My Building Has Attributes

Chapter 155: Hell Difficulty Mode

Two hours later, Chen Ling received a system prompt.

"Congratulations to the host for unlocking the epic horror building Daqin Huanglin's eternal soldier soul."

After receiving the prompt from the system, Chen Ling knew that the group of people who entered the luthier Huang Lin must have hung up.

"Leader Zhou, it's over. Do you want to stay here, or..." Chen Ling said to Leader Zhou.

"Is it ready?" Leader Zhou was very surprised. He didn't even look at what Chen Ling was doing, so it was all right.

But these things are not something he can ask, so he didn't open his mouth.

"Well, I will be able to solve it later, and I will notify you when it is completed." Chen Ling nodded without saying anything.

"Okay, if Mr. Chen needs anything, you can call me directly." Leader Zhou replied with a nod.

That afternoon, Chen Ling returned to Jinling. As for the construction of Daqin Huanglin, of course he was possessed by a machine~human.

At night, Chen Ling possessed the robot and began to build the Daqin Huanglin on the edge of the underground ancient city.

It took more than half an hour to complete the construction of Yinqin Forest.

According to the system's explanation, this Daqin Huanglin's Eternal Soldiers Soul is equivalent to a part of the entire Qin Master Huang Lin, as for the remaining part, that is, the tomb of Emperor Qin has not been unlocked yet.

Because once unlocked, the level of the entire building is not epic level, but legendary level.

"The Eternal Soldiers Soul of Daqin Huanglin: Inheritance of Hundred Families +150, Immortal Soldiers Soul +150, Rules Locked +150, Aliens Must Die +150, Customs Clearance Reward +150

The attribute of the halo field is: Daqin Binghun +200 (this attribute is a special and unique attribute, the second and fourth of the main attribute are replaced, and the attribute is invalid)”

After reading the attributes, Chen Ling knew that this wave was stable.

Originally, he had been looking for water-attribute exercises, but now that Daqin and Huanglin's attributes came out, he knew there must be one.

Maybe you can change jobs directly, without having to study hard skills.

"Liu Yuyang, you bring five people over tomorrow morning, that is, the team that you teamed up to clear the death gold Zidao. Tomorrow I am going to the underground ancient city, you go with me." Chen Ling called Liu Yuyang.

The next day, when Chen Ling woke up, Liu Yuyang had already arrived.

Chen Ling didn't bother, and took them to the underground ancient city after breakfast.

"Boss, is this the luthier Huang Lin?"

After coming to the newly opened underground space of the underground ancient city and seeing the huge luthier Huang Lin, Liu Yuyang asked excitedly.

"That's right, we're going to pass the customs here today. Don't you guys want to change jobs in our gorgeous summer capital? This time is your chance." Chen Ling nodded and said.

Push open the huge stone door and enter the hall of the tomb.

In an instant, a voice sounded in Chen Ling's mind.

"Would you like to go on an expedition with Daqin Huanglin's Eternal Soldiers Soul?"

Chen Ling, of course they choose: yes.


The stone gate is closed.

"Daqin Huanglin: Eternal Soldiers Soul Expedition officially begins, the game mode is team mode, please choose the difficulty of the game: easy, hard, nightmare, hell, death.

Liu Yuyang and the others looked at Chen Ling, waiting for Chen Ling to choose the difficulty of the game.

Chen Ling didn't say a word, and said directly: "Choose the difficulty of hell."

The difficulty of the game is selected, and the hell mode is turned on. "

"In hell mode, you can use special props, you can experience career transformation, you can improve your physical attributes, you can experience professional realm, you can clear hell mode, and you can turn temporary attributes into real attributes according to the degree of completion."

"Daqin Huanglin's Eternal Soldier Soul Adventure Hell mode is on, the rules are changed and locked, and the game begins.

In an instant, a memory appeared in Chen Ling's mind.

They seem to have seen the Great Qin in its most glorious period thousands of years ago.

Ups and downs, long thousands of years.

If you want to make a contract for the Games, God wills you.

Through the ages, the Qin master Huang swept across the world and established the Great Qin Empire, which is invincible in the world.

The books are written in the same way, and the cars are in the same track, making a great contribution to the unification of the gorgeous Xiadu civilization.

Unfortunately, in a great empire, no matter how great the emperor is, he will grow old with time.

Qin master Huang quit, summoning strange people from all over the world to refine the elixir of life, hoping to live the same life as the sky.

But when he was about to die, he didn't refine it.

In the end, Qin master Huang exhausted the great Qin heritage, transformed the dragon veins, set up a large formation, and built the imperial mausoleum with the power of the whole country, and led millions of Qin soldiers to return to the mausoleum to wait for recovery.

With Qiangu Yidi's sigh, the memory instillation ended.

Chen Ling and the others looked at each other, feeling uncomfortable.

No matter what the evaluation of qin master Huang is in history, but you can't be, the greatness of qin master Huang.

"Daqin Huanglin, the living stop!"

On the passage door leading to the interior of the mausoleum from the hall of the tomb, there are eight big characters written.

Chen Ling and the others didn't take it seriously, they just pushed open the door and walked in.

Oil lamps were lit the moment the passage door was opened, but the depths of the passage, which could not be seen at a glance, were still dark, as if it was the entrance to hell.

"When can I change jobs?" Chen Ling asked curiously.

0……… Ask for flowers……………

"Under normal circumstances, after passing the first test, there will be a career transfer based on the evaluation." Liu Yuyang said.

Engage in a long time, but also to test ah.

Chen Ling didn't care about it, it was just a test, he wasn't afraid at all.

Liu Yuyang watched Chen Ling striding forward, he didn't care whether there was a mechanism in the passage, the corner of his mouth twitched a bit.

He wanted to remind Chen Ling that under normal circumstances, when choosing the difficulty of hell, he would use nightmares to strengthen himself.

That is to say, when starting to break through the difficulty of hell, they are already old players and players who have changed jobs.

Although Chen Ling's current physical fitness exceeds the limit of human body, but he does not have any special abilities, and he has not changed his job, so he has no skills at all.


Therefore, Chen Ling directly chooses the difficulty of Hell, in Liu Yuyang's view, it is completely a sin.

Liu Yuyang didn't dare to say anything about this, and no one could stop Chen Ling from doing what he was determined to do.

The most he can do is to die once, since the main body won't die anyway, so let's play with Chen Ling for a while.

A group of people walked in quickly, and quickly walked a kilometer.

In this channel, as if there is no mechanism, there is no difficulty at all, and they have not suffered any attacks.

But at this moment, Chen Ling, who was in the lead, suddenly felt empty under his feet, and his whole body began to fall.

Chen Ling looked down and found that it was a trap. The underground of the trap was covered with spikes. If he really fell into it, he would be pierced into briquettes.

Liu Yuyang and the others saw Chen Ling fall, and rushed up immediately, trying to catch Chen Ling.

But their hands were dodged by Chen Ling.

"Use the power of the Azure Dragon."

If Chen Ling hadn't picked his hole cards, he wouldn't be the first to go to the luthier Huang Lin to find abuse.


When Chen Ling used the power of the green dragon, he went straight into trap C just like a meteorite.

But at this time, Chen Ling's physical strength was the same as that of Qinglong Building, so those spikes in the trap were like tofu dregs, and were directly crushed by Chen Ling.


Chen Ling stood up, stomped his feet lightly, flew out of the trap, and returned to the passage.

Seeing such a situation, Liu Yuyang was completely dumbfounded.

This was the first time they knew that Chen Ling had such strength.

"Let's go, don't waste time, move forward at the fastest speed."

After Chen Ling finished speaking, he quickly rushed towards the depths of the passage, completely ignoring the traps and traps that would appear next. .

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