My brother Ying Zheng, who dares to kill me?

Chapter 238: Fighting against each other’s weaknesses, Ying Zheng is trapped in Xinzheng City!

Xinzheng Palace.

After Ying Chengyu's sweeping campaign and Ying Zheng's arrival, the original decorative style of Xinzheng Palace has become the same as that of Xianyang Palace.

It's just that the main hall is a bit short and the stairs are a bit short, which makes the ministers who are used to going to court as a exercise a little uncomfortable.

But this gave Qin's ministers more energy to drink at the top of their lungs in the imperial study.

"This battle must stop!" Mi Li said seriously: "We must not continue fighting like this!"

"It's not worth it to be enemies of Zhao, Yan, and Chu for the sake of the territory of the old Wei Dynasty!"

"The territory can be retaken in the future, but the current Great Qin does not have the ability to start a war with the Three Kingdoms at the same time!"

Wei Liao asked in a serious tone: "Then what should I, Great Qin, do?"

"Are we going to give up all of Wei's territory?"

"Even if I, Great Qin, are willing, can Zhao, Chu, and Yan withdraw their troops?"

"They won't! They will only continue to advance even further and will not stop until they force our Great Qin back to Hangu Pass!"

Mi Li asked back: "We, the Qin Dynasty, have the ability to continue fighting fiercely with other countries, but we are only retreating for the sake of peace. How dare the other countries continue to pursue us?"

The important ministers in the imperial study did not take sides based on factions, but only took sides based on their personal judgments about the battle, and argued endlessly.

Half an hour later, Mi Li finally couldn't help but surrendered to Ying Zheng: "Your Majesty, I beg you for your life!"

"Order Deputy General Meng Wu's troops to return to Daliang City, order Chang'an Jun's troops to return to Anling City, and order General Wang Jian's troops to return to Taihang Mountains."

"We, the Qin Dynasty, will use Daliang City, Yingshui, and Taihang Mountain to defend our territory, and give up all the territory outside this line of defense!"

Mi Li's suggestion was not mixed with any personal feelings. It was really because Da Qin's current war situation was too difficult.

Northern Line.

Wang Jian has been fighting with Li Mu for half a year.

Li Mu's army only had 320,000 soldiers and horses left, but Wang Jian's army only had 170,000 soldiers and horses left.

Although Wang Jian still persisted and even gained a slight advantage from time to time, it was hard not to worry about such a huge disparity in troop strength.

Eastern Front.

Meng Wu led 30,000 troops to fight against the 100,000 troops commanded by General Qu.

Fortunately, with the support of Yangjincheng, Mengwu was able to persist until now.

However, the strength difference of more than three times also made it very difficult for Mengwu to fight. It was a blessing to remain undefeated.

Southern Line.

Even with Ying Zheng's additional troops and the temporary recruitment of young men from the old Wei Dynasty as reinforcements, Ying Cheng's army only had more than 170,000 troops left.

On the other hand, although the Chu army was defeated several times and the Jing family retreated, Xiang Yan only had more than 200,000 soldiers left.

But since the Jing family can retreat, they can join the war again. Xiang Yan's troops can be restored to 300,000 troops at any time. If the King of Chu can sort out the internal problems of Chu State, Chu State can even increase its troops to 400,000 troops!

Three fronts, all three are bad.

Regardless of military strength or food and grass, Da Qin has reached a shaky state.

How to fight this?

Mi Li really can't figure out how to fight this battle!

Wei Liao also stepped forward and held his hand: "Your Majesty, please don't forget why this battle started."

"Our Great Qin can give in and form an alliance, but all this must be done after our Great Qin has won a victory!"

"Otherwise, why would the heroes be afraid of Great Qin?"

Since the war started, many people may have forgotten what the core purpose of this war is.

But Wei Liao didn't forget.

The most fundamental purpose of this battle is to use a war to tell the people of the world that the Qin Dynasty is still strong and powerful, so don't have any evil intentions!

If Great Qin retreats in despair, other countries will realize that Great Qin has no power to resist the alliance.

Even if Great Qin retreats to Hangu Pass, all the countries will immediately take advantage of the victory to pursue it and launch the sixth joint attack on Qin!

Facing the expectant gazes of the ministers, Ying Zheng was silent for a long time before speaking: "I believe in my generals."

"General Wang Jian, General Meng Wu, and Lord Chang'an's son Cheng Xi all had no words to retreat."

"Since my generals still haven't given up, how can I easily give up the territory that our Great Qin soldiers regained with their blood and lives!"

All the ministers shouted: "Your Majesty!"

With the same voice, the king, the ministers made three sounds of excitement, sadness and panic.



Panic calls rang out again: "Urgent military information! Please report to the King quickly!"

The ministers immediately turned to look at the imperial study door, and Ying Zheng stood up unconsciously and shouted: "Pass!"

The door of the royal study room was pushed open, and a thousand generals strode in. He cupped his hands and said hurriedly: "Traces of the Chu army were found seven miles outside the city!"

Ying Zheng breathed a sigh of relief.

The panicked shouts outside the door just now scared Ying Zheng's heart.

Now that he heard that Ying Chengyu was not injured or killed in battle, Ying Zheng felt relieved and asked in a deep voice: "How strong is the Chu army?"

General Qian said repeatedly: "The enemy army is about 30,000, and there are many flags with the word 'Xiang' in the army."

Mi Li couldn't help but exclaimed: "The Chu State Shangzhu State's troops have arrived outside Xinzheng City?!"

Wei Liao shook his head: "Since there are only 30,000 troops outside the city, they cannot belong to Xiang Yan of Shangzhu Kingdom."

"Xu is a partial force."

Mi Li immediately handed over his hand: "I ask your Majesty to withdraw from Xinzheng City before the enemy troops arrive!"

Ying Zheng asked quietly: "Where can I give you this advice, my dear?"

Mi Li said sincerely: "Now there are only 8,000 guards and 10,000 regular troops in the city."

"The troops in the city are far inferior to the Chu army!"

"How can the king live in such a dangerous city!"

"Therefore, I request the king to evacuate Xinzheng City as soon as possible and return to Xianyang City!"

Many courtiers raised their hands and exhorted: "I second your proposal!"

Ying Zheng laughed loudly: "They are just multiple enemies."

"I am defending Xinzheng, why should I be afraid of it!"

"My dear friends, please follow me to the city to have a look!"

Mi Li wanted to persuade her again, but Wei Liao grabbed her arm.

Mi Li was furious: "You are a flattering minister, let me go!"

Wei Liao said in a deep voice: "Since Mi Shangqing has never been in a battle formation, you should not participate in the war."

"If the king leaves the city at this moment, the morale of our army will be reduced and it will be difficult to fight for a long time."

"The Chu army will not just watch the king withdraw his troops, and will definitely pursue and kill him."

"If we hold on to the city, we can fight with multiple troops."

"But if we pursue you in the wilderness, the number of accidents will increase dramatically!"

Wei Liao knew very well that Ying Zheng did not make the decision on the spur of the moment.

There are pros and cons to abandoning the city and fleeing and to defending the city.

Once Ying Zheng withdraws his troops as Mi Li said, the battle is doomed to failure, and the next thing to do is to reduce losses.

But among the rebellious troops, Ying Zheng was still at risk of being killed.

It may seem dangerous to defend the city, but as long as the Qin army defends the city, Yingzheng will be safe.

Wei Liao looked at Xin Wu and other generals: "Generals, do you think we can defend Xinzheng without losing it?"

All the generals raised their hands in unison: "We will not lose the city!"

After Wei Liao's explanation and the generals' assurances, the courtiers no longer tried to persuade him, but followed Ying Zheng up the city wall in fear.

Walking to the female wall, Ying Zheng looked far into the distance and saw a black line spreading from the distance.

Ying Zheng asked with great interest: "Is that the Chu army?"

Wei Liao nodded and said, "It's the Chu army."

"Looking at the banners, there are many private soldiers of the Xiang family."

This was the first time that Ying Zheng saw with his own eyes a large-scale enemy army that was about to fight.

As the Chu army approached, Ying Zheng smiled and shook his head: "Chu army?"

"I am a warrior of Great Qin who is far away!"

Hearing the praise from their king, the soldiers guarding the city excitedly raised their hands and said, "Thank you, Your Majesty!"

Ying Zheng looked at the soldiers and asked in a deep voice: "The enemy's strength is more than twice that of our army."

"Are you afraid of the warriors of Great Qin?"

Meng Tian and other ministers dispersed with great discernment, spreading Ying Zheng's words to the whole city through person-to-person communication.

Upon hearing Ying Zheng's question, all the Qin troops responded solemnly: "Have no fear!"

Ying Zheng nodded with satisfaction: "Good!"

"This is the warrior of our Great Qin, and this is the warrior of the common people!"

"Soldiers have nothing to fear, and neither do I!"

"Send the order to give me the clothes, and get my armor. I will guard Xinzheng City with my great Qin warriors. We will fight to the death without retreating!"

Hearing what Ying Zheng said, all the Qin soldiers were shocked.

Xinzheng City was the capital of the old Han Dynasty, but not the capital of the Qin Dynasty.

Ying Zheng had no reason to stick to Xinzheng.

Many Qin troops had already made psychological preparations to break up the retreat for Ying Zheng, but now Ying Zheng said that he would not retreat and would be with all the Qin troops? !

All the soldiers in the city roared: "Fight to the death for the king!"

"I will not retreat even if I die!"

The morale of the Qin army soared, and they looked at the Chu army outside the city like greedy wolves.

Ying Zheng said happily: "Order!"

"Nei Shitenfu fights against the commander-in-chief, and General Xinwu fights against the lieutenant-general for this."

"All the troops and horses in Xinzheng City are at the disposal of Nei Shitengfu."

Ying Zheng looked at Teng Fu seriously: "My life is now in the hands of Teng Neishi."

Feeling Ying Zheng's deep trust, Teng Fu's heart felt hot and his eyes felt a little sore.

I am a defeated general who rebelled against Han, so why do you have so much trust from your Majesty, even trusting me with my life?

Is your Majesty really not afraid that I will betray Da Qin again?

A scholar dies for a confidant!

Teng Fu suddenly handed over his hand and made a firm promise: "As long as I am still alive, the Chu army will never set foot in Xinzheng City!"

Ying Zheng smiled warmly: "I am waiting to return to Xianyang with you and have a drink with you in Qilin Hall!"

Tengfu bowed his hands and saluted: "Yui!"

Seeing that Ying Zheng had no intention of continuing the order, Wei Liao whispered: "Your Majesty, you can order Chang'an Lord's troops to return for reinforcements."

The Chu army appeared outside Xinzheng City, and the dangerous situation of the battle had exceeded Wei Liao's psychological bottom line.

As the most determined militant, Wei Liao began to advise Ying Chengyu to withdraw his troops.

Isn’t it because the heroes think Qin is weak?

Isn't it just to face the military front of the Hezong Kingdom?

The Qin State will not be able to retreat to Hanguguan, it will just rest and recuperate.

But Ying Zheng must not die in Xinzheng City!

Ying Zheng shook his head: "I will inform Lord Chang'an of the Chu army's movements."

"It is up to Lord Chang'an to decide whether to return aid or not!"

Wei Liao looked at Ying Zheng in shock: "Your Majesty, Lord Chang'an is also the son of the late king!"

Wei Liao didn't finish his words, but everyone understood what Wei Liao meant.

With Ying Chengyu's identity and power, once Ying Zheng dies in Xinzheng, Ying Chengyu is likely to succeed the King of Qin!

That's the throne!

Even if Ying Zheng forces Ying Chengyu to return aid, Wei Liao is worried that Ying Chengyu will refuse to return aid.

But now, Ying Zheng lets Ying Chengxuan make his own decision?

How could Ying Chengyu return to help!

He must be wishing that Ying Zheng died in Xinzheng!

Ying Zheng's eyes were a little gentler: "Ran Ye."

"Chang'an Jun is the younger brother of the widowed king!"

When the king of Qin was looking at the Chu army from a distance, the king of Chu was also looking at the Qin army from a distance.

Shouchun City Head.

King Han Han of Chu looked at the Qin army running from the northwest. His hands in his sleeves were trembling slightly, and he asked in a deep voice: "Can we find out the strength of the Qin army? Who is the commander?"

Li Yuan said solemnly: "According to reports from the scouts, the Qin army in the north of the city has more than 50,000 troops."

"The commander of this army is..." Li Yuan was silent for a moment before continuing:

"The Lord of Chang'an of the State of Qin, the young master has become a dragon!"

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