, and completed its installation!

Everyone thinks that ancient arrows were made of metal clusters and wood as shafts.

But Chu State has already been using all-metal crossbow arrows with copper clusters and iron tails!

In later generations, the power of Chu's crossbow was completely obscured by the dust of history, and the world only knew Qin's crossbow.

But today, Chu Nu, who was at his peak, completed a Chu-style Iai against the Qin army!

Ying Chengxuan said coldly: "Chu Nu is brave, but this is the north!"

"It's not Chu Nu's turn to act wild!"

Ying Chengxuan did not intend to demonstrate the advantages and disadvantages of Qin Nu and Chu Nu.

Because although they are both crossbows, they are like sniper rifles and pistols.

On a vast battlefield, it is natural to choose a sniper rifle, but if you are in the rain forest, there is no doubt that you must choose a pistol.

And Anling City is exactly the open battlefield!

Ying Chengyu shouted: "Beat the drum!"

"Urge Su Jiao's troops to move forward!"

"Raise the flag and order the heavily armored generals under Su Jiao to stand in front and block the crossbow bolts for the entire army!"

"Instruct Zhang Xiao's troops to assemble at the North City Gate!"

"Instruct Meng Nan's troops to leave the city immediately to reinforce Su Jiao's troops!"

Meng Nan suddenly handed over his hands: "Wei!"

"Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!"

On the battlefield, war drums were beating.

The soldiers of the Qin army, who were stunned by the Chu army's crossbows, subconsciously looked back at Anling City.

Su Jiao's eyes widened when he saw the flags issued by the messengers.

The general ordered them to use their flesh and blood to stand in front of the soldiers and block the Chu army's arrows for the soldiers?

The ordering soldier must have confused "first to the camp" and "general"!

However, when the messenger waved the same flag for the second time, Su Jiao finally confirmed that the messenger's order was correct.

Ying Chengyu really wants these generals to block the arrows!

If it were any other general, he would definitely be extremely confused.

But Su Jiao just made sure it was correct and shouted loudly: "All generals wearing armor and above, please step forward!"

"Short and holding a shield to provide cover for all the robes!"

While giving the order, Su Jiao snatched the shield from a shield soldier and ran towards Jing Gao first.

The other generals all showed fear.

But looking at Su Jiao who was already leading the way, the village chief Ernuo spat: "My mother, how can I let Lord Su Erwu die alone?"

After grabbing the shield, Er Nao followed Su Jiao and rushed out.

The ex-husband of General Bai also said firmly: "The general's order has been given, how can we retreat?"

"It's just death, Gouwa, give me your shield and take care of my family for me!"

Su Jiao and Ying Chengyu's prestige in the army exploded at this moment.

Hearing the marching drums and seeing Su Jiao charging, a famous general broke away from the protection of his soldiers and charged towards the front of the army.

Jing Ku's eyes narrowed and he shouted: "Shoot!"

After giving the order, Jing Ku raised the unicorn arm again, grabbed the wooden rod and started the piston movement.

"Boom, boom, clang, clang!"

Continuous explosions sounded again.

However, this time there was a crisp crashing sound.

Most of the arrows hit the Qin army's square shield, but many arrows hit Su Jiao.

Feeling a pain in his right arm, Su Jiao's heart tightened and he subconsciously turned his head to look.

As a result, he saw a small pit appeared on his shirt, but there was no shadow of the arrow!

Su Jiao was slightly startled: "Chu's crossbow bolts can't penetrate armor?"

The triangular structure at the tip of the Chu crossbow arrow can pierce the flesh and cause the enemy to bleed profusely and bleed to death.

For unarmored soldiers, this is a nightmare weapon.

But for soldiers in uniform?

That's it!

Su Jiao suddenly shouted: "The arrows of the Chu army are not strong enough to penetrate the armor, so the commander ordered me to wait for the generals of the armor to charge!"

"Boys, protect the unarmored areas with shields and charge faster!"

Hearing this, the generals of the Qin army were all excited.

The coach is not asking us to die.

It's because the enemy's arrows are simply not enough to deal with us!

There was no fear in his heart, and his foot speed was a little faster.

Before starting to run, the distance of ten feet was like a chasm.

But when they started running, the distance of ten feet disappeared in an instant!

Seeing the Qin army getting closer and closer, Jing Qu reluctantly put down his crossbow and shouted loudly: "Put away the crossbow and hold the halberd!"

The three hundred soldiers quickly hung their crossbows back on their waists and picked up their halberds with their backhands.

A Qin army commander laughed heartily: "Chu Nu? It's just a scratchy children's toy!"

As he spoke, the commander threw down his shield, gripped his spear, and prepared to kill everyone.

However, Jing Ku's soldiers standing in front of him suddenly moved to both sides, revealing the crossbow-wielding soldiers hiding behind him.

"Boom boom boom!!!"

The three soldiers fired their crossbows one after another and aimed at the village chief, spitting out a hail of arrows!

More than 70% of the arrows were blocked by the armor on the commander's body, but two crossbow arrows pierced his eyes.

He didn't even have time to shout out his last words before he fell straight to the ground.

"Idiot!" Su Jiao cursed angrily and shouted: "No one is allowed to discard their shields!"

"Be sure to cover your legs and face!"

"Let the spearmen speed up immediately!"

However, as Su Jiao said this, he made a gesture to throw away the shield.

Seeing Su Jiao's empty door wide open, the soldiers standing in front of Su Jiao immediately moved to both sides, revealing the crossbow-wielding soldiers further behind.

At the same time that Jing Ku's soldiers pulled the wooden pole, Su Jiao quickly pulled back his shield in front of him. At the same time, he dashed forward and rushed through the gap in the forest of halberds to a foot in front of the Chu army.


Listening to the sound of the bowstring exploding, Su Jiao murmured: "One, two...twenty!"

The moment he read twenty, Su Jiao loosened his right hand and threw away the spear. Then he stretched his right hand to his waist and unsheathed his sword.

He lifted up the shield with his left hand, and the Qin sword in his right hand swept upward diagonally.


While roaring, a big head soared into the sky!

Looking at the astonished eyes of the crossbow-wielding soldiers in front of him and the hands that were changing the arrow cases, Su Jiao looked ferocious and said, "You damn archers keep shooting?!"

"Die to Naoweng!"

While shouting angrily, Su Jiao stabbed the crossbow-holding soldier in front of him with his sword!

Upon seeing this, my ex-husband shouted: "Follow the two to five hundred masters and charge to kill!"

While shouting, a group of generals followed closely behind Su Jiao and quickly filled the gap that Su Jiao made.

Jing Ku ordered without hesitation: "The family soldiers retreat, the halberd soldiers come forward!"

After paying the price with the lives of more than a hundred family soldiers, the rotation of family soldiers and halberdiers was completed.

It is obvious that using more than 100 generals to fight against the basic infantry of the Chu army will result in a loss of blood.

Su Jiao stopped chasing, picked up his spear and shouted loudly: "The shieldmen are arranged on three sides, forming a two-layer shield array, one shield to protect the top and one shield to protect the bottom!"

It is clear that the Qin army is the attacking party.

But under the threat of the elusive Chu Nu, Su Jiao had to put into a defensive formation.

However, even so, Su Jiao's goal has been achieved.

After all, Su Jiao's troops are not fighting alone!

Jing Ku's troops have always been within the range of Qin Nu.

While Su Jiao's troops were resisting with difficulty, the crossbowmen at the top of the city kept shooting deadly arrows at the Chu army!

Seeing Meng Nan's troops pouring out of the city gate, Su Jiao shouted: "Hold on!"

"Delaying the enemy is victory!"

Inside the city gate, Ying Chengyu breathed a sigh of relief and exclaimed excitedly: "Well done!"

"The soldiers obey the order and follow the general out of the city!"

Five thousand soldiers followed Ying Chengyu and rushed out of the city. However, they did not march towards Su Jiao's troops. Instead, they formed an array southeast of the city gate and faced Zhaohuang's troops head-on.

Ying Chengyu rode his horse and stood at the front of the soldiers, holding a halberd in his right hand. He looked directly at Zhaoyuan with cold eyes: "The Lord Chang'an of Great Qin is here!"

"The enemy general dares to fight with me!"

The ancients' definition of a repeating crossbow was broader than that of today's people. For example, the repeating crossbow vehicle in "Mozi Bei Gaolin" fired dozens of arrows at once, but it did not have an automatic loading function and required manual reloading. Pack. According to this definition, the three-eyed gun of the Ming Dynasty is also a repeating firearm (laughs). Therefore, Cheese personally believes that any crossbow that can fire two or more arrows at one time will be defined as a repeating crossbow in ancient times.

But even if the scope of the definition is expanded to the widest, Cheese still has not found any records about the Chu crossbow in any historical materials. However, the physical object of the Chu state's Liannu was unearthed in the Qinjiazui tomb. Based on the historical data, the cheese selection adopts archaeological results.

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