My brother Ying Zheng, who dares to kill me?

Chapter 322: This person has been messing with our Qin Dynasty for a long time, how can he eat the g

Ying Zheng laughed out loud and cursed: "In the whole world, you are the only one who dares to say such things to my brother."

"Brother is just not as lazy as you. Compared to my father, my brother is not even diligent."

"How can I be exhausted to death!"

Ying Chengyu said speechlessly: "I'm afraid you are the only one who feels that you are not diligent in your work, eldest brother."

"Don't try to imitate your father."

"My father had great ambitions, but he was exhausted and died early, leaving a lot of mess for my eldest brother to deal with."

"No matter how difficult the elder brother's life is, I can see it with my eyes."

"I don't want my eldest brother to die early and leave a lot of mess for me to deal with!"

A person who studies and works for more than 16 hours a day says he is not diligent?

To Ying Chengyu, this was just a hell of a joke!

And when he heard that Ying Zheng was comparing with King Zhuang Xiang, Ying Chengxuan was even more speechless.

According to the father's scroll?

My father has rolled himself into the coffin board!

If you compete with your father in the inner volume, no matter who comes, you will definitely roll without saying a word!

Ying Chengyu very much hopes that Ying Zheng can reduce some of his burden and live a few more years.

It would be best to wait until Ying Chengyu dies from old age and then Ying Zheng dies.

As a result, Ying Chengyu didn't even know how happy he was in his life!

As for the throne or throne?

Whoever wants to sit down can sit down!

That work is not something humans can do!

Ying Zheng: 0ДQ

Ying Zheng was so angry that he laughed: "You are such a jerk!"

"Listen to yourself what you are saying!"

Are you afraid that I will die early and leave the mess to you to deal with?

If it weren't for Ying Chengxuan who said this, and if Ying Zheng hadn't also had these concerns and considerations, Ying Zheng would have drawn his sword on the spot!

Ying Chengyu spread his hands: "You are talking about my brother's worries!"

"I know that my eldest brother's ambition is to unify the world. Have you ever considered how many memorials your eldest brother will need to handle every day?"

"When the world is unified, how will I, the Qin Dynasty, govern the world? Brother, do you want to scratch your hair and think about it?"

"Is it true that my eldest brother doesn't have the slightest interest in governing the people with loyalty, justice, benevolence and filial piety?"

"How to divide, alienate, and attack the reactionary forces in the country, brother, don't you need help from someone to get the details?"

"Now that I, the Qin Dynasty, have destroyed Han and Wei, I know how many memorials I have to deal with every day. I know best."

"If Daqin really rules the world, how many things will eldest brother need to think about and deal with every day?"

Ying Zheng has too much to do.

In other words, there are too many things that need to be done to end hundreds of years of chaos and completely establish a unified dynasty.

Internal chaos, external wars, governing ideology, laws and regulations, people's livelihood and folk customs, road infrastructure, etc., all have to be dealt with!

If we really want to deal with these problems steadily, we will need at least several generations of better kings to take over and work hard for hundreds of years, patiently waiting for those with old ideas to die of old age and those with new ideas to grow up.

Finally, a wise king will put the finishing touches on it, drastically eradicating all the ills and moths accumulated over the past century. Only in this way can a strong unified dynasty be created.

But Ying Zheng was unwilling to leave these things to future generations.

He wants to put all the responsibilities on his shoulders!

Ying Zheng has to complete the century-old efforts of several generations of kings on his own. This will not only double Ying Zheng's workload, but also create many problems.

If one thing is not handled well, public dissatisfaction will boil over and the whole world will rise up!

Thinking of what he has to do in the future, Ying Chengyu feels a headache for Ying Zheng: "Brother, I, Da Qin, have too many things to do."

"You need the help of many talents, otherwise even if you exhaust yourself to death, you will lose sight of the other."

"Marquis Wenxin's development plan for our Daqin at this stage conflicts with my eldest brother, and also conflicts with my younger brother."

"But regarding how to govern the world, Marquis Wenxin's ideas do have merit."

"Marquis Wenxin's talent is not applicable to the present, but it will be of great benefit to the future!"

"Even if the eldest brother does not allow Marquis Wenxin to hold a high position and have power, he can at least let him continue to improve his ideas. After we, the Qin Dynasty, unify the world, we can make suggestions based on the current situation, and then let the eldest brother decide whether to use them."

Ying Chengyu doesn't like Lu Buwei.

I don't like it very much!

Who would like someone who wants to kill himself?

But just like Sima Qian described Lu Buwei as quite unbearable and ugly in "The Biography of Lu Buwei". He called him by his name throughout the article, but in the final summary, he respectfully called him "Lu Zi".

In "Book of Bao Ren'an", Sima Qian even ranked "Lu Shi Chun Qiu" with "Zhou Yi", "Spring Autumn", "The Analects of Confucius" and other works. Lu Buwei was also able to compare with King Wen of Zhou, Confucius, Qu Yuan and others because of "Lu Shi Chun Qiu" People are called saints.

Ying Chengyu will not deny Lu Buwei's talent just because he doesn't like it.

Although Lu Buwei's thoughts conflict with Ying Zheng's, Lu Buwei's talent is of little use to Ying Zheng now.

But looking at the original governance policy of Ying Zheng after he unified the world in history, we can see the shadows of Lu Buwei and Han Fei.

It's a pity that when these two people were needed most, they were both dead.

They have not been able to see the unified world with their own eyes, and the thoughts and theories they gave are still stuck in the Warring States Period when the world was in conflict.

After Ying Zheng unified the world, he could only take the works written by the two in the old era, revise them, and then use them to govern the new era.

Ying Chengyu didn't want Ying Zheng to be so powerless in this life!

Ying Chengyu also hopes to have a wise man who has a deep understanding of this era to argue and discuss with him to formulate a set of national policies that are more suitable for Great Qin!

Ying Zheng said coldly: "Lu Buwei is indeed talented."

"But he is proud of his talents! He even wants to use his talents to get involved in politics!"

"Since he has been dismissed as prime minister, he should reflect behind closed doors."

"But look what he's doing?"

Ying Zheng pointed in the direction of Luoyi, and his voice became more and more angry: "Gather the disciples together to discuss national affairs all day long!"

"Exhaustively search for classics, books, and articles to use the past to satirize the present!"

"It has over ten thousand guests and tens of thousands of servants. How can this be the slightest sign of guilt?"

"Don't worry about the purpose of this remonstration by the ministers. It is obvious that he is going home after being convicted, but he is still building up his reputation in the world."

"What on earth does he want to do!"

"How can I not reprimand such an arrogant person again and again?"

Ying Chengyu nodded in agreement: "Marquis Wenxin is indeed an unstable person."

"He is beneficial to our Great Qin, but it is also harmful."

"When I went to conquer Han, my subordinates in Da Qin were almost killed by Marquis Wenxin, leaving Han Cang alone in the court."

"I have already learned about Marquis Wenxin's methods."

Ying Chengxuan asked: "But, how many people like this are there in our Great Qin?"

"Mr. Changping is still thinking about returning to the Chu Kingdom and becoming the King of Chu. Are you afraid, eldest brother?"

"On the other hand, looking at Marquis Wenxin, I have never seen that he has any intention of usurping the throne and being disobedient."

"During the Battle of Yongcheng, Marquis Wenxin tried his best to rescue his elder brother, which shows his loyalty!"

Talking about 'loyalty' in Da Qin is ridiculous.

Xiong Qi, Li Si, Zhao Gao, etc., there are more than thousands of careerists in Da Qin?

In the dilemma of life and death, Meng Tian would have the urge to raise troops and go south to help Su seize the bird position.

But Lu Buwei will only accept death.

It is true that Lu Buwei has tougher skills and a better reputation, but if we really want to talk about 'loyalty', Lu Buwei's loyalty can be ranked high among the courtiers.

Ying Chengyu's voice turned solemn: "As long as the eldest brother is still here, no ambitious man, including Marquis Wenxin, will be able to make any trouble!"

Ying Zheng asked coldly: "What if Brother Nai dies suddenly?"

Ying Zheng knew better than Ying Chengyu how many ambitious people there were among the Gong Gong princes in the court.

It's just that Ying Zheng doesn't care.

Because he can hold it!

Ying Chengyu's voice turned cold: "Behead him immediately!"

Ying Chengxuan didn't think he could control Lu Buwei, and he didn't think that the next generation of young masters such as Fusu and Hu Hai could control Lu Buwei.

No diamonds, no porcelain work.

If you can't use your talent properly, it's better to behead him immediately!

Regarding Ying Chengxuan's answer, Ying Zheng nodded happily: "That's a very good statement!"

"Brother Nai is relieved that you are so decisive."

Ying Chengyu raised his head and asked, "Brother, are you willing to take back the order?"

Ying Zheng still shook his head: "No."

"Marquis Wenxin behaved too arrogantly and did not show any intention of returning home to avenge his crime."

"Brother Nai must not let Marquis Wenxin do this. He must be reprimanded again and again!"

It is impossible for Ying Zheng to choose to take back Cheng Ling now.

Ying Zheng was very aware of Lu Buwei's methods.

Give him a nose and he’ll be able to put it on his face in the next second!

If Ying Zheng really withdraws the order, it will not only encourage Lu Buwei's arrogance, but also send a wrong signal to the world, and may even become the starting point for Lu Buwei to seek to return to the court.

Ying Chengxuan said helplessly: "Brother, how are you criticizing Marquis Wenxin?"

"You are clearly forcing Marquis Wenxin to die!"

Ying Zheng sneered: "Brother Wang underestimated Lu Buwei too much."

"This person is insidious, has no bottom line, has a very strong mind, and loves to speculate."

"This person cherishes both life and wealth."

"How can such people die because of the rebuke of others!"

"Even if I reprimand him like this, I'm afraid he will be able to run a family business in Shu, continue to attract followers, and cause trouble to Brother Nai!"

Ying Chengyu said seriously: "But he is already old."

"He is likely to be afraid, and even more likely to choose to die!"

"Brother, it is okay to reprimand Wen Xinhou, but please leave him a hook to survive and let him know that he does not need to die!"

Ying Zheng frowned and said in a deep voice: "Brother Wang, you are upset!"

"You value Lu Buwei's life too much because of his talent. This is definitely not the way to treat talents!"

"It's impossible for Lu Buwei to die because of Brother Nai's rebuke."

"Brother Nai can't possibly leave him a hook to survive, let alone take back the order!"

"Don't mention this matter again!"

Ying Chengyu sincerely persuaded: "Brother, listen to my advice!"

Ying Zheng shouted angrily: "How long will I have to remonstrate for this person?!"

"If he wants to die, let him die!"

"I don't want Lu Buwei to live any longer!"

"This person has been messing with our Qin Dynasty for a long time, how can he eat the grain of our Qin Dynasty!"

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