My brother Ying Zheng, who dares to kill me?

Chapter 330: What crime do you deserve for despising King Qin as a child? !

Lu Buwei opened his mouth to argue, but it was difficult to speak.

In his opinion, Ying Zheng's ideals would definitely lead to the destruction of the Qin Dynasty, so he risked his own life to stop Ying Zheng.

However, it is just as Ying Chengxuan said.

The king of Da Qin is Ying Zheng, not Lu Buwei!

Only Ying Zheng is qualified to order hundreds of officials, and only Ying Zheng is qualified to determine the goals of Great Qin!

He was once just the prime minister of Da Qin, and now he is just a retired old man who was dismissed from the prime minister's position because of his crimes.

What qualifications does he have to establish the way to govern the country for Da Qin? !

Ying Chengyu continued to worry about the inadequacy: ""Lu's Spring and Autumn Annals" also said: If you don't respond to orders, you won't be able to do it. If you have something but don't do it, it's worse than nothing!"

Ying Chengxuan pointed at Lu Buwei's nose and said angrily: "The king has orders but his ministers are not affected. It means that the king cannot command these ministers. If he has ministers but cannot command them, it would be worse than nothing!"

"I deeply believe this statement!"

"Marquis Wenxin considers himself a minister of Qin, but why has he ever cared about Brother Wang's orders? Has he ever cared about Brother Wang's ideals?"

"Don't talk about the distance, let's talk about today. Brother Wang ordered you to move to Shu, but you dare to commit suicide without permission!"

"If I were the King of Qin, I would also dislike you!"

"So, is there anything wrong with Brother Wang depriving you of your position, taking away your title of father-in-law, and stripping you of your residence?"

"It would be better not to have such a useless minister to the country!"

This scolding proved to be the true meaning of Ying Cheng's scolding.

As the great man said: How many cores does a peach have when cut open? There is only one core!

What Lu Buwei did after he was dismissed as prime minister was to shake the core ideas established by Ying Zheng.

Lu Buwei does have a good heart.

But his good intentions turned out to be the wrong thing!

The chariot can move forward slowly, or it can rush forward wildly, but it must not travel fast, sometimes slowly, nine shallow and one deep, otherwise the chariot will only fall apart!

Lu Buwei's voice was a little more trembling: "The king is still young."

"Every young man will have the urge and desire to expand his territory and achieve greater success than his ancestors."

"But this is wrong!"

"Chang'an Lord also understands that if the Great Qin continues to move forward according to the king's ideals, the day when the King rules the world will be the day when the Great Qin collapses!"

"I know that what I do is not in line with my thoughts."

"But how can I watch Da Qin enter such a dead end!"

"If the Qin Dynasty really collapses in the hands of the king, how can I have the face to face the late king!"

If Ying Chengyu had simply reprimanded, it would not have caused any ripples in Lu Buwei's heart.

There are so many people scolding me, who are you?

But Ying Chengqiu was holding Lu Buwei's "Lu's Spring and Autumn" with his bow left and right, and slapped Lu Buwei's face hard!

The conflict between thought and behavior made Lu Buwei feel tortured.

What frightened Lu Buwei even more was that he was afraid!

He was very afraid that Ying Zheng had the same thoughts as Ying Chengyu.

I was very afraid that Ying Zheng would think that "Lu's Spring and Autumn" was just a set of ideological prisons prepared by Lu Buwei for Ying Zheng. From then on, he was as afraid of "Lu's Spring and Autumn" as a snake and a scorpion!

Ying Chengyu took a step forward, stared at Lu Buwei and asked, "Marquis Wenxin, I just want to ask you a question."

"As a child, you despise King Qin. What crime do you deserve?!"

Ying Chengyu directly put a big hat on Lu Buwei's head.

Lu Buwei's rebuttal voice was thin and weak: "I have never deceived your Majesty when he was young!"

Ying Chengyu's voice softened a bit, and he nodded slightly: "Marquis Wenxin has indeed never insulted the king because he was young."

"That's why I am willing to have a long talk with Marquis Wenxin at this moment."

"But did Marquis Wenxin really never look upon King Qin?"

Ying Chengyu looked at Lu Buwei and asked solemnly: "Did Marquis Wenxin really never regard Brother Wang as his junior?"

Ying Chengyu stared at Lu Buwei with his eyes.

All the foreshadowing is just to open up Lu Buwei's defenses and gain Lu Buwei's feelings for Ying Zheng.

Only by knowing what kind of feelings Lu Buwei has for Ying Zheng can Ying Chengqiu prescribe the right medicine!

Under Ying Chengyu's burning eyes, Lu Buwei, who was unrivaled in eloquence, remained silent for a long time.

His back gradually became stooped.

His voice also became bitter: "I am guilty!"

"Jiang Zan, get some wine!"

Under the guidance of Ying Chengxuan, Lu Buwei had to look into his heart.

He was also able to discover a truth that he had already discovered but was unwilling to admit.

Although he is not Ying Zheng's biological father, he regards Ying Zheng as his junior, even the child who will inherit the mantle!

This is human nature.

Who wouldn’t feel affection for a child whom they have devoted their efforts to raising for more than ten years?

But he is a minister, and Ying Zheng is the king!

Treating Ying Zheng as his junior is a huge stain on Lu Buwei's thoughts!

He didn't want to accept the truth. He just wanted to find a poisonous drink to poison him!

Jiang Zan exclaimed in shock: "Your Majesty!"

"At least, at least have a full meal before going on the road!"

Immediately, Jiang Zan looked at Ying Chengyu with eyes full of anger: "Chang'an Lord, you won."

"But you are a young master after all. Can you still be a bit of a gentleman?"

"My master has devoted his whole life to your great Qin royal family, and even helped the late king ascend the throne."

"Even for the sake of being called a young master today, can't you keep some moral integrity?"

"My master doesn't even deserve a decent death!"

A large number of diners looked at Ying Chengyu angrily.

Although Lu Buwei has never done anything to help Ying Chengyu, he even wanted to kill Ying Chengyu.

But Lu Buwei finally helped King Zhuang Xiang ascend the throne, and Ying Chengyu became a vested interest. Why bother to persecute Lu Buwei like this!

You can even treat the prime minister of an enemy country with courtesy and give him a generous coffin, but why are you unwilling to give even the slightest dignity to your own prime minister!

Even those customers who wanted Lu Buwei to die felt unworthy of Lu Buwei!

Ying Chengyu ignored the eyes that wanted to kill him, turned around and sat down and smiled: "Marquis Wenxin cannot deny it."

"It seems that I guessed it right."

Lu Buwei looked at Ying Chengyu tiredly and calmly: "I know that I have overstepped my bounds, and I will die to apologize."

However, Ying Chengyu laughed loudly: "Trespassing?"

"Where does the transgression come from?"

"It was my father who ordered Brother Wang to call Marquis Wenxin his father-in-law."

"What is Zhongfu?"

"If you don't regard Brother Wang as your junior, how can you be a qualified father-in-law?"

"Marquis Wenxin never overstepped his bounds, he just respected the king's order!"

Lu Buwei is a person who is greedy for power and will do anything to achieve his goals.

But after Ying Zheng took office, Lu Buwei quickly gave up power!

Lu Buwei is an idealist who works hard to realize his ideals.

But in order to help Ying Zheng and lead Da Qin to the right path, Lu Buwei did not hesitate to tarnish his own ideals!

Lu Buwei's reputation spread far and wide and he was respected by all countries.

Even if Ying Zheng really wanted to kill Lu Buwei, Lu Buwei could have fled to other countries for refuge like Lian Po, Le Yi and others, but Lu Buwei died like that!

Why is the argument that Ying Zheng is Lu Buwei's illegitimate son spread far and wide despite being full of omissions?

Because Lu Buwei's actions have exceeded the limits of a loyal minister and an idealist.

Only by treating Ying Zheng as his junior, or even as his own child, can he explain Lu Buwei's series of actions!

Now, Ying Chengyu has finally confirmed Lu Buwei's feelings for Ying Zheng, and even made Lu Buwei admit it all in person!

Ying Chengxuan took a swig of Jue Zhong's wine, then placed the wine jue heavily on the table and laughed loudly: "So Wen Xinhou is worried that Brother Wang will not be able to control Da Qin!"

"So even if Marquis Wenxin is dismissed as Prime Minister, he can't rest at all. He wants to find a way to govern the country for Brother Wang!"

"This is just the concern of the parents for the younger generation!"

Lu Buwei's face turned slightly red and he shouted angrily: "Where's the wine?!"

"Where is this prince's poisonous wine?!"

Lu Buwei's heart was peeled off layer by layer by Ying Chengyu.

Every time a layer is peeled off, huge psychological pressure comes one after another.

At this moment, Lu Buwei just wanted to cover his ears and die immediately!

Otherwise, he will die even more completely!

However, Jiang Zan remained silent and looked at Ying Chengyu hesitantly.

Ying Chengyu leaned forward slightly and asked sincerely: "But has Marquis Wenxin ever thought about it? Brother Wang has grown up."

"Brother Wang has grown into an excellent king. He has his own ideals and has the ability to realize his ideals!"

"This just proves that Marquis Wenxin's education is correct."

"The former Marquis Wenxin was like a father and a teacher, but now the Marquis Wenxin should be like a minister and a father!"

"What Marquis Wenxin needs to do is to help Brother Wang deal with the aftermath and help Brother Wang stabilize the future chaos, not to change Brother Wang's ideals!"

"This is what a qualified father-in-law should do!"

Lu Buwei is very much like a father with extremely strong abilities, strong personality, and strong desire for control.

His extraordinary personal talent allowed him to design a perfect future for his children.

If Ying Zheng was a king like Liu Chan, then Lu Buwei might be able to become a virtuous minister like Zhuge Liang who would be praised throughout the ages.

It's a pity that Ying Zheng is not Liu Chan, Ying Zheng is Ying Zheng!

Ying Zheng's personal talents are not inferior to Lu Buwei's, and he has a completely different and more ambitious plan than Lu Buwei!

Lu Buwei once lamented that the Qin Dynasty could not accommodate the two heroes Ying Zheng and Ying Chengyu.

But Great Qin cannot tolerate these two outstanding figures, Lu Buwei and Ying Zheng!

Unless one of them chooses to bow his head!

Lu Buwei was unable to wait for the poisonous wine. He could only helplessly face Ying Chengyu's problem and asked in a deep voice: "Is Chang'an Lord here to persuade me to put down my own thoughts and fully assist the king?"

Ying Chengyu shook his head: "On the contrary."

"All the courtiers in the dynasty know how to help Brother Wang conquer the world."

"But only Marquis Wenxin can teach Brother Wang how to rule the world!"

"I am here just to hope that Marquis Wenxin can live well, continue to improve your ideas, and solve various problems that have arisen after the unification of Qin."

"Marquis Wenxin's ideas are not applicable to today's Great Qin, but they are very suitable for the future Great Qin!"

"This is not only my idea, but also Brother Wang's idea."

Lu Buwei's heart, which was originally as gray as ashes, once again glowed with some life.

Your Majesty does not completely reject my thoughts.

Your Majesty just feels that my thoughts are not applicable to the current situation!

I still have a chance to transform Da Qin into what I envisioned!

Ying Chengxuan looked at Lu Buwei sincerely: "Marquis Wenxin said that the day when the Qin Dynasty unified the world, the Qin Dynasty would collapse."

"I deeply agree with this."

"But before it collapses, Brother Wang will definitely do his best to gather bricks and tiles to consolidate the Great Qin!"

"Can Marquis Wenxin bear to watch Brother Wang holding the book of today's Marquis Wenxin and struggling to manage the Qin Dynasty many years later?"

"How could Marquis Wenxin bear to see Brother Wang holding "Lu's Spring and Autumn Annals" at that time but encountering problems that were not found in "Lu's Spring and Autumn Annals" and having no way to seek advice?"

"Is it just because Brother Wang doesn't want to rule the world now, but only wants to conquer the world, that Marquis Wenxin will leave without saying goodbye, leaving Brother Wang to face the dangers of the future alone?"

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