My brother Ying Zheng, who dares to kill me?

Chapter 243 Is Lord Changan as good as Lord Longyang? King Chu chose to risk everything!

What Jingchou didn't want to admit but had to admit was that he was afraid.

Bai Qi's power was not only reflected in the Battle of Changping, Bai Qi ravaged not only the Zhao State, but also the Chu State!

Bai Qi is the common nightmare of the kings, ministers and nobles of Chu State.

But what was Bai Qi doing when he was eighteen?

He has just served in the army for three years and is still serving as a commander of five hundred in the army!

It wasn't until he was in his thirties that Bai Qi finally led an army as a commander for the first time.

The current Ying Chengyu is naturally far inferior to Bai Qi, but this year's Ying Chengyu is only eighteen years old!

Compared with Bai Qi, Ying Chengxuan debuted a year later, but he saved a lot of worthless qualification time.

Given more than ten years of training for Ying Chengyu, it is entirely possible for Ying Chengyu to become the next Bai Qi!

And compared to Bai Qi, Ying Chengyu was more trusted by the King of Qin. He had no worries behind him and could freely display his talents.

Jingchou's heart trembled when he thought that more than ten years later, the Chu State might face a Bai Qi who was deeply trusted by the King of Qin and could mobilize the power of the entire Qin Dynasty. He had no lower limit and no bottom line.

Now that he had the opportunity to make good friends, how could Jingchou let it go?

Xiong Qi said helplessly: "It's because I don't want to help Jing Mo Ao lobby."

"It is really impossible for Chang'an Lord to agree to Jing Mo Ao's request."

Jing Chou said seriously: "I am willing to marry my eldest granddaughter. Am I not worthy of Lord Chang'an, the eldest daughter of the Jing family?"

From a purely status perspective, it can be said that Ying Chengxuan, the legitimate daughter of the Jing family, is a perfect match for her to be his wife.

After all, the aristocrats of the Chu Kingdom had great power, and the status of the Jing family's legitimate daughter was no less important than that of the Chu royal family's legitimate daughter.

Jingchou thought that he had shown great sincerity.

Xiong Qi explained seriously: "The two brothers Qin Wangzheng and Qin Changanjun seem to be very resistant to marriage."

"The Empress Dowager Huayang proposed many times to ask Qin Wangzheng to marry the queen as soon as possible, but they were all rejected by Qin Wangzheng."

"The Empress Dowager Huayang, Qin Wangzheng and Madam Han, the mother of Lord Chang'an, all tried to persuade Lord Chang'an to get married many times, but they were also rejected by Lord Chang'an."

"So it's not a question of whether he's worthy or not, but it's that Lord Chang'an doesn't want to take a wife!"

Jingchou was quite surprised.

Ying Zheng and Ying Chengyu both resist marrying?

What's going on with these two brothers?

Could it be that these two brothers are like King Anli of Wei and Lord Long Yang, who don't like women and only want Long Yang's good?

Perhaps seeing what Jing Chou was thinking, Xiong Qi added softly: "Both Prince Qin and Lord Chang'an have no male favorites."

"There are different opinions as to why these two people resisted marrying a wife, but it is extremely difficult to achieve this."

"If the Jing family is really able to marry a daughter to the Lord of Chang'an, King Qin Zheng and the Queen Mother of Huayang will definitely give generous gifts to thank the Jing family!"

"If Jing really wants to have a good relationship with Lord Chang'an, she can choose other methods instead of marrying off her daughter."

"With Lord Chang'an's temperament, even if he takes the Jing family's daughter, he may not stop the war!"

Xiong Qi's meaning is very clear.

Even Ying Zheng and the Queen Mother Huayang couldn't push forward the matter at all, so why should the Jing family push forward?

Don't even think about such a difficult thing.

Jingchou said quietly: "Of course I know that marrying off a daughter is not the only way to make good friends with Lord Chang'an."

"But I thought that Lord Chang'an would at least not pour gold juice on his father-in-law's head, right?"

Xiong Qi:......

Xiong Qi was speechless.

Even if Ying Chengxuan takes the Jing family's daughter, Ying Chengxuan will still be merciless and fight with all his strength when facing the Jing family.

But at least it shouldn’t be so disgusting!

Jingchou still refused to give up on this condition, and after pondering for a long time, he spoke again: "My eldest granddaughter can be the Young Concubine of Chang'an Jun."

"Is this possible?"

Jingchou made a huge concession.

Young concubine is a general term for the eldest concubine or noble concubine of a prince.

But no amount of beautifying the title can change the fact that this is my concubine!

As the legitimate daughter of the Jing family, it is already humiliating to be a concubine!

Xiong Qi frowned: "Why did Jing Mo Ao do this?"

"Not only did Chang'an Jun resist taking a wife, he also never took a concubine."

"If Jing Mo Ao is so determined..." Xiong Qi pondered for a moment and then said awkwardly: "I can lobby on behalf of the Jing family!"

Jingchou immediately held up his hands and said, "Thank you, Master!"

"Please also tell Lord Chang'an that I, the Jing family, have shown the greatest sincerity. If Lord Chang'an is still unwilling, it means that you have no sincerity in making amends with me, the Jing family."

"I, the Jing family, will not only order 20,000 private soldiers in the city to fight to the death, but also recruit 20,000 private soldiers from outside the city to enter the city to defend the city. I will also recruit 30,000 private soldiers from Gusu to reinforce Shouchun City, and I will also lobby other nobles. Let’s increase our troops together!”

Jingchou said solemnly: "Since the Lord of Chang'an forced him to massacre the city, I, the Jing family, must die to repay him!"

Xiong Qi cupped his hands and returned the gift: "This is my duty, no need to say thank you."

"Of course, if you want to communicate with Lord Chang'an, you still need Jing Mo Ao's help."

Jingchou said without hesitation: "Leave this matter to Jing."

Xiong Qi continued: "In addition to the official affairs of the Qin State, I also have a private matter for which I need Lao Jing Mo Ao's help."

Jingchou said boldly: "Young master, you can speak out!"

Xiong Qi said in a deep voice: "The world is in chaos and the war is fierce. Those killed in this battle are all my disciples of Da Chu."

"Every time I see the world conquering someone, I can't bear it."

"Therefore, I tried my best to persuade Lord Chang'an and finally found out Lord Chang'an's bottom line."

"I would like to report to the king and persuade him to reach peace with Qin!"

Jingchou Ruo pointed out: "Young Master He should talk about this first."

If Xiong Qi went to negotiate with the King of Chu first and reached a peace agreement with the King of Chu, then Xiong Qi would not need to negotiate with Jing Chou, let alone connect Jing Chou and Ying Chengyu.

Xiong Qi smiled and said: "Business matters are public matters, and private matters are private matters."

"How can I, the young master, dethrone the official for personal reasons?"

"And how your Majesty decides, doesn't it depend on the advice of all the nobles?"

"I came here first to discuss with Jing Mo Ao, so how could it be out of order?"

After a pause, Xiong Qi added: "If Jing Mo Ao can explain something to me in court, I think Lord Chang'an will be able to feel Jing Mo Ao's kindness!"

Xiong Qi showed his kindness again and again.

Jingchou laughed loudly: "Young Master is indeed over-reputed."

"How can we influence the king's decision?"

"Of course, peace is also what we want."

"I will also lobby the heads of the clans to jointly admonish the king!"

Xiong Qi happily handed over his hand: "Thank you very much!"

Under Jingchou's call, a group of noble leaders who left the city wall for an excuse reunited at Shouchun Palace as the sky grew late.

King Han of Chu, who had just patrolled the city defense and personally encouraged the corvees to repair the city defense despite flying stones, was very tired.

However, a group of nobles arrived hand in hand, and King Han of Chu had to intervene.

Sitting in the main hall, King Chu Han asked in a deep voice: "My dear friends, why are you here?"

Jingchou was the first to come out of the queue and bowed his hands: "Your Majesty, I heard that the wall of Shouchun City cracked after less than a day under the attack of the Qin army's flying stones."

"May I ask, Your Majesty, if this is the case?"

Chu Wanghan didn't know why Jingchou suddenly mentioned this matter, but Chu Wanghan knew that Jingchou's purpose must be inconsistent with his.

Therefore, the King of Chu refused to answer and asked instead: "Does Ai Qing intend to enlist the young men of the Jing family to repair the Shouchun city wall?"

"Are you still interested in conquering private soldiers to defend Shouchun City?"

King Chu Han did not fall into Jing Chou's question trap, but asked Jing Chou a multiple-choice question.

Jingchou ignored the question calmly: "Of course I am determined to do my best for the country, but Jing is really powerless."

"I believe that Shouchun City cannot hold on for long. All clans' troops are out and there are many turmoils in the towns, making it difficult to send troops."

"Instead of continuing to fight fiercely with Qin, why not seek peace!"

King Chu Han said coldly: "In the past, it was Jing Mo Ao who first advised us to send troops."

"Jing Mo Ao is suing for peace again today?"

“Doesn’t Jing Mo Ao regard war as a child’s play?!”

Jingchou said apologetically: "I know I was wrong!"

"I originally thought that the multiple troops would be enough to repel the Qin army and even seize a large amount of Wei's territory."

"However, I never expected that the war situation would be so unfavorable, let alone that there would be a traitor within our great Chu!"

"I apologize!"

Since the head of the Qu family is not in the city, the Qu family has no right to argue.

Zhaocen and other nobles handed over their hands one after another: "I have also advised you to send troops, I apologize!"

All the nobles stepped forward to put pressure on King Chu.

We were the ones who came together to remonstrate with us about sending troops.

If you want to deal with it, just deal with me and others!

King Chu Han really wanted to deal with these nobles, but unfortunately, he couldn't.

If the punishment is severe, these nobles will definitely make noises and stir up troubles.

If the punishment is light, it will show the weakness of his power.

King Han of Chu could only say in a deep voice: "The advice given by you all are out of good intentions for the country."

"I forgive all my dear friends for my innocence."

All the nobles raised their hands as a matter of course: "Thank you, Your Majesty!"

Jingchou politely remonstrated again: "I am admonishing you again, I, the great Chu, should seek peace with Qin!"

"Now the envoy of Qin has arrived outside the main hall. Please see the king."

King Chu Han had no intention of seeing it.

But whether it was because of the established rules or because he didn't want to completely anger Qin, King Han of Chu could only nod his head: "Please envoy from Qin!"

Soon, an unexpected and reasonable figure walked into the hall.

King Chu Han looked at Xiong Qi with complicated eyes: "Third brother, you are actually the envoy of Qin."

Xiong Qi smiled warmly: "Brother, the one with the highest official position in the Qin State in Shouchun City is my younger brother."

"My brother is not only the prime minister of Qin, but also the third son of Chu."

"My brother saw the Qin army and the Chu army fighting to the death, suffering heavy casualties, and felt very uncomfortable."

"More than anyone else, I hope that Qin and Chu can get back together!"

"Therefore, I tried my best to persuade Lord Chang'an and finally got a chance for peace!"

King Chu nodded slightly: "Third brother is interested."

After bowing his hands in a salute, Xiong Qi's voice turned solemn: "Prime Minister of Qin, Lord Changping of Qin Dynasty, pays homage to the King of Chu!"

"As long as Chu gives up the territory north of Yingshui River and severely punishes the traitor Xiang Yan, the two kingdoms of Qin and Chu can be restored and there will be no gap!"

Jingchou immediately agreed: "Your Majesty, why not do it if we exchange the land of several cities for the Qin army to retreat?"

King Chu Han said without hesitation: "The number of cities mentioned by Jing Mo Ao includes the old capital of Chu!"

"How can I give in so easily!"

Xiong Qi said seriously: "The foreign minister thinks that what Jing Mo Ao said is true."

"So what if it's the old capital?"

"After the Chu Kingdom recovers and recovers, we can seize the important city again."

"Just by sacrificing a few cities, we were able to unite Qin and Chu and save the soldiers of Chu from death. This is a great act of kindness!"

"Foreign ministers, please think again if you invite the King of Chu again!"

King Chu Hanhan asked back: "Our Chu army has arrived outside Xinzheng City. Can King Qin sleep in peace?"

Xiong Qi also asked: "Our Qin army has cracked the walls of Shouchun City. Can the King of Chu sleep in peace?"

A truce would be beneficial to Ying Chengxuan, as he could relieve the danger of Xinzheng City.

The truce is also beneficial and harmless to each clan. The clans, especially the Jing clan, can reduce the losses of private soldiers in this battle.

But the truce had both advantages and disadvantages for King Chu Han.

The siege of the city by Ying Chengyu's troops can help the King of Chu weaken the Jing family's hard power, and then complete the operation of killing three soldiers with two peaches through the uneven reward after the war.

King Han of Chu could use this battle to achieve a series of goals such as eliminating dissidents, establishing authority, seizing military power, and promoting cronies.

As long as Xiang Rong can break through Xinzheng City, or Xiang Yan comes back with reinforcements in time, the King of Chu will make a lot of money!

King Chu Han knew he was gambling.

But compared to the slow death caused by being tightened by the nobles, King Han of Chu is more willing to put his life, death and future on this great opportunity!

After trying to persuade him to no avail, Xiong Qi walked out of Shouchun Palace with all the nobles in a peaceful mood.

Seeing dozens of knights galloping out of Shouchun Palace on horseback, Xiong Qi knew that this was the messenger sent by King Chu Han to summon Xiang Yan to come back for reinforcements.

Watching these messengers go away, Xiong Qi sighed softly: "Brother, how could you do this?"

"Brother is so stubborn, how can the Kingdom of Chu prosper!

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