My brother Ying Zheng, who dares to kill me?

Chapter 224: Fighting for family background with this general? Are you worthy?

As soon as he discovered the chaos in Jing's rear army, Li Xin did not hesitate to attack with his elite troops, then pressed the entire army, and rushed in along the gap.

Li Xin excitedly followed the army into the Jing family's rear army. Using the height of his horse, he kept looking around the battlefield and ordered:

"The front army turns northwest!"

"Jiang Ming's troops turned to the southwest, broke the army formation, and then turned to the northwest to join forces!"

"Wang Qun's troops come forward to encircle and suppress the remaining soldiers in the formation!"

Li Xin continued to issue orders one after another, and the 50,000 soldiers continued to turn and change formations under Li Xin's command.

The frequency of Li Xin's orders was much higher than that of ordinary generals, and the ordering soldiers were almost exhausted by Li Xin!

But Li Xin’s achievements are also impressive.

The Qin army was able to hit Jing's weak points every time, and could even counter-encircle Jing's small group of elites in Jing's military formation!

When it comes to the speed of the advance, Li Xin's troops are even faster than Ying Chengyu's troops!


After piercing the face of a Chu soldier with his halberd, Ying Chengyu subconsciously swung his halberd again, only to find that the person standing in front of him was actually a soldier wearing Qin army armor!

It was not until this moment that Ying Chengyu realized that the Qin army had penetrated Jing's troops from both directions.

Ying Chengyu's headquarters and the reinforcements' headquarters completed the victory meeting inside Jing's military formation!

Ying Chengyu quickly deflected the halberd, causing the blade to hit the oncoming spear.


The sound of gold and iron clashing exploded, and Ying Chengyu roared angrily: "I am the Lord of Chang'an of the Great Qin Dynasty!"

The three Qin soldiers standing in front of Ying Chengyu were stunned for a moment, and then turned pale with shock.

Did they just stab their coach with a spear?

This is a serious crime committed by the three Zhulian clans!

In panic, the spears in the hands of the two Qin soldiers dropped to the ground in fright, and one of the Qin soldiers looked fierce.

Since the three tribes are destined to be killed, why not trade the lives of the three tribes for a bright future for yourself!

The Chu army is nearby.

As long as Ying Chenglong is stabbed to death, he can take Ying Chenglong's body to the Chu State and achieve great success!

Ying Chengyu shouted loudly: "Send the reinforcements to pass through our army and rush out of the Chu army's formation along the gap made by our army!"

Immediately, Ying Chengyu looked at the three Qin soldiers who had just thrust their spears at him, and laughed loudly: "You three have good skills."


"These three warriors, together with their comrade Wu Paoze, have joined our army and become the general's personal soldiers!"

The fear, panic and fierceness in the eyes of the three Qin soldiers were instantly replaced by ecstasy.

Instead of blaming us, the coach actually praised us for our bravery and even promoted us as his own soldiers? !

This pie falling from the sky shattered all uneasiness, and the three Qin soldiers shouted in unison: "Humble Peng Cheng/Peng Yue/Peng Gu, thank you, coach!"

Who would be willing to throw the heads of the three tribes into the ancestral graves, and then put their own heads on their waists to fight for their lives if they could take the three tribes soaring!

Ying Chengyu nodded slightly, remembered these three names in his heart, and then shouted angrily: "Where are the generals of this army?"

From a distance, Li Xin waved to Ying Chengyu: "Commander, the last general Li Xin has received the king's order to come for reinforcements!"

Li Xin's face was full of smiles and pride that could not be concealed.

Those sparkling eyes are clearly saying: Praise me quickly! Praise me quickly!

Ying Chengyu laughed in anger, and continued to charge forward, closing the distance with Li Xin and then shouted: "Lead the army and leave the Chu army's formation through the passage through which my troops fought."

"Then return to the city immediately!"

Li Xin looked surprised: "Commander, this army has been dispersed by our army. This is a great opportunity to behead the enemy and win military glory."

"Why give up such an opportunity?"

Ying Chengyu said without any doubt: "This is a military order!"

Li Xinzhong did not think Ying Chengyu's order was right.

But in the military, you must obey military orders!

Li Xin could only hand over his hand: "Wei!"

Then he tugged the reins bitterly and shouted loudly: "Advance the whole army!"

Two Qin armies crossed each other in Jing's formation.

After each escaped from the enemy's formation along the gap created by the other, they split up and ran towards Anling City without hesitation.

After leading their troops into the city, Wang Qun, Jiang Ming, Xifeng and other captains did not even bother to arrange their troops, so they surrounded Ying Chengyu and shouted excitedly:

"Coach, the general is back!"

"Is the coach okay?"

"Why did the coach rush into the battle in person? How on earth did Meng Nan take care of the coach!"

Ying Chengqiao smiled warmly: "Don't worry, I will be fine."

"Now that you are back, I am completely relieved."

Jiang Ming and others were chatting animatedly with Ying Chengyu, but Li Xin only felt noisy.

Why don't you take me with you when you chat!

Is there no one to greet me?

Li Xin coughed lightly and bowed his hands in front of Ying Chengyu: "Li Xin, the grandson of the Governor of Longxi, the eldest son of Marquis Didao, and the captain of the reinforcements, pays homage to the commander-in-chief!"

Li Xin's self-introduction is cumbersome.

Who talks about who my father is when introducing himself in the military?

But Jiang Ming and others showed no disdain.

Li Xin's great-grandfather once served as the left prime minister of the Qin Dynasty and was granted the title of Marquis for his military merits. Li Xin's grandfather and father were both governors of the Qin Dynasty, and Li Xin's father was also granted the title of Marquis for his military exploits.

In addition, Li Xin also has an uncle who has not been out of the fifth server and is serving as the commander-in-chief of the enemy country.

In this way, a family of generals will be naturally loved by the generals in the army.

Moreover, Li Xin has just turned thirty this year and is already a captain. Li Xin's personal strength has also changed his bragging from being a father to being a hero!

Ying Chengyu glanced at Li Xin up and down, smiled and handed over his hand: "The second son of King Zhuangxiang of Qin, the younger brother of Qin Wangzheng, Lord Qin Chang'an, Qin Zongzhengcheng, the commander-in-chief of this army, Young Master Chengyu, has met Li Duwei."

Ying Chengyu understood Li Xin's habitual arrogance.

But showing off your identity and backstage in front of the general?

I have never seen such an unwise person!

Who do you think you are? Do you dare to compete with me?

The smile on Li Xin's face froze.

Before speaking, Li Xin didn't think too much. He just habitually added his family background when introducing himself, but this time he hit the wall!

And it is an iron plate thicker than the city wall of Daliang City!

Li Xin didn't have the strength to touch this iron plate at all, so he could only change the subject and ask: "Just now, our army had every chance to cause greater damage to the Chu army."

"Why did the commander order our troops to withdraw and return to the city?"

Ying Chengyu did not answer, but simply said: "Follow me to the city wall."

Li Xin followed Ying Chengyu up to the city wall unhappily, and saw Ying Chengyu pointing to the north: "Look there."

Li Xin followed Ying Chengyu's gesture and saw a large flag with the word "xiang" standing 200 feet away from the corner of Beicheng and East City, and quickly moving away from Anling City.

Li Xin looked stunned: "Didn't the commander of the Chu army increase his troops to Beicheng?"

"Why did he suddenly send troops to Dongcheng again!"

"The commander of the Chu army intends to use elite troops to cut off our retreat back to the city?!"

Ying Chengyu nodded slightly: "If our army does not return to the city in time, we will never be able to return to the city."

Li Xinxin couldn't help but feel afraid, and immediately handed over his hand: "The final general made a mistake in judgment."

"Please punish me, coach!"

Ying Chengyu did not blame Li Xin, but said seriously: "Captain Li noticed that the fighter's vision was far better than that of the general."

"But Chu general Xiang Yan is really a scheming person!"

"The fighter plane he exposed may not be a real fighter plane. It may be just a trap. Captain Li must be careful!"

Li Xinxin felt a little uncomfortable being lectured by Ying Chengyu, but he knew that what Ying Chengyu said was right, so he immediately handed it over: "Wei."

Ying Chengqiao said warmly: "But there is no need to worry too much."

"Captain Li just needs to obey orders and act."

Li Xin said solemnly: "This is the duty of the last general!"

Ying Chengyu accepted the request and asked, "Why did Lieutenant Li also lead his army to help?"

"Could it be that the king has ordered more troops?"

After asking three times in a row, Li Xin just took out a bamboo tube from his arms and handed it to Ying Chengxuan: "This is the king's order. The commander will know it after seeing it!"

Ying Chengqiao took it immediately.

After hurriedly checking the clay-seal letter, Ying Chengyu opened the bamboo tube with a knife and poured out the bamboo slips inside.

[We, Da Qin, have sent lobbyists to lobby the Qu family. Lord Chang'an can defend the city and avoid a bloody battle with the Qu family. 】

[However, the war situation is unpredictable, and it is up to Lord Chang'an to decide what to do. Wang Ben's 100,000 troops and horses are also at the disposal of Lord Chang'an. 】

[I grant the right to make decisions when the emperor of Chang'an arrives! 】

[On April 6, ten years, the King of Qin’s decree! 】

[Brother has led the army to station in Xinzheng. I am worried about my situation. If I am in danger, I will withdraw my troops to the direction of Xinzheng as soon as possible. There should be no hesitation for a moment! 】

Ying Chenglong: (Д)ノ

After reading the bamboo slips, Ying Chengyu's pupils were shocked: "The king went to Xinzheng?!"

Li Xin nodded: "Calculating the time, the king should arrive in Xinzheng City within two days."

Ying Chengyu angrily scolded: "Why did he go to Xinzheng?"

"Now Zhao, Chu, and Yan have all sent troops, and Xinzheng City is not far from the battlefields of Zhao and Chu."

"As the king of my great Qin, how could he be involved in danger!"

The last time I asked for advice, the eldest brother directly killed Ben Yongcheng.

This time the general asked for advice, but the eldest brother was still somewhat sensible and did not have the imperial commander to personally come to help.

But Xinzheng is not a safe place!

Xinzheng City is only 230 miles away from Anling City.

The Chu army was good at rapid marches and could reach the city of Xinzheng in two days.

And in the original history, the Xinzheng Rebellion still broke out after the demise of South Korea!

I just wanted to ask my eldest brother what to do next.

At most, it's just a secret hope that the elder brother can save some troops from his teeth to serve as reinforcements to reinforce the general.

But why did the eldest brother go to Xinzheng in person? !

Ying Chengyu was angry and anxious, wishing he could run to Xinzheng right now, grab Ying Zheng and punch him three times.

You are already a mature King of Qin, can you pay attention to your own safety?

Li Xin refuted sternly: "The king has his own thoughts. How can the coach question the king's order? How dare he speak evil words to the king!"

"Today's words from Lord Chang'an must be reported to the king truthfully!"

Li Xin knew very well that everything he enjoyed now was given by Da Qin.

The Li family could not survive today without the trust of three generations of Qin kings.

Li Xin himself admired Ying Zheng very much.

Therefore, Li Xin is quite loyal to Da Qin and does not allow anyone to disrespect Ying Zheng!

Ying Chengyu was speechless by what Li Xin said, and could only nod helplessly: "I will apologize to the king."

Li Xin solemnly raised his hands and said, "That's how it should be!"

Ignoring Li Xin's defense of Ying Zheng, Ying Chengyu frowned in thought.

This royal order brought two key pieces of information to Ying Chengxuan.

First, Ying Zheng is about to arrive in Xinzheng, and Xinzheng's strategic significance has once again increased. Ying Chengyu will not allow Xinzheng City to face any danger!

Secondly, although Ying Zheng and Ying Chengxuan were thousands of miles apart, they thought of going together, and both were prepared to use the internal fighting in the Chu State to defuse the Chu army's front.

Although the two people have different focuses, there is no conflict in their plans and they can even cooperate with each other.

After pondering for a long time, Ying Chengyu ordered in a deep voice: "Order!"

"Boil golden juice!"

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