My Building Has Attributes

Chapter 106 Metaphysics Epic Building Group Design

A week later, The Pot Holder made another announcement.

Several raw materials and cities that will be submerged by seawater in the future will be transferred to the western region.

At the same time, the pot rack will also build dikes around several key cities to ensure urban safety.

Everyone read the notice of the big pot rack, and they have all kinds of thoughts.

Some people didn't want to go to the west, so they went directly to other cities to settle.

Those who don't want to leave the province should go to the provincial capital. After all, the provincial capital can be kept, and they don't want to stay in their hometown.

Some people from other provinces returned to their hometowns. After all, they were also worried about whether the city's dams would work.

Anyway, there are all sorts of people, but these people don't have any influence on the plans for the pot stand.

Chen Ling also received news of the pot rack, allowing him to start preparing for the construction of the embankment.

After all, there are only 20 months left before "160" and sea level rise, and there is not much time left, so the pot stand is also in a hurry.

Chen Ling is not in a hurry, as long as the money is in place, he can build all the dams in one night.

In a blink of an eye, another month has passed.

Now coastal pot racks all over the world are frantically under construction.

Powerful pot racks have begun to transfer citizens from the coastal areas, and at the same time, large-scale construction has begun in the inner road areas.

Every pot rack has different ways to avoid disasters, some pot racks are conservative, and all of them are transferred directly.

Some pot racks are radical, as long as coastal dams are built.

Most of the pot rack executives have a B number in their hearts, so they know that in the face of this kind of natural disaster, they can't resist at all and can only withdraw.

And some high-level managers of pot racks don't have a B number in their hearts, for example, Brother Ah San is very swollen.

Sea water rising?

Does it matter?

We can block the seawater with people, but we have to send people.

Brother Ah San studied for a month, gathered the opinions of the people of the whole country, and under the guidance of experts, decided to build a dam in the coastal area.

I heard that Brother Asan has a particularly awesome invention, which can solidify the sand and make it as hard as reinforced concrete.

So, this time, brother Ah San flew up so awesomely that he directly used the sand from the sea to build a dam, and then used that coagulant to turn the sand dam into a reinforced concrete dam.

Chen Ling was watching the news at the time, and was very surprised when he saw the news.

He called the First Elder directly and asked the First Elder if he could get Brother Ah San's technology for the pot rack.

The Great Elder directly told him that the technique was useless.

Chen Ling asked why it is useless, can't the sand be solidified into the strength of concrete?

The Great Elder told him that that technology can indeed solidify sand into the strength of concrete, but it has a fatal flaw.

This shortcoming is afraid of water.

Chen Ling was stunned after hearing this, extinguished?

Building dikes and dams for fear of water is going to heaven.

No matter what Brother Ah San is doing, no matter what projects are being carried out in various countries around the world, Chen Ling's construction here is step-by-step.

On this day, Chen Ling learned to fly a helicopter.

A group of praying Chinese, accompanied by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, found Chen Ling.

"Mr. Chen, these people are from the Prayer Dance Department, and they came to discuss cooperation with you." Guan Yuan from the Foreign Education Department said.

"Hello, Mr. Chen, I'm Gundelina, it's an honor to meet you."

Dacheng Gangdi Reiner of the National Dance Club walked in front of Chen Ling and bowed.

"Don't bow, I can't stand this." Chen Ling said with a twitch in the corner of his mouth.

As a native of Jinling, can you have a good impression of the people of the country?

He doesn't know about others, anyway, he doesn't have any good feelings for Americans.

He has harmed Miguo, but never harmed Jinguo, not because he forgot, but because he has never been free.

Since he got the system, he has been working on one project after another, and they are all big projects. Now the projects he is working on are more related to the country's fortune, so he has no leisure to pray for the country's scourge.

It's just that Chen Ling didn't expect that before he went to pray for the disaster of the country, the people of the country would find him first.

And still ask him to build a project?

"Pray the country to ask me to build a project? They are not Shi Lezhi."

Chen Ling took the time to secretly ask Guan Yuan from the foreign education department. In fact, Guan Yuan's real identity is an investigator.

"Mr. Chen, there is really nothing we can do about praying the country this time. According to the predictions of their earthquake experts, once the ice age breaks out, even if the praying country is not submerged by sea water. However, the continuous severe cold weather and snowfall in the northern hemisphere will affect the northern hemisphere. The earth's crust undergoes great compression.

There may be no problem in a short period of time, but over a long period of time, a major earthquake will occur in the weakest area of ​​the northern hemisphere's crust and continental plate, which is where their country is located.

At that time, the magnitude of the earthquake may exceed 9. The current anti-seismic technology of buildings in Prayer Country cannot achieve the effect of resisting earthquakes at all, so they thought of you.

This time, for the sake of loving you, Prayer Country spent a lot of money and agreed to many conditions of Guojia, but these have nothing to do with Mr. Chen. If you have any requests, Mr. Chen can make any requests. It doesn’t matter whether the project is done or not. Guojia will not interfere with Mr. Chen Decide. "

"Then what if the Kingdom of Prayer sank after it was built?" Chen Ling asked in a low voice.

"Cough cough...don't sink too fast. After all, there are some benefits that you can't get in a short time. Just wait for three to five years."

Chen Ling and Guan Yuan exchanged glances, both showing strange expressions.

Soon, everyone entered the meeting room and began to talk about this project.

"Mr. Chen, this project is based on our country's technology, no, it is the engineering technology of the whole world, which cannot meet the construction standards. Only Mr. Chen's company can build such a difficult project in the world, so this time Mr. Chen must accept the project, and we are willing to pay any conditions." Gundelina said sincerely.

Chen Ling rolled his eyes and said with a smile: "I can take the project if I want, and I don't take it if I don't want to. There is nothing necessary or not. It is not that simple to ask me to take the project. The first day is the design drawing. Your If I am not interested in the design drawings, no matter how much money you pay, I will not accept 1.2.

"Mr. Chen, don't worry. We have already understood Mr. Chen's rules. This is our design drawing. Please correct Mr. Chen."

Gundy Reiner asked the secretary beside him to open the suitcase, and slowly took out a large box of design drafts.

Chen Ling saw the confidence of the Chinese people, and was also very curious about what their design would look like.

After receiving the design drawing, Chen Ling was stunned when he saw it.

"System, evaluate this blueprint for me."

Chen Ling didn't show his expression on the surface, but he was ecstatic in his heart.

"This design drawing is an epic architectural complex of metaphysics, a phoenix nirvana proud of Kyushu."


The hearts of people praying are really big. If there are phoenix nirvana and those who are proud of Kyushu, this is going to heaven.

Very good, if you want to go to heaven, then I will send you to heaven. .

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