My brother Ying Zheng, who dares to kill me?

Chapter 400 The tall man is actually me! Bet on the future of Great Qin!

Many courtiers nodded in agreement:

"Yes, Lord Chang'an led his exhausted troops to the north last year, defeated Yan's 100,000-strong army, and killed Yan's prime minister and general Qu. The King of Yan must be wary of Lord Chang'an. If Lord Chang'an guards the northeast, King Yan will be happy to send two more troops. More than 100,000, otherwise I might not have the guts to go south."

"If it is true that Lord Chang'an can guard the northeast, our country, Great Qin, will only need to spend tens of thousands of troops to scare Yan from sending troops, greatly alleviating the pressure."

"I second the proposal!"

Ying Chengyu also eagerly stepped forward and offered his hand:

"Brother, please fight!"

A very outrageous fact is that although the original King of Yan in history seemed to have no love for Yan Dan, he would casually throw Yan Dan to another country to be a hostage, and he wanted to depose the prince every minute. Attitude.

But at the end of the Yan Kingdom, King Xi of Yan handed over the military power of the Yan Kingdom to Yan Dan, making Yan Dan the last generation of generals of the Yan Kingdom!

Although Ying Chengyu has greatly disrupted the timeline, with the national power of Yan State and the temperament of King Yan, it is difficult for any general to be willing to defect to Yan State.

In other words, the coach of Yan State in this battle is likely to be Yan Dan!

Ying Chengyu asked himself that it was difficult to fight against the current generals like Li Mu and Wang Jian, but he still couldn't defeat Yan Dan?

Public and private grudges can be settled in one battle!

However, Ying Zheng refused solemnly: "No!"

Ying Chengqiao asked in astonishment: "Why not?"

"My brother will definitely not disobey the imperial order in this battle and secretly lead his troops to the north of Qi to attack Yan."

"Not to mention taking the lead and killing the enemy in battle."

"Brother Wang, why don't you allow me to go to war?"

All the courtiers could not help but twitch the corners of their mouths slightly.

Definitely not?

If you really don't know how, why did you already plan the route to defeat Yan before taking command!

You said you would follow orders?

The big yellow dog outside the palace gate shook his head after hearing this!

Ying Zheng also choked.

How can I rest assured when you say this?

However, considering the seriousness of this battle, Ying Zheng still said in a deep voice: "Chen City is nearly 1,300 miles away from Yan City. Even if the messengers change horses along the way, it will take four or five days to make a round trip."

"If Chu Shangzhu's troops continue to go upstream along the Han River, or even turn into Wushan, the communication will be even more difficult."

"It is not easy for General Jian to resist the Chu army in the southeast with a weak force. It is no longer easy to intercept the Yan troops of Shangzhu State across more than a thousand miles."

"Therefore, I want to send my younger brother to lead the army south to challenge the troops of Zhu Shangzhu of Chu!"

Meng Wu nodded in agreement thoughtfully: "Your Majesty is wise!"

"The Yancheng battlefield is more important than the Northeastern Defense Line, and it requires Chang'an Lord's ability even more!"

If Wang Jian is allowed to take care of the battle situation in Yancheng, Wang Jian will need to command the Yanling battlefield while fighting Qu Huan.

Wang Jian had to predict the battle situation two days later and Xiang Yan's response strategy two days later and give command after seeing the Yanling Army's time call. Only four days later could he truly see Xiang Yan's response measures to his tactics and the execution effect of his tactics. .

This is only the most ideal situation.

If it rains and snows heavily, the march of the messengers will be slow, and the delivery time of military reports will be further extended.

Moreover, Xiang Yan would not be able to sit idly by and ignore the situation. Xiang Yan would probably send scouts to intercept and kill the messengers, preventing the military report from being successfully conveyed.

It is true that Wang Jian is better than Xiang Yan.

But with delays calculated on a daily basis and facing harsh conditions such as packet loss, frame drop, and fake news from time to time, can Wang Jian still win against Xiang Yan?

No one can guarantee it!

At this time, a capable general is needed to step up.

And Ying Chengyu, who once defeated the Chu army, is the best choice!

However, Ying Chengyu was a little dumbfounded and quickly recommended: "My younger brother thinks that General Meng is more suitable to lead troops to Yancheng to fight against Chu Shangzhu Kingdom!"

"General Meng is one of the few generals in our country who is good at water warfare."

"The Chu Shangzhu State's troops come up from the Han River, so this battle will definitely involve a lot of water."

"It's time for General Meng to take command and fight!"

Meng Wu waited in silence.

Being in a high position, he would not take the initiative to ask for a fight.

But if Ying Zheng needs him, Meng Wu will not hesitate to point his sword at Xiang Yan!

However, Ying Zheng shook his head: "General Meng has fought with Zhao for a long time and is more familiar with the Zhao army."

"Therefore, I want to ask General Meng to garrison Yangjin. On the one hand, I will be wary of the Yan Kingdom, and on the other hand, I will wait for the opportunity to attack the east side of the Zhao Kingdom at any time, and cooperate with the superior general Tuo to fight!"

"Is General Meng willing to go on an expedition for Great Qin?"

Meng Wu solemnly raised his hands and said: "The last general takes orders!"

Then Meng Wu smiled and looked at Ying Chengyu: "This general is more familiar with the Zhao army, and Lord Chang'an is more familiar with the Chu army."

"This time I went north to frighten the Yan State and encircle the Zhao army, I was the first to take charge of it."

"May the military fortune of Chang'an Lord be prosperous!"

Ying Chengyu said bitterly: "I certainly won the previous battle against Chu Shangzhu, but it was a narrow victory!"

"If we fight against Chu Shangzhu Kingdom again, I really dare not say that I will win!"

"I thought it was..."

One's own family knows one's own affairs.

Ying Chengxuan truly believed that the main reason why he was able to defeat Xiang Yan last time was due to the conflicts between factions within the Chu State.

Xiang Yan was never able to integrate Chu's troops, but instead gave Ying Chengyu the opportunity to defeat each other, sow discord, and use his strength to fight.

Even so, Ying Chengyu relied on a surprise attack on Shouchun City to win a dangerous victory.

Recently, King Chu Chu used the method of transferring interests to temporarily stabilize the powerful people of Chu State.

Although Xiang Yan in this battle is still not a perfect Xiang Yan, it is much harder to fight than the previous battle!

Ying Chengyu was not sure of defeating Xiang Yan.

Da Qin has no shortage of generals, so we can just leave these tough battles to the generals.

The sky is falling because there is a tall man holding it up, so why bother a kid like him from a wild background?

However, halfway through speaking, Ying Chengyu froze.

With generals such as Wang Jian, Huanjue, Yang Duanhe, and Meng Wu already on the expedition, who else could Ying Chengyu recommend?

Wang Ben?

Wang Jian has already taken command. Ying Zheng will not allow Wang Ben to lead an army by himself, and Wang Ben himself is even less likely to agree to lead an army by himself!

Li Xin?

Aren't you waiting to be abused by Xiang Yan?

Meng Tian?

Not to mention whether Meng Tian at his peak had the ability to fight Xiang Yan. Now Meng Tian has never been to the battlefield and is still a newbie in war. How can Ying Chengxuan trust him with this battle!

A famous general counted them, and Ying Chengyuan was horrified to find that he had no one to recommend!

The tall man turned out to be himself!

Ying Zheng smiled when he saw this: "Brother Wang is really too modest."

"On the battlefield, the battle situation is ever-changing."

"War is not just a game between generals and soldiers, but also a game between national power, food and grass, and the monarchs and ministers of the two countries."

"Whoever dares to speak up will win!"

"Brother Wang is cautious in fighting. This is a good thing, but there is no need to be too cautious."

"Would Brother Wang be willing to go on an expedition for me?"

Ying Chengyu sighed helplessly.

You said I went to war for you, what else can I say?

Ying Chengyu had no choice but to hand over his hand: "Brother, I am willing to fight for the Qin Dynasty!"

Ying Zheng laughed heartily: "Very good!"

"My brother Wang is going to war for Qin, so I have nothing to worry about!"

But Ying Chengyu couldn't laugh: "My brother needs superior troops to stop Chu Shangzhu Kingdom!"

Ying Zheng was very embarrassed when he heard this, and asked in a deep voice: "How many young men can our Great Qin deploy?"

Xiong Qi bowed his hand and said: "If we want to maintain the most basic harvest, our Great Qin can mobilize at most 50,000 troops."

"If we only use the old, weak, women and children to harvest autumn crops, our Great Qin can mobilize at most 200,000 troops."

After a pause, Xiong Qi said sincerely: "This is the limit!"

Although Xiong Qi had had second thoughts for a long time, Xiong Qi did not lie about this news that many people knew.

Years of wars have already exhausted Guanzhong.

If it weren't for the densely populated area of ​​Gu Wei that was newly acquired last year, and if it wasn't for Da Qin's terrifying control over the grassroots, Da Qin wouldn't even be able to spare a hundred thousand troops!

Even if the old Wei land is newly acquired, if Da Qin really mobilizes 200,000 troops, there will not be a single young man in Da Qin except officials!

This move is tantamount to draining Da Qin's blood!

However, even so, when these 200,000 troops were spread out on various battlefields, they still seemed stretched thin.

Han Cang couldn't help but hold up his hands and tried to persuade: "Your Majesty, why don't you use some territory to seek peace with Zhao and Chu."

"In exchange for our Da Qin's recuperation, and also in order to reduce the areas that our Da Qin needs to defend?"

Han Cang's words were based on rational considerations.

If Great Qin really mobilizes 200,000 troops to go on an expedition, then Great Qin simply cannot bear the consequences of defeat in this battle!

But people's hearts and the general trend are not rational, they are just a breath of energy!

Ying Zheng spoke solemnly: "Don't mention the matter of abandoning the land and seeking peace again."

"There are also 10,000 guards guarding Xianyang City, and all of them are assigned to the front line!"

All the courtiers and generals, including Ying Chengyu, exclaimed in shock: "No!"

Ying Chengyu couldn't refuse and said: "On the front line, more than ten thousand soldiers and horses cannot influence the overall situation."

"However, in Xianyang, ten thousand guards can stabilize the rear at critical moments."

"Brother Wang, don't ever think like this again!"

"Otherwise, my brother will be out on the battlefield, but his heart will not be at ease!"

Ying Zheng looked at Ying Chengyu with furrowed brows: "If the front line is defeated, our country, Great Qin, will suffer heavy losses."

"Xianyang is as stable as Mount Tai, so what!"

After two hours, after many efforts and careful calculations, the monarchs and ministers of Qin State finally reached an agreement.

Ying Zheng glanced at Ying Chengyu helplessly and worriedly, and said in a deep voice:


"It was originally planned to reinforce the troops and horses led by General Ji and continue to go north to increase the troops."

"Promote General Meng Wu to the position of deputy general and return to the command of General Jiu."

"The 40,000 soldiers and horses originally scheduled to reinforce General Jian's troops were transferred to the Mengwu Division, and the Mengwu Division was ordered to go to Yangjin to garrison."

"Promote Lord Chang'an to the rank of commander, promote General Yang Hu to the position of deputy general, and order Lord Chang'an to lead an army of 200,000 men to go south and attack Chu on the southern road!"

Da Qin's military strength was at a disadvantage in every battlefield.

But including the troops already guarding the border, the total number of troops deployed by the Qin Dynasty on the four battlefields in this battle was as high as more than 576,000!

It is no exaggeration to say that Ying Zheng smashed the coffin of Da Qin!

Just as Ying Zheng said, even if Xianyang City is as stable as Mount Tai, a big defeat in this battle will still cause Qin to collapse suddenly.

After the war, Da Qin will inevitably retreat to Hangu Pass and recuperate for more than ten years to wait for the next batch of young adults.

In these ten years or so, Da Qin may be in danger of subjugation at any time!

Ying Zheng bowed his hands in front of the courtiers and generals and said solemnly:

"This battle can only be won, not defeated."

"I hope you will use your lives!"

All the ministers raised their hands solemnly and solemnly promised:

"I will die for the Qin Dynasty!"

"Great Qin will win!"

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