My brother Ying Zheng, who dares to kill me?

Chapter 374 Fusu’s first battle with Ying Chengyu!

Thousands of soldiers raised their hands in unison and responded loudly: "Wei!"

Ying Chengyu ordered in a deep voice: "The whole army obeys the order!"

"Yijue built his own army. He did not build more than one organizational system. Each army can only accommodate four people."

The "Military Merit Code" has meticulous wartime regulations.

According to the title and the "Rules of Military Merit", a completely dispersed Qin army can be quickly rebuilt on the battlefield.

Although there are no more organizational structures and only four people per team, these two strange requirements make the generals a little at a loss.

But the people standing here are veterans who have participated in several wars.

Within half a quarter of an hour, the eight hundred conscripted generals found their comrade Wu Paoze and elected their commander.

Ying Chengyu spoke again: "Where are the soldiers!"

Peng Cheng, Peng Yue and others all stepped forward and raised their hands: "The general is here!"

Ying Chengyu said in a deep voice: "Everyone is looking for someone to join us!"

Peng Cheng and others bowed their hands and saluted: "Wei!"

After saying this, Peng Cheng looked around, and then ran over to an acquaintance: "Doctor Xiao, would you like to be the last general?"

Looking at Peng Cheng who held up his hand in front of him, Xiao Tu laughed loudly: "It is a great honor for me to have Doctor Peng as my lord!"

"Come in quickly!"

Although Peng Cheng's title is only a doctor, which is four levels lower than Xiao Tu, who holds the position of fifth doctor. He is not an old Qin person and has joined the Qin army for less than a year.

However, Peng Cheng was the first to get there!

Who doesn’t love the first warrior?

Peng Cheng hurriedly handed over his hands: "Thank you, Captain!"

Other soldiers did not have a title as high as Peng Cheng, and some even only had a title of Duke.

However, due to Ying Chengyu's order, each team had no choice but to accept them although they were reluctant.

After the two hundred personal soldiers were deployed, Ying Chengyu continued to speak: "The two hundred personal soldiers are not high-ranking, and they have only participated in few battles, and they have made few first achievements."

"However, these two hundred soldiers have been studying with this general for half a year."

"They've been waiting half a lifetime for you!"

"The soldiers in each regiment will serve as deputy commanders, and their responsibility to assist in teaching must not be underestimated by anyone!"

The low rank and high position caused dissatisfaction among the generals.

But in the military, you can be dissatisfied, but you can't say it out loud. You can only shout:


Ying Chengxuan continued: "From today on, all students in each group will rest together."

"Those who make mistakes will be seated in the same rank."

"Those who have merit will be rewarded by everyone."

"The military academy takes exams every month."

"Those who score above will receive three credits; those who score average will receive one credit; those who score below will receive one credit deducted from the entire team!"

"per month……"

Ying Chengyu's voice was clearly recited by the soldiers to every corner of the dianjiangtai.

All the generals were listening carefully.

After Ying Chengxuan and Wei Liao spoke one after another, Ying Chengxuan looked at Ying Zheng.

Seeing Ying Zheng shaking his head again, Ying Chengyu said in a deep voice:

"For the sake of victory, may everyone work bravely!"

All the generals suddenly surrendered:

"Great Qin, ten thousand victories!"

Ying Chengyu nodded slightly: "The class schedule will be sent to each military tent later, and the lectures will officially start tomorrow."

"Everyone disbands and returns to camp!"

After everyone dispersed, Ying Chengyu also walked down the platform, and then looked at Ying Zheng with a smile.

However, before Ying Chengyu could speak, he heard a childish but deliberately calm voice coming from beside him: "I dare to ask Uncle Wang, is the responsibility of the military academy to train generals and ministers for our Great Qin?"

Ying Chengyu stopped talking, turned around and looked back, and saw Ying Fusu not far behind him, holding up his hands and asking.

Ying Fusu, who is well-dressed and well-mannered, looks quite pleasant.

Ying Chengxuan was also in a good mood and patiently explained: "According to the "Qin Code", I, Da Qin, should be regarded as a noble general and be granted an official position corresponding to his title."

"However, many generals are only good at warfare but not good at government affairs, so they need military academies to teach them their political skills."

"Although our Great Qin is brave, the Guowei has brought new ideas for war to our Great Qin, which can make our Great Qin even more brave."

"Therefore, military academies are needed to teach them how to fight."

"So we cannot simply say that the military academy is training generals and ministers for our Great Qin."

"Rather, it should be said that the military academy is making up for the shortcomings of our Great Qin generals, so that our Great Qin generals can cope with the increasingly complex new environment."

"Politics is also one of the environments they need to deal with."

Although essentially speaking, what Ying Fusu said is right.

The military academy is training generals and ministers for the Qin Dynasty!

But this can only be said in high-level meetings and cannot be widely publicized.

Otherwise, wouldn’t it be clearly undermining the interests and official status of foreign guests?

Don’t talk nonsense if it’s not conducive to unity!

Fusu seemed to understand and asked: "Will this military academy train many officials in the future?"

Ying Zheng smiled warmly and said, "There will be many."

"Those who can enter the military academy have all fought for our Great Qin in all directions. What they lack is just ability."

"As long as you supplement your abilities, you can be reused by our Great Qin!"

This was the reassurance that Ying Zheng fed to the military academy by answering Fu Su.

Don't be afraid of futility.

As long as you can meet our requirements, we will definitely promote you and others!

Fusu confirmed that his understanding was correct and looked up at Ying Chengyu: "In this case, my nephew thinks that Uncle Wang should not have said what he just said."

Ying Cheng was slightly startled: "What did you say?"

Fusu said seriously: "Do you want a high title? Do you want a high official? Do you want to win consecutive battles like me? If you want, I will grant it!"

Ying Chengyu squatted down and asked with a smile: "Why do you think Father Nai Zhong shouldn't say this?"

Fusu looked at Ying Chengyu sincerely: "The Master said: A gentleman has nothing to eat and nothing to live in. If he is sensitive to things and careful in his words, he will be righteous and righteous. He can be said to be eager to learn."

"Confucius once said: A gentleman does not seek to be full when he eats, nor does he seek stability when living. He works quickly and quickly, and speaks cautiously. He learns from moral people and corrects his own shortcomings, so that he can be called a good learner."

"The military academy is a place for teaching and learning, and it is also a place to train officials and generals for our Great Qin."

"Uncle Wang not only did not ask him to restrain himself and return to courtesy, but instead used money and power to lure him."

"My nephew thinks it's inappropriate!"

Ying Zheng's originally gentle smile quickly faded.

But before he could scold him, a hand held his wrist.

Ying Chengxuan put his hand on Ying Zheng, but his eyes were always looking at Fusu: "Guanzi said: If the warehouse is solid, you will know etiquette; if you have enough food and clothing, you will know honor and disgrace."

"If they don't have enough food to eat and have no peace of mind, how can the people know etiquette and honor and disgrace?"

Fusu shook his head: "Uncle Wang took it out of context!"

"The words quoted by Uncle Wang are from "Guanzi·Herdsmen·Ode to the Country"."

"In this article, Guanzi also said: Therefore, the key to saving punishment is to prohibit literary skill. He also said: If literary skill is not prohibited, the people will become promiscuous."

"Guanzi said: The key to reducing penalties is to prohibit luxury."

"Guanzi also said: If you don't pay attention to prohibiting luxury, people will indulge in sexual immorality."

Fusu said seriously: "Having enough food and clothing is not the same as being skillful (extravagant and wasteful)!"

"On the contrary, the rise of luxury will inevitably lead to a lack of food and clothing in Guizhou."

"Uncle Wang is not motivating the generals with adequate food and clothing, but actually motivating them with luxury!"

"How can a person who is called by luxury and loves to learn because of the pursuit of luxury not indulge in sexual misconduct and cause disaster when he becomes an official and governs the people?"

Ying Chengyu couldn't help but nodded secretly.

Is Fusu right?

At least in Ying Chengyu's opinion, it was correct.

How can you expect a person who studies hard for power and wealth not to be greedy for power and wealth after studying and becoming an official?

I don’t have power or wealth when I don’t study hard. I still don’t have power or wealth even if I study hard.

Then didn’t I learn this habit in vain?

In the future, Da Qin will inevitably change its educational philosophy.

But at this period, Fusu's views were out of date.

Ying Chengqiao said warmly: ""Guanzi·Herdsmen·Sishun" also said: The prosperity of government lies in obeying the people's will. The failure of government lies in disobeying the people's will... Therefore, we know that 'the treasure of government is the one who gives it and takes it'."

"The reason why government orders can be implemented is that they comply with the people's will; the reason why government orders are invalid is that they go against the people's will. The people are afraid of being tired, so I will make them happy; the people are afraid of poverty, so I will make them rich... Because I can make the people happy, Then they can bear sorrow and hardship for my sake; if I can make people rich and noble, they can bear poverty and lowliness for my sake..."

"What does this mean? Knowing how to give is to get something. This is a magic weapon for governing political affairs!"

"Look at those generals!" Ying Chengyu grabbed Fusu's shoulders, asked him to look at the generals who were walking away, and asked seriously: "Do you think they are people who can live without food and shelter? , or someone who pursues high nobility and power?"

Looking at the excited generals in the distance, talking about promotions and salaries, Fusu could not tell that they were people who could live without food and shelter.

Their desire for wealth and power is clearly written on their faces!

Fusu's mouth narrowed: "They are people who pursue high nobility and power."

Ying Chengqiao smiled happily: "Yes!"

"They are people who pursue high nobility and power. This is what they want in their hearts."

"Now it is my uncle's duty to comply with the people's wishes so that all orders of the military academy can be carried out smoothly."

"If you go against the will of the people, all the generals will definitely disobey it!"

Ying Zheng, Meng Tian, ​​Li Si and others looked at Ying Chengyu a little speechless.

As for that?

Since Ying Chengyu can easily quote "Guanzi·Herdsmen·Sishun", will Yingchengyu take "Guanzi·Herdsmen·Ode to the Country" out of context?

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that this is a logical trap.

The out-of-context quote from "Guanzi·Herdsman·Ode to the Country" was used to lure Fusu into rebuttal.

How can a young but well-read child resist being taught wrong knowledge by adults?

As long as Fusu refutes, the topic will continue to go down, and then he will be cut off by the knife of obedience!

But, Fusu is still a child!

When facing a six-year-old boy, you just have to argue, but what about using tricks?

Ying Chengyu doesn't care about that much.

He is not a master who teaches classics.

After briefly testing Fusu's knowledge reserves and successfully getting Fusu into a knowledge conflict, Ying Cheng stood up with a smile: "Brother Wang..."

Before he finished speaking, Fusu looked at Ying Chengyu with worry and said loudly: "But this is wrong!"

""Lu's Spring and Autumn Period: Qu Si" deeply praised the Mohist tycoon's murder of his son Qu Si, and also praised Qi Huangyang for recommending his enemy Jie Hu as the Nanyang Order and his son Wu as the country's captain."

"Confucius also praised and said: How good is the theory of Qi Huangyang! If you lift externally, you don't avoid chóuqiu (chóuqiu), and if you lift internally, you don't avoid the son. Qi Huangyang can be said to be fair."

"Only when you serve the public and put aside your personal interests can you become a gentleman and an important minister of the country."

"If your heart is filled with selfish desires, how can you relieve the worries of the country! How can you support the ritual system! How can your herdsmen protect their land!"

Fusu's fleshy little face bulged, he clenched his two little fists, and looked at Ying Chengyu stubbornly:

"Uncle Wang, that's ridiculous!"

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