My Building Has Attributes

Chapter 133 What To Do With Itchy Hands?

Aoyun Ash is over, and Chen Ling is fine.

Apart from the construction of greenhouses in the surrounding areas of Mexico City, Chen Ling has no other projects to do.

He didn't need to care about the greenhouse, so he started salting fish again.

The life of salted fish is very comfortable.

I eat melons on the Internet every day to watch the excitement, and there are girls by my side.

Don't be too leisurely in this small life.

"Song Ling, check this Typhoon Shanzhu for me. I don't believe what the experts say." Chen Ling became interested in this typhoon after seeing the huge eye of the typhoon above Dapingyang.

Unfortunately, those experts on TV were a bit unreliable, so Chen Ling could only ask Song Ling to inquire.

"Okay, leader."

After Song Ling received the order, she checked the information immediately.

Don't look at Chen Ling being a salted fish at home every day, but he wants to know what news, it will definitely not trouble him.

The special laptop in Song Ling's hand can be connected to the information database of the pot rack.

This database can find most of the information. As for the confidential information, Song Ling can't find it, but Shen Ningxue can find it through the investigator's database.

So, what Chen Ling wants to know, as long as there is news from the pot stand, and it is not top-secret level, he can know it.

After a while, Song Ling checked the number and information.

Chen Ling didn't have the heart to read it, so he asked Song Ling to read it to him.

"Leader, the reason for the formation of Super Typhoon Shanzhu is directly related to the warm current around Dapingyang.

At present, meteorologists have the information that the cold air in Nanji convects with the warm current of Dapingyang, resulting in the imbalance of air pressure and extreme weather.

According to the meteorological cloud image and the data detected by meteorological satellites, the current diameter of the boar is 2520 kilometers, the central wind force has exceeded 17, and the wind speed is 78 meters per second...

After Song Ling introduced the wild boar's information, Chen Ling nodded.

The typhoon this time was really powerful, with a diameter of 2,520 kilometers, covering almost half of the gorgeous summer capital.

Although the area covered by the center is not equal to the wind power of the center, that influence is not covered either.

"Will this Typhoon Shanzhu have a great impact on our country?" Chen Ling asked.

"There is an impact, but the typhoon does not have a great impact on our country. When the typhoon lands, everyone should not go out. Basically, there is no problem. Compared with earthquakes and tsunamis, natural disasters such as typhoons are still much worse. "Song Ling replied.

"That's it, then I don't care about it." After hearing this, Chen Ling immediately became bored.

After working for a long time, the typhoon was said to be so awesome, but it turned out to be useless.

No wonder the typhoon was coming this time, the Great Elder didn't call himself, it turned out that there was heavy thunder and little rain.

"This...leader, you can actually take care of it. Although the typhoon will not cause major casualties, the natural losses will still be great." Song Ling said a little speechlessly.

Chen Ling didn't speak after listening, he was actually thinking about a problem.

Can this typhoon be used to bring some rain to the northwest desert?

In fact, if it is to block the typhoon, it is very simple.

But that has no technical content, and it doesn't make much sense.

"Go and check to see where the drought is in the northwest region." After a while, Chen Ling said.

"Okay, leader."

Soon, Song Ling came back with a map. The red areas on this map were all dry places.

"You go to call and ask, if I guide the cumulonimbus clouds formed by the typhoon to the Humaraya Mountains, and then the Humaraya Mountains rain all the way to the desert, will it affect the pot rack?" Chen Ling spoke after reading the marks on the map.

"Okay, leader."

If it was on another pot stand, Chen Ling would have done it long ago.

But in the gorgeous summer capital, you can't mess around.

What was meant to be good at first turned out to be bad.

After Song Ling reported Chen Ling's suggestion, the Chinese Academy of Sciences began to simulate this plan.

In the afternoon, Chen Ling was playing a game, and the simulation results came in.

"Leader, this method won't work, and our pot stand will suffer disaster." Song Linghui reported.

"Disaster? What disaster?" Chen Ling asked.

"Flood disaster, the same flood as in 1998." Song Ling replied.


Chen Ling couldn't figure it out, it's not raining all over the country, as for it.

"Leader, because the source of the Great River and the Yellow River is here, once the rainfall here is too heavy, the cold and wet air flow will go south, causing rain in the southern raw powder. When the water level in the upper and middle reaches of the Great River and the Yellow River rises, it will become a flood."

"Okay, then pretend I didn't say it." Chen Ling said helplessly. (Wang's good)

At night, before going to bed, Chen Ling kept thinking about the typhoon.

There is a saying that if you don't do it, you won't die, but as long as you don't do it, you will die.

Chen Ling is in such a situation now, knowing that he can't die, so he wants to do it.

Seeing such a big typhoon coming, which fits perfectly with an epic building, Chen Ling couldn't help but feel a little itchy.

What to do about itchy hands?

"If you can't do it in China, then I will go abroad to set up the head office."

Chen Ling thought about it for a long time, and finally decided to build that epic building.

The next day, Chen Ling came to Hainan Island.

I bought a piece of land belonging to the barren mountains and planned to build that epic building here. .

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