My Building Has Attributes

Chapter 135: Legendary Design

Is God hard?

Hidden people tell you that it is not difficult at all to go to heaven.

You don't need to take a plane or a rocket, you just need to live at home and go straight to the sky when the wind blows.

There is a saying how to say it? One person attains the Tao, chickens and dogs ascend to heaven.

Now there is no need to be so troublesome, the tornado will directly send them to the sky.

Those who drive live in cars and go to heaven.

Those who take the ship directly follow the ship to the sky.

Those who sleep in the room, directly follow the day on the bed.

It's true, spiraling up to heaven.

It’s okay if it’s just going to the sky, the key is after going to the sky~ falling down.

As the saying goes, the higher you fly, the harder you fall.

Think about what it feels like to fall freely at an altitude of 10,000 meters, and you will know how hard they fell.

While the people of Yajia were performing the spiral to the sky, Chen Ling was constantly collecting data.

This big truck went to heaven, 80 tons.

This yacht went to the sky, 150 tons.

The house was uprooted, well, half way down, doesn't count.

Finally, after summarizing practice, Chen Ling came up with an answer, that is, the maximum transport capacity of the wind power transport platform is 500 tons per unit.

Objects over 500 tons will fall down halfway through the flight.

This result is already very good. With modern aerospace technology, if it is really going to be sent into space, all materials are calculated in grams.

But this space ladder can send a single 500-ton object into space, which is already very efficient.

Why Chen Ling is sure that the single-body transport capacity between the 10,000-meter freight platform and the low-earth orbit is also 500 tons.

Because it is impossible for you to transport 500 tons from the ground to the 10,000-meter freight platform, but when you transport it up, you can only use 400 tons. What about the extra 100 tons? Send it down?

After testing the capacity of the platform, Chen Ling no longer controls the wind.

As for the typhoon that turned into a tornado, what will happen to it after it gets out of control? That has nothing to do with him.

After returning to Jinling, the boss of the investigators came to the door.

"Leader, why are you here? What's the matter?" Chen Ling asked curiously.

"Mr. Chen, I'm here to give you the blueprint this time." The boss said with a smile.

"Send the blueprint? What kind of blueprint?" Chen Ling asked a little confused.

Grandma didn't say anything, just took out a USB flash drive from her briefcase and handed it to Chen Ling.

Chen Ling turned on the computer and inserted the USB flash drive.

"This doesn't seem like an architectural drawing, why is it a bit like a fixed drawing of a river?"

After Chen Ling looked at the drawings displayed on the computer screen, he frowned and said.

"That's right, but this is not the trend chart of the river course, but the trend chart of the groundwater's water veins." The boss nodded and said.

"The trend chart of groundwater veins, what does this have to do with me?" Chen Ling was a little puzzled.

"It's related, and it has a lot to do with it. If you can't handle this project, several hundreds of cities in the entire west will be seriously short of water.

The boss looked serious and said very seriously.

"Impossible, don't we have the South-to-North Water Diversion Project?"

"That's different, you look at this document first."

Chen Ling took the file and watched it carefully.

This document was written in big characters "Top Secret", and the content below was even more frightening. If it really got out, it would definitely cause panic.

Simply put, after the arrival of the Ice Age, all the rivers on the surface were frozen [currently 95% of the water needed for people's lives comes from the surface to rivers and reservoirs.

Normally speaking, the rivers in the Dongbei area will be frozen every winter, but it does not affect the drinking water of residents.

0...seeking flowers...0

That's because next spring, these rivers will be unblocked, not frozen all the time.

But after the Ice Age came, once the rivers and lakes on the surface were frozen, they would not thaw, but would last until the end of the Ice Age.

At that time, once the water in the reservoirs and rivers is emptied, and the snow-capped mountains in the upper reaches are frozen and there is no water flowing into the rivers, then most parts of the country will be short of water.

After reading this document, Chen Ling frowned and said to the boss.

"The pot rack is about to amend the groundwater system, but will this really solve all the problems?"

"It's not the groundwater veins, but artificially reconstructed groundwater dragon veins." The boss shook his head and said.

"Shuilongmai?" Chen Ling said in surprise, as if he had thought of something?

"That's right, it's the water dragon veins, you continue to look at the blueprint below." The boss nodded mysteriously.

After Chen Ling listened to it, he kept clicking the mouse to open the water dragon vein design drawing.

Soon, Chen Ling saw a large array of Kyushu water veins covering the sea.

Seeing this, Chen Ling was immediately excited.

"Didn't you find Feng Shui masters and architects before, and asked them to jointly design a building with Feng Shui metaphysics?

This drawing is a drawing jointly designed by the country's top civil engineering experts, Feng Shui masters, and architectural designers. "

Chen Ling is not in the mood to listen to what the boss has to say at this time?

Because all his attention was attracted by this blueprint.

Just now Chen Ling used the system to conduct an appraisal on this blueprint, and the appraisal result made Chen Ling a little crazy.

"After the appraisal, the blueprint belongs to the blueprint of the legendary building group of metaphysics.


legendary level.

Just these six words are enough to drive Chen Ling crazy. .

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