My brother Ying Zheng, who dares to kill me?

Chapter 221 So, General Xiang, what’s the price?

"Where are the military doctors! Where are the stretcher-bearers!"

Su Jiao roared loudly after returning to Anling City with Coward on his back.

Two civilians carrying a stretcher ran over quickly.

Su Jiao carefully placed Nao Dan on the stretcher, cut a piece of cloth from his own underwear with a sword, tied it to the heart of Nao Dan's calf wound, and said firmly: "Hold on! You must hold on! Military doctor It will definitely save your life!”

Ying Chengyu also ran over quickly after commanding all the troops to defend the city.

Seeing Nao Dan lying on the stretcher from a distance, Ying Chengyu ran all the way to search for memories in his mind. Finally, when he ran to Nao Dan, he remembered the person's name and asked anxiously: "Bao Dan! How serious is the injury? no!"

Naodan looked at Ying Chengyu in shock and emotion: "Coach, do you still remember the last general?!"

Ying Chengyu said seriously: "In the battle to destroy Korea, you will be my own soldier."

"In the battle of Qinian Palace, you followed my orders and sneaked into Yongcheng. You saved me from death several times. How can I forget you!"

Coward was so excited that he got up from the stretcher: "Coach! I am just a child from a poor family, and now I am just a village chief. How can I be remembered by you in your heart!"

Although Ruodan has fought three battles with Ying Chengyu, Ruodan never expected that he would be remembered by Ying Chengyu.

There are so many people following the coach and fighting fiercely in all directions. Did the coach remember to come?

Now the coach calls out my name as soon as he sees me. What does this mean?

This shows that the coach has me in mind!

Ying Chengyu quickly pressed Coward's shoulders and pushed him back onto the stretcher, and said in a deep voice: "Don't get up, you'll be lying down for a long time!"

"Master Su Er500, how is the coward's injury?"

Su Jiao quickly replied: "The coward was hit by three arrows in the leg and is still bleeding."

Ying Chengyu looked at Naodan's legs and saw three crossbow arrows stuck in Naodan's calves.

Holding the sword and cutting open his lower garment, he saw gurgling blood still flowing out of the wound.

Ying Chengyu shouted while checking the wound: "Song An! Song An!!!"

Song An, the military doctor accompanying him, ran over quickly, and Ying Cheng stretched out his hand without even raising his eyes: "Knife!"

Song An quickly took out a long and narrow knife wrapped in clean linen from his backpack.

Holding a knife and carefully cutting open Naodan's wound, Ying Chengyu took out the crossbow arrow that had pierced Naodan's leg.

Looking at the triangular tip of the arrow, Ying Chengyu's heart sank slightly.

But in front of the coward, Ying Chengyu did not show his emotions, but said solemnly: "It's just a small crossbow arrow, how can you destroy my warriors!"

"Song An, take the coward to the wounded barracks to suture the wound quickly!"

Ying Chengyu patted Coward's shoulder hard: "Don't be afraid. After the military doctor stitches you up, you will be fully recovered!"

Naodan felt nervous and said weakly: "I, can I not let the military doctor sew it up?"

"I'm not afraid of death, but I'm afraid of pain!"

Although Naodan has not yet received treatment from a military doctor, he often heard the screams and wails of wounded soldiers when he passed by the wounded soldiers' camp.

Naodan even saw a military law officer who temporarily acted as a military doctor carrying a human head into the wounded barracks, and then walked out of the camp with blood on his hands and a happy face.

What a coward!

Ying Chengyu smiled gently: "What can we do if we don't treat the disease? I am still waiting for you to charge into battle for me again!"

"When you gain military merit again, I will personally replace your crown!"

Matters such as changing titles are generally the responsibility of the immediate superior.

Those who can be crowned by the general himself are all warriors who have made great achievements.

And could the Chang'an Lord of the Qin Dynasty, who had destroyed two countries in a row, change his title in person?

He can brag about this for the rest of his life!

Hearing what Ying Chengxuan said, Nao Dan felt a surge of blood in his heart, and shouted excitedly: "The last general must fight bravely to kill the enemy and be promoted to a noble title as soon as possible!"

Ying Chengyu laughed heartily: "Shan! You are worthy of being my general's soldier!"

"And all the lords!"

Ying Chengyu looked around and spoke loudly: "Our army has exceeded the mission assigned by the king during this expedition, and has also captured a large amount of loot."

"After this battle, I will personally replace the crowns for all of you!"

"You all must cooperate with the doctors to receive treatment."

"I don't want to have to hand over the crown to your family members!"

"I'm going to ask you all to lead the oxen, carry the money, and go home in glory!"

The head-on attack from the Chu army's repeated crossbows caused great psychological trauma to Su Jiao's soldiers.

These soldiers have indeed returned to Anling City alive, but their fighting spirit has been abandoned on the battlefield. Now, what lingers in their hearts is only a deep sense of fear and powerlessness.

But Ying Chengyu's words turned their thoughts from the miserable present to the bright future.

As if they were afraid that they would be left behind if they didn't shout, all the wounded soldiers nearby shouted excitedly: "Wei!"

Ying Chengyu said firmly: "Shan!"

"I will be waiting for you!"

The faces of the wounded soldiers were flushed, and they were so excited that they couldn't help but share their joy with Pao Ze around them.

It wasn't until they were carried into the wounded barracks and saw a military doctor holding a sharp knife walking towards them that the smiles on their faces suddenly stopped.


Did they agree to some fatal request just now? !

Ying Chengwen shuttled back and forth among the wounded soldiers like a butterfly in a flower, constantly comforting people's hearts.

After all the wounded soldiers were carried into the wounded barracks, Ying Chengyu asked in a deep voice: "What was the result of this battle?"

Military Law Envoy Cao Shan said: "The statistics of the first achievements and battle losses have not yet been completed."

"According to the summary of military officials from various ministries, our army killed more than 3,600 enemies in this battle, but most of them were killed by crossbow bolts. The heads that could be brought back would not exceed 1,500."

"More than 130 of our troops were killed and more than 1,700 were seriously injured."

Ying Chengyu picked up the crossbow arrow in his hand, which was not as long as his own hand, and said in a deep voice, "That's why!"

Cao Shan nodded immediately: "Not bad."

"In the past, when my country, Qin, was at war with Chu, if someone was injured by this crossbow, the wound would continue to bleed. Most of the wounded soldiers would bleed to death, and even if they didn't die, it would be difficult to recover."

"But now I, Da Qin, have obtained the suturing technique taught by the general, which may allow this injury to recover faster."

He blamed himself for winning the score and said: "I am the one who underestimated the heroes of the world!"

This time the Chu army's metal storm sounded the alarm for Ying Chengyu.

How could there be any weaklings among the heroes who could survive in the meat grinder of the Warring States Period for hundreds of years?

Countries without any ability have long been swept into the garbage heap of history!

The Qin Dynasty swept through the six kingdoms and unified the world.

But the victory of Great Qin was based on mountains of corpses and seas of blood.

Among those numerous bones, there were not only soldiers from the Six Kingdoms, but also many soldiers from the Qin Dynasty!

Ying Chengyu commanded in a deep voice: "Eight Masters, take this copy of the general's seal and seal to return to the court."

"Please send the imperial court all the information on the weapons, armor, and ordnance of the various countries to this general."

"This mistake in this battle will never be repeated again!"


You must continue to learn!

Merely learning military strategies and tactics is not enough. We must enhance our understanding of the armaments of various countries in order to truly know ourselves and our enemies and not make similar mistakes again!

Yafu immediately handed over his hand: "Yui!"

Seeing that Ying Chengxuan was so cautious, Meng Nan persuaded him gently: "There is no need to worry, coach."

"Chu's crossbow fires like rain, but this crossbow cannot break leather armor, and its range is very close. As long as you pay attention to prevent being attacked by sneak attacks, it does not pose a great threat to our army."

Su Jiao said guiltily: "Commander, the last general failed to react in time and was defeated by the enemy!"

"Please, coach, punish me!"

Seeing that the atmosphere was not right, Ying Chengqiao laughed loudly: "Punishment?"

"What crime?"

"Master Su Er500 will make a huge profit in this battle. Don't mention the punishment again!"

Ying Chengyu blamed himself, but he couldn't let his generals blame themselves too.

In the face of a powerful enemy, if the morale of the generals is low, how can we fight this battle?

Seeing that Ying Chengxuan's attitude was firm and that he had indeed made a huge profit in this battle, Su Jiao no longer dwelled on his guilt, but instead talked about the problem he had discovered: "When the general was withdrawing his troops, two Chu armies came outflanking him."

"If the Chu army fights with our army outside the city, our army will definitely suffer heavy casualties even if it can return to Anling City."

"But the captain of the Chu army let our army go very easily."

"The general will think that there must be something weird in it!"

Ying Chengyu nodded slightly: "I have also discovered this problem."

"The soldiers of Chu State are divided into regular army, county army and private army. Among them, private army are soldiers recruited from various feudal lords."

"If the Chu army captains are all private troops, it is normal for them not to dare to fight to the death."

"And this may be an opportunity for our army!"

While he was talking, a messenger came quickly and said: "Commander, the Chu army has begun to attack the city!"

Ying Chengyu ran up the city wall first and saw three hundred Chu troops who had climbed up first and were running towards Anling City.

The big flag with the word "Xiang" still fluttering in the wind in the south of Anling City, but a large number of captain flags such as "Qu", "Jing" and "Zhao" have disappeared.

Ying Chengyu immediately got on his horse and ran around the city wall. He saw the generals of the other three clans taking charge of the attack on one side of the city wall in clan units.

Meng Nan said regretfully: "It seems that General Xiang has also discovered the internal problems of the Chu army."

"Now General Xiang divides the Chu army according to clans and attacks the city separately. There will be no gaps between the armies."

"On the contrary, as relatives of the same clan, these Chu army captains will be able to rescue each other faster."

"The clan leader's orders to all ministries will also go smoothly!"

In the face of ordinary superiors, subordinates may defy their superiors for various reasons.

But what if his superior is his biological father?

Is the Paoze he wants to rescue his brother?

When the Chu army was mixed together, there were many internal conflicts.

But when each tribe divides its troops, it means brothers fighting tigers, father and son fighting in battle.

The Unity BUFF is fully charged immediately!

However, Ying Chengyu kept scanning the several captain flags and spoke softly: "Contradictions will only be covered up, not eliminated."

"General Xiang's move has indeed solved the problem of mutual trust and reinforcement between various ethnic groups."

"Then, General Xiang, what's the price?"

The division of troops among various races does have many benefits, but there is also a problem.

The conflicts between various ethnic groups will become more obvious, and the influence of gains and losses will also expand!

Ying Chengxuan immediately gave the order: "Order! Each department will divide its troops to guard the west, south and north cities. Ten thousand troops will be stationed on each wall."

"The three cities in the west, south and north are mainly defensive. We don't want to kill or injure, we just want the city to remain intact."

"This general will lead his troops to guard the East City, and all catapults will be deployed to the East City!"

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