My brother Ying Zheng, who dares to kill me?

Chapter 336 Let the world follow my baton and move forward!

Although Ying Zheng understands that technological progress may lead to changes in the existing ruling system, Ying Zheng does not resist the birth and application of new technologies.

Ying Chengyu once worried that the advancement of technology would cause the great situation of Da Qin to be destroyed or even reversed.

But Ying Zheng had no similar worries at all.

Quite the opposite.

Even though he understands that technological progress and the development of productivity may lead to changes in the existing ruling system, Ying Zheng is still willing to embrace new technologies and absolutely welcomes the development of productivity!

Throughout Ying Zheng's life, he continued to fine-tune, transform, and even revolutionize Da Qin.

Even if it is true that due to the development of productive forces, the ruling system proposed by Ying Zheng will not be suitable for the future world, so what?

Just keep changing!

Is there anything to worry about?

Ying Zheng has never been afraid of the unknown!

There is only one problem that Ying Zheng is worried about.

Technological progress is easier said than done!

Which new technology does not take hundreds of years from birth to perfection?

Ying Zheng can’t afford to wait!

Ying Chengqiao smiled and said: "In my opinion, it is difficult to develop technology and improve production capacity."

“But it’s also very simple.”

Ying Zheng sat upright and asked solemnly: "Brother, do you have a good plan to teach me?"

It is related to the development of Da Qin and the progress of society, and Ying Zheng is fully focused on it.

At this moment, Ying Zheng no longer treats Ying Chengyu as an ignorant brother, but truly treats Ying Chengyu as a gentleman!

This is enough to show how serious Ying Zheng is at this moment!

However, Ying Chengyu was made a little uncomfortable by Ying Zheng's gesture.

Moving his butt, Ying Chengyu asked tentatively: "Are there any persimmons?"

Ying Zheng:? ? ?

The seriousness I had just raised was instantly shattered.

Ying Zheng laughed and scolded: "You are such a jerk!"

"You and I are chatting about Da Qin, let's chat."

"You are still thinking about your appetite!"

After laughing and scolding, Ying Zheng seemed to be relieved.

He casually opened a drawer, rolled out a few honey bean curd cakes and placed them by the stove to warm. He also rolled out a persimmon cake and threw it to Ying Chengyu. He couldn't help but tell her, "Be careful of the cold!"

Ying Chengyu took out the persimmon and put it into his mouth, took a bite, and then shuddered: "Hiss~"

"This ice is sour and sour~"


"Brother, you can eat it too."

With persimmons in his mouth, Ying Chenghu sat on the soft couch and continued: "In my opinion, the development of technology requires talents, leisure time, money, food and materials, and smooth communication!"

"Talents are available from generation to generation, but many talents are distracted by mundane affairs and have no time to delve into technology."

"Trial and error are inevitable in every process of technological progress. Trial and error means a waste of money and food resources."

"Communication is even more important."

"Many talented people are studying the same technology, but due to poor communication, they are unable to understand and help each other, and a lot of time is wasted."

"Even though many technologies have been developed but are not known to others, other talents continue to waste time and money on research."

"I believe that the above four points are important reasons for the slow development of technology."

Ying Chengyu was a little more excited when he spoke: "If we can gather some talents so that they can communicate with each other."

"Relieve them from servitude and corvee, and let them devote themselves to studying a technology."

"If we give it enough money and food, the speed of technological development may be far beyond what brother expected!"

If you want to improve productivity, the fastest way is of course for Ying Chengxuan to take action himself.

But Ying Chengyu was not satisfied with this.

So what if Ying Chengyu is a time traveler?

Ying Chengyu understands many future technologies, but he does not understand the technologies and tools of this era as well as Cao Mao and other craftsmen do, and his hands are far less dexterous than Cao Mao and other craftsmen.

More importantly, how can the power of one person be compared with the power of the world!

Even if Ying Chengyu exhausts himself to death, can he research faster than ten thousand, one hundred thousand, or one million craftsmen?

Can Ying Chengxuan single-handedly pull up the entire industrial chain and promote the development of productivity in the entire society?

If Ying Chengyu really had such terrifying energy, perseverance and enthusiasm for work, how could he be indifferent to the throne of King Qin!

Rather than straining his own hands, Ying Chengyu hopes to influence the world from a policy level and let the world move forward with his baton!

However, Ying Zheng shook his head and rejected without hesitation: "It's inappropriate!"

"My brother's advice has been put to the test in Jixia Academy."

"what's the result?"

Ying Zheng couldn't help but laugh out loud: "Jixia Academy also gave King Qi a volume of "Examination of Work"!


"Kao Gong Ji" records in detail the design specifications and manufacturing processes of various types of work in Qi's official handicraft industry, covering construction, water conservancy, metallurgy, machinery, weapons, chariots and other aspects. The book does not cover up or quote classics. It is concise, clear and concise, making it an extremely excellent technical guide.

For later generations, this book is one of the important representatives of ancient Chinese engineering and the earliest handicraft technology document ever seen. It occupies an important position in the history of Chinese science and technology, arts and crafts, and culture.

But in the present?

This book is a joke!

A huge joke that can make all countries laugh for hundreds of years!

Because "Kao Gong Ji" records in detail the detailed craftsmanship of various 'official' industries in Qi!

Those are the most advanced technologies in Qi!

The woodworking, leather, textile and other technologies recorded in "Kao Gong Ji" severely damaged Qi's leading position in the field of light industry.

But that's not the most important question.

The technology for making armor, weapons, and bows and arrows in "Kao Gong Ji" has greatly improved the weapon manufacturing level of various countries.

Many countries such as Yan and Qin have benefited a lot, laying a solid foundation for Yan to destroy Qi and Qin to destroy Qi in the future!

In later generations, it would be equivalent to a higher education institution in a powerful Western country writing a book on the manufacturing techniques and production processes of high-precision equipment such as photolithography machines, nuclear weapons, and intercontinental missiles, and then spreading it throughout the world for all countries to use. Get it for free!

Even as if they are afraid that the technological level of each country is too low to make it, even the alloy composition ratio is clearly written!

Scholars from Jixia Academy have fully explained to the world what science and technology has no borders.

But the kings of various countries firmly resisted this idea because they had national boundaries!

Ying Chengqiao also laughed and shook his head: ""Kaogong Ji" has its ridiculousness, but also its merits."

“The publication of this book has made all countries in the world realize the importance of technological confidentiality.”

Ying Zheng nodded in agreement: "It is because of this "Kao Gong Ji" that our Daqin government strictly monitors the craftsmen and officials."

"All official craftsmen are prohibited from leaving their homes."

"No one is allowed to enter the official residence without an order."

"Each craftsman is only responsible for a part of the work, and the pieces he makes are all named for traceability. Only a master craftsman can see the full scope of his craftsmanship."

"Lest the secrets of my Da Qin craftsmanship be leaked."

Ying Chengyu said in a deep voice: "I think this is not enough."

"We, Da Qin, still need to formulate laws to further protect the secrets of our Da Qin's craftsmanship."

"I believe that exchanges between craftsmen should be encouraged, but the secrets of craftsmanship must be strictly prevented from being leaked."

"Anyone who leaks the secrets of our Da Qin craftsmen's work should be punished like a thief who steals official documents."

"And if there is no order to spread the skills of my Great Qin craftsman to the barbarians." Ying Chengyu's voice turned cold: "The clan will be destroyed!"

Ying Zheng was slightly surprised: "Brother, do you want to use the "Rules of Running Script" to guide craftsmen's work?"

"is it necessary?"

"Xingshu Law" can also be called "Da Qin Official Document Postal and Secrecy Law".

The entire law strictly stipulates the delivery process and time of various official documents, and the penalties are extremely harsh.

Unless there is force majeure, even being late in delivering official documents is a capital crime. What if you commit crimes such as leakage (leaking secrets), spying on the minister (stealing secrets), etc.?

It’s just a Nine Tribe Xiaoxiaole!

Ying Chengyu said firmly: "There is no need for a technique that is common to all countries, and there is no need for a technique that can be easily imitated."

"But technology that far exceeds the level of other countries is absolutely necessary."

Seeing how determined Ying Cheng was, Ying Zheng immediately nodded: "Good."

"Brother Nai will ask someone to compile this law."

Immediately Ying Zheng smiled: "But as a result, the exchanges between talents will inevitably become more restricted."

"Isn't this contrary to my brother's advice?"

Ying Chengxuan said seriously: "So I would like to advise you to separate the managers, manufacturers and developers within the official workshop."

"It allows those with the talent to study to spend more time studying instead of being entangled in mundane tasks."

"Just like the great craftsman Cao Mao, this person is quite spiritual but not good at common affairs. Instead of letting him be entangled in common affairs, it is better to give him more freedom and money and let him study technology."

"Looking at the great craftsman Qi Ai, he has no spirituality but is good at common affairs. He can definitely share Cao Mao's common affairs."

Ying Zheng directly pointed out the shortcomings of this strategy: "Listen to my brother, Cao Mao is more important to the future of our Great Qin."

"However, it was Qi Ai who was promoted."

"If you have merit but are not rewarded, Cao Mao will be resentful!"

Ying Chengxuan smiled and said: "So we should give talents like Cao Mao rewards beyond official positions."

"Either acres of land, money or food, high rank, or even... a title!"

Ying Zheng frowned slightly and tapped his fingers lightly on the table.

Is such a huge reward worth it?

At such a critical period, is it worth giving a sum of money and food to Cao Mao in vain, so that Cao Mao can research technologies that may or may not be available?

Ying Chengyu guessed Ying Zheng's concerns and said directly: "If our Great Qin is responsible for the research needs of people like Cao Mao, this will definitely be a heavy burden for our Great Qin."

"But if I, Da Qin, can use a few low-level titles as rewards, there may be people rushing to help Da Qin bear this expense."

Ying Chengyu showed a smile: "There is such a group of people, they have money, leisure and time."

"They have no place to expend all their energy but are unwilling or dare not go into battle to kill the enemy as grassroots soldiers."

"But they are eager for the title!"

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