My brother Ying Zheng, who dares to kill me?

Chapter 227 Ying Chengyu’s empty city plan! Anling City is destroyed!

Since the beginning of the war, Qu has not fought even a tough battle.

But the heavy losses suffered by other clans were all seen by the Qu family.

Now that they have taken on the important task of attacking, all Qu's soldiers feel heavy in their hearts.

When Qu Che's troops advanced to 300 feet outside the south city gate, Qu Che ordered in a deep voice: "The shieldmen come forward, and the guard crossbowmen launch the crossbow bolts!"

Fifteen hundred crossbowmen, protected by a thousand shieldmen, left the formation, forming a solid square formation and advancing towards Anling City step by step.

He didn't wait for the imaginary flying rocks, nor did he wait for the enemy troops pouring out of the city gate, or even for the arrows thrown from the top of the city.

But all this put greater psychological pressure on Qu's generals.

They didn't know why Ying Chengyu didn't attack the Qu family alone, but they knew that Ying Chengyu, who even destroyed two countries, couldn't be a waste, and the Qu family and Ying Chengyu didn't have a close relationship.

Ying Chengyu's current restraint must be for a more violent counterattack later!

Qu Huan couldn't help but order again: "Order!"

"Qu Ou's men come forward and assist Qu Che's men in suppressing Anling City!"

After the Anling city had entered Chu Nu's attack range, Anling city still did not launch any counterattack!

The uneasiness in the hearts of Qu's generals became more and more intense.

Qu Huan wanted to withdraw his troops.

His intuition told him that if Qu attacked the city now, he would suffer heavy losses!

But looking back at Jingchou, Zhaoyuan and other soldiers of various clans who were eyeing him, Qu Huan could only give an order in a deep voice: "Target the top of Anling City and suppress the Qin army!"

Qu Ou and Qu Che shouted together: "Array three times!"

"First row, raise your head high, the target is directly in front of you, shoot!"


Thousands of bow strings exploded into a roar of thunder, and thousands of crossbow bolts were fired at Anling City.

Immediately afterwards, the second and third thunder sounded one after another.

The crossbow arrows flew towards Anling City like black clouds!

But after six rounds of crossbow bolts, Anling City was still as quiet as a ghost!

Qu Huan swallowed hard and could only order: "Go to the camp first and charge!"

Five hundred of the Qu family came up first and drank all the wine in the bowl.

Looking at the southern city wall that was soaked with gold juice, they smashed the wine bowls and burst into a decisive roar:

"The Qu family is victorious!"

While shouting and shouting, five hundred Qu clan members picked up their shields, carried them up the ladders, and charged towards Anling City with all their strength.

Everyone knows that once you go, you will never come back!

But for the sake of their families, they had no choice but to charge.

Qu Pi stepped into the golden liquid that covered his feet, and almost tripped over Pao Ze's body with another foot, but the only thing in his sight was the walls of Anling City!

With one foot deep and one foot shallow, they staggered to the foot of Anling City. Qu Pi and Pao Ze set up the ladder on the city wall together, then held the sword in his right hand and the ladder in his left hand, and were the first to climb up towards Anling City.

"The credit for getting there first must belong to me, the Qu family!!!"

While roaring, Qu Pi stepped on the ladder with all his strength, jumped up to the top of Anling City, looked around with eyes filled with murderous intent and roared angrily:

"Kill! \u003c(‵′)\u003eAh~(⊙_⊙)ah?[_?]"

Qu Pi was the first to jump onto the city wall with the belief that he would die.

But after jumping onto the city wall, Qu Pi's roar suddenly changed.

Just because Qu Pi looked around and didn't see any enemy soldiers!

Qu Pi's figure unconsciously became a little shorter, his neck was raised, his eyes looked around in fear, and his right hand hesitantly raised his sword.

He had no confidence and whispered in a sneaky voice: "First, first?"

More and more pioneer warriors rushed up the city wall.

But Anling City seems to be carved with a silent barrier.

No matter how loud these pioneer warriors shouted outside the city, once they climbed onto the city wall, everything became silent.

If these pioneer warriors could not still be seen, the soldiers outside the city would suspect that they were all dead!

Qu Ou's eyes were full of solemnity: "I have heard that Lord Chang'an of the Qin State has never held a sacrificial position, but he can make the souls of the dead appear, and he can see through the disguises of all monsters and ghosts."

"During the civil war in Yongcheng, Chang'an Lord even invited the ancestors of the Qin Dynasty to devour the evil spirits that were causing trouble!"

"Changan Lord is probably driving demons and ghosts to help defend the city today!"

The culture of ghosts and gods in Da Qin is already very profound.

However, the culture of ghosts and gods in Chu State is more deeply rooted in people's hearts than in Qin Dynasty. They do not doubt the existence of ghosts and gods at all, but regard the existence of ghosts and gods as a matter of course.

Now that he encountered this incomprehensible phenomenon, Qu Ou immediately attributed the problem to the monsters.

Just when the generals of the Qu family were suspicious, the south gate of Anling City opened!

Looking at the open South City Gate and the several Qus standing inside the South City Gate, the Qus generals all widened their eyes and took two steps back unconsciously.

However, after Qu Huan took two steps back, he hissed: "Send orders to Qu Che's troops to enter the city!"

Now that the city gate is open, Qu has no reason to retreat.

Otherwise, what do other clans think of the Qu family?

What does Xiang Yan think of Qu?

Wasn't Qu Huan's advice to all ethnic groups to join forces to ease the relationship between the Qu family and the various ethnic groups?

Even if there was a scam in Anling City, Qu Huan would admit it!

Qu Che took a deep breath and shouted in a deep voice: "Soldiers, charge!"

Tens of thousands of Qu's private soldiers shouted in unison, "Charge and kill!"

They originally thought that what was waiting for them would be an ambush by the Qin army, or a man-eating demon.

But when they poured into the city, they only saw empty streets and frightened eyes in private houses.

"There is no Qin army near the city gate!"

"There is no Qin army on the city wall!"

"There is no Qin army in the Cave of Hidden Soldiers!"

"The civilian houses are filled with ordinary Guizhou soldiers, and they are not Qin soldiers!"

Qu Che's brows furrowed deeper and deeper as the news came together one by one.

He couldn't understand at all what was going on!

Finally, a scout galloped back on his horse and shouted loudly: "Captain, a large number of Qin troops have been discovered in the east city!"

Hearing that there were a large number of Qin troops, Qu Che seemed to be grasping at straws and gave an order: "The whole army listens to the order and turns into the east city!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Qu Che took the lead and galloped towards the east city.

Finally, Qu Che saw Ying Chengyu!

Hundreds of soldiers mounted their horses and lined up behind Ying Chengyu. Ying Chengyu stood alone in front of him with a gentle smile on his face.

He didn't hold a halberd or a sword. If Ying Chengyu hadn't been wearing armor, he wouldn't look like a general on the battlefield at all, but more like a noble prince going out to visit friends!

Seeing Qu Che, Ying Chengyu bowed his hands and smiled loudly: "Brother Qu, you are finally here!"

Qu Che immediately reined in his horse in panic and asked in a deep voice: "Who is your brother Qu! Don't call me brother-in-law with this captain."

"Chang'an Jun, what conspiracy do you have!"

The smile on Ying Chengyu's face froze, and then turned into anger: "Jing family hates me, I will use my troops to destroy him."

"The Zhao family hates me, but I don't think so."

"But how can you, the Qu family, humiliate me!"

"I have never treated Mr. Qu harshly. How could Brother Qu say such evil words!"

Qu Che was convinced that Qu had no friendship with Ying Zheng or Ying Chengyu.

But now Ying Chengyu is so warm and friendly, if something goes wrong, there must be fraud!

Qu Che's eyes cautiously scanned the streets on both sides, and he shouted: "Qu Jingzhao and his family are all in uniform."

"Don't try to sow discord!"

Immediately, Qu Che whispered: "Call the troops to form a square formation and be ready to fight against the ambush at any time."

"Order the soldiers to inspect all the surrounding houses and make sure there is no mistake!"

Just as Qu Che was whispering, the eighth husband also rode forward and whispered: "Our army has completed its evacuation."

Ying Chengyu nodded slightly and sighed in disappointment: "I thought that you and I were family members, and we could talk and be friends even if we were enemies on the battlefield."

"But now it seems that I am just being sentimental!"

"Stop it!"

"Now that Anling City has been handed over to the Qu family, I have given you a wedding gift to my sister-in-law."

"Please also ask Mrs. Qu to send your sister-in-law to Daqin as soon as possible!"

Pulling the reins, Ying Chengyu said in a deep voice: "Retreat!"

Qu Che:! ! !

Wedding gift?


What the hell are you talking about!

But Ying Chengyu led his troops to the east city without hesitation. Qu Che had no time to think about it and could only immediately give the order: "Chase!"

He runs away, he chases.

All the way to the east city gate, Ying Chengyu suddenly said: "Guafu!"

The hexagram master immediately raised two command flags and made a signal.

Qu Che shouted in shock: "Stop!"

"The Qin army indeed has an ambush!"

This captain knew how the Qin army, which had been holding on for a long time, suddenly withdrew!

How could the majestic Lord Chang'an of the Qin Kingdom put himself in danger for no reason!

All this must be Chang'an Jun's conspiracy!

Fortunately, this captain reacted quickly, otherwise he would have fallen into Lord Chang'an's trap!

But looking at Ying Chengyu, who ran all the way out of the city and continued to the east without stopping, Qu Che felt a little unconfident again.

Where is Lord Chang'an's ambush?

"All troops form formations and clear the city!" After giving the order, Qu Che returned to the central army full of doubts.

Facing the gazes of Xiang Yan, Jingchou and others, Qu Che whispered: "Shangzhu Kingdom, Anling City has been destroyed!"

It was clear that they had won a great victory, and they had also captured Anling City, which they had been attacking for a long time without success.

But Qu Che was like a defeated general returning from a great defeat, not daring to raise his head at all.

Xiang Yan smiled warmly: "Raise your head!"

"After a fierce attack by Chu, the Qin army finally couldn't resist and took advantage of our army's opportunity to recover the troops and horses trapped in the city to escape from Anling City."

"This is a great victory! Why do you keep your head down?"

Qu Che said awkwardly: "But I, Mrs. Qu..."

Xiang Yan said in a deep voice: "This is war! It is not a child's play! There is no fairness at all!"

"In this battle, the Qu family captured Anling lightly, and their troops were well preserved."

"In the next battle, the Qu family will be asked to shoulder heavy responsibilities. Can the Qu family dare to obey the order?"

General Qu knew very well that Xiang Yan was helping them.

Qu Huan quickly raised his hand and said, "I am willing to fight to the death for Da Chu!"

Xiang Yan looked at Jingchou and others again: "Yan and Zhao are still attacking Qin. Qin is at war with the three countries in three places, so the troops must be scarce."

"In this battle, our army not only captured Anling City, but also caused many losses to Lord Chang'an's troops."

"I also ask you to return to your headquarters quickly, reorganize your troops and horses, pursue Lord Chang'an's troops in succession, and continue to capture the city and territory for our great Chu!"

Under the temptation of interests, each family suppressed their dissatisfaction and all raised their hands: "Wei!"

The military meeting ended and the generals dispersed.

Qu Che walked to Zhao Yuan with a smile and said, "Brother Zhao, I recently composed another piece of music."

"Brother, do you have time to correct me?"

Zhaoyuan said softly: "This general is so stinky that I can't even enter Qu's tent."


Qu Huan also walked up to Jingchou with a shy face: "Jing Mo Ao, Qu's soldiers hunted a deer today."

"Jing Mo Ao will definitely come and enjoy it!"

Jingchou smiled and bowed his hands: "My Jing clan has suffered a lot of damage in the battle, and I still need to appease the generals. I really don't have time to eat the venison of Lao Shizi."

"Qu Sima should not let his soldiers go hunting anymore. There must be a lot of fine wine and meat in Anling City. They are all yours. Why are you eating deer?"

Qu Huan hurriedly said: "Qu's absolute... Jing Mo Ao! Jing Mo Ao, stay!"

However, Jingchou completely ignored Qu Huan's greeting and instead quickened his pace and left the Chinese army.

After walking out of the military camp, Jingchou turned back and glanced at Qu Huan coldly: "Dezhi villain!"

Jing Po whispered: "I just found out that Lord Chang'an told Qu Cheyan before he evacuated that Anling City was a wedding gift to the Qu family."

"And please ask Mr. Qu to send his sister-in-law to Qin as soon as possible!"

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